Privacy-Preserving OLAP-based Monitoring of Data Streams: The PP-OMDS Approach (Discussion Paper)1 Alfredo Cuzzocrea1, Assaf Schuster2, Gianni Vercelli3, and Massimiliano Nolich1 1 University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy, 2 Technion, Haifa, Israel 3 University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy Abstract. In this paper, we propose PP-OMDS (Privacy-Preserving OLAP- based Monitoring of Data Streams), an innovative framework for supporting the OLAP-based monitoring of data streams, which is relevant for a plethora of ap- plication scenarios (e.g., security, emergency management, and so forth), in a privacy-preserving manner. The paper describes motivations, principles and achievements of the PP-OMDS framework, along with technological advance- ments and innovations. We also incorporate a detailed comparative analysis with competitive frameworks, along with a trade-off analysis. Keywords: Privacy-Preserving OLAP over Data Streams, OLAP-based Moni- toring of Data Streams, Privacy-Preserving OLAP-based Monitoring of Data Streams. 1 Introduction The PP-OMDS (Privacy-Preserving OLAP-based Monitoring of Data Streams) frame- work focuses the attention on the research challenge represented by models, techniques and algorithms for supporting privacy-preserving OLAP-based monitoring of data streams. The investigated research context includes and integrates three distinct com- ponents, namely privacy-preserving OLAP (e.g., [1,14]), data stream monitoring (e.g., [2,15]), and privacy-preserving data stream monitoring (e.g., [3]). Even if some spo- radic works on supporting aggregate monitoring queries in a privacy-preserving man- ner exist (e.g., [4,5]), the three related issues have not been investigated together under the umbrella of a common framework specially focused to OLAP analysis (rather than the underlying aggregate querying layer), which indeed defines a powerful reference 1Copyright © 2019 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors. SEBD 2019, June 16-19, 2019, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy application scenario for a wide spectrum of emerging applications over data streams, such as security (e.g., [6]) and emergency management (e.g., [2]). Starting from this main motivation, the PP-OMDS framework aims at introducing models, techniques and algorithms for supporting privacy-preserving OLAP-based monitoring of data streams, which is relevant for modern distributed environments such as Clouds. This will fulfil actual limitations of state-of-the-art solutions that do not ad- dress the relevant application scenario represented by using OLAP tools and method- ologies to support data stream monitoring in a privacy-preserving manner. Application scenarios of the PP-OMDS are many-fold (e.g., security and emergency management). Tangible results of the PP-OMDS framework in real-life applicative settings are repre- sented by relevant research and innovation advancements in the context of models, techniques and algorithms for supporting privacy-preserving OLAP-based monitoring of data streams, which represent the main “result” of the framework. It should be noted that, nowadays, these topics play a critical role as they are “naturally” compliant with the EU H2020 research framework under the topic Big Data. The methodology implemented within the PP-OMDS framework foresees a multi- step approach that comprises: (i) conceptual analysis and design of case studies and related use cases showing in details how and according to which tasks users/applica- tions interact with the PP-OMDS framework; (ii) conceptual analysis and design of models, techniques and algorithms for supporting privacy-preserving OLAP-based monitoring of data streams, which provides a top-down overview of the different PP- OMDS framework’s components to be defined and (prototypically) implemented; (iii) design of the OLAP-based models and related algorithms for supporting the monitoring of data streams, which represents a more-detailed view of the activity (ii) specifically focused on OLAP-analysis aspects of the PP-OMDS framework; (iv) design of the pri- vacy-preserving version of the OLAP-based models and related algorithms for support- ing the monitoring of data streams, which represents a further refinement of models and algorithms defined by the activity (iii) but targeted to embedding privacy-preserving aspects of the PP-OMDS framework in such models and algorithms; (v) integration of the OLAP component and the privacy-preserving OLAP component, both oriented to data stream monitoring, into the PP-OMDS framework, according