=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2400/paper-03 |storemode=property |title=Writing (and also reading) books reduces (sometimes) the entropy of the universe, but risks to increase (sometimes) the peace of mind in me |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-03.pdf |volume=Vol-2400 |authors=Carlo Batini |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sebd/Batini19 }} ==Writing (and also reading) books reduces (sometimes) the entropy of the universe, but risks to increase (sometimes) the peace of mind in me== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-03.pdf
Writing (and also reading) books reduces (sometimes) the
entropy of the universe, but risks to increase (sometimes)
                the peace of mind in me

                                                    Carlo Batini

                                      University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Extended Abstract

In the dedication appearing in my book “Information Systems for eGovernment: a
Quality of Service Perspective” written with Gianluigi Viscusi and Massimo Mecella,
and published by Springer Verlag, I say: To my wife, Barbara, to my brothers Beppe
and Mariella, and to all who believe that writing books contributes to reduce the dis-
order of the universe. During my life I have written (so far) about 35 books (including
the three books in preparation), six of them in English. Publishing companies are
Springer, Boringhieri, Benjamin and Cummings and subsequently Addison Wesley
and Pearson, Editori Riuniti, and others. Six of them are published with Creative
Commons licence, so they are accessible and downloadabile by everyone.

In my talk I will make a guided tour on my book production activity, trying to show
that my constant not necessarily achieved) goal has been to clarify, to give a structure,
to discover and highlight common issues in a topic usually focused on computer sci-
ence, in the attempt to reduce the disorder and confusion around us in the use of ter-
minologies, concepts and relationships among concepts.

At the same time, writing a book is a time consuming and also complex, strenuous,
tirelessly activity; writing books is such as climbing a high, very high mountain, and
you have to distribute forces if you want to conquer the summit, sorry, finish the
book. Furthermore, when you write the last word of the last chapter, there are at least
other two ninety five per cent of effort remaining…….so writing a book is like climb-
ing three mountains, not one. And when I finish the third ninety five per cent of a
book, I feel like when I reach the summit of a mountain, my endorfines play a similar
role in reaching a state of satisfaction and fullness.

Looking back, I have perceived frequently in book writing what Marcel Proust says in
its masterpiece Search for the Lost Time “From a certain age, our memories are so
intertwined with each other that the thing we think about, the book we read almost no
longer matters. We have put a bit of ourselves everywhere, everything is fruitful,

Copyright © 2019 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors. SEBD 2019, June 16-19, 2019, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy.
everything is dangerous, and we can make discoveries as important in Pascal's
"Thoughts" as in the advertising of a bar of soap.”

In a sense, the story of my 35 books, the change in their style, the dedications, can be
seen also as a story that tells my life. As to dedications, in books and in student’s
dissertations, I often say that they are the most important and revealing testimony of
the author.

So far, I have always written technical books, namely they address scientific topics.
But now, in a time that leads to seniority (let us call the old age with a more polite
term..) I’m conceiving books that besides decreasing the disorder of the universe try
to decrease the entropy in myself, and try to share with the reader something more
than concepts, I mean try to share emotions. This is not easy, since there is a subtle
threshold between ostentation and emotional transfert. My plan is to write in the fu-
ture books that merge my scientific achievements and my emotions and memories.

My life with books retraces from one side the evolution of technologies and from
another side my evolution in style. I made a lot of experiences and also experiments. I
have written a book using the editor of a mainframe, that had only CAPITAL
LETTERS, another recent book is (on purpose) the written transcription of a video
course, to achieve the goal of keeping in the text some of the freshness of the oral
speech. In the first books I used the typical deductive style, where I first gave defini-
tions and then examples, the last books are instead inductive, first examples and then
definitions. I have also tried to introduce some form of interactivity in the last books,
posing questions and providing solutions in a different page. As to methodological
books, I have written books that have been evaluated as a “big brick”, “una mattona-
ta” in roman dialect. I think that is better una mattonata than the jungle. In another
book, the only book that I have written alone, “Le basi dell’informatica”, I was
committed to use only the most frequent five thousand Italian words, so the word
“daily” in the first row of the 164 pages has been changed into “every day”, you can
only imagine the cemetery of corrections in the rest of the 164 pages…

