=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2400/paper-01 |storemode=property |title=Similarity Management of Data: The DISA Experience |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-01.pdf |volume=Vol-2400 |authors=Pavel Zezula |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sebd/Zezula19 }} ==Similarity Management of Data: The DISA Experience== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-01.pdf
                Similarity Management of Data
                             the DISA Experience

                                      Pavel Zezula

                  FI DISA, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

        Abstract. As the current data is typically weekly structured or un-
        structured at all, access to objects is only possible through similarity of
        the object’s salient features or properties. Consequently, similarity ap-
        proach to searching is increasingly playing more and more important role
        in development of data processing applications. In the last twenty years,
        the technology has matured and many centralized, distributed, and even
        peer-to-peer architectures have been proposed. However, the use of simi-
        larity searching in numerous potential applications is still a challenge. In
        the talk, four research directions in developing similarity search applica-
        tions at Masaryk University DISA laboratory are to be discussed. First,
        we concentrate on accelerating large-scale face recognition applications
        and continue with generic image annotation task for retrieval purposes.
        In the second half, we focus on execution of similarity query streams
        and finish the talk with an ambition topic of content-based retrieval in
        human motion-capture data collections. Applications will be illustrated
        by online prototype implementations.

1     Introduction
In the future, access to digital media stored in memories and circulating among
networked computers will have to follow, or at least get much closer in its form,
to the behavior of real life evolution and communication between species. There,
recognition, learning, and judgment presuppose an ability to categorize stimuli
and classify situations by similarity, because any event in the history of organ-
ism is, in a sense, unique and the specific case of the exact/partial match is
marginal. As practically any kind of fact can nowadays become a digital part of
the networked media – whatever we see, say, measure, observe, test, or otherwise
experience, is or at least can be in digital form – computers must provide access
to required data through similarity based operations, because it is the similarity
that is in the world “revealing”.
    Similarity in general is determined by stimuli materialized as extractions from
digital objects in form of features ( descriptors, properties, etc.), and the way we
    Copyright c 2019 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying per-
    mitted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted
    by its editors. SEBD 2019, June 16-19, 2019, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy.
grade closeness of objects in user defined operations able to satisfy information
needs. We can calibrate the stimuli and operations from two different points of
view: (1) effectiveness concerns the way similarity is defined and the extent to
which it reflex the human perception of the relation, and (2) efficiency regards
the processing speed, costs, or an effort needed to get results independently from
    Philosophical and psychological theorizing about similarity has been domi-
nated by the geometric model for much of the twentieth century, see e.g. [22].
Though later criticized by several authors [23,7], it has become important paradigm
for developing an extensible form of similarity search technology. The central as-
sumption of this type of model is that the similarity can be related by a linear or
monotonic decreasing function to inter-point distances in the metric space [14],
that is, the larger the measure of similarity between two objects, the smaller
the distance between the co-responding points in the metric space. Though the
origins of the topic in computer science are older, the boom started in the 1990s
with the M-tree [4] and resulted in many interesting scientific and technolog-
ical achievements. The metric space paradigm extends the range of indexable
similarity measures but at the same time loses the supportive advantage of co-
ordinate systems to define partitioning of search spaces. The main advantage is
that such approach is also able to consider data domains, which are not sortable
– typical for a majority of contemporary digital data seen through their content
descriptors. Since the similarity is in fact measured as a dissimilarity, specifically
a distance, the applied techniques are often designated as distance searching.
    Several key publications summarize achievements in this area. The first sur-
vey [3] includes results till the year 2000. It presents known approaches in original
taxonomy with the objective to discover core properties that would allow com-
bination of existing principles to form future better proposals. The second sur-
vey [6] divides existing methods for handling similarity search into two classes.
The first class directly indexes objects based on distances (distance-based in-
dexing), while the second is based on mapping to a vector space (mapping-
based approach). However, the main part of this article is dedicated to a survey
of distance-based indexing methods, and the mapping-based methods are only
outlined. In 2006, a book named Similarity Search: The Metric Space Approach
[24] presented the state-of-the-art in developing index structures and supportive
technologies for searching complex data modeled as instances of a metric space.
The metric searching problems are also considered in the last edition of the en-
cyclopedic book by Hanan Samet [15] called Foundations of Multidimensional
and Metric Data Structures.

2   Similarity Search in Applications

Though a lot of progress has been made [1,12] and several interesting similarity
search demonstration prototypes, see Fig. 1 for illustration, are already available,
[10,11], the fact still is that the extensibility property – one system used for many
applications – of the metric space approach to similarity searching, has not yet
been fully exploited [13].

                          Fig. 1. Image similarity search

    An application of similarity searching in several dimensions have been inves-
tigated in the Data Intensive Systems and Applications (DISA) Laboratory of
Masaryk University, Brno. The first objective is to speedup face retrieval in large
collections of common photographs. They also develop image annotation systems
and study mechanisms which should be applied for similarity searching in data
streams. Finally, they consider a very complex data type, called motion capture
data, to develop scalable similarity search, filtering and annotation/classification
mechanisms. In the following, we shortly outline each of the activities. In the
talk, the content-based image similarity search as well as its applications will be
demonstrated by on-line demonstrations.

