=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2398/Paper5 |storemode=property |title=Strategic Planning for Secure Digital Transformation: A Socio-Technical Approach |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2398/Paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-2398 |authors=Martin Koch,Kent Illemann,Daniel Riddarvinge |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ecis/KochIR19 }} ==Strategic Planning for Secure Digital Transformation: A Socio-Technical Approach== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2398/Paper5.pdf
                                   Proceedings of STPIS'19

 Strategic Planning for Secure Digital Transformation:
              A Socio-Technical Approach

            Martin Koch[0000-0002-6679-6350], Kent Illemann, Daniel Riddarvinge

    “[Strategic Planning] is not a box of tricks, a bundle of techniques. It
    is analytical thinking and commitment of resources to action. Many
    techniques may be used in the process – but, then again, none may
    be needed.” (Drucker, 1973,1974)

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                                    Proceedings of STPIS'19

        Abstract. Keeping the enterprise secure is increasingly becoming a key strategic
        priority for top executives. Recent high-profile cyber breaches and leaked cus-
        tomer data has shown that failure to understand cyber security at a strategic level
        can lead to severe consequences. Digital transformation of core business models
        is fueling this as well, both by increased value of digital assets and by increased
        number of connections to external partners or customers using self-service chan-
        nels. To enable security to be included in the strategic planning there is a need to
        replace traditional prescriptive and often internally focused technological assess-
        ment models with a descriptive socio-technical perspective. High level strategic
        decision-making can then be based on analyzing the internal security strength
        and weaknesses compared with external opportunities and threats using a
        S.W.O.T. analysis. As a result, a main security strategy can be shaped around one
        of four main strategic options; minimizing external threats and internal weak-
        nesses combined with taking advantage of the internal strengths and external op-
        portunities that are identified using a socio-technical maturity model.

Keywords: Socio-Technical Modelling, Strategic Planning, Security, IT-Security,
SWOT, TOWS, Capability Maturity Model, CMM

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                                   Proceedings of STPIS'19

1       The Socio-Technical Digital Transformation Design
        Approach for Security

The socio-technical approach is adding a broad perspective to security including not
only technical solutions and external risks, but also taking the social factors of security
into consideration (Kowalski, 1994). Peoples ability to understand and accept the addi-
tional complexity driven by security is increasingly vital to the enterprise:
“The capacity of people to deal with technical and organizational complexity and find
meaning and satisfaction working in these systems lags the capacity of organizations
to create digitally enabled work systems that technically should work—if only humans
can be trained to understand, embrace, and be able to operate effectively and thrive
within them” (Scheiber, 2017)
Digital transformation of business is driving the appearance of new threats to the enter-
prise. Security can no longer be perceived as protecting assets from the outside, since
tight interdependence across multiple complex entities blurs the border between what
is inside and what should be kept outside:
“The tight technical interdependence across complex organizations means that errors
in one location may cause service disruptions, delays, and even shut-downs in others”
(Kerstetter, 2017)
The digital socio-technical design approach (Winby & Albers Mohrman, 2018) is sug-
gesting adding strategic planning tools to the socio-technical design model in order to
create a strategy driven approach. From a security perspective, this would imply an
approach with the combination of a well-known socio-technical security model com-
bined with a commonly used tool for strategic planning.

2       Selecting the model and tools

There are many alternative tools and models that could be used for a digital socio-tech-
nical security approach. It is outside of scope of this paper to find the optimal combi-
nation but as guidance the following adapted the S.M.A.R.T. checklist for Goals
(Doran, 1981) summarizes the “design criteria” used:
 Area                                Design Criteria
 (S)pecific                          Well known. Selecting model and tool with ac-
                                     cepted use and terminology.
 (M)easurable                        Results should be easily qualifiable and compara-
 (A)chiavable                        Ease of use. Understandable across a wide set of
                                     audience with disparate background, not drawing
                                     unnecessary attention from the subject.

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 Area                                  Design Criteria
 (R)ealistic                           The models should not claim to prescribe or con-
                                       trol but aim for strategic guidance, influence and
                                       support understanding.
 (T)imely                              To quote Sheryl Sandberg “Done is better than per-
                                       fect”. Quick turn-around time to a useful result.

                      Table 1. SMART Design criteria for model selection

3       The use of a Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) was first described by Humphrey (Humphrey,
et al., 1987) using five different maturity levels. The work is generally perceived as
originating from Nolan’s stage theory (Nolan, 1973). The model has recently gained
popularity with usage in several international standards (ISO/IEC, u.d.) and adaptions
by commercial actors like ISACA (ISACA, 2012), its subsidiary CMMI Institute
(CMMI Institute, 2019) among others. A Google search on the term “Capability Ma-
turity Model” results in more than 26MM hits. (April 2019)
Maturity models can be both descriptive and prescriptive (Berghaus & Back, 2016). In
Cobit 5 (ISACA, 2012) the model used both to describe the current status of the enter-
prise and later to set a desired target level (and track changes). Note that the highest
level is not always the desired one due to high cost compared with reduced risk.
Example of maturity levels for process maturity with an additional level “0” for non-
existing (ISACA, 2012):
 Maturity Level                  Name
 0                               Non-existent
 1                               Ad-hoc
 2                               Repeatable
 3                               Defined Process
 4                               Managed and Measurable
 5                               Optimized
                               Table 2. Maturity Levels in Cobit 5

To conclude, the CMM is one of the most widely used models to measure and prescribe
maturity in general and particularly in IT and IT-related processes.

