=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2393/paper_282 |storemode=property |title=Computations in Extensions of Multisorted Algebras |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_282.pdf |volume=Vol-2393 |authors=Michael Lvov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/Lvov19 }} ==Computations in Extensions of Multisorted Algebras== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_282.pdf
    Computations in Extensions of Multisorted Algebras

                               Michael Lvov [0000-0002-0876-9928]

         Kherson State University, 27, Universytets’ka St., 73000 Kherson, Ukraine


       Abstract. Development of algorithms of algebraic computations is one of the
       main problems, which arises with realization of mathematical software based on
       symbolic transformations. Multi-sorted algebraic systems (MAS) are mathemat-
       ical model for this problem.
       Present paper deals with the solution of this problem. We propose the approach
       to realization of interpreters of multi-sorted algebraic operations by its specifi-
       cations, based on constructive improvement of notion of extension of multi-
       sorted algebraic system. This approach is illustrated by examples of realization
       of interpreters of operations in the field of rational numbers, ringing of one var-
       iable polynomial over the field, algebra of Boolean functions. Practice of this
       approach using for development of mathematical educational software shows its
       effectiveness and even universality.

       Keywords. systems of computer mathematics, symbolic computations, multi-
       sorted algebras, extensions of algebras, interpreters of algebraic operations.


Development of algorithms that perform algebraic computations is one of the main
problems that arise when one implements mathematical systems based on symbolic
transformations. A mathematical model of this problem is the notion of a multi-sorted
algebraic system (MAS). The practice of development of simple educational mathe-
matical systems [1, 2, 3] showed that implementation of algebraic computations re-
quires careful preliminary design of MAS via development of MAS sort hierarchies
and specifications of interpreters of multi-sorted algebraic operations [8]. Due to a
number of reasons [9], for implementing calculations based on symbolic trans-
formations we use the system of algebraic programming APS [4, 5, 6] which was
adapted for our purposes by V. Peschanenko [10].
   APS uses an algebraic programming technology based on rewriting systems and
rewriting strategies. Thus, an interpreter of an algebraic operation is defined by a sys-
tem of rewriting rules.
1      Problem formulation

In the paper we propose an approach to implementing interpreters of multi-sorted
algebraic operations in accordance with their specifications which is based on the
constructive refinement of the concept of an extension of a multi-sorted algebraic
system. The definitions of a MAS and its (constructive) extension are given in para-
graph 1. A typical example of a constructive extension is the example of the field of
rational numbers as an extension of the ring of integers (example 2).
   Constructive MAS extensions are classified as static, linear or binary dynamic ex-
tensions (definition 1.3.1, 2.1.).
   We show that an interpreter of an algebraic operation in a constructive extension
can be synthesized automatically in accordance with its specification which defines
the rules of interpretation of the operation in extension, and the conditions of embed-
ding of the base algebra in its extension.
   The algorithm of synthesis of an interpreter of an operation is determined by the
type of an extension. Therefore, in paragraph 2.2 we give examples of implementation
of interpreters of operations of the field of rational numbers (static extensions), quad-
ratic radicals field (binary dynamic extensions), univariate polynomial rings (linear
dynamic extensions) and the algebra of propositions (binary dynamic extensions).

1.1    Multi-sorted algebras as mathematical model of algebraic computations
Definition 1.1. Let U = {u1, …, uk} be a finite set of symbols which is called the sorts
signature. The symbols ul, l ∈{1,…,𝑘} are called the names of sorts, or simply the
   In particular, we will use the following sort names: Variable, Bool, Nat, Int, Real.
   We will introduce other sort names within the definitions of the appropriate alge-
braic notions.
   Definition 1.2. Let S  {Su1 ,...,Suk } be a finite family of sets indexed by sort
names, the elements of which are called the value ranges of the corresponding sorts:
─ SVariable is the set of variables,
─ SBool is the set {False, True},
─ SNat is the set of natural numbers,
─ SInt is the set of integers,
─ SReal is the set of real numbers.

