=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2393/paper_403 |storemode=property |title=Computer Modelling of Educational Process as the Way to Modern Learning Technologies |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_403.pdf |volume=Vol-2393 |authors=Tatyana Zaytseva,Lyudmila Kravtsova,Anna Puliaieva |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/ZaytsevaKP19 }} ==Computer Modelling of Educational Process as the Way to Modern Learning Technologies== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_403.pdf
 Computer Modelling of Educational Process as the Way
          to Modern Learning Technologies

       Tatyana Zaytseva[0000-0001-6780-719X], Lyudmila Kravtsova[0000-0002-0152-635X]
                        and Anna Puliaieva[0000-0003-0595-6709]

       Kherson State Maritime Academy, 20, Ushakova Str., Kherson, 73000, Ukraine
        sunny@ksu.ks.ua, limonova@ukr.net, leon85517@gmail.com

       Abstract. Today’s young people, who make up the student community, are very
       experienced in many issues that affect their surroundings. Therefore, each
       educational institution should be able to introduce new forms and methods of
       communication with young people, their learning, that widely involve innovative
       technologies, activate the creative component of education, increase the
       independence of students, preparing them for the future profession. This is
       especially true for the preparation of maritime industry specialists, whose
       professionalism and competence not only the preservation of the vessel and the
       performance of its tasks at hand depend, but also the health and, even, the life of
       the entire crew. Modern educational innovations offer a wide range of different
       software tools. But only teacher should to choose his own methodology of
       discipline-teaching based on what trajectory most closely matches the maximum
       effect of this training. Therefore, modelling of such methodology in needs of deep
       analyse of both the learning support systems and the student’s attitude towards
       using of the latest information technologies in the educational process.

       Keywords: computer modeling of educational process, interactive teaching
       forms, distance learning system, competency, competence-based education.

1      The general problem statement and its actuality

Extensive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) at education is a
requirement of time today. Comprehensive informatization requires of introduction of
these changes also in organization of training students' activities, which implementation
would contribute to activation of educational and cognitive activities, increasing the
effectiveness of their acquisition of new knowledge, development of creative activity
and skills of collectively coordinated actions. The questions of innovative technologies
introduction in the educational and pedagogical process with the purpose of formation
of positive motivation of the study are relevant, as it is necessary to form, on the one
hand, new approaches to the teaching, and on the other hand, new approaches of
knowledge, acquisition of competences on the chosen speciality.
   Most importantly, for implementation of this issue is the informality choice of
learning technology, which is based on ICTs, scientific justification of strategies aimed
at expanding forms of self-education and individualization of the learning process.
Therefore, the Department of Information Technologies, Computer Systems and
Networks (ITCSN) in own work has introduced an analytical study aimed at confirming
or rejecting one pedagogical idea or another. The strategy of using innovative
technologies on teaching of disciplines of ITCSN’s department exactly, which by it’s
appoint has to be the leader in the introduction of modern technologies at the
educational process, is formed on the basis of that analysis.
   Experience of implementation new pedagogical forms and methods at the
educational process suggests concluding that for their effective practical use it is
necessary to fulfil a many important requirements, namely, the existence of strategy on
which an adaptive learning trajectory must be built, an environment that is able to
satisfy to users requirements, to correspond to the tasks entrusted to it, and training
cadets about working in this environment on an individual schedule.
   Object of research is computer modelling of educational process on the basis of the
distance learning site of KSMA. The feature of the platform MOODLE, on which the
site has developed, is the possibility of the introduction any forms of education and
control knowledge, availability of constant information exchange of all participants of
the educational process.
   Subject of research is the newest conceptual approaches to using opportunities of
the modern information environment, taking into account the specificities of the
educational process of training specialists at Kherson State Maritime Academy.
   Objective of the work is on development of the using modern information
environment methodology based on computer modelling of the strategy of ICTs
introduction at the educational process of KSMA for improving the quality of cadets’
   These scientific and practical tasks were performed to achieve the objectives:
1. Analysis of pedagogical experience in the scope of use modern learning
2. Study of the specific aspects of distance learning system application at KSMA for
   training of marine specialists.
3. Conduct a scientific and pedagogical experiment to test the hypothesis of level
   formation of subject competencies during training sessions using of the distance
   learning platform.
4. Statistical analysis of the implementation results of the interactive learning model.
5. Development of the methodology of using the modern information environment,
   which was built on the platform MOODLE on the basis of a confirmed model for
   training cadets on disciplines of the ITCSN’s department.
6. Development of webpage’s structure of the ITCSN’s department on the site of
   distance learning, which meets the requirements for improving the quality of the
   training of cadets and students of the KSMA on the disciplines of the ITCSN’s
7. Arrangement of the webpage content and provision of academy teachers and cadets
   with the opportunity of convenient use of the modern information environment.
8. Introduction of interactive forms of teaching into conduction of laboratory and
   practical lessons on the disciplines of the ITCSN department.
9. Ensuring of the quick access to results of current or final control of knowledge on
   disciplines of the department in environment of the MOODLE, the analysis of results
   in terms of training process’s quality improvement of the future maritime specialists.
In the applied aspect, this research aims at developing of methodology of using modern
software product, which consumption will allow to solve an important scientific and
practical task: using of modern innovative and information technology in education to
improve the quality of the training specialists of maritime industry due to introduction
of distance learning at KSMA.

