Investigating the scope of a thing in a multiple Internet of Things scenario Francesco Cauteruccio1 , Luca Cinelli1 , Giorgio Terracina1 , Domenico Ursino2 , and Luca Virgili2 1 DEMACS, University of Calabria 2 DII, Polytechnic University of Marche Abstract. In this paper, we investigate the scope of a thing in a multiple IoT scenario. First we introduce the concept of scope in general, and we illustrate how it has been investigated and applied in social networking. Then, we define the scope of a thing in a Multi-IoT scenario, modeled as an extension of a Social Internetworking System, and we propose a formalization of scope allowing the computation of its values. Finally, we present a possible application of scope and describe some tests that we performed for evaluation purposes. Keywords: Scope; Social Object; Internet of Things; Multiple IoTs; Trust Degree; Neighborhood of a Thing 1 Introduction In the Concise Oxford Dictionary [1], scope is defined as “the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant”. Scope has certainly some similitudes with several other concepts investigated in sociology, such as influence, power, centrality, impact, reliability, and so forth. However, it goes beyond each of these terms and, at the same time, summarizes all of them and is influenced by each of them. In the past, scope has been studied in the context of social networks. For in- stance, in [12], the authors investigate the scope of users and hashtags in Twitter, whereas in [10, 13–15, 18, 19], the authors propose approaches to computing some aspects of scope (e.g., influence, trust, reliability) for users and/or hashtags. In the meantime, the social network scenario has become increasingly complex and we have passed from social networking to social internetworking [17, 7]. In this last case, several social networks simultaneously coexist and cooperate through specific users, called bridges, who join more social networks. Parallel to the transition from social networking to social internetworking, in the last few years, we are experiencing the presence of objects that are becoming Copyright c 2019 for the individual papers by the papers authors. Copying permit- ted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors. SEBD 2019, June 16-19, 2019, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy. increasingly smart and social. This phenomenon is revolutionizing the Internet of Things. As a proof of this, more and more authors are starting to study the be- havior of things, to talk about their profiles and their social interactions. In fact, different architectures implementing these ideas are frequently proposed in the current literature. Social Internet of Things (hereafter, SIoT [4]), Multiple IoT Environment (hereafter, MIE [5]) and Multiple Internets of Things (hereafter, MIoT [6]) are only three of the latest architectures with these characteristics. In particular, MIoT is the latest of them and, therefore, takes into account the most recent results obtained in the IoT research. A MIoT can be seen as a set of Internets of Things interacting with each other through specific objects, called “cross objects”, that belong to more IoTs. The MIoT paradigm represents the extension of the ideas underlying social internetworking to the IoT. In spite of this enormous interest that increasingly numerous researchers are posing on the IoT, to the best of our knowledge, no analysis about the scope of a thing in a Multi-IoT, or at least in an IoT, scenario has been presented yet. Certainly, several aspects someway related to the scope have been considered in the IoT or, in limited cases, in the SIoT scenario. As an example, in [16], the authors investigate information diffusion in a narrowband IoT with the goal of optimizing information flow at network level. In [3], the authors investigate the adoption of context-aware information diffusion to alert messages in 5G mobile social networks. Context-aware information is collected from different devices deployed in the environment. An interesting approach to content dissemination in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is described in [21]. Here, the authors analyze how to combine the information coming from the physical layer with the one regarding the social layer to perform a rapid content dissemination in IoV net- works. In [11], the authors present an IoT application in the context of smart cities, a scenario in which an IoT system can reach large scale dimensions. [11] also introduces the concept of IoT hub. This aggregates the information coming from related devices and, therefore, contributes to improve the interoperability between things in a urban-scale IoT system. Furthermore, different approaches on recommender systems and services in IoT have been proposed in the litera- ture; an overview of them is presented in [8]. In particular, in [9], the authors propose a multi-agent recommender system for the IoT aiming at producing a set of significant suggestions for a user with specific characteristics. Here, things are represented through bit vectors, called thing descriptors, managed by cyber-agents. Things can be linked together and, then, can be managed by neighbor cyber-agents. In [20], the