=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2400/paper-17 |storemode=property |title=Entity Resolution and Data Fusion: An Integrated Approach |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-17.pdf |volume=Vol-2400 |authors=Domenico Beneventano,Sonia Bergamaschi,Luca Gagliardelli,Giovanni Simonini |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sebd/BeneventanoBGS19 }} ==Entity Resolution and Data Fusion: An Integrated Approach== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-17.pdf
             Entity Resolution and Data Fusion:
                   an integrated approach
                  (DISCUSSION PAPER)

                   Domenico Beneventano1 , Sonia Bergamaschi1 ,
                    Luca Gagliardelli1 , and Giovanni Simonini2
                  University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
                            MIT CSAIL, Cambridge, MA, USA

        Abstract. Entity Resolution and Data Fusion are fundamental tasks in
        a Data Integration process. Unfortunately, these tasks cannot be com-
        pletely addressed by purely automated methods and, then, a ”human-
        in-the-loop” approach, i.e., the interaction with the Integration Designer
        has to be considered. In fact, the application goal can be relevant to
        reduce the complexity and the cost of the whole integration process.
        Moreover, the Entity Resolution and Data Fusion tasks are often consid-
        ered consecutive and independent of each other: the output of the first
        step is used as input of the second one.
        In this paper, we will show how these tasks have not to be considered
        independent. In fact, the evaluation of data fusion results is fundamen-
        tal for the Integration Designer to analyze, and eventually modify, the
        choices made during the Entity Resolution process. To show this, our
        highly scalable Entity Resolution tool, SparkER, will be extended with
        post-processing high-quality methods for matching. These methods will
        be integrated in the MOMIS Data Fusion system, extended as well with
        metrics for the evaluation of data fusion results.

        Keywords: Data Integration · Entity Resolution · Data Fusion

1     Introduction
Data Integration is the problem of combining data residing at different au-
tonomous sources, and providing the user with a unified view of these data.
MOMIS (Mediator EnvirOnment for Multiple Information Sources) is an open
source Data Integration System [3], characterized by a classical wrapper/mediator
architecture, where the local data sources contain the real data, while a Global
    Copyright c 2019 for the individual papers by the papers authors. Copying permit-
    ted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by
    its editors. SEBD 2019, June 16-19, 2019, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy.
Virtual Schema (GVS) provides a reconciled, integrated, and virtual view of the
underlying data sources. In particular, MOMIS performs Data Fusion, i.e., the
process of fusing multiple records representing the same real-world object into
a single, consistent, and clean representation; to perform data fusion, several
conflict handling strategies introduced in [7] are available in the MOMIS system
(see section 2.2). As described in several papers MOMIS adopts a semi-automatic
approach that retains the ”human in the loop” where algorithms and tools are
used to assist the Integration Designer performing the Data Fusion task [4, 17].
    In the current MOMIS version, the Data Fusion process assumes that Entity
Resolution (ER) has been already performed and thus a shared object identi-
fier (ID) exists among different sources; in other words, the current version of
MOMIS only implements an exact match. Multiple records with the same ID are
fused by means of the Full Join Merge operator [4].
    On 2016, we faced and solved the Entity Resolution problem by developing
a set of novel techniques [1, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16]. In particular, we proposed Blast
[13] (Blocking with Loosely-Aware Schema Techniques), an approach to reduce
the ER complexity with indexing techniques aiming to group similar records in
blocks and limit the comparison to only those records appearing in the same
block. This approach was implemented in SparkER [9, 14], a highly scalable En-
tity Resolution tool designed to be parallelizable on Apache Spark. As high-
lighted in a very recent demo of SparkER [10], the Entity Resolution process can
be improved by including the ”human-in-the-loop”.
    On the other hand, the Entity Resolution and Data Fusion steps are often
considered consecutive and independent of each other: the output of the first step
is used as input of the second one in Data Integration systems. In this paper we
will show how these tasks have not to be considered independent. In fact, the
evaluation of data fusion results is fundamental for the Integration Designer to
analyze, and eventually modify, the choices made during the Entity Resolution
    In detail, the main contributions of this paper are the following:
 – SparkER will be extended with post-processing methods to obtain one-to-
   one matching; such extended SparkER will be integrated in the MOMIS
   framework: the output will be used as input in the MOMIS Data Fusion
 – MomisDF, the module of the MOMIS system which performs Data Fusion, will
   be extended as well with methods for the evaluation of data fusion results;
 – We will show, by an example, how the evaluation of data fusion results can
   be used by the Integration Designer.
    The complete SparkER-MomisDF workflow is shown in Figure 1. SparkER
is composed by two main modules: (i) blocker: takes the input records and
performs the blocking phase, providing as output the candidate pairs; (ii) En-
tity matcher takes the candidate pairs generated by the blocker and label
them as match or no match by comparing pair’s similarity with a threshold,
so producing a Match Table of similar records with their similarity score. The
1-1 Matching module take as input such Match Table, which may contain
                                  Match              1-1 Match
                                  Table                Table