2      Analysis of recent research and publications, which
       launched the solution to this problem

The scientific works of some Ukrainian and foreign researchers were dedicated to the
problem of organization and implementation of distance learning: H. Becker, V. Bykov
[1], N. Morze, V. Oliinyk, Ye. Polat, Yu. Tryus [2] and others.
    Having analyzed the publications by D. R. Garrison [3], G. Kravtsov [4],
V. Kukharenko [5], O. Rybalko, it can be noted that the use of ICT opportunities in the
educational process requires organizational, research and methodological work in the
implementation of modern strategies, forms and methods of distance learning.
    The works of O. Pometun [6], O. Sichkaruk [7] are dedicated to the characteristics
of interactive learning technologies and the description of the pedagogical experience
of application of interactive teaching methods in higher school.
    Problems of introduction of computer modelling in the study of informatics
disciplines paid attention to foreign and Ukrainian specialists A. Bochkin [8],
O. Markovich [9], I. Teplytskyi [10, 11], S. Semerikov [12], N. Valko, N. Osipova [13],
Y. Samchynska [14].
    The analysis of the works of the above-mentioned authors shows that the problem
of the development of subject-oriented and professionally-oriented competences of
future specialists of maritime industry stands insufficiently studied. Today, the analysis
of the effectiveness and justification of the methodical system of application of distance
learning system into the training of cadets needs further research.
    Today the use of interactive multimedia learning tools is in fact a standard element
in the education system of any educational institution. But the experience of application
of such training tools for the training of future maritime specialists is practically absent.
The analysis of publications led to the conclusion that the development of methodology
of the modern distance learning platform is necessary, due to the specific aspects of the
training of maritime specialists. The possibility of interactive communication with the
teacher and, in general, the increase of the educational level of a seafarer remotely (as
he/she spends much time outside the training institution) is very important. All these
can be implemented precisely by means of distance learning programs.
3      Solving basic problems