    Definition 1.3. A multi-sorted operation f on a family S is a map
f : Su1  Su2  ...S um  Sv , where u1,...,um , v  U are sorts of arguments and val-
ues of the operation f, respectively, and m is the arity of f.
   The type of an operation is determined by the list of names of sorts of its argu-
ments and the name of the sort of its range of values. The type of an operation f will
be denoted as (u1,...,um )  v . A signature Σ of operations is a finite set of symbols
of operations together with a map that associates with each symbol    a multi-
sorted operation f  together with its type (if  is a symbol of an operation, then the
expression  : (u1,...,um )  v that this symbol is associated with an operation of the
type (u1,...,um )  v ).
   An example of a multi-sorted operation is scalar multiplication in a vector space. If
VectorSpace is the sort name of a set of vectors over the field Real of real numbers,
then the multiplication operation Mult “*” defines the map

                    Mult : Real × VectorSpace → VectorSpace

   Below we will use more common, traditional mathematical notations for opera-
tions. Since the infix notation is usually used for scalar multiplication, we have:
                           Real * VectorSpace → VectorSpace

   Definition 1.4. Let Bool be a sort with the value range S Bool  {True, False} . A
multi-sorted predicate P is a mapping P : Su1 ... Sum  S Bool , where u1,...,um  U ,
the sequence u1, …, um determines the type of the predicate, and the number m is its
arity. A signature Π of multi-sorted predicates is defined analogously to the signature
of operations as a set of operations of predicate symbols, associated with multi-sorted
predicates together with their types.
   Definition 1.5. A multi-sorted algebraic system A is a tuple A=,
where S is a set of sorts indexed by the symbols of the set U,   {1,...,l } is a
signature of multi-sorted operations, Π = {π1, …, πp} is a signature of multi-sorted
   Remark. Since the sort Bool can be added to the set of sorts, predicates can be con-
sidered as multi-sorted operations. Therefore, instead of considering multi-sorted
algebraic systems, we will combine the signatures of operations and predicates and
consider multi-sorted algebras.
   Definition 1.6. Let A= be a multi-sorted algebra and u, v  U be sort
symbols. We will say that the sort v depends on the sort u, if one of the operations of
the signature Σ has the type of the form u1  ... u  ... um  v . As Uv denote a subset
of sorts which depend on the sort v. Denote the subset of elements of Σ of type
u1  ... u  ... um  v as Σv, and the family of ranges of values of sorts Uv as Sv. A
restriction Av of a multi-sorted algebra A to a sort v is the multi-sorted algebra
   Thus, a multi-sorted algebra A can be represented by a set of restrictions (algebras)
Av, v ∈ U, that A  Au ,...,Au  .
                       1       k

   Example 1
   Consider a software system that implements simplification of algebraic and trigo-
nometric expressions. The core of the system must implement the computations in the
ring of polynomials and the ring of multivariate trigonometric polynomials over the
field of rational numbers. Specifications shall be given for the following algebras –
restrictions to the mentioned sorts:
    MultiPolynom – the ring of multivariate polynomials.
    MultiPolynom + MultiPolynom → MultiPolynom
    MultiPolynom * MultiPolynom → MultiPolynom
    MultiTrig – the ring of multivariate trigonometric polynomials.
    Sin(LinComb) → MultiTrig
    Cos(LinComb) → MultiTrig
    MultiTrig + MultiTrig → MultiTrig
    LinComb – the vector space of linear combinations of several variables (arguments
of trigonometric polynomials).
    LinComb + LinComb → LinComb
    Rat * LinComb → LinComb
    Rat – the field of rational numbers (coefficients of polynomials and trigonometric
    Rat + Rat → Rat
    Rat - Rat → Rat
    Rat = Rat → Bool
    Rat < Rat → Bool
    The relation of dependence between sorts generates a structure of dependence on
the set of algebras Au, u ∈ U: an algebra Av depends on the algebra Au if the sort v
depends on the sort u. If the relation of dependence has no cycles, then a multi-sorted
algebra can be constructed step by step (incrementally) by constructing an algebra Av,
if algebras Au on which it depends are already constructed.