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SWOT Analysis and TOWS Strategies as a Tool for Strategic

The SWOT Analysis is ”[…] a useful tool for reviewing a firm’s competitive position.”
(Sammut-Bonnici & Galea, 2014) and consist of a simple 4-box matrix to assess the
enterprise internal (S)trength, (W)eakness and external (O)pportunities, (T)hreats. The
model has no official creator but is generally known to be first used by the SRI Inter-
national in the 1960-70 (Humphrey, 2005). A Google search on “SWOT Analysis”
gives over 48MM hits (April 2019).

                 Fig. 1. The SWOT matrix and the four related main strategies

The TOWS matrix (Weihrich, 1982) creates a suggested path from the SWOT analysis
to a generic set of four main business strategies:
 Strategy             Comment
 WT Strategy          Focusing on the weakness of the organization and the treats. This
                      is an avoidance strategy. Use as a core strategy for a business it
                      typically results in merger or liquidation since being in business
                      is taking risk.
 WO Strategy          Focusing on the opportunities in the market by quickly acquiring
                      capabilities either by acquisition or internal build up.
 ST Strategy          Focusing on using the company strength to reduce an external
                      threat. This could be by using an internal R&D knowledge to pre-
                      pare for a shift in the market, replacing a current product.
 SO Strategy          Focus on maximizing existing strength to (continue) to harvest a
                      market opportunity. Sometimes referred to as a “Fat Cat” strat-

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                          Table 3. The four principal TOWS strategies
The SWOT and accompanying TOWS model continues to be very popular and practi-
tioners favor it since it is easy to explain and use to a wide set of audience when taking
a collaborative approach to strategy (Seebohm, 2014).

Our proposed Combined Approach

A Socio-Technical Capability Model
We propose a CMM that use dimensions that covers both social and technological as-
pects of security. As an example, we have created dimensions based on various best
practice including SBC (Kowalski, 1994). The below table shows these dimensions and
some sample questions for illustration:
 Dimension                     Sample Questions
 Cultural                 •    Does the company understand the culture in the country?
                          •    Does the company promote the company culture?
                          •    Is there a company “Code of conduct” and how is it promoted?

 Legal                    •    Does the company see regulation as a business driver or a busi-
                               ness inhibitor?
                          •    Does the company see the regulations as risks or opportunities?
                          •    Does the company make money on laws and regulations?

 Compliance               •    Is there a policy for information security?
                          •    Is there a policy for Architecture?
                          •    Is there a policy for Code of Conduct?

 Operations               •    Is the operational management based on ITIL or other frame-
                          •    Is operational management part of company strategy?
                          •    Are there routines for recovery?

 Technology               •    Are there automated controls over computers and software used?
                          •    Is there automated backup and restore of our information?
                          •    Are there technical installations to protect our data?

                  Table 4. Sample questions defining dimensions of the CMM

A SWOT Analysis comparing with Competitors and a Baseline
The SWOT analysis has two different perspectives:

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• Internal state of the socio-technical security posture
• Competitors (perceived) position
The SWOT model implicitly assumes that one is stronger or weaker compared to a
baseline. The analysis can be done without explicitly describing this the baseline, but
with the risk for tacit bias. By explicitly stating the baseline the purpose of the SWOT
is more clearly described. Example of baselines that could be used would be external
cyber threat capabilities or customers/users’ general expectations on security capabil-
Based on the result of the CMM assessment, the SWOT can be populated.
 Area                 Relationship
 (S)trength           When the internal socio-technical security posture is stronger than
                      the competitors.
 (W)eakness           When the internal socio-technical security posture is weaker than the
 (O)pportunity        When the baseline is lower than the internal socio-technical security
 (T)hreat             When the baseline is higher than the internal socio-technical security

                            Table 5. Conversion of CMM to SWOT
The SWOT is then converted to generic TOWS strategies for security. Note that de-
pending on the choice of baseline and CMM dimensions the specific strategy will look
 Strategy          Comment
 WT Strategy       Security strategy focusing decisions on minimize weakness and
 (mini-mini)       threats. (This is probably the most common security strategy)
 WO Strategy       Security strategy minimizing weakness and focusing on security re-
 (mini-maxi)       lated opportunities.
 ST Strategy       Security strategy leveraging existing strength and focus on external
 (maxi-mini)       threats.
 SO Strategy       Security strategy leveraging existing strength and focus on external se-
 (maxi-maxi)       curity related opportunities.

            Table 6. Fig. 2. Four main generic security strategies according to TOWS

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                                    Proceedings of STPIS'19


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