                   Fig. 2. Face detection and similarity retrieval
2.1   Similarity Searching in Images of Human Faces

Face recognition is a problem of verifying or identifying a face appearing in a
given image. In our project, sketched in Fig. 2, we do not develop new face
detection or comparison modules but rather demonstrate how a synergic col-
laboration of existing systems combined with similarity searching can scale into
the dimension of large image collections [19]. Specifically, by integrating three
OpenCV, NeuroTech and Luxand similarity measures, we achieve high-quality
and more stable results, compared to the measures evaluated independently. We
also demonstrate, how effectiveness can significantly improve by employing the
concept of multi-face queries along with optional relevance feedback. Finally, a
metric indexing structure is applied to achieve scalability of the similarity search.

2.2   Image Annotation

                                   Database of                                          Semantic resources
                                 annotated images                                          (WordNet)

                         Content-based image retrieval                                        ConceptRank

                            Similar annotated images                                      Semantic graph

                       d = 0.2                                                                          0                              0
                                      d = 0.5         d = 0.6                                                 relatedTo      person         dandelion, flower,
                                                                           partOf              nature
                                                                                                                   relatedTo                bloom, plant, herb,
                                                                                         partOf                                  isA        yellow, taraxacum,
                                                                                    0                   0.2             0.1          0.1      seasons, grow,
                                                                           flower             meadow           garden         Mary         colour, spring, grass,
                       Bloom         Meadow,          Mary’s                                                                               photo, nature, petals,
                                                                  partOf                                      partOf                         grassland, region,
                                     dandelion        garden                            isA
                                                                            0.3                 0.2                                           flora, meadow
                                                                  bloom             dandelion
                            Initial candidate keywords
                    Bloom (0.3), meadow (0.2), dandelion (0.2),      Random walk for keyword score computation
                    Mary (0.1), garden (0.1)
                                                                           Flower: 0 → 0.15             Mary: 0.1 → 0.001

             Fig. 3. ConceptRank with search based image annotation

     The objective of image annotation is to associate binary images with descrip-
tive metadata that would allow application of text search for content based image
retrieval – metadata can also be used for image categorization. Such task has a
long tradition in the machine learning field, which approaches the problem by
training statistical models for prespecified set of categories. State-of-the-art clas-
sification methods of this sort achieve very high accuracy, but their utilization
is costly in terms of learning time and requires large amounts of reliably-labeled
training data [21]. The proposed strategy, called the concept-rank [2], combines
information provided by efficient and effective similarity search with semantic
information obtained from linguistic resources. Specifically, we first select a set of
initial candidate keywords from descriptions of similar already annotated images
and give them a probability score proportional to their frequency and the simi-
larity of the respective images to the annotated (query) image. Next, we search
for links between these keywords using several semantic relationships defined by
the WordNet lexical database, in particular we apply the hypernymy, hyponymy,
meronymy, and holonymy. We also include new related keywords in considera-
tion for annotation. After the identification of semantic relationships, we run a
random-walk-based algorithm over the graph of candidate keywords and their
relationships to determine the final probabilities of individual candidates. All
the process is illustrated in Fig. 3.

2.3   Stream Processing
The problem of fast executing streams of similarity queries is serious for a large
number of applications. For example when annotating large collections of im-
ages or when publish-subscribe systems consider incoming documents as queries
and test them against user profiles to access the level of agreement between the
profile and the processed document (image). The acceleration strategy is based
on a pragmatic observation that in large collections the response time to pro-
cess two random queries is significantly higher that the time needed to process
two queries representing similar images [9]. The more similar the queries the
shorter the query execution time because a larger portion of the database can
be pre-cached from a previous query execution. Then by a clever reordering of
queries so that the similarity of two consequent queries is as high as possible,
the throughput can significantly be improved. The concept is illustrated in Fig.
4. Further performance improvements can be obtained by a parallel execution
for example in cloud computer platforms [8].

                     Fig. 4. Similarity query stream processing

2.4   Similarity Searching in Motion Capture Data
Motion capture data is a good example of complex unstructured data. This
spatio-temporal data digitally represents human movements in form of 3D tra-
jectories of tracked human body joints. With the recent advances and availabil-
ity of motion capturing technologies, there is a strong requirement for intelligent
management of such data, which has a great potential to be utilized in a number
of applications.
    To make the content-based management of motion data possible, effective
features need to be extracted from 3D skeleton sequences. We propose a 4,096-
dimensional vector representation that preserves significant characteristics of
original motion sequences [17]. As illustrated in Fig. 5, this representation nor-
malizes and transforms an input sequence into a 2D motion image which is then
processed by a convolutional neural network. The last hidden layer of the net-
work is considered as the output feature. The extracted features demonstrate
very convenient properties of being (1) of a fixed size, (2) efficiently compa-
rable by the Euclidean distance, and (3) tolerant to a considerable degree of
segmentation errors, which is particularly useful for sub-sequence matching.

                                                       RGB CUBE



                                                                                                           <…, 0.53, 1.18, 9.64, …>

  MOTION                                   NORMALIZED MOTION                  MOTION IMAGE               4,096D FEATURE VECTOR

            Fig. 5. Feature extraction from 3D human motion sequences.

     The extracted features can describe the content of relatively short skeleton
sequences taking in order of seconds. This is mainly suitable for recognizing the
class of semantic actions using k-nearest neighbor classifiers [20]. In case input
sequences are long, the partitioning principle needs to be applied to identify short
segments that are better describable by the features. We propose to partition
the input sequence into segments of different sizes in a way that an arbitrary
sub-sequence overlaps with at least one segment in the majority of frames [16].
This property enables to consider a short query as a single segment and perform
efficient sub-sequence searching on a large scale [18]. A similar idea is also used
for real-time annotation of pseudo-infinite skeleton sequences [5].

Acknowledgements. This research is supported by the Czech Science Foun-
dation project No. GA19-02033S.


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