1.2    Axioms and constructs of multi-sorted algebra
For constructing algebras Au we use their axiomatic and constructive descriptions

                 Fig. 1. Diagram of dependency of algebras of Example 1.
   Definition 1.7. An axiom of an algebra Au is an identity or a conditional identity in
a signature Σu. An axiomatic description in an algebra Au is a finite set of axioms
(axiom system) of the algebra Au.
   We will use algebraic terminology and the relevant systems of axioms from the
book [11]. A constructive description of an algebra Au is a definition of a constructor
of the sort Su (i.e. a definition of terms of sort Su) and a set of interpreters of opera-
tions of Σu.
   Definition 1.8. A signature of constructors Tu is a finite set of symbols of opera-
tions together with a map that with each symbol   Tu associates a symbols of the
sort u together with a list of symbols of sorts of its arguments (if  an operation
symbol, the expression u   (u1 ,...,um ) means that this symbol is associated with the
symbol of the sort u and the symbols of the sorts of its arguments u1,…,um.)
   A constructor of sort Su of an algebra Au is a system of equations which defines
syntactically the elements of sort Su as terms in Tu signature. So, the sort Su is the set
of terms in (its own) signature Tu of constructors of Su sort.
   Definition 1.8 is the key one in our approach to specification of algebraic computa-
tions. Let us present the relevant examples and explanations.
   Example 2. The field Rat of rational numbers.
   Rational numbers are represented in the form of simple fractions. The constructor
of a sort defines the standard representation of elements of this sort. The most com-
mon is the canonical form. That is why,

                    SRat  { : p  SInt , q  SNat , GCD( p, q)  1}
                            q                                                         (1)

   Horizontal line is a symbol of the sort constructor. The same mathematical symbol
is used to denote the operation of division, in particular in Rat. This is not convenient
for the tasks of specification of algebraic computations. Therefore, we introduce the
concept of a signature of operations Σ and a signature of constructors T. In particular,
for denoting the constructor of the sort Rat we will use double forward slash:

                  SRat  { p // q : p  SInt , q  SNat , GCD( p, q)  1}             (2)

   An important factor is that in the standard forms of presentation of elements of
sorts the syntactic aspects of the definition are always combined with semantic as-
pects defined as contextual conditions i.e. predicates. In our case such a predicate is
the equality GCD(p, q) = 1.
   Example 3. The ring Polynom univariate polynomials over the field Rat.
   Elements of this field are polynomials represented as sums of monomials, written
in descending order of degrees. This definition should be recursive, and the concept of
degree has to be defined separately.

                S Polynom  {Q : Q  M  P, M  S Monom, P  S Polynom,
                degQ  deg M ; deg(M )  deg(P)} S Monom
   To define the carriers of sorts we will use a special specification language, which
allows non-recursive and recursive syntactic definitions of sorts’ elements, definitions
of the access functions and contextual conditions. For example:
Rat r ={(Int a)//(Nat b);     // Constructor of sort
   Num(r) = a, Den(r) = b;    // Access functions
   GCD(a, b) = 1      // Contextual condition
Monom M = {(Rat c)$(Const Variable x)^^(Nat n);
Coef(M) = c, Var(M) = x, Deg(M) = n // Access functions
Polynom P = {(Monom M)++(Polynom Q); // Constructor
LeadMon(P) = M,       // Access functions
LeadCoef(P) = Coef(M), Deg(P) = Deg(M);
Deg(P) > Deg(Q)         // Contextual condition

    In order to implement computations in an algebra Av, v in U, it is necessary to im-
plement algorithms for performing each of its operations in such a way that the axi-
oms of the algebra are satisfied.
    Definition 1.9. An interpreter of an operation of a signature Σu is a function which
is implemented by an algorithm which performs the corresponding operation.
    Interpreters of operations are defined using a programming language. For our pur-
poses we use APLAN language. So we include this language in the specification lan-
    Thus, for axiomatic and constructive description of an algebra Av to its definition
we add a finite set of axioms Axv and finite set of interpreters Iv. Then a multi-sorted
algebra Av is defined as follows: Av= .