     Input                                                        MOMIS                        Data
                        SparkER           1-1 Matching                                        Fusion
    Records                                                      Data Fusion
                                                                               Data Fusion
              Records                Entity
                        Blocker                                                Evaluation
              loading               matcher


                        Fig. 1. The SparkER-MomisDF workflow

many-to-many matching, and returns a 1-1 Match Table with only one-to-one
matching. MomisDF performs data fusion of the input records, on the basis of
the 1-1 Match Table.
    The structure of the paper is the following. Section 2 contains some prelimi-
naries from literature which we use in our paper. Section 3 shows, by means of
an example covering the whole SparkER-MomisDF workflow, how the evaluation
of fusion results can be useful for the Integration Designer.

2     Preliminaries
This section contains some preliminaries from literature which we use in our pa-
per. Section 2.1 introduces the post-processing methods for one-to-one matching
proposed in [8]; section 2.2 introduces the methods for the evaluation of data
fusion results proposed in [7].

2.1    Post-processing Methods for one-to-one Matching
As stated in [8] assuming de-duplicated sources, each record can at most match
to one record of another source; hence, the matching result should exclusively
contain one-to-one links as otherwise precision is deteriorated; in other words,
in the most common two-source case, it is often desirable for the final matching
to be one-to-one [18]. On the other hand, Most ER methods, and in particular,
the ones using threshold-based techniques, as SparkER, often produce multi-
links, i.e., one record is matched to many records of another source. For this
reason, the authors of [8] proposed methods that can be executed after any
entity resolution process to clean multi-links, i.e., to transform the result such
that only one-to-one matching occurs in the final result. The following three
post-processing strategies are analyzed and implemented in [8]:
 – Symmetric Best Match (Max1-both): the basic idea is that for every record
   only the best matching record of the other source is accepted.
 – Maximum Weight matching (MWM): a MWM is a matching that has maxi-
   mum weight, i.e., that maximizes the sum of the overall similarities between
   records in the final linkage result.
 – Stable Marriage (SM): a matching is defined as stable, if there are no two
   records of the different local classes who both have a higher similarity to
   each other than to their current matching record.
In [8] a complete evaluation of the different post-processing methods is performed
by using both synthetic and real datasets. The linkage quality is assessed by
recall and precision: recall measures the proportion of true-matches that have
been correctly classified as matches after the linkage process; precision is defined
as the fraction of classified matches that are true-matches. The aim of post-
processing is to optimize precision while recall is ideally preserved. The result
of the evaluation performed in [8] was that both Max1-both and SM are able to
significantly improve the linkage quality; in general, Max1-both can achieve the
best linkage quality in terms of precision; for applications favoring recall over
precision, a SM should be applied.