to several alternative computing models. The scientific contribution of the research carried-out by the PP-OMDS framework is very high because state-of-the-art research, even though focused on the relevant prob- lem of privacy-preserving OLAP over static data, lacks of proposals that are specifi- cally focused on privacy-preserving OLAP over data streams, and, in addition to this, there is not a specific integration with monitoring aspects, which, contrary to this, are indeed very relevant for a wide spectrum of next generation data stream applications and systems. Summarizing, the main research topics investigated by the PP-OMDS framework are the following:  models, techniques and algorithms for supporting OLAP-based monitoring of data streams;  models, techniques and algorithms for supporting the privacy-preserving version of OLAP-based monitoring of data streams;  integration of models, techniques and algorithms devised in the context of the two previous topics/activities, according to several alternative compu- ting models. The paper describes motivations, principles and achievements of the PP-OMDS framework, along with technological advancements and innovations. We also incorpo- rate a detailed comparative analysis with competitive frameworks, along with a trade- off analysis. Fig. 1. A Typical Application Scenario for the PP-OMDS Project. 2 Reference Application Scenario In the PP-OMDS framework, the main research focus is on the issue of supporting pri- vacy-preserving OLAP-based monitoring of data streams, which, has highlighted above, is innovative in actual state-of-the-art research, and it is of relevant interest for a wide spectrum of data stream applications (e.g., security [6], emergency management [2], and so forth). Figure 1 shows a typical application scenario for the PP-OMDS framework. Here, a sensor network, composed by both sink nodes and sensor nodes (e.g., [7]), produces sensor readings of kind 〈𝐼𝐷, 𝑡, 𝑣〉 such that: (i) 𝐼𝐷 is the absolute identifier of the sensor node, (ii) 𝑡 is the timestamp at which the sensor reading is pro- duced, (iii) 𝑣 is the proper reading (i.e., the value). A privacy-preserving 2D OLAP- based monitoring view 𝑉 is interfaced to the sensor network directly, and it is used to monitor the reading value variable 𝑣, based on a complex multidimensional data model [8,9]. In the reference application scenario of Figure 1, the model introduces 𝐿𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 as the first dimension and 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 as the second dimension, respectively, and the measure value is defined on top of a COUNT aggregate operator over a two-dimensional range 〈𝑟1 , 𝑟2 〉, being 𝑟1 and 𝑟2 two one-dimensional ranges along 𝐿𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 and 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒, respec- tively, which define the data cube cell. The variable is monitored via suitable aggregate monitoring queries (e.g., [10]) over data cube cells that populate the OLAP view 𝑉. With reference to the so-delineated application scenario, a critical challenge relies on effectively and efficiently computing the OLAP view 𝑉 over sensor readings (i.e., streaming data), with the additional requirement that 𝑉 must be computed in a privacy- preserving manner (e.g., [11] – for the static case, [13] – for the dynamic case), i.e. it must preserve the privacy of data sources that originate the sensor readings. The OLAP view 𝑉 is meant for monitoring goals: when the COUNT-aggregated value of a data cube cell 𝐶𝑖 exceeds a fixed threshold 𝜏, then an event occurs and a suitable action (trigger, respectively) is activated in order to modify the target monitored environment. Obviously, the described application scenario is just an instance that represents even more sophisticated multidimensional settings, where the privacy-preserving OLAP- based monitoring view is characterized by multiple dimensions. It is worth to recognize that the described application scenario well-describes a plethora of modern data stream applications, ranging from event detection to complex monitoring queries support, from near-duplicate detection over multimedia streams to anomaly detection, and so forth, all with the innovative and challenging requirement of preserving the privacy of data streams, under OLAP analysis requirements (e.g., [12]), with monitoring purposes, be- ing the latter the three main pillar of the PP-OMDS project. Fig. 2. PP-OMDS Framework Detailed Architecture. 3 PP-OMDS Architecture and Main Functionalities Figure 2 shows the detailed architecