Data Compression and Representation as Multicolor Barcodes Ivan Dychka [0000-0002-3446-3076] and Olga Sulema [0000-0001-6450-0993] National Technical University of Ukraine β€œIgor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, 37 Prospekt Peremohy, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine, Abstract. A method for data compression and representation of textual infor- mation in the form of a barcode is proposed in the paper. The main idea of the proposed method is preliminary data compressing along with the use of three colors. Increasing the number of colors used in a barcode symbol allows to en- code data with higher density in comparison with two-color barcodes. Thus, the advantage of the proposed method is that it enables either representation of the same amount of input data on a smaller area or a larger amount of data in a bar- code symbol of the same size. The matter of a color contrast is also discussed in the paper. Since an information carrier (e.g. goods package) can have an arbi- trary background color depending on a use case, a contrast ratio value should be considered while choosing a specific set of colors for barcode elements in each particular use case to make the barcode reading procedure more accurate. Keywords: Barcoding, Multicolor Barcode, Data Compression, Color Contrast. 1 Introduction Although barcodes as a technology appeared in the early 1950s, when the first patent for the barcode was received, their popularity has not been reduced even in the con- temporary era of smartphones and mass digitalization. On the contrary, barcoding technology use is widening in practical applications because of its evident advantages: data entering accuracy, processing time reduction, scanning simplicity, etc. Matrix, or two-dimensional, barcodes deserve particular attention. Among multiple benefits any barcode offers, 2D barcodes allow to encode more information than it would be possible using a classical one-dimensional barcode, due to storing data both horizontally and vertically. As a result, there are countless possible applications for matrix barcodes starting from logistics and advertising and finishing with hospitals and financial institutions. New use cases are constantly appearing as the use of porta- ble digital devices, smartphones in particular, is headily expanding. Along with the emergence of new applications, new problems concerned with bar- codes arise. Specifically, one of the subjects of particular interest is increasing amounts of encoded data with preservation of a barcode symbol size. The possible way of resolving this problem is to augment number of colors, which are used in a barcode. Normally, black and white are the colors of any barcode. Adding the third color allows to increase data storing capacity of a barcode symbol in comparison with a black-and-white barcode. The most well-known among multicolor barcodes is Microsoft’s High Capacity Color Barcode (HCCB) [1]. The main benefit of the HCCB code is that greater com- pression can be achieved due to the use of 4 or 8 colors, instead of standard black- and-white palette. Moreover, data can occupy smaller space at the barcode symbol because of the triangle shape of HCCB symbols. However, a HCCB code requires Microsoft libraries and software to be installed in order to create or use it, and there are no open source libraries. It limits new applications development to a certain ex- tent. In [2] the authors propose the High Capacity Colored Two Dimensional (HCC2D) code approach aimed at increasing data amount that can be stored along with preserv- ing the strong reliability and robustness properties of a standard QR code. The authors provided their experimental results, which showed that HCC2D has higher data densi- ty than QR code does, although its computational overhead is lower. The main ad- vantage of HCC2D is that this new approach solves most of the problems appearing in detection and alignment of a standard 2D code. The authors of the paper [3] present a new approach to color barcode decoding which does not require a reference color palette. They also propose algorithms to select subsets of barcode elements which can be decoded with low error probability. In the patent [4] the authors propose the way of storing data decoded from a bar- code as character-based data in an auxiliary field (e.g. a comment field) of an image file. An approach to the localization and segmentation of a 2D color barcode as well as its evaluation on a diverse collection of images of Microsoft's HCCB is presented and discussed in [5]. Multicolor barcodes have considerable potential that should be developed. There are numerous problems, which can be solved in various ways, and one of such prob- lems is, in particular, compressing data before encoding them, what would result in increasing an overall barcode capacity. In this paper we propose a new method of the tricolor barcoding, which combines the multicolor concept and additional data com- pression. 2 The Tricolor Barcoding Method 2.1 Method Description A matrix barcode symbol, which is the subject of the proposed research, consists of a set of tricolor barcode patterns. In its turn, a barcode pattern is considered as a graph- ical representation of 𝑠 elements, which are matrix cells of one of three colors. Maximum capacity of a barcode symbol is π‘‰π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ = 3𝑠 barcode patterns, as we con- sider 3 colors and 𝑠 is a number of cells in the barcode pattern. Table 1 presents the relationship between barcode symbol maximal capacity and barcode pattern digital capacity. Table 1. Barcode symbol maximal capacity dependence on barcode pattern digital capacity 𝒔 πŸ‘π’” π‘½π’Žπ’‚π’™ 4 4 3 81 5 35 243 6 36 729 7 37 2187 8 38 6561 9 39 19683 10 310 59049 As it is shown in Table 1, a tricolor barcode can consist of 59049 matrix cells, which means that 7 Kbyte can be stored in a barcode symbol of size 243Γ—243 cells. If comparing with a standard QR code, there are 40 preset sizes referred to as versions [6]. Version 1 has 21Γ—21 cells size. The highest version is Version 40, which has 177Γ—177 cells and, therefore, consists of 31329 cells that can encode 3 Kbyte of data. Thus, the approach we propose in this paper allows to store much larger amount of information in one barcode, even though of bigger size. Let us define a symbolism of the barcode, which is an alphabet Ξ© of cardinality 𝑃Ω = 3𝑠 . The alphabet Ξ© consists of all possible 𝑠-digits tricolor barcode patterns. Barcode patterns can be divided into two groups: informational patterns Ω𝑖𝑛𝑓 and auxiliary patterns Ξ©π‘Žπ‘’π‘₯ . Capacity of informational patterns is 𝑃Ω𝑖𝑛𝑓 and capacity of auxiliary patterns is π‘ƒΞ©π‘Žπ‘’π‘₯ . Since Ξ© = Ω𝑖𝑛𝑓 βˆͺ Ξ©π‘Žπ‘’π‘₯ , then 𝑃Ω𝑖𝑛𝑓 + π‘ƒΞ©π‘Žπ‘’π‘₯ = 𝑃Ω = 3𝑠 . Informational barcode patterns are used to encode input information that shall be represented on a carrier. Auxiliary patterns are aimed to store additional information, such as indicators of switching between encoding modes, START and STOP signs, scanner settings, etc. An initial input textual data can be considered as a sequence of alphanumeric sym- bols 𝕋 = 𝑑1 𝑑2 … π‘‘β„Ž , where 𝑑𝑖 βŠ‚ ASCII(256) and β„Ž is a length of the text. Each symbol can belong to one of the character sets: a set of letters 𝐿, a set of digits 𝐷 or a set of special symbols 𝐢. To be encoded, the input sequence 𝕋 is divided into adjacent subsequences 𝑀1 𝑀2 … π‘€π‘˜ , where 𝑀𝑖 = 𝑑1 𝑑2 … 𝑑𝑛 contains elements 𝑑𝑖 from either 𝐿, 𝐷 or 𝐢 charac- ter sets. In 𝕋, the subsequences can follow each other in any order. In general, alphanumeric symbols 𝑑𝑖 belong to extended ASCII. However, practi- cally there is no need to consider 256 ASCII characters, as each use case uses a cer- tain set of characters. Thus, we consider an alphabet 𝐴, which is a subset of extended ASCII with cardinality 𝑃𝐴 consisted of a restricted number of characters that are used in the certain domain. The alphabet 𝐴 corresponds to a numeric set {0, 1, … , 𝑃𝐴 βˆ’ 1} that represents numbers of the symbols as they are ordered in the alphabet 𝐴. Let us now overview the proposed Tricolor Barcoding Method. Generally, each subsequence 𝑀𝑖 = 𝑑1 𝑑2 … 𝑑𝑛 of the symbols of the alphabet 𝐴 must be transformed into a barcode pattern. The consecutive set of barcode pattern form then a tricolor matrix barcode symbol that can be located on a physical carrier. Thus, in the barcode form, the subsequence 𝑑1 𝑑2 … 𝑑𝑛 of 𝑛 alphanumeric characters corresponds to a subsequence 𝑒𝑧 of π‘š barcode patterns: 𝑒𝑧 = πœ”1 πœ”2 … πœ”π‘š , where πœ” βŠ‚ Ω𝑖𝑛𝑓 . At the first stage of the method, the transformation 𝑀𝑖 β†’ 𝑒𝑧 , i.e. (𝑑1 𝑑2 … 𝑑𝑛 ) β†’ β†’ (πœ”1 πœ”2 … πœ”π‘š ) has to be fulfilled. Practically, the transformation of 𝑛 adjacent sym- bols of the alphabet 𝐴 into π‘š barcode patterns of the alphabet Ω𝑖𝑛𝑓 (i.e. the barcode symbolism) means a transformation of 𝑛-digits number in a notation 𝑃𝐴 into π‘š-digits number in a notation 𝑃Ω𝑖𝑛𝑓 : 𝑛(𝑃𝐴 ) β†’ π‘š (𝑃Ω𝑖𝑛𝑓 ) (1) As the main purpose of this method is to encode input information with a maximal compression so that more textual data can be represented in the same barcode symbol, the following conditions have to be true when fulfilling the transformation (1): 𝑛]log 3 𝑃𝐴 [ > π‘šπ‘  { 𝑃𝐴𝑛 ≀ π‘ƒΞ©π‘šπ‘–π‘›π‘“ (2) where 𝑛]log 3 𝑃𝐴 [ is a length of the ternary sequence, which corresponds to an alpha- numeric sequence 𝑀𝑖 = 𝑑1 𝑑2 … 𝑑𝑛 , and π‘šπ‘  is a number of tricolor cells on a carrier that represent the subsequence 𝑀𝑖 . The conditions (2) are necessary to ensure compact data representation on a carrier and to increase data density in barcode patterns with the unchanging carrier size. In order to asses input data compression, we calculate a ratio of a length of the ter- nary sequence that corresponds with alphanumeric sequence 𝑀𝑖 to a number of cells on a carrier that represents subsequence 𝑀𝑖 in barcoded form: (𝑠) 𝑛 ]log3 𝑃𝐴 [ π‘ˆπ‘ƒΞ© (𝑃𝐴 ) = (3) 𝑖𝑛𝑓 π‘šs A number obtained in (3) is called a compression coefficient and is the main indicator of the tricolor barcoding method efficiency. 