2.2     Data Fusion Evaluation
To perform data fusion, several conflict handling strategies defined in [7] are
available in the MOMIS system; in particular, the following strategies:
S1 Take the information: prefers values over null values;
S2 Consider all possibilities: creates all possible value combinations.
These strategies are implemented as default, i.e., before the intervention of the
Designer, that can also apply some Resolution Strategies choosing by the Conflict
Resolution Functions implemented in MomisDF, such as, takes an average value
and takes the most recent value. The authors of [7] also propose methods for
the evaluation of data fusion based on measures of quality of source data, such
as completeness and consistency; for example, the (extensional) completeness is
| unique objects in dataset | / | unique objects in universe |.
Instead of quality of data sources, we want to evaluate quality of fused data,
then we reformulate such measures in terms of the Global Class (GC) resulting
from the data fusion process (see next section for an example), by considering
the following Data Centric Evaluation Measures3 :
 – Density: measures the fraction of non-NULL values.
   The density of a Global Attribute GA in GC is defined as

                                        | non-NULL values in GA |
                        DensityGA =
                                              | records in GC |

      The density of the whole global class GC is defined as

                                         | non-NULL values in GC |
                  DensityCG =
                                   | attributes in GC | ∗ | records in GC |
    Such measures are also introduced in [6]. In our evaluation, the number of objects in
    the universe is identified with the number of unique entities in the fused data source,
    and then with the records of the Global Class GC.
 – Consistency: a data set is consistent if it is free of conflicting information.
   The consistency of a Global Attribute GA in GC is defined as

                                    | non-conflicting values in GA |
                 ConsistencyGA =
                                            | records in GC |

    The consistency of the whole global class GC is defined as

                                     | non-conflicting values in GC |
             ConsistencyGC =
                                 | attributes in GC | ∗ | records in GC |

In a similar way, in [11] the concept of F-quality is introduced as a measure
of quality of fused data rather than source data and two novel algorithms for
Linked Data fusion with provenance tracking and quality assessment of fused
data are proposed.
     Our goal is different, we want to discuss how the evaluation of data fusion
results can be used by the Integration Designer to analyze, and eventually mod-
ify, the choices made during the Entity Resolution process, to improve the final
result. For these reasons, we only consider simple and common conflict handling
strategies (i.e. S1 and S2) and the straightforward evaluation defined above.

3   Example and Discussion

This section shows, by means of an example covering the whole SparkER-
MOMIS workflow, how the evaluation of fusion results can be useful for the
Integration Designer; in particular, this example will show how the evaluation of
data fusion results changes by varying the post-processing 1-1 matching method.
    We consider two local classes L and R and a global class GC with the same
attributes: Surname (S), Name (N), City, Age and Salary (i.e, we assume that
the schema matching and global schema generation phases have already been
carried out with the MOMIS framework); moreover L and R have a local ID.
An instance of L and R is shown in Figure 2(a).
    Let us first consider the simplest case: all the attributes are used to perform
Entity Resolution. The ER process performed with SparkER (see [10] for a de-
tailed description of the tool) produces the Match Table shown in Figure 2(b).
Note that the match table provides the pair of local identifiers of each record
and their similarity, and that the obtained matching is many-to-many (e.g. L1
matches with R1, R2). Now it is possible to apply the three post-processing
methods discussed in section 2.1 to obtain a one-to-one matching: each of these
methods produces a 1-1 Match Table as shown in Figure 2(b2) (a              denotes
that the pair is in the 1-1 Match Table).
    Each 1-1 Match Table is then used to perform Data Fusion; intuitively, two
sequential operations are performed:

 1. the natural outer join is performed:
           Local Class L ./ 1-1 Match Table ./ Local Class R
                       Local Class L
      L_ID  LS      LN      L_CITY L_AGE L_SALARY              Match Table        1-1 Match Table
       L1 William Charlie NULL        29   NULL     SparkER   L_ID R_ID sim      Max1-both SM MWM
       L2 William Ciarlye Canton      27    155                L1 R1 0.91           ✔      ✔
                       Local Class R                           L1 R2 0.86                      ✔
      R_ID RS      RN     R_CITY R_AGE R_SALARY                L2 R1 0.81                      ✔
       R1 Wiliam Charli Canyon       28    NULL                L2 R3 0.69                  ✔
       R2 Wiliam Charli NULL         44     138
       R3 Vylian Carl Canton NULL           158               (b1) Match          (b2) 1-1 Match
                                                                Table                 Tables
                  (a) Local Sources