Just to understand my need to write books in all possible variants of settings, I am
currently writing three books at the same time, whose titles are
1. Come si progetta un sistema informativo, with title and dedication in italian and
     text in english.
2. Le basi della scienza dei dati, title and text in Italian, with contributions from
     Federico Cabitza, Roberto Masiero, Andrea Maurino, Matteo Palmonari, Fabio
3. Abstractions in models and processes - Conceptual modeling, maps and graphs,
     with title and text in English, with John Mylopoulos.

Also reading books contributes to reduce the entropy of the universe. In an era in
which a twitter of Trump reaches in a few seconds millions of followers, the life and
survival of books, especially paper books, it’s hard. Personally, I reached an equilib-
rium in my library between paper books that take up many centimeters of space and e-
books that occupy many orders of magnitude less space. I developed a strategy on the
choice of the format, based on what Ella Berthoud e Susan Elderkin say in their book
“The Novel Cure: an A to Z of Literary Remedies”.
When I ascertain that my paper versions have the size of the characters too small, or
else when I think I do not need the paper copy, then I buy subsequently the e-book
version, when I want to “see” the book, and want to make a sensorial experience, I
buy the paper copy.

I also like to donate books to my friends and colleagues. It is interesting to note that in
the past I thought first to the person, and then I chose the book to donate to her/him,
now when I read a book or even a review, If I like it then I identify the friend to
whom to donate the book.

In Italy, the period of the week in which newspapers publish reviews of books is Sat-
urday (Tuttolibri of La Stampa and Robinson by Repubblica) to Sunday (La Lettura
by Corriere della Sera). When I look to the newspaper the first time I come to the
conclusion that want to buy all the books reviewed, than the second time only the
half of the books. I have decided to apply the policy to wait Sunday evening, so to
intercept the natural decay in the attractiveness of books. The experience says that at
end I buy on the average two/three books every week.

To conclude, Marguerite Yourcenar says in Memories of Hadrian that (in Italian)
“Fondare biblioteche è come costruire ancora granai pubblici, ammassare riserve
contro l'inverno dello spirito che da molti indizi, mio malgrado, vedo venire.”.
“Founding libraries is like building more public granaries, amassing reserves against
the winter of the spirit that with a great deal of evidence, in spite of myself, I see com-
ing”. She was right.
Fig. 1. My books