1.3    The methods of construction of multi-sorted algebras
Construction of the structure of multi-sorted algebras means specification, prototyp-
ing and implementation of algebraic computations. Specification of the structure of
multi-sorted algebra is done in terms of extensions, homomorphisms, isomorphism
and inheritance of multi-sorted algebras. Thus, together with the diagrams of depend-
ence, which are graphical models of specifications of signatures of operations and
constructors, the diagrams of extensions, diagrams of morphisms (isomorphism and
homomorphism) and diagrams of inheritance are designed. We consider the method
of extension. The methods of morphisms and inheritance are beyond the scope of this

1.3.1 The method of algebra extension
Definition 1.10. Let Au and Av be multi-sorted algebras. A multi-sorted algebra Av is
called an extension of Au, if Su  Sv and for any pair of operations f1, f2 of types
f1 : (u1 ,...,um )  u and f 2 : (v1 ,...,vm )  v respectively, if Su1  Sv1 ,...,Sum  Svm , then
(a1 ,...,am )  Su1  ... Sum the equality f1 (a1,...,am )  f 2 (a1,...,am ) holds.
   An embedding is an isomorphic map Re d : Su  S'v , which maps Su onto a subset
S'v  Sv . A restriction of an algebra Av to a subset _ isomorphic to Au, is determined
by a system of conditional identities E1 ( x),...,Ek ( x) : Sv  {a  Sv | E1 (a),...,Ek (a)} .
The use of the system E1 ( x),...,Ek ( x) as a rewriting system «simplifies» the term
 a  S'v to a term a  Su : Re d 1 (a)  a' .
   A constructive description of an extension Av means a description of a constructor
of Av and an embedding of Au into an algebra Av. In Figure 2 the double arrow indi-
cates that Av is an extension of the algebra Au, in Av the construct v   (u1 ,...,u,...,um )
and embedding Redu,v are defined.
   Note. The relation of MAS extension (the relation “sort-subsort”) is basic in this
work. Multi-sorted algebras, partially ordered by this relation, are called sorted-
ordered. The fundamentals of the theory of sorted-ordered algebra in the applications
to the theory of programming are presented in [12]. In Russian they are stated in [13].
   Example 4. Consider the constructor of the field Rat (Example 2). According to
the definition it defines a construct Rat, the arguments of which are sorts Int and Nat.
Let us complement the specification of Rat sort by the embedding Re d : Rat  Int ,
defined by the equality Re d (a //1)  a . Thus the sort Rat is defined constructively as
an extension of sort Int.
   Now consider the constructor of the Polynom ring (Example 3). It defines a recur-
sive construct Polynom, the arguments of which is the sort Monom. Let us comple-
ment the specification of the sort Polynom with an embedding
 Re d : Polynom Monom, defined by the equality Re d (M  0)  M . So the sort
Polynom is defined as an extension of the sort Monom.

                           Fig. 2. Diagram of extensions in example 4.
   In turn, the sort Monom is an extension of the sort Degree with a function Red de-
fined by the equality 1$x^^k = x^^k, extension of the sort LinMonom with a
function Red defined by the equality a$x^^1 = a$x and extension of Rat with a
function Red defined by the equality a$x^^0 = a. The Sorts Degree and Lin-
Monom are extensions of the sort Variable with the functions of reduction, specified
in accordance with the following equalities x^^1 = x and 1$x = x. Thus, the
extensions diagram has the following form
   The extension mechanism is one of the main methods of specification of multisort-
ed algebras. In particular, it allows defining the overloaded algebraic operations and
algebraic type casting functions.