authors propose an approach that integrates the concept of social networks of users and Internet of Things. It merges infor- mation coming from social networks of users and correlation networks of things by learning shared latent factors. To perform this task, it exploits a technique for probabilistic matrix factorization. All the approaches mentioned above are extremely interesting; furthermore, several other related approaches proposed in the past to evaluate the relevance or the impact of a node in the Internet of Things could be mentioned. However, none of them has been conceived to operate in a complex scenario consisting of multiple IoTs, which interact with each other through smart and social objects that simultaneously belong to more of them and act as “bridges”. In this paper, we aim at providing a contribution in this setting by proposing an approach to computing the scope of a thing in a MIoT. Specifically, after having provided an overview on the MIoT paradigm (Section 2), we present a definition of scope along with a formalization allowing the computation of the corresponding values (Section 3). Then, we illustrate an application of scope in the context of smart cities, where it can play a key role (Section 4). Thereafter, we present some tests conceived to understand its main features (Section 5). Finally, we draw our conclusions and have a look at some possible future developments of our ideas (Section 6). 2 The MIoT paradigm In this section, we provide an overview of the MIoT paradigm, described in detail in [6]. A MIoT M consists of a set of m Internets of Things. Formally speaking: M = {I1 , I2 , · · · , Im } where Ik is an IoT. Let oj be an object of M. We assume that, if oj belongs to Ik , it has an instance ιjk , representing it in Ik . The instance ιjk consists of a virtual view (or, better, a virtual agent) representing oj in Ik . For example, it provides all the other instances of Ik , and the users who interact with this IoT, with all the necessary information about oj . Information stored in ιjk is represented according to the format and the conventions adopted in Ik . A MIoT M can be also represented by means of a graph-based notation. In particular, a graph Gk = hNk , Ak i can be associated with an IoT Ik of M. In this case: – Nk is the set of the nodes of Gk ; there is a node njk for each instance ιjk ∈ Ik , and vice versa. Since there is a biunivocal correspondence between a node and an instance, in the following we shall use these two terms interchangeably. – Ak is the set of the arcs of Gk ; there is an arc ajqk = (njk , nqk ) if there exists a link from njk to nqk . A label can be associated with ajqk ; it stores the set tranSetjqk of the transactions performed from ιjk to ιqk in the past. Finally: M = hN, Ai Here: Sm – N = k=1 Nk ; Sm – A = AI ∪ AC , where AI = k=1 Ak and AC = {(njk , njq )|njk ∈ Nk , njq ∈ Nq , k 6= q}. AI is the set of the inner arcs (hereafter, i-arcs) of M; they link instances (of different objects) belonging to the same IoT. AC is the set of the cross arcs (hereafter, c-arcs) of M; they link instances of the same object belonging to different IoTs. A node connected to at least one c-arc is called c-node; otherwise, it is called i-node. In M, an object oj has associated a set M Dj of metadata. Our metadata model refers to the one of the IPSO (Internet Protocol for Smart Objects) Al- liance [2]. Specifically M Dj consists of three subsets, namely: (i) M DjD , i.e., the set of descriptive metadata; (ii) M DjT , i.e., the set of technical metadata; (iii) M DjB , i.e., the set of behavioral metadata. All details about these metadata can be found in [6]. Now, we can define the set tranSetjk of the transactions activated by ιjk in Ik . Specifically, let ι1k , ι2k , · · · , ιwk be all the instances belonging to Ik . Then: [ tranSetjk = tranSetjqk q=1..w,q6=j In other words, tranSetjk is given by the union of the sets of the transactions from ιjk to all the other instances of Ik . 3 Scope definition In this section, we present the definition of the scope of an instance ιjk in an IoT Ik and of the scope of an object oj in a MIoT. For this purpose, we must introduce some preliminary concepts. The first of them is the one of neighborhood of an instance ιjk in Ik . Specif- ically, the neighborhood nbh(ιjk ) of ιjk is defined as: nbhjk = out nbhjk ∪ in nbhjk where: out nbhjk = {nqk |(njk , nqk ) ∈ AI , |tranSetjqk | > 0} and in nbhjk = {nqk |(nqk , njk ) ∈ AI , |tranSetqjk | > 0} In other words, nbhjk comprises those instances directly connected to ιjk through an incoming or an outgoing arc, which shared at least one transaction with ιjk . In the following of this paper, we are interested only to out nbhjk ; as a consequence, when we will use the term “neighborhood”, we will implicitly mean “out neighborhood”. Now, we need to introduce the neighborhood of level t of an instance ιjk in its IoT Ik . It is an extension of the concept of out nbhjk and is defined as follows: out nbhtjk =  out nbhjk if t = 0 {ιrk |ιrk ∈ out nbhqk , ιqk ∈ out nbht−1 jk , ιrk ∈ 6 out nbh w jk , 0 ≤ w < t} if t>0 The concept of out nbhtjk will be extremely important later. In the mean- time, we introduce a new concept, namely the one of minimum