KSMA as most of educational institutions not only in Ukraine, but also in the world,
chose learning management system (LMS) MOODLE as a platform for realization of
project “Distance learning system”. This system allows not only to introduce of
learning individualization, to develop of adaptive trajectories for each user, but also to
move further, maximally using this system capabilities. It’s very important for such an
educational institution as maritime academy, because specific of this higher educational
establishment involves long-term shipboard training for cadets who are studying full-
time. So, one of the tasks of project implementation is to give cadets, who are at the
practice training, the opportunities not to interrupt theoretical training and even to take
part in discussing important issues in chat mode. But today just submitting of quality
educational material to a student is not enough, therefore Department of Information
technologies, Computer Systems and Networks of KSMA took over responsibility of
introducing interactive learning technologies at the educational process.
   The interactive learning is a learning that occurs on condition of the constant, active
interaction of all participants in the learning process. This is coaching, mutual learning
(collective, group, coaching), where both parties (the one who teaches and the one who
studies) are equal subjects in the learning process, they understand what they do, know,
carry out. Directly, the organization of interactive learning involves the modelling of
various real-life situations, the problem-solving based on the analysis of corresponding
conditions and situations, the use of role-play games. All interactive technologies are
divided into four groups: frontal technologies, collective-group learning technologies,
situational learning and learning in discussion. All these technologies, firstly, are vital
for cadets studying in the academy, and secondly, they can be implemented on the DLS
of KSMA.
   As a result of application of interactive technologies, the favourable conditions are
created for an effective cognitive process, thus interactive learning can speed up the
process of assimilating the material, as it affects both the student’s consciousness and
his/her feelings, actions, and practices.
   The teachers team of the ITCSN’s department has developed own methodology for
introducing a distance learning system based on the platform MOODLE as a result of
thorough analysis of pedagogical experience in the use of modern training technologies
and taking into account the specifics of the training specialists of maritime industry.
Some corrections were made during test that is by conducting of classes according to
proposed methodology which, in general by our opinion, have done the whole learning
process more structured, understandable, natural, and most importantly, this learning
approach was positively accepted those for whom it was developed, that is, the
academy’s cadets. After a while, most academy departments supported the innovations
of the ITCSN department and began to actively use the latest technologies in the
educational process. So, we present a learning model with the support of innovative
features of LMS MOODLE.
   Exactly the ITCSN department was a founder and executor of the project “DLS of
KSMA”. The first step to implementation of this project was a choice of the platform
LMS MOODLE and creation of the site structure in according to specifics of training
at a marine institution. It is hierarchically and represents of input sequence: the academy
– the faculty – the department — the discipline. Moreover, each teacher has a choice:
either, teacher posts learning materials onto his web page, then cadet chooses the
teacher and the corresponding discipline, or the teacher posts materials onto the
discipline pages, then cadet chooses the discipline and teacher accordingly. For itself,
the ITCSN department has chosen the second option.
   Modelling of the process of computer training is the meticulously calculated
relationship between the teacher’s activity and independent work of the student (cadet).
At the stage of introducing innovative technologies into the educational process the role
of a teacher as a tutor, coordinator of the learning process is more important than ever.
The author’s materials of discipline will be read by the cadet directly on the web site of
distance learning, using his own access to the materials as a course participant. Teacher
at the lessons focuses cadets’ attention on the most important points of the topic,
explains how to properly use materials, which forms of control are provided by the
   Results of experiment were laid in the basis of modelling, which purpose was to find
out the impact of the newest methods of training on the level of mastering the material
by cadets, increasing their independence in its processing, interest in the results,
consolidate the skills of using the acquired knowledge in the decision of professional
problems. To conduct the experiment, it was necessary to select a certain number of
participants, these were first-year cadets of full-time and part-time study of Navigation
Faculty and Marine Engineering Faculty. The main requirement for such a totality of
participants is a qualitative homogeneity. The members of the totality can be compared
with each other only in relation to that sign (in our case, it is the level of the formed
subject competences), which becomes the subject of the study.
   The use of most statistical methods is based on the idea of using a random totality of
probationers from the total number of those on which conclusions can be disseminated,
in our case, these were all 100% of first-year students, which is due of the real learning
process during which we conducted the experiment.
   The first stage, an asserting experiment was conducted during 2016-2017 education
year. The purpose of the asserting experiment was to find out the level of formation of
the necessary competencies of cadets, the level of mastering the system of basic
methods of mental activity and the ability of cadets to a productive independent work.
The results of the asserting experiment allowed to reveal the level of knowledge, skills
and abilities of cadets on such disciplines as “Information Technologies”, “Information
Technologies in Marine Engineering” and “Information Technologies in Navigation”.
   In a significant part of the cadets there was a gap between theoretical knowledge and
the ability to apply its in practice, in solving new non-standard or professionally-
directed tasks. The reasons for the instability of the acquired skills are the passivity of
the cadets in studying and fixing new material, the lack of positive motivations for
training, the impossibility of taking into account the individual characteristics and
abilities of each cadet from teachers’ side, the lack of necessary self-control and lack
of control at all stages of mastering the complex of competencies from teachers’ side.
   The organization of the experiment allowed to receive an accurate quantitative
assessment of the research results. In particular, the actual level of knowledge, skills
and abilities on the department’s disciplines was revealed and with great accuracy, a
comparative analysis of the level of competency formation taking into account various
categories and factors was conducted with the help of elements of variation statistics.
A quantitative type of data variation was used for obtain objective data: discrete
variation – the final estimates of the cadets by subject was evaluated, and the continuous
– the average marks of current assessments of cadets from each single topic.
   The variational series were built by the average grades of cadets and the final
estimates. For constructing a discrete variational series in the analysis of the final
estimates we obtained a frequency distribution table on the set of observed values of
the investigated value and the variational curve (Table 1).