2.2 Results Analysis The method proposed in the section above can provide different results depending on the 𝑠 parameter and, consequently, a maximum barcode symbol capacity. In Table 1 the dependency between a number of elements in one barcode pattern and the overall barcode capacity is shown. The 𝑠 parameter is essential for a resulting barcode and compression of data stored in this barcode, as it follows from (2) and (3). The inequality system (2) has to be solved in order to proceed the Tricolor Barcoding Method. Obtained solutions must be analyzed with relation to barcode practical implementation. We search for such alphabet sets that would meet a field of problem, for which a barcode is creating. Figure 1 shows the dependence of compression coefficient (3) on the alphabet car- dinality 𝑃𝐴 for 𝑠 = 8. It is easy to see that there are several local extremums among all the solutions of the inequality system (2). The important remark is that we consider only those values, which are greater than 10. The reason for such restriction is attributable to the fact that an alphabet with car- dinality 𝑃𝐴 = 10 is the smallest possible alphabet for numerals from 0 to 9. There is no sense to consider smaller alphabets with cardinality 𝑃𝐴 < 10, for example, for parting certain punctuation symbols as a separate alphabet, since they would hardly form a long sequence that could have an impact upon the overall data compression. (8) Fig. 1. The compression coefficient π‘ˆ6550 (𝑃𝐴 ) dependence on the alphabet cardinality 𝑃𝐴 The extremums shown at Figure 1 can be considered as possible alphabet cardinali- ties that shall be used for encoding initial data into a barcode symbol. However, when choosing the alphabets, we must also take into account the transformation (4) as well as a required size of an alphabet. If a determined extremum does not match applied requirements, the nearest proper solution must be considered. (6) For instance, one of the extremums for 𝑠 = 6 is equal to 31 with π‘ˆ718 (31) = 1,267. It has quite good compression coefficient, but an alphabet of cardinality 𝑃𝐴 = 31 is not enough to cover both Latin letters and numbers from 0 to 9. Therefore, we search for the nearest solution that would meet the size of such alphanumeric al- (6) phabet. Such a solution is 𝑃𝐴 = 38. Its compression coefficient is π‘ˆ718 (38) = 1,200, which is 6% less than the extremum has, however it perfectly matches the alphanu- meric alphabet consisted of 26 Latin letter and 10 numerals. Moreover, its transfor- mation (4) is "9" β†’ "5", and it is much better than the transformation for the extre- mum 𝑃𝐴 = 31, which is "19" β†’ "10". Therefore, even though 𝑃𝐴 = 38 provides us with smaller compression, it benefits comparing to the extremum. Thus, a set of requirements has to be taken into consideration, such as: an alphabet cardinality, a compression coefficient value, and complexity of 𝑛 β†’ π‘š transfor- mation. Practically, these are criteria for the most efficient in particular field alpha- bets, which poses a multicriteria optimization problem that can be solved with appro- priate optimization methods. The alphabets chosen from among the solutions of (3) form a set of barcoding modes that shall be used when encoding an input alphanumeric sequence. We consid- er a barcoding mode as an alphabet of cardinality π‘ƒπ‘˜ , where π‘˜ is one of determined above alphabets comprising all adjacent symbols from subsequence 𝑀𝑖 ∈ 𝕋. Switch- ing between modes occurs in accordance with a set of rules, which are developed for each field of practical use depending on possible input data and the 𝑛 β†’ π‘š transfor- mation type. Basically, these rules show what symbols and how many of them must be considered as a 𝑀𝑖 subsequence. To mark a mode switch, auxiliary symbols 𝑆, so- called mode switchers, are used. For example, regarding 𝑠 = 5, we can use the following 4 barcoding modes: the ASCII mode with an alphabet 𝐴 of cardinality 𝑃𝐴 = 134, the decimal numbers mode with an alphabet 𝐷 of cardinality 𝑃𝐷 = 10, the hexadecimal numbers mode with an alphabet 𝐻 of cardinality 𝑃𝐻 = 28, and the textual mode with an alphabet 𝐿 of cardi- nality 𝑃𝐿 = 93. 3 Color Contrast Ratio in Barcoding The Tricolor Barcoding Method described in the subsection above is aimed at increas- ing data density, which is especially important when representing large amount of information. In the general case, these three colors are black, gray, and white (BGW) that makes the method being an extension of a classical matrix black-and-white bar- coding approach. The use of black, gray, and white colors is conditioned by the simplicity of produc- ing such barcode symbols. All it requires is an ordinary black-and-white printer, which also makes a barcode production process cheap and affordable. However, in specific cases the BGW barcodes can be rather hard to be scanned because of inap- propriate background colors of a barcode carrier. The BGW palette is quite a good choice for monochromatic carriers, contrasting to a barcode symbol. In such case, a BGW barcode can easily be read by scanners. The situation is worsening when a carrier background (e.g. packing of goods) either is insufficiently contrasting to BGW palette or consists of several colors or a multicolor pattern. Depending on specific colors and type of environment illumination, scanning might become inaccurate. To overcome the scanning problem, a concept of both con- trast range and color models can be used. In color theory, contrast is the difference in luminance between two adjacent colors or overlaid colors (foreground and background). Luminance is the intensity of light emitted from a surface per unit area in a given direction [7]. In order to raise successfulness of barcode scanning procedure, it is important that colors using in tricolor barcode would be contrast to a background of a carrier object. Thus, background colors must be analyzed in the view of contrast degree before pro- ducing a barcode symbol, so that barcode cells would be painted over colors with high contrast ratio. A color contrast ratio is the ratio of the luminance of the brightest color (which is white in the extreme case) to the luminance of the darkest color (which is black in the extreme case) [8]: π‘Ÿπ‘ = (𝐿1 + 0.05)/(𝐿2 + 0.05) (4) where 𝐿1 is the relative luminance of the lightest of the colors and 𝐿2 is the relative luminance of the darkest of the colors. Let us consider an example for monochromatic background with the color code #69afdb. If we choose barcode colors 𝐢1 and 𝐢2 with the codes #22047d and #d2ff7f respectively, the contrast ratio for these two colors is 13.28. Then let us take the third color 𝐢3 with the code #e04ceb. The contrast between 𝐢1 and 𝐢3 is 4.63 and the con- trast between 𝐢2 and 𝐢3 is 2.86. Thus, the average contrast between barcode colors is 6.9. The average contrast between the background and the barcode is 4.9, which is sufficient for error-free scanning. 4 Technology of Tricolor Barcoding The proposed Tricolor Barcoding Method allows us to suggest a technology of tricol- or barcoding aimed at encoding input textual data into a tricolor barcode of higher data density and, respectfully, greater information capacity. The barcoding process can be divided into several phases presented at Figure 2. Fig. 2. The functional model of tricolor barcoding technology The first phase is inputting textual, mainly alphanumeric, data into computer sys- tem. A scanner or a smartphone camera can be used for this purpose. The second phase is setting the barcoding software up in accordance with the rele- vant data domain. This process consists of 3 steps: (1) selecting appropriate parame- ters and defining alphabets, (2) determining barcoding modes, and (3) defining a color spectrum based on the carrier characteristics. At the third phase initial data are being compressed and transformed into corre- sponding barcode patterns that form an overall barcode symbol at the next stage. The process of production of the barcode symbol is considered as the fifth phase of the barcoding technology. At the last stage the ready-made barcode symbol is being located on the carrier as a label. Size and location of the label depend on a use case. 5 Conclusion The barcoding method proposed in this paper allows to encode textual information with increasing data density when representing encoded information as a barcode. The approach combines tricolor barcoding with the auxiliary procedure of data com- pression. The use of the third color alongside with additional data compression allows to represent more information on the same area of a barcode symbol. Although the most efficient version of the proposed tricolor barcode is BGW Code, as it uses the black-gray-white palette, which makes a barcode production process to be quite easy and cheap, sometimes these colors are not suitable for accurate scanning from a colored carrier. In this case selection of appropriate colors can increase a con- trast ratio for such a carrier and, thus, ensures error-free reading of the barcode. The tricolor barcoding approach has its potential for further research and develop- ment. As barcode labeling is used in multiple use cases, an additional study can be fulfilled in order to determine proper alphabets and, consequently, barcoding modes to make the proposed approach widely used. References 1. High capacity color barcodes,, last ac- cessed 2019/03/24. 2. 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