Anna: a Virtual Assistant to interact with Puglia Digital Library (Discussion Paper) Vito Walter Anelli1 , Tommaso Di Noia1 , Eugenio Di Sciascio1 , and Azzurra Ragone2 1 Polytechnic University of Bari, Bari, Italy 2 Independent researcher, Milan, Italy {name.surname}, Abstract. In the last years, a huge amount of data has been released by private and public bodies as Linked Open Data. By their inner nature, these data contain rich semantic information that can be automatically processed by software agents and explored by humans via visual tools or structured SPARQL queries. Although they result useful for many tasks, these latter approaches miss the simplicity of the interfaces based on interactions via natural language implemented in modern virtual as- sistants. In this paper, we present a system able to assist the user in exploring the knowledge exposed by the Puglia Digital Library contain- ing information and data associated with digital goods related to the Apulia region in Italy. We show how to interact with the Digital Library by means of a virtual assistant and how, thanks to its publication as Linked Open Data, it is possible to easily integrate it on-the-fly with external knowledge sources such as geographical ones. Keywords: Linked Open Data, Chatbot, Vocal Assistant, Digital Libraries 1 Introduction In 2012, Google announced its Knowledge Graph3 as a new tool to improve the identification and retrieval of entities in return to a search query. Most of the knowledge encoded in Google Knowledge Graph originally came from Free- base which was a crowd-sourced effort to create a base of facts in all possible knowledge domains. Alongside with the development of the above-mentioned initiatives, following the original idea of a Semantic Web [4], new technologies have been developed and released with the aim of embedding structured knowl- edge with unambiguous semantics into Web pages in order to allow software agents to consume and elaborate information in an automated way. The origi- nal idea has been modified over the years thus making possible the creation of a full stack of semantic technologies and, more remarkably, gave birth to the Copyright c 2019 for the individual papers by the papers authors. Copying permit- ted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors. SEBD 2019, June 16-19, 2019, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy. 3 html Linking Open Data initiative4 where a community of researchers and practi- tioners devoted an enormous effort to build publicly available knowledge bases of machine-understandable data. By exploiting Semantic Web technologies, a knowledge base is then represented through a graph (knowledge graph) in which entities are linked to each other by binary relationships. The Linked Data ini- tiative deserves credit for setting best practices[10] for releasing Open Data on the Web, and for linking different open, and structured datasets. Linked Data practices are particularly well-suited to associate high quality meta-data to re- sources. This is a classic issue [17] of Digital Libraries (DLs), which are complex information systems shouldering the preservation of digital documents, intellec- tual property right management, information filtering, information retrieval, and query answering [8]. Linked Data technologies let DLs realize a fully data-centric, and metadata-based approach in describing their resources [2]. Meta-data and thesauri are already commonly used in DLs’ resources descriptions. However, linking these meta-data to Linked Open Data cloud5 improves reusability and integration of DLs [5]. In this direction some successful examples are the Ger- man National Library6 , the British National Library7 , the National Library of Spain8 , the National Library of France9 . Linked meta-data comes with many benefits [16] as easy cataloging, information discovery, and the possibility to build third-party applications to explore data. Despite the efforts, technical issues prevent citizens to consume Open Data. In most cases Open Data are consumed through data-visualization tools, and tables, built upon the released data. The drawback of this approach is that, within a large catalog of items (the default case with DLs), hardly citizens will be able to discover new resources they could be interested in. In this paper, we report the experience in making accessible the Puglia Digital Library 10 (PDL) through Anna: a virtual assistant able to explore the knowl- edge graph behind PDL via natural language-based interactions. In the pro- posed approach, speech recognition is delegated to Google Assistant, whereas Dialogflow11 is adopted to manage the interaction with the user. 2 Related work Chatbots are software agents specifically designed to make the interaction with the user as natural as possible, usually providing a textual and/or vocal interface to gives the user the impression of speaking to a human. This feeling was sug- gested by [1] who anticipated the key role of chatbots in humanizing machines. A chatbot copes with the natural way of interacting of the user, defining a new category of interfaces, Conversational User Interfaces (CUIs) [13]. The design of a chatbot involves many non-trivial operations that include NLP, pattern 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 matching, parsing, artificial intelligence, and ontologies. In [1] a logical scheme is depicted: responder (interface), classifier (transformation), and graphmaster (knowledge extraction). The responder corresponds to the interface that is ex- posed to the user. In the last years, DLs gave birth to a flourishing research field, in which a notable number of vocabularies, metadata standards, thesauri, have been de- signed. The number of collective and small