                               Table 1. Frequency distribution
              Grade points (W)                  30-59 60-63 64-73 74-82 83-89 90-98 99-100
  Number of cadets in the control group (f1)     16    36    63    78    38    13      6
  Number of cadets in the experimental group
                                                   6      29   71   82    41    14      7

                                  Fig. 1. Variational curves

The variational and statistical indicators were calculated for versatile and full
characteristics of the variation. One of them is the weighted average value or the
average of variation values of a specific set:

                                               f i  Wi                                     (1)
                                   M 
The average of variation values will be closer to the values that occur more often.
Therefore, first of all, you should expect to get most of the values close to this value in
future observations. The average doesn’t fully characterize the series, because the
different variational series may have the same average value. Consequently, the
essential characteristics of the distribution are also the characteristics of the frequencies
scattering, in particular the standard deviation (σ) of the observed values of the
investigated value from the arithmetic average, and the dispersion (D) is the measure
of variation. To characterize the degree of series variation, the standard deviation of
variations was determined by the formula:
                                        (X  M )
                                      i 1                                                 (2)
                                               n 1

The average error of the arithmetic average was calculated by the formula:

                                                                                            (3)

The arithmetic average and standard deviation are the best characteristics of the group.
The first is a generalized indicator of the achieved level of the group on average, and
the second – the score of variation.
   After calculating a number of variational and statistical indicators, the relative
average error of the arithmetic average, which is an indicator of the relative accuracy
of the study, was found. This value indicates to the degree of correspondence numerical
values which were found in the study with the values that characterize the phenomenon
being studied:
                                         100  m                                             (4)
                                    P           %

                       Table 2. Variational and statistical indicators
                  Weighted         Average            Mean standard   Relative average error of
                  average      arithmetic error        deviation        the arithmetic mean
                    (M)              (m)                   (σ)                    (P)
Control group      3,754           0,04554                0,72                  1,21%
                    3,860          0,03949                  0,624              1,02%

Conclusion: The value of variation and statistical indicators of the studied variational
population can be extended to the whole population (at P < 2% – the accuracy is high).
   The lower the absolute value of the relative accuracy of the study, the more accurate
the study, the better obtained statistical indicators.
   Let the hypothesis Н0 asserts that the level of the formation of subject competences
during conducting training sessions using the distance learning platform and interactive
forms of work doesn’t exceed the effectiveness of the traditional method of teaching
discipline. We will assume as a hypothesis Н1 the opposite assertion to the hypothesis
Н0. The final works were conducted in the experimental and control groups, by results
of which the criteria statistics were calculated. Here is an example of the results of one
of the final work (Table 3).
   The critical value of criteria statistics was found by the formula:
                                                n1  n 2                                (5)
                                   Tсr   
                                                n1  n 2

where n1=n2=140, α=1,36. We get: Тcr=0,162.
  The experimental values of statistics were calculated according to the formula:
                                      1                                                 (6)
                            T exp      max  f 2   f 1 

                                Table 3. Statistical indicators
 The number    Abs. frequency of      Abs. frequency    Accumulating   Accumulating
  of correct   the experimental        of the control    frequency      frequency   Σf2-Σf1
   answers        sample (f1)           sample (f2)         ∑f1            ∑f2
      5                15                     9             140            140         0
      4                44                    25             125            131         6
      3                77                    96              81            106        25
      2                 4                    10               4             10         6

Since max(Σf2-Σf1)=25, then Тexp=25/140=0.179.
   Since Тexp >Tcr, then the hypothesis H0 was discarded in accordance with the decision
rule for the two-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion and the hypothesis H1 was
   The obtained results allowed to state the positive impact of the introduction of
modern learning technology on the quality of training future maritime specialists, and
to continue the formation of a strategy that would increase the degree of cadets’
competencies after the completion of the course.
   The main source of motivation is the professional interest of the student as a result
of which the educational activity characteristics a high level of activity.
   The interactive learning allows to implement an individual approach to the training
of each cadet, taking into account his/her level of training, personal qualities, such as
the speed of perception of information, its comprehension, the ability to use this
information in solving his/her professional tasks. Today, the concepts of adaptive
learning, personalization of learning, individual learning paths are widely discussed in
the field of distance learning, blended learning and e-learning. Therefore, the
introduction of modern technologies into the educational process allows to develop an
individual learning path for each cadet. Of course, the essential condition of the
adaptive learning is a desire of the trainee to acquire new knowledge, make every effort
to achieve his/her goal – acquiring of essential knowledge necessary for his/her
professional activity.
   Nowadays it is not enough for the teacher to be competent in the field of the
discipline he/she teaches, present theoretical knowledge in the class. It is necessary to
meet the requirements of the modern educational process. The teacher often acts only
as the organizer of the learning process, the leader of the group, creating conditions for
the initiative of the cadets. The interactive learning is based on the experience of the
youth, on their direct interaction in the field of professional experience. All participants
of the learning process interact with each other, share information, solve problems
together, simulate situations, evaluate the actions of the others and their own behavior,
immerse into the real atmosphere of business cooperation in dealing with problems.
   Using of network technologies promotes not only the acquisition of knowledge,
skills, forms of professional behavior by cadets (students), but also the formation of a
certain structure of personal qualities. The study of the conditions of formation of the
future specialists’ professional competence by means of network technologies allowed
to determine that the introduction of a academic and learning kit which contains
distance courses developed by means of MOODLE using a modular approach, the
presentation of knowledge as a dynamic, multimodal structure in the formation of
which the students take part, enhances the student’s experience of self-replenishment
and renewal of professional knowledge, personal involvement in this process and
responsibility for it. Modular training is based on active, flexible approach to
determining the sequence of learning material presentation, and the module itself is
defined as an integral system that combines the training content and the technology of
mastering it. An important criterion for constructing a module is the structuring of the
student’s activities in the logical sequence of acquisition of knowledge: perception,
understanding, comprehension, memorization, application, generalization,
systematization of acquired knowledge.
   Accordingly, the implementation of distance learning forms and methods contributes
to the individualization of the professional development process, stimulates higher
education student to work independently, forms their informational culture, sets for
mastery of innovative means of obtaining and applying information, in particular, the
possibilities of distance learning contribute to formation of professional competence of
future specialists of the maritime industry.
   The National System of Higher Education Standards clearly specifies the
requirements for qualifications and provides a list of socially and professionally
relevant knowledge, skills and competences which demand from graduate of institution
of higher education not only the national labour market but and the European
Community. The National Qualification System, in particular its components - National
and branch qualification frameworks shall be the basis for the implementation of a
competence-based approach in higher education. The compliance of the quality of
graduates’ training with the requirements of the industry standard of higher education
shall be determined by socio-personal, general scientific, instrumental and professional
competencies. The implementation of competently communicative approach at the
educational process requires not so new subject content [15] as different pedagogical
   The results of research were presented at the All-Ukrainian and International
conferences, published in the popular scientific journals and posted on the distance site
of KSMA by electronic link http://www.mdl.kma.ks.ua/.
   The efficiency of using interactive teaching methods by discipline “Information
technology” can be shown on the example navigation tasks, which is encountered in
practice of navigator. That is, the conducting navigation calculations during plan of
ship’s transition using opportunities MS Excel. The consolidation of practical skills of
getting a numerical result by analytic description dependents of parametrics of some
technical process is goal of work. Given the coordinates of the points of ship’s transition
A, B, C, D, E, F (longitude λi and latitude φi). Needs to determine course for each ship’s
transition and its distance run by each transition. In this case, of course, the coordinates
are given in the form in which it is accepted in the performance of navigation
calculations (see Fig. 2).

                            Fig. 2. Initial data are entered in the table.