 1. C. Batini - Esercitazioni di programmazione dei calcolatori elettronici - La Goliardica,
    Roma, 1977.
 2. C. Batini - Applicazioni di programmazione in linguaggi assemblativi - La Goliardica,
    Roma, 1979.
 3. C. Batini, F. Ferrara, M. Lenzerini, V. Zecca - Complementi di linguaggi assemblativi - La
    Goliardica, Roma, 1979.
 4. C. Batini, P.Bertolazzi - Introduzione alla struttura degli elaboratori - ESA Editrice, Roma,
 5. C. Batini - Le basi dell' informatica - Editori Riuniti, 1984.
 6. C. Batini, S. Breccia, G. Ciccarella, F. Ferrara - Introduzione alle metodologie di pro-
    grammazione nel linguaggio Fortran - ESA Editrice, Roma 1985.
 7. P. Atzeni, C. Batini, V. De Antonellis - La teoria relazionale dei dati - Serie di Informatica,
    Boringhieri, 1985.
 8. C. Batini - Progetto concettuale di basi di dati territoriali: relazione finale - Pubblicazione
    interna ISTAT, 1985.
 9. C. Batini, E. Fortunato - Progetto concettuale di basi di dati territoriali - Pubblicazione
    ISTAT, 1986.
10. C. Batini, G. De Petra, M. Lenzerini, G. Santucci - La progettazione concettuale dei dati -
    Franco Angeli Editore, prima edizione 1986.
11. C. Batini, M. Lenzerini, A. Marchetti Spaccamela - Introduzione agli algoritmi e alla
    programmazione: sei dispense - Corso per il Diploma di Informatica - Consorzio per la
    Universita' a distanza, 1986.
12. C. Batini, G. Bisogni, P. Gentile Studio Preliminare per la Definizione di uno Schema Ge-
    nerale di Riferimento per lo Sviluppo e la Realizzazione dei Sistemi Informativi nella Pub-
    blica Amministrazione – Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1986.
13. S. Ceri, C. Batini, P. Atzeni - Basi di dati - Corso per il Diploma di Informatica - Consor-
    zio per la Università a distanza - 1987.
14. C. Batini – Il Progetto di Sviluppo dei Sistemi Informativi nella Pubblica Amministrazio-
    ne: la fase di analisi Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1987, non disponibile.
15. C. Batini – Struttura e Progetto di un Dizionario Dati Utente per la Banca d’Italia: Rela-
    zione finale, Banca d’Italia, 1989.
16. C. Batini – UsER: La Metodologia GESI per il Progetto di Basi di Dati GESI S.r.l., 1989.
17. C. Batini et al. - Quadro metodologico per il progetto di sistemi informativi nella Pubblica
    Amministrazione - Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, Ministero del Tesoro, 1990.
18. C. Batini, M.L. Bargellini – Sistemi Informativi per la Diffusione della Informazione: Me-
    todologia di Progettazione – Enea, 1990.
19. C. Batini, L. Carlucci Aiello, M. Lenzerini, A. Marchetti Spaccamela, A. Miola – Fonda-
    menti di Programmazione dei calcolatori elettronici - Franco Angeli Editore, 1990.
20. G. Ausiello, C. Batini, D. Mandrioli, M. Protasi - Modelli e linguaggi dell' informatica -
    McGrawHill Italia, 1991.
21. C. Batini, S. Ceri, S.B. Navathe - Logical data base design using the Entity Relationship
    model - Benjamin and Cummings/ Addison Wesley, Palo Alto, California, USA, 1991.
22. P. Ercoli, C.Batini, F. Marozza - L' amministrazione dei sistemi informativi pubblici: Qua-
    dro Metodologico di Riferimento - Il Mulino, 1992.
23. P. Ercoli, C. Batini, F. Marozza (a cura di) - Nuove metodologie per i sistemi informativi
    della Pubblica Amministrazione - Il Mulino, 1993.
24. L. Cabibbo, R. Torlone, C. Batini – Basi di Dati: Progetti ed Esercizi svolti, Pitagora Edi-
    trice Bologna, 1995. C. Batini, G. Longobardi, I. Siciliani – Il Repository delle Basi di Da-
    ti della Pubblica Amministrazione, Collana Documenti, Autorità per l’Informatica nella
    Pubblica Amministrazione, 1996.
25. C. Batini, M. Scannapieco, Qualità dei Dati: Concetti, Metodi e Tecniche, Springer Italia,
26. C. Batini, M. Scannapieco - Data Quality: Concepts, Methodologies, Techniques, Spring-
    er Verlag 2006.
27. C. Batini, D. Natale – DG@SOGEI – Metodologia SOGEI sulla Data governance e il Re-
    pository degli Schemi Concettuali – Volume I, Sogei, 2007.
28. G. Viscusi, C. Batini, M. Mecella Information Systems for eGovernment: a Quality of
    Service Perspective – Springer Verlag, August 2010.
29. C. Batini - Course on Database Modeling and Design – Transcriptions of Lessons of the
    MOOC Course – Creative Commons Licence, 2015.
30. C. Batini, M. Castelli, M. Comerio, M. Cremaschi, L. Iaquinta, A. Torsello, G. Viscusi –
    The Smart Methodology for the Life Cycle of Services, Creative Commons Licence, 2015.
31. C. Batini, M. Scannapieco - Data and Information Quality: Dimensions, Principles and
    Techniques, Springer Verlag 2015.