           Max1-both                         SM                                     MWM
   L1-R1 Canyon {29,28} NULL    L1-R1 Canyon {29,28}   NULL        L1-R2      NULL        {29,44} 138
     L2 Canton     27   155     L2-R3 Canton    27   {155,158}     L2-R1 {Canton, Canyon} {27,28} 155
    R2    NULL     44   138      R2    NULL     44      138         R3        Canton       NULL   158
    R3 Canton NULL      158
                           (c) Data Fusion result (Global Class Instance)

                                   Max1-both          SM             MWM
                                CITY AGE SALARY CITY AGE SALARY CITY AGE SALARY
               Column density   3/4 3/4 3/4 2/3 3/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 3/3
             Column consistency 4/4 3/4 4/4 3/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 1/3 3/3
                Table density         9/12            7/9             7/9
              Table consistency       11/12           7/9             6/9

                                         (d) Data Fusion metrics

                       Fig. 2. The SparkER-MomisDF workflow example

 2. the S1 and S2 strategies (see Section 2.2) are applied to all the conflicting
    attributes involved in the Data Fusion process.

    For example, the Max1-Both Match Table contains only the pair (L1, R1)
and only such two local records are fused together so obtaining the first record
in the Max1-Both Global Class shown in Figure 2(c), where the PROV attribute
represents the data provenance [2], i.e., intuitively, the input local records that
contributed to the output global record. Conflicting values obtained by the S2
strategy are highlighted in yellow. With the other 1-1 Match Tables, different
global class are obtained, as shown in Figure 2(c). Finally, the Integration De-
signer chooses which attributes to use in the evaluation phase; in our example,
suppose they are City, Age and Salary. The Data Fusion evaluation, with the
measures density and consistency is shown in Figure 2(d).
    In this preliminary work, we have not yet achieved results on significant
and real cases. However, some considerations can also be made about the (toy)
example. First of all, Max1-both achieves the best match quality in terms of
column and table consistency. This is consistent with the conclusion reached in
[8] that, in general, Max1-both can achieve the best linkage quality in terms of
precision. On the other hand, it is easy to verify that to increase column and
table density, SM or MWM should be applied, with the obvious consequence
that these methods deteriorate column and table consistency. For these reasons,
we believe it is important to give the designer the opportunity to analyze and
choose the best method. For example, in a context where the Salary attribute
has greater importance, the best choice is the MWM method that maximizes
both density and consistency for such attribute.
    In this example we only discussed evaluation of data fusion results to vary-
ing of the post-processing 1-1 matching method. On the other hand, it will
also be interesting to evaluate the results of the data fusion correspond to the
changes in the configurations sparker (and therefore in the different Match Ta-
bles produced). In fact, as discussed in [10], the SparkER tool can work both in
a completely unsupervised mode and in a supervised one. In the first case, the
Integration Designer can use a default configuration and perform the process
on its data without taking care of the parameters tuning. In the second case,
she/he can supervise the entire process, in order to determine which are the best
parameters for her/his data, thus producing a custom configuration.

4   Conclusions and future work
We discussed some preliminary ideas about an integrated approach for entity
resolution and data fusion. We showed, by an example, how the evaluation of
data fusion results can be used by the Integration Designer to analyze, and
eventually modify, the choices made during the Entity Resolution process.
    As future work, we will perform a complete evaluation of data fusion results
with respect to the different post-processing methods, both using real datasets
and with other evaluation measures. Another future work is to extend the data
fusion evaluation to Conflict Resolution Functions, by considering Ground Truth
Based Evaluation measures, such as the Accuracy, in order to evaluate the frac-
tion of correct values selected by conflict resolution functions chosen by the
Integration Designer.

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