2      Methods of synthesis of algebraic programs

2.1    Static and dynamic extensions
Definition 2.1. An extension B of an algebra A is called static (non-recursive), if in its
constructor B   ( A1,...,A,...,An ) none of the arguments coincides with B.
  Examples of static extensions:
  The field Rat is a static extension of the ring Int. Actually,
Rat R  (Int A) //( Nat B)
    The semigroup of monomials Monom with one generator is a static extension of
the coefficients Coef field, because MonomM  (Coef a)$(Var x)^ ( Nat N ) .
    Definition 2.2. An extension B of an algebra A is called dynamic (recursive), if in
its constructor B   ( A1 ,...,A,...,An ) at least one of the arguments coincides with B.
    A constructor of a dynamic extensions is a recursive definition, and therefore, con-
tains both the base and recurrent part.
    Examples of dynamic extensions:
    A vector space LinComb of linear combinations of several variables over a field
Coef is a linear dynamic extension of LinMonom, an element of which has the form
a$x. An element w LinComb has a form w  a1$x1  a2 $x2  ...  am $xm .
    LinComb w  (LinMonomu)  (LinComb w)
    An univariate polynomial ring Polynom over the field Coef. This ring is traditional-
ly denoted as F[x].
    Polynom w = (Monom M)++(Polynom w)
    Definition 2.3. A dynamic extension B of an algebra A is called linear, if in its
constructor B   ( A1,...,A,...,An ) exactly one of the arguments coincides with B.
    A dynamic extension B of an algebra A is called binary, if in its constructor
 B   ( A1,...,A,...,An ) exactly two of the arguments coincide with B.
    Example 5. The field of square radicals
    Examples 3 and 4 are examples of linear dynamic extensions. Consider an example
of a dynamic binary extension:
    The field Rad, the elements of which are linear combinations of square roots of
square-free positive integers with rational coefficients, can be represented as a binary
extension of Rad using the following construction. Let p1,p2,…,pn… is a sequence of
all prime numbers arranged in ascending order. Denote as Q the field of rational num-
bers. We introduce the following notations:
               Rad0  Q, Radn  {r : r  a  b * pn , a, b  Radn1 , n  1,2,...}.
   The field Rad is the union of the increasing sequence Radn of fields.
                Rad   Radn , Rat  Rad0  Rad1  ...  Radn  ...                          (4)

   Thus, the constructor Rad has the form

                      Rad r  ( Rad a)  ( Rad b) * Nat p | ( Rat q)                         (5)

   Note that sequence of extensions (4) is a sequence of finite algebraic extensions of
fields with roots of polynomials x 2  pn  0 .
   Representation (5) includes a description of basic elements Rat q and a description
of the extension mechanism - the constructor ( Rad a)  ( Rad b) * Nat p . This specifica-
tion exactly corresponds to the definition (4). On the other hand, the basic element
description is unnecessary if it can be got from the embedding. Indeed, the specifica-
tion of the LinComb vector space with the inclusion of the item describing of the ele-
ments of the basic algebra LinMonom has the form
   LinComb w  (LinMonomu)  (LinComb w) | (LinMonomu)
   However, the inclusion LinMonom  LinComb is defined by the equality
u ++ 0=u. Therefore a separate description LinMonom u is unnecessary. We admit
both types of specifications.
   Formula (4) can be directly generalized to arbitrary dynamic extensions. If an al-
gebra B is a dynamic extension of the algebra A with the constructor
B   ( A1 ,...,B,...,An ) , the increasing sequence B0  B1  ...Bn  ... is defined as follows:

                                            B(0)  A,                                        (6)

                               B( n1)   ( A1 ,...,B( n) ,..., An )                        (7)

  The embedding Re d : A  B defines the embedding Re di : Bi1  Bi , from which
one obtains a representation of A in the form of an increasing sequence of algebras,
where each one is a static extension of the previous one.
                             B   Bn , B0  B1  ...  Bn  ...                             (8)

   In MAS development practice there were some generalizations of the definition
(8). Namely, instead of the sequence of algebras {Bi }i0 let consider the set of indexed
algebras {Ai }iI , where I is a linearly ordered set of indices. An algebra BJ , J  I , J  
is defined as a union of algebras Aj, j  J : BJ   A j . Let us assume there is an em-

bedding of algebras Bj, where BJ1  BJ 2  BJ1  J 2 . Then

                                       B      B       J
                                            J  I , J 

  An example of such algebra is a ring K[[x]] , the elements of which are sums of
monomial with rational degrees:

                               K[[x]]  {P : P             a x    j
                                                    jJ , J  Rat, J 

   Dynamic extensions are sequences of static extensions. This allows one to use the
general scheme of implementation of dynamic extensions to derive the appropriate
rewriting systems.