path πjqk from an instance ιjk to an instance ιqk ∈ nbhtjk . πjqk is defined as the succession {ι0k , ι1k , . . . , ιtk } of instances such that ι0k = ιjk , ιtk = ιqk , ιwk ∈ out nbh(w−1)k for 1 ≤ w ≤ t. After this, we must introduce the definition of the Trust Degree T Dqjk of an instance ιqk in the instance ιjk in Ik . It can be defined as the fraction of the transactions sent by ιjk to ιqk that have been requested by ιqk or that ιqk did not request but it has considered so interesting to repost or to elaborate them3 . In order to formalize T Dqjk , we must introduce: – the set repostedqk of the transactions received by ιqk of Ik and reposted by it; – the set elaboratedqk of the transactions received by ιqk whose contents it elaborated for its purposes; – the set requestedqk of the transactions explicitly requested by ιqk . If ιqk belongs to out nbhjk , T Dqjk can be expressed as: |tranSetjqk ∩ (requestedqk ∪ repostedqk ∪ elaboratedqk )| T Dqjk = |tranSetjqk | Starting from this definition and from the concept of out nbhtjk , we can pro- ceed with the transitive closure of T Dqjk in such a way as to extend it to the case in which ιqk is indirectly connected to ιjk . In particular, the general definition of T Dqjk is as follows:  |tranSetjq ∩(requestedq ∪repostedq ∪elaboratedq )| k k k k    |tranSetjq | if ιqk ∈ out nbhjk k T Dqjk = Qt T D if ιqk ∈ out nbhtj , t > 0,   w=1 ((w−1)w)k k  πjqk = {ι0k , ι1k , · · · , ιtk } The next step regards the definition of the concept of Impact Degree IDjk of an instance ιjk in Ik . It is defined as the average of the Trust Degrees that all the instances belonging to out nbhjk have in ιjk . It can be formalized as follows: P ιqk ∈out nbhjk T Dqjk IDjk = |out nbhjk | We are now able to define the Scope Sctjk of level t of an instance ιjk of Ik . Specifically, Sctjk is defined as the weighted sum of the Impact Degrees of the 3 Clearly, it might happen that an unrequested transaction of tranSetjqk is not con- sidered interesting by ιqk . In this case, ιqk neither posts nor elaborates it. instances belonging to out nbhtjk , where the weights are the trust values that these instances have in ιjk . This sum is then averaged by the number of the instances belonging to nbhtjk . Formally speaking: P ιqk ∈out nbhtj T Dqjk · IDqk Sctjk = k |out nbhtjk | Now, we can define the Scope Sctj of level t of an object oj in the MIoT. It is obtained by averaging the Scope of level t of its instances in the corresponding IoTs. Specifically, let Instj = {ιj1 , ιj2 , · · · , ιjl } be the instances of oj in the IoTs of the MIoT. Then: t P t ιjk ∈Instj Scjk Scj = |Instj | From the definitions of T Dqjk , IDqjk , Sctjk and Sctj it emerges that each of these parameters belongs to the real interval [0, 1]. 4 Applications In a scenario characterized by the pervasive diffusion of increasingly intelligent and social objects, our approach can have a large variety of applications. Two very interesting ones regard smart cities and shopping centers. Due to space limitations, we describe in detail only the first one. Consider some public areas (such as parks, squares, shopping centers, etc.) in a (smart) city, and assume that a set of people actively visits these areas. Each area is equipped with several smart objects for monitoring weather, air quality, traffic conditions, level of noise, etc., along with several actuators, such as smart lamps or information hubs provided as online services. Each person may be provided with several smart devices, such as smartwatches, smartphones, other wearable devices, and so forth. Persons and places can interact with each other through the corresponding smart objects. Such a scenario can be modeled through a MIoT M consisting of a set {I1 , I2 , · · · , Im } of IoTs, each representing a public area. The set of the objects of M comprises the smart objects installed in the public areas and the set of personal devices of people visiting them. If an object oj of the MIoT is active in the k th public area, it has an instance ιjk in the IoT Ik . Clearly, when a person with a smart object oj moves around different public areas corresponding to different IoTs, oj will have different instances, one for each IoT. Each visitor of an area is generally interested to a certain kind of activity; for instance, she could be a fitness runner. The final goal of the MIoT is supporting people to get the best experience from their activities. In this setting, scope can play a role in reaching this objective. In the following, we report some possible usage scenarios. Assume that a person wants to go out for a run. First, she needs to choose the best area for the run, based on weather conditions, traffic and other parameters that she considers relevant. To carry out her choices, she can check data provided by the sensors of each public area of her interest, the information hubs or other trusted runners. The choice of the data sources to consult is usually related to the corresponding trustworthiness and the easiness of getting desired information from them. These two properties are clearly strictly correlated to the scope of the source; indeed, this scope can be seen as a “summary” of these two parameters and some other related ones, such as