The mathematical model of the task is a, in the fact, two formulas – determination of
absolute value of the course and distance run:
                                              DLong i  cos( cpi )                     (7)
                                    tgC i 
                                                     DLat i

                    Si       ( i 1   i ) 2  ((  i 1   i )  cos(  ср )) 2    (8)

The round system calculation of direction is used in navigation for determination of
direction of ship’s movement (course) and determination of direction from the ship to
the shore marks, neighboring ships and other (bearing).


                                        DLat +                DLat +
                                        DLong -               DLong +

                                       C=360-C             C=C
                      270                                                          90
                      W                                                             E
                                      DLat -              DLat -
                                      DLong -             DLong +

                                     C=180+C             C=180-C


                               Fig. 3. The round system calculation
It would seem that, there are initial data, calculation formulas – it is possible to proceed
of execution. But cadet won’t cope with this task without teacher’s explanations. At the
first, initial data must be converted into a form which will be suitable for conducting
calculations. For this we take into account that 1 minute is a 1/60 part of degree.
Therefore, latitudes and longitudes are recounting and difference of latitude (DLat),
difference of longitude (DLat) and middle latitude (φm).
   Now we need to use the formula (1) for determination of the course taking into
account that course Ci is under the sign of the tangent, so, for calculating of the course
we have to use inverse function to tangent – arctangent. Next, arctangent function
returns result in radians that is in linear units (arc length). Therefore we must to convert
result in degree measure of angle measurement. As by the task condition needs find of
the course, we calculate the absolute value (ABS) of the resulting value (see Fig. 4).

                                Fig. 4. Performing calculations

On the next stage we need to determine ship course on the each transition. For this will
be use round system calculation of direction (Fig. 3). Here is obviously the use of the
logical apparatus (the logical function "IF"). And the final, needs calculate distance
between points. The formula of distance’s calculating (8) is very simple, with the
exception of a small nuance: result of calculation of the right part obtains in degrees
and the left part (distance traveled) is measured in nautical miles. As ship transition on
60 nautical miles match to changing the position of the vessel by one degree, obtained
result by formula (8) needs to multiply by 60. The calculations are done correctly. Now
we can plot a course (see Fig. 5).

         Fig. 5. Calculating ship course and distance between points of ship transition
If cadet was absent on the classroom lesson for good reason or didn’t fully master the
topic, he can easily independently understand the task solution using interactive
materials created by teachers and uploaded on the distance learning site. The
monitoring of cadets’ visits of the pages of the site by disciplines of the department
shows that most cadets are actively using innovations in the learning process and results
of performing of the individual tasks which recorded in an electronic journal, confirm
the hypothesis of raising the level of assimilation of the material by the cadet when
teacher gave full information provision of the discipline and methodically substantiated
the combination of classroom, individual and independent work of the cadet.
   The systematic implementation of the test control at the learning process is an
essential part of the reformation of views on results of higher education which should
to be variety on training forms, to have the practical-applied character and differ in the
scope of interdisciplinary tasks.
   We’d like to mention that a complex final testing is a complete set of tests that
involves testing of competencies of several different disciplines at the same time. This
test reveals the quality of the integrated training of a future seafarer, his ability to
interpret various professional tasks. For example, the final test in navigation course
included the questions of different disciplines: navigation, theory of ship construction,
celestial navigation, electrical and radio navigational equipment and others. Some
questions were in the English language.
   The final assessment consisted of two equal components: assessment of current
student’s progress by the teacher (from 0 to 50 points); independent assessment (the
result of testing is automatically calculated by the system, the maximum score is 50).
   The objective of the final assessment in the form of a final testing is a detection of
the cadets’ level of knowledge, skills, competences and level of readiness to compete
in the labour market of the maritime industry. This method of knowledge check firstly
provides the students with an opportunity to evaluate their own level of knowledge, and
secondly, it familiarized the cadets with the testing procedure that is conducted by
different crewing companies. This is confirmed by the fact that the training and
assessment of cadets’ knowledge is carried out in an integrated manner, taking into
account the requirements to the competence-based training of future maritime
specialists. The systematic application of such tests creates favorable conditions for the
training of future maritime specialists in terms of employment testing by national and
foreign crewing companies.
   A survey was conducted among first-year students based on the results of the training
in the current academic year. The questionnaire included both questions concerning to
the directly use of the distance learning system and questions on the estimation of the
level of material assimilation taking into account the use of interactive technologies.
More than a hundred cadets participated in the survey. They have been asked to give
an objective personal evaluation of the structure and methodology of training in the IT
   The questionnaire contained 25 questions. The table presents some diverse examples
of questions (Table 4).
                              Table 4. Questionnaire for cadets
1 Evaluate the degree of – 100%,
  mastering the theme by – 75%,
  materials of the distance – 50%,
  learning site                 – 25%,
                                – less than 25% of the training material
2 How do you perform an – independently,
  individual task?              – partly on your own,
                                – with the help of other cadets,
                                – only under the direction of a teacher
3 Evaluate your degree of – high,
  mastering the study material – sufficient,
                                – average,
                                – low
4 How do you organize your – I always do it myself,
  own work?                     – do it with the help of other cadets,
                                – perform it using of additional educational materials,
                                – do it sometimes,
                                – I don’t perform it
5 How long does it take for – more than 2 hours,
  you to complete the tasks – from 1 hour to 2 hours,
  after reading the interactive – from 30 minutes to 1 hour,
  materials on the topic?       – less than 30 minutes.
6 Choose the appropriate – have a clear idea of the cognitive outcomes of my learning
  option to complete the activities;
  sentence (Self-assessment of – clearly imagine what competencies (skills and abilities) have
  the acquired knowledge).        mastered;
  After completing the module – imagine where I will be able to apply the existing
  (course) I ...                  competencies in the future;
                                – the learning process became conscious, and therefore more
                                – performed automatically without imagining any further