2.2    Synthesis of algebraic programs

2.2.1. Example of an algebraic program output with sort specifications
Example 7. Below is a specification of Rat sort and a derivation of calculations with
rational numbers. Specifications of the Rat sort determine this sort as a field, linear
order and static extension of Int.
Sort Rat:: Field, LinOrd;                   //Inherited
Rat r ={(Int a)//(Nat b); // Sort constructor
    a//1 = a;             // The embedding function RatToInt
    Num(r) = a, Den(r) = b; // Access functions
    GCD(a, b) = 1            // Contextual condition
    Form: Num(Form(r))  Int, Den(Form(r))  Nat,
    GCD(Num(Form(r), Den(Form(r)) = 1;
Add: a//b + c//d = Form((a*d + b*c)//(b*d));
Sub: a//b - c//d = Form((a*d - b*c)//(b*d));
Mult: a//b * c//d = Form((a*c)//(b*d));
Div: a//b / c//d = Form((a*d)//(b*c));
Div: a/b = Form(a//b),a/0 = Exeption(‘Divison by zero’);
Pow: n >= 0 -> (a//b)^n = (a^n//b^n),
n < 0 ->         (a//b)^n = (b^-n//a^-n);
Equ: a//b == c//d = (a == c)&(b == d);
Gre: a//b > c//d = (a*d > b*c);
Les: a//b < c//d = (a*d < b*c);
UnLes: a//b >= c//d = (a//b > c//d)  ( a//b == c//d);
UnGre: a//b <= c//d = (a//b < c//d)  ( a//b == c//d);
   Consider the output of the Add operation interpreter. From specifications we have:
             a//b + c//d = Form((a*d + b*c)//(b*d));                                (11)

                                    a//1 = a;                                       (12)

   we get:

               a + c//d = Form((a*d + 1*c)//(1*d));                                 (13)

   Applying the sort equality Int       a*1 = 1*a = a to (13), we obtain:

                    a + c//d = Form((a*d + c)//d)                                   (14)

   Similarly, for the second operand:
a//b + c = Form((a + b*c)//b);

   The resulting relations are particular cases of (12) - a specification of the Add op-
eration with the RatToInt embedding. Together with the general relation (11) they
define implementation rules for addition of fractions:
a//b + c//d = Form((a*d + b*c),(b*d)),
a + c//d = (a*d + c)//d,
a//b + c = (a + b*c)//b
   Similarly interpreters of operations of subtraction and multiplication on Rat can be
derived. An exception is the division operation, which is absent in the signature of Int
sort. Therefore, it is necessary to define and specify it as multi-sorted (see specifica-
tion of the Rat sort). Another exception is the exponentiation operation, which is ex-
pressed using multiplication.
   Now let us focus on the Form function. Definition of this function connects it with
the symbol of sort constructor. The role of this function is essentially in the canoniza-
tion of sort element. During execution of a rule of the general form this function is
called on the result of the operation. Therefore, Form is an interpreter of the construc-
tor sort symbol. For the symbol // of Rat sort constructor we will use the notation !/.
The general rule of addition will take the form
                    a//b + c//d = a*d + b*c)!/(b*d).

   We will always include the sign “!” in the infix notation of sorts constructors and it
will always mean the call of the constructor of sort interpreter.
 a//b + c//d = (a*d + b*c)!/(b*d),
 a + c//d = (a*d + c)//d,
 a//b + c = (a + b*c)//b
  Interpreter of sort constructor is called only in the first rule.
   The method of derivation of an interpreter of an operation of sort v from its speci-
fication in the case when the algebra Av is defined as a static extension of algebra Au
can be generalized as an algorithm of synthesis of an algebraic program.
   Note that this method can be implemented in the form of an algebraic program be-
cause it relies only on equational derivation. For automation of elimination of the
Form functions more sophisticated methods and technologies have to be used, e.g. a
theorem prover over the basic sort u.