initiatives and DLs [8] that have been put in place make almost impossible to depict the overall field. In 2000s several initiatives were put in place with the aim of managing and organizing DLs, like for instance, a global library cooperative OCLC12 , which has thousands of library members and offers services to support them. On the other side, Eu- ropeana13 [9] is an aggregator of meta-data about more than 58 millions digital resources. Europeana represents all these digital objects through a common for- mat and schema [5], Europeana Data Model14 (EDM) bases on Semantic Web Languages. The Europeana data model respects these standards and ensures consistency and interoperability even though sometimes the expressiveness of original data is lost [5]. The standardization of meta-data is absolutely not a new topic in Digital Libraries field in which different organization tried to define rigorous cataloguing principles [2] like AACR, MARC15 , ISBD16 [19], FRBR17 [20], RDA [6]. The need for DLs to make their content freely accessible, sharable, and re-usable led generally to the adoption of Linked Open Data. Pioneers were the Library of the Congress, and Staford University Library, followed by Euro- peana and British Library [9, ?]. The different DLs take advantage of common Linked Open Data vocabularies that fit the need of describing the specific re- sources they host. In the case of digital resources like images, video, web pages, the most generally adopted vocabulary is definitely Dublin Core Metadata [12] by DCMI which is usually adopted to ensure interoperability between the differ- ent metadata vocabularies. Although there is an increasing number of chatbots that retrieve information from relational databases, the usage of Open Data as a knowledge source for chatbots, is an almost unexplored research direction. In [14], a question answering system is built using a question generation framework [11]. The knowledge is extracted as plain text from PDF documents using OCR tech- niques, whereas the matching patterns are defined using Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML). OntBot [18] takes advantage of a mapping between an ontology and the knowledge stored in a relational database. Finally in [15], the authors design a chatbot to query a Linked Open Data dataset released by the Italian Ministry of Transport. They took advantage of IBM Bluemix and Watson Conversation to realize their query answering system. 12 13 14 edm-documentation 15 16 pdf 17 3 Puglia Digital Library Puglia Digital Library is a multimedia archive of books, magazines, newspapers, photographs, sounds, videos. The aim of Puglia Digital Library is to preserve and to share the regional digital heritage. Puglia Digital Library provides an on- line platform to store and expose its data. The resources are accessible through a Web Portal that lets the user download the resource, consume it (preserving the integrity of fragile museum resources), and read a description. From 2016 Puglia Digital Library became a producer of Linked Open Data [7] concerning museum objects, historic, and artistical sites. In order to favor interoperability, Puglia Digital Library adopted several sets of meta-data18 and controlled vocab- ularies, such as: DCMIType (DCMI Type Vocabulary), PICO (Thesaurus that allow interoperability with Cultura Italia), Vocabularies ICCD (Italian stan- dard for cataloging), AAT (Art & Architecture Thesaurus), TGN (Thesaurus of Geographic Names). The ontology chosen for resources description is CIDOC- CRM19 (ICOM20 ). However, in order to overcome some representational limita- tions of the above mentioned ontologies and to enrich the linking with external Linked Data datasets, other ontologies were adopted: Dublin Core21 , DBpedia22 ,Schema.org23 , Foaf24 , SKOS25 , LinkedGeoData26 and Geonames27 . 4 Anna’s Architecture Fig. 1: Anna’s Architecture The software ecosystem behind the chatbot Anna is depicted in Figure 1. The first step to create Anna consisted of creating a SPARQL endpoint to retrieve information from the PDL knowledge base [7] in an effective way. A Virtuoso server instance was created with a SPARQL 1.1 endpoint that allows humans, 18 DC, DDI, EAC-CPF, EAD, FGDC, ISO 19115 2003, LC-AV, LOM, MARC, MAG, METSRIGHTS, MODS, NISOIMG, PREMIS, TEIHDR, TEXTMD, VRA 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 and automated agents to query the underlying Knowledge Graph using SPARQL queries. Differently from SQL queries, SPARQL is based on the idea of graph matching. SPARQL query language lets the user express a graph pattern (in which one or more parts of the triple are substituted by variables), to retrieve the necessary knowledge. The user can interact with the system using a Web browser or a mobile phone with the Italian Google Assistant. The Web App was implemented in node.js and deployed on a specific server. The Google Assistant is an Actions on Google project that enables users to interact with DialogFlow, converting the speech to text. The Web App copes with the communication protocol adopted by Google Assistant to provide a unified communication protocol. The DialogFlow module handles the conversation itself: each interaction moves the conversation from a state to another, called contexts, in which a specific choice is made by the user (intent). Contexts, and intents are at the core of the interaction mechanism and are depicted in Figure 2. The Webhook keeps the history of the iterative Fig. 2: Intents’ Graph queries of the user, in order to refine the final query. If any further knowledge is required, the Webhook sends a message with the needed information to the Query Manager, which poses the query against the remote SPARQL endpoint. Finally, for the sake of privacy, the Webhook itself does not store any information, and once the session is terminated that specific user history is deleted. In Figure 2 the most important intents are depicted. The directed rows show the outgoing contexts. Whenever the user operates a choice, her input is analyzed and the conversation is moved to a new context. Intents basically defines the usability of the tool, hence the intents’scheme was defined under the instructions of Puglia Digital Library users, and managers. 4.1 A typical conversation with Anna In order to understand the subtle interactions of the Anna ecosystem, a very effective way is to explore a real conversation. The user invokes the chatbot saying ”Talk with Digital Library”. Google Assistant opens a connection with the chatbot which greets to the user and asks if she is interested in a particular topic (Fig. 2 - Intent 1, see also Let us suppose she answers Yes. This answer is sent from the chatbot to the Webhook, and then to the Query Manager. It sends a query against the Virtuoso Endpoint looking for all the possible topics for the resources stored in the knowledge base. The Query Manager extracts the results from the server’s response and the Web- hook prepares and sends the results to DialogFlow. At this point, Anna shows a list of available topics (Fig. 2 - Intent 2, see also User chooses ”History and Traditions”. This information is sent to the Webhook to update the constraint for this search session (Topic:History and Traditions). Anna asks if the user wants to choose other properties (Fig. 2 - Intent 4, see also User says Yes. Anna sends this information to the Webhook, that sends all the session data to the Query Manager. This will compose a query that looks for all the properties that resources (with ”History and Traditions” as the topic) have. Anna returns a list of options (Fig. 2 - Intent 8, see also composed by ”Subject”, ”Category”, ”Lo- cation”. User chooses ”Subject”. This information is sent to the Query Manager, that will look for all the possible values for the predicate ”Subject”, considering only those resources that have ”History and Traditions” as the topic. The results are returned to DialogFlow. Now Anna will show a long list of available topics (Fig. 2 - Intent 5, see also User chooses ”Sanctuar- ies”. This information is sent to the Webhook, which stores a new association, Subject:Sanctuaries. Anna asks the user for more properties (Fig. 2 - Intent 10, see also User says No. This is the signal the chat- bot awaits to prepare the query for the resources. All the available information (Topic:History and Traditions; Subject:Sanctuaries) are sent to the Query Man- ager, which composes the query and sends it against the SPARQL endpoint. The query requires also additional resources’ information: label with full name, url address of the resource, url address of the preview image, description of the re- source, latitude, and longitude. This information is parsed and stored in a struc- tured form associated to the session by the Webhook. The Webhook also prepares the carousel and sends it back to the user. Now Anna will return the carousel(Fig. 2 - Intent 9, see also containing: ”The Ripalta sanc- tuary”, and ”Santissima Maria di Ripalta”. User selects the first result. The Webhook receives the input of the user and prepares a card about that resource. Anna will return a Card (Fig. 2 - Intent 12, see also containing a preview of the digital resource, the name of the selected resource and a complete description. At the end of the card (see the user will find a link to the Puglia Digital Library corresponding page, with some buttons related to ”Nearest places”, ”Another search”, and ”Thank you”. User selects ”Nearest places”. Anna sends the request to the Webhook, which extracts and returns the list of considered locations’ categories. Anna will return the list (Fig. 2 - Intent 13, see also Hotels, Restau- rants, Cafes, Museums. User is interested in Restaurants. In order to prepare a geospatial query Anna asks the user for the distance to be considered (Fig. 2 - Intent 14, see also The user answers ”10 km”, which is sent to the Query Manager to prepare the a special query which is sent against the LOSM [3] endpoint to retrieve this geo-referenced information in real-time. LOSM returns a list of available locations, within the considered radius, together with their coordinates. This information is used to create a new carousel. This carousel, with a list of available places (Fig. 2 - Intent 15, see also, is returned to the user. The user chooses the ”Di Muzio” Restaurant. Once again, the Webhook takes the input sent by the user, extracts the coordinates of the Restaurant, and prepares a card with a valid link to get directions with Google Maps. Thus Anna returns a card (Fig. 2- Intent 16, see also with a direct link to navigate towards the Restaurant using Google Maps. At the end of this interaction the user can quit the conversation or begin a new one. 5 Conclusion In this work, we presented Anna, a vocal assistant built upon the Linked Open Data datasets of Puglia Digital Library. The interface was implemented in two different ways: a web application, with a textual interaction, and through Actions on Google, which provides a mixed textual/vocal interaction. The vocal/textual interface is an innovative way of accessing Open Data that eases the technological barriers of modern Semantic Web technologies. A common issue for broadcast- ing these disruptive technologies is the lack of well-established NLP tools for languages different from English. Taking advantage of speech recognition APIs we were able to design the Assistant to be consumed by Italian citizens (the audience of Puglia Digital Library) in a natural way. 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