The following conclusions were made based on the results of the survey:
1. To questions about the estimation of the usefulness of active and interactive methods
   of teaching (the degree of mastering the topic during the classroom session, using
   the materials of the distance learning site, joint discussion of the teaching material,
   the use of multimedia computer equipment, etc.) were answered: no use – 0%;
   insignificant degree – 10%; sufficient degree – 71%; high degree – 19% of cadets.
2. For questions about the approximate assessment (in percentage) of professional
   competencies, skills and abilities obtained in the study of disciplines by modern
   learning methods compared to the traditional methods of learning, 78% supported
   the use of interactive learning systems, 16% used the opportunities of the distance
   learning site from time to time, 6% preferred to use printed methodological
3. To questions about the interaction (asking for help to other cadets or helping them
   to study the material, teamwork on assignments) 10% answered “almost never”, 54%
   answered “sometimes”, 26% answered “often”, and 4% answered “constantly”, the
   others couldn't decide on the answer.
4. The reduction of the learning time using multimedia equipment on the classroom
   session (according to cadets’ estimates) was 82% on average.
5. All cadets were positively evaluated the effectiveness of the use of training and
   interactive materials posted on the distance learning site when they self-studying the

                                  Fig. 6. Survey results

4      Conclusions and directions for further research

For today, the modern learning technologies have become available for use in the
educational process of any educational institution. But the analysis of LMS MOODLE
possibilities has shown that a science-based approach to computer modelling of
educational process is most effective mean of creating own methodology, that would
combine traditional and innovative forms of knowledge acquisition by cadets taking
into account the competence approach and specifics of the training specialists of marine
industry, whom are competitive at the world labour market.
   The results of the scientific and pedagogical experiment of testing the hypothesis of
level formation of subject competencies during classroom and extracurricular activities
using the distance learning platform proved that the structure meets the requirements
both of the, who create necessary conditions for the cadets' qualitative training, and for
cadets who become more motivated at the obtaining knowledge process and their
application in solving professional problems.
   As a consequence of the obtained results, it was determined that when performing
the procedure for introducing a distance learning system at the educational process of
KSMA special attention should be focus in equal on the creation of the educational and
methodological materials for cadets self-study, a high quality testing system for
checking their knowledge and interactive forms of distance learning.
   The interactive learning methods on the basis of DLS MOODLE of KSMA have a
positive impact on the quality of cadets’ training, the development of their professional
competencies necessary for a successful competition on the world labour market.
   Today, the first results of the implementation of the competency-based approach into
the learning process already exist. The connection of the results and competencies is a
complex question that requires much attention. The commitment to the results of
education is an urgent problem for modern Ukrainian higher school and requires the
integration of academic and vocational education, the recognition of qualifications
obtained in the process of higher education and the development of lifelong education.

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