2.2.2 Interpreters output in linear dynamic extensions
Example 8. Specifications of Polynom sort and calculations with univariate polyno-
   Specifications of the Polynom sort define this sort as a Euclidean domain and a lin-
ear dynamic extension of Monom.
Sort Polynom::EuclideDomain;
Parameter Field Coef, Const Variable Argument;
Polynom P = Monom M ++ Polynom Q                     // Constructor of sort
0 ++ P = P,                  //Embedding function PolynomToPolynom
M ++ 0 = M;                  //Embedding function PolynomToMonom
LeadMon(P) = M,                           // Access functions
LeadCoef(P)= Cf(M),
Arg(P)= Arg(M), Deg(P)= Deg(M);
Deg(M)> Deg(Q), Arg(M)= Arg(Q); //Contextual condition
Form: MMonom, Q  Polynom,
 0 ++ P = P, M ++ 0 = M,
 Arg(M) = Arg(Q), Deg(M)> Deg(Q), Cf(M)<>0
Add: Deg(a)==Deg(b)→ (a++A)+(b++B)=(a+b) !+ (A+B);                                (15)
Sub: Deg(a)==Deg(b)→ (a++A)-(b++B)=(a-b) !+ (A-B);
Mult:      // Polynom * Polynom → Polynom; Commutative
Mult:          // Coef * Polynom → Polynom; Commutative
 c*(b++B)= c*b ++ c*B;
 (b++B)*c = Form(c*b, c*B);
Div: (a++A)/b = a/b ++ A/b;
Pow: a^n=sqr(a^n div 2)*a^(n mod 2); // From sort
 Deg(P)==Deg(Q) → P div Q = LeadCoef(P)/LeadCoef(Q),
 Deg(P)< Deg(Q) → P div Q = 0,
 Deg(P)> Deg(Q) → P div Q = LeadMon(P)div LeadMon(Q)++
 P-(LeadMon(P)div LeadMon(Q))*Q div Q);
Mod: P mod Q = P - (P div Q)*Q; // From EuclideDomain
   In this example, we show that the methods of derivation of specifications discussed
above leads to mathematically sound systems of interpretation rules.
   First of all, note that there are two fundamentally different methods of definition
operations. Operations Add, Sub, Mult, Div are defined in terms of constructors of
operands. Such a definition of operation will be called constructive. It demonstrated
by the definition of the operation IntDiv (division with remainder). Mod operation is
defined in terms of operations of signatures Polynom sort. We will call such defini-
tions of operations abstract or derived. Since this signature is inherited from the
abstract sort EuclideDomain, the specification of Mod is given in this sort. In Euclid-
eDomain sort Euclidean algorithm is defined. Pow operation should be defined earli-
er – in specification of the sort MiltSemiGroup.
   A constructor of a sort is defined recursively. So the Polynom algebra is a sequence
of nested algebras which begins with the algebra Monom (Monoms of one variable):

                          Mon  Pol0  Pol1  ...  Polk  ...                           (16)

   The algebra Poli is a set of polynomials of i-th degree. Then Poli is a vector space
of dimension i + 1. In this interpretation polynomial degree determines the index in
the sequence. Therefore, the operation of addition Add (15) is determined by three
equalities, the first of which defines the rule of addition, if both operands belong to
one algebra, the other two – when they belong to different algebras:
              a, b  Poli ; a  Poli , b  Pol j , i  j; a  Poli , b  Pol j , i  j

   Thus, the extension (16) is an extension of vector spaces. The rules of interpreta-
tion of vector operations are derived from their specifications quite similar to the case
of static extensions:

                dim(Poli )  i  1, dim(Poli1 )  i  2, Poli  Poli1 ,

           V  Poli 1  V  a   A, A  Poli ; 0   A  A, a  0  a .

Deg(a)==Deg(b)→(a++A)+(b++B)=(a+b)!+(A+B), //basic rule
Deg(A)< Deg(b) → A + (b++B)= b !+ (A+B), //partial cases
Deg(a)> Deg(B) → (a++A) + B = a !+ (A+B)
  The derived rules still do not consider the second of the conditions M++0=M.
Therefore, each of these rules should still be converted:
Deg(a)== Deg(b)→ a + (b++B)=(a+b)!+ B.
Deg(a)== Deg(b)→(a++A) + b=(a+b)!+ A.
  So, for the Add operation of sort Polynom we obtain the following system of rules:
Deg(a)== Deg(b)→ (a++A) + (b++B) = (a+b)!+ (A+B),
Deg(a)== Deg(b)→ a + (b++B)=(a+b) !+ B,
Deg(a)== Deg(b)→ (a++A) + b = (a+b) !+ A,
Deg(A)< Deg(b) → A + (b++B) = b !+ (A+B),
Deg(A)< Deg(b) → A + b = b ++ A,
Deg(a)> Deg(B) → (a++A) + B = a !+ (A+B),
Deg(a)> Deg(B) → a + B = a ++ B;
  Also on the sort Monom we define an additional partial operation Add:
                        a$x + b$x = (a + b)$x.
  This system takes into account both conditions, i.e. of a sequence of extensions
                         Monom  Pol0  Pol1 , Poli  Poli1
   Conclusion. Specifications of the sort Polynom determine a dynamic extension of
the vector space. Derived operations should be excluded from the specifications of
Polynom and included in specifications of the relevant abstracted algebras. Construc-
tive operations of the signature of vector space are defined by the main case. The
special cases are derived by the methods of derivation of static extensions.
   Because there are two embedding relations for the sort Polynom, the derivation of a
complete rules system is done sequentially: firstly by the first relation and then by the
second one. Multiplication and an incomplete division are specified separately as
additional operations on the vector space Polynom.