accuracy, reputation, impact, etc. Once the person has performed her choice, she can send information to the MIoT in such a way as to serve, in her turn, as information provider for the community. A similar activity flow may happen in several other circumstances, in which there is a decision to made, e.g., when a user must choose the best shopping center where she can buy a given object, the best cinema where she can see a movie, etc. In all these cases, data regarding user choices can be coupled with those registered during the activities she performed therein (e.g., data coming from personal smart wears) in such a way as to confirm the correctness of the choice or, on the contrary, to alert the other users of the evaluation errors. For instance, imagine a scenario in which a person verifies that the weather was actually too cold for the clothes she had selected; interestingly, this information could be automatically detected and sent by the sensors in her smart wears. In this case, the scope of the smart wears is useful to understand how extended and how strong is its capability of influencing the decision of the other users. In other words, the scope of an object oj in this scenario determines how many users are impacted by the data sent by it and how much strong this impact is. It is worth pointing out the relevance of scope in this context. As a matter of fact, knowing the objects with the highest impact in the MIoT allows the im- provement of the efficiency and the effectiveness of the information disseminated through the network. At a higher abstraction level, some smart objects of the MIoT could assume the role of reliable information hubs for the whole MIoT if their scope is particularly strong and large over time. 5 Experiments In order to perform our experiments, since real MIoTs with the dimension and the variety handled by our model do not exist yet, we constructed a MIoT simulator. This tool starts from real data and returns simulated MIoTs with certain characteristics specified by the user. The MIoTs created by our simulator follow the paradigm described in Section 2. Our simulator is also provided with a suitable interface allowing a user to “personalize” the MIoT to build by specifying the desired values for several parameters, such as the number of nodes, the maximum number of instances of an object, and so forth. To make “concrete” and “plausible” the created MIoTs, our simulator lever- ages a real dataset. It regards the taxi routes in the city of Porto from July 1st 2013 to June 30th 2014. It can be found at the address ecmlpkdd2015-challenge/dataset.html. Each route contains several Points of Interests corresponding to the GPS coordinates of the vehicle. We partitioned the city of Porto in six areas and associated a real IoT with each area. Our simulator associates an object with a given route recorded in the dataset and an object instance with each partition of a route belonging to an area. It creates a MIoT node for each instance and a c-arc for each pair of instances belonging to the same route. Furthermore, it creates an i-arc be- tween two nodes of the same IoT if the length of the time interval between the corresponding routes is less than a certain threshold tht . The value of tht can be specified through the constructor interface. Clearly, the higher tht the more connected the constructed MIoT. The MIoT for this experiment, which we constructed through our simulator, consisted of 1256 nodes. This number of nodes is much higher than the ones presently characterizing real MIoTs. However, we preferred to construct such a large MIoT because we think that, with the enormous development of the IoT, in the future there could exist MIoTs consisting of thousands of nodes. On the other side, we did not adopt larger MIoTs because they required excessive computation times without providing more knowledge on scope than the one we could have acquired with a MIoT of about 1000 nodes. The six IoTs of the MIoT had 128, 362, 224, 280, 98 and 164 nodes, respectively. The constructed MIoT is returned in a format that can be directly processed by the cypher-shell of Neo4J. The interested reader can find the MIoT adopted in the experiments described here at the address We carried out all the tests presented in this section on a server equipped with an Intel I7 Quad Core 7700 HQ processor and 16 GB of RAM with the Ubuntu 16.04 operating system. To implement our approach we adopted: – Python, as programming language; – Neo4J (Version 3.4.5), as underlying DBMS. In these experiments, we aimed at investigating the trend of the scope against the neighborhood level t. In particular, for each instance ιjk of the MIoT, we computed Sctjk when t increases from 1 to the diameter of Ik . After this, we grouped the instances of our MIoT in several ways (one for each test), based on some specific rationales, and we computed the variation of the average values of the scope for each group. As a first task of this activity, we computed the variation of the average values of the scope for each IoT of the MIoT. This is equivalent to say that the instances of the MIoT were grouped in the corresponding IoTs (one group for each IoT). The obtained results are reported in Figure 1. From the analysis of this figure, we can observe that, in each IoT, the scope decreases quite quickly. Indeed, it is extremely high when t = 1 in all the IoTs. When t = 2, the scope is high for the largest IoTs, whereas it has an intermediate value for the other ones. In any case, the scope becomes very low when t is greater than or equal to 4 for small networks and when t is greater than or equal to 5 for the large ones. As a second task, we computed the variation of the average values of the scope for the whole MIoT. This is equivalent to say that we had a unique group Fig. 1. Variation of the average scope for each IoT of the MIoT against the neighbor- hood level comprising all the instances of the MIoT. The obtained results are reported in Figure 2. From the analysis of this figure, we can conclude that the scope presents a trend similar to the one of the largest IoTs of Figure 1. In particular, it is very high for t = 1; it is high for t = 2; it has an intermediate value for t = 3, whereas it is very low for t > 5. Fig. 2. Variation of the average scope for the whole MIoT against the neighborhood level As a final task, we subdivided all the instances of the MIoT in two groups containing i-nodes and c-nodes, respectively. Then, we computed the variation of the average values of the scope for the two groups. The final goal of this task was to verify if i-nodes and c-nodes showed different behaviors as far as their scope is concerned. The obtained results are reported in Figure 3. From the analysis of this figure, we can observe that the scope decreases for both i-nodes and c- nodes. However, the trends are different. Indeed, the decrease is much smother for i-nodes than for c-nodes. In particular, for c-nodes, the decrease is very steep because the scope is less than 0.2 already for t = 3. This can be explained by considering that, analogously to what was made in all the past approaches, our definition of neighborhood (which plays a key role in our definition of scope) considers as neighbors of a node only other nodes of the same IoT. In other words, it takes only i-arcs into account. Actually, we believe (and the results of Figure 3 represent a confirmation) that it is worthwhile to investigate the role of c-arcs in the computation of the neighborhood of a node and we plan to make this investigation in the future. Fig. 3. Variation of the average scope for the i-nodes and the c-nodes of the MIoT against the neighborhood level As for the investigation of the values of the scope for objects, we observe that they are obtained by averaging the values of the scope of the corresponding instances. As a consequence, it does not make sense to perform the first and the final tasks of the previous activity. The only task that makes sense is the second one; in this case, the variation of the average values of the scope of objects for the whole MIoT is reported in Figure 4. As we could have expected, this trend is very similar (or, better almost identical) to the one of Figure 2. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we have seen that social internetworking and the Internet of Things are becoming more and more contiguous and are giving rise to several social and/or multiple IoTs paradigms. In this new scenario, we have introduced the concept of scope of a thing in a MIoT, along with a formalization allowing the computation of the corresponding values. Then we have illustrated one possible application along with some experiments aiming at evaluating the variation of scope against the value of the neighborhood level. Fig. 4. Variation of the average scope for the objects of the MIoT against the neigh- borhood level This paper should not be considered as an ending point. Instead, it could be the starting point of many researches in this field. Indeed, there are several future related investigations that could be made in this context. First, we would like to analyze the role of possible constraints on network nodes or arcs in the definition of scope. Then, we plan to study the role of scope in the detection of anomalies and, even more, for understanding the extension and the importance of the damage caused by them. Finally, we would like to analyze the exploitation of scope in predictive maintenance, that is currently one of the most important research issues in the manufacturing industry. References 1. Concise Oxford Dictionary. https: // en. oxforddictionaries. com/ , 2019. 2. IPSO Alliance. https: // www. ipso-alliance. org/ , 2019. 3. G. Araniti, A. Orsino, L. Militano, L. Wang, and A. Iera. Context-aware informa- tion diffusion for alerting messages in 5g mobile social networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 4(2):427–436, 2017. 4. L. Atzori, A. Iera, and G. Morabito. SIoT: Giving a social structure to the Internet of Things. IEEE Communications Letters, 15(11):1193–1195, 2011. IEEE. 5. G. Baldassarre, P. Lo Giudice, L. Musarella, and D. Ursino. A paradigm for the cooperation of objects belonging to different IoTs. In Proc. of the International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2018), pages 157–164, Villa San Giovanni, Italy, 2018. ACM. 6. G. Baldassarre, P. 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