2.2.3 Example of algebraic program output within sort specifications. Dynamic
binary extension
Consider an example of a binary dynamic extension of the Bool algebra – the algebra
of logic BoolAlg [14]. This algebra is an extension of the Variable base sort, because
the elements of sort are Latin letters interpreted as logical formulas. We will show
that derivation of interpreters of logical operations is performed by the same methods.
   The elements of the set BoolAlg are formulas of the propositional logic of many
variables. Let F(x1, x2,…, xn) be an arbitrary formula of propositional logic of n varia-
bles. Denote as O and I the truth and falsity values respectively. Then

       F ( x1 , x2 ,...,xn )  xn & F ( x1 x2 ,...,xn1 , I )  xn & F ( x1 , x2 ,...,xn1 , O) .

  If we denote

       A( x1 ,...,xn1 )  F ( x1 ,...,xn1 , I ), B( x1 ,...,xn1 )  F ( x1 ,...,xn1 , O) ,

  we obtain the representation

           F ( x1 , x2 ,...,xn )  x1 & A( x1 ,...,xn1 )  x1 & B( x1 ,...,xn1 )                  (17)

   Now perform sequentially the same transformations of formulas A, B w.r.t. the
variables xn-1, …, xn. As a result we obtain a recursive representation of the proposi-
tional logic formulas. Indeed, through BoolAlgm denote the set of propositional logic
formulas in variables x1, …, xm. Then
                BoolAlg n  {F : F  xn & A  xn & B, A, B  BoolAlg n1}

  Thus, sort BoolAlg is the union of an increasing sequence of algebras BoolAlgm:

            BoolAlg0 = Bool, BoolAlg0 BoolAlg1 … BoolAlgm…                                       (18)
                                 BoolAlg = BoolAlgm

   Note that formula (17) defines a canonical form of a formula of the algebra of
propositions. Denote
                              BF( A, B, x)  x & A  x & B                         (19)

               BF( A1 , B1 , x) & BF( A2 , B2 , x)  BF( A1 & A2 , B1 & B2 , x) ,   (20)

              BF( A1 , B1 , x)  BF( A2 , B2 , x)  BF( A1  A2 , B1  B2 , x)      (21)

                            BF( A, B, x)  BF(A, B, x) .                         (22)

   Thus, the basic logic operations are performed per the argument! Finally, it is easy
to check that the embedding function is defined by the equality

                                      BF( A, A, x)  A )                            (23)


In this paper we have shown that the concept of a constructive extension of MAS is
the key one in design and implementation of symbolic computations. Most of all, this
applies to symbolic computations in mathematical systems for educational purposes,
where classical algebras and algebraic systems are used.
   Actually, the constructive approach, along with the axiomatic approach in algebra
is well known [12-13]. The idea of a constructive definition of an algebra element
through the elements of basic algebras is systematically used in algebraic research. On
the other hand, the overloading mechanism for algebraic operations is a standard tool
in programming of mathematical systems.
   Thus, the main theoretical result is the idea of systematic usage of the construct of
extension in programming of MAS signatures as overloaded signatures. Other me-
thodical components of proposed approach are given in [14-17].
   The practice of usage of this approach in development of mathematical systems for
education has shown its effectiveness and even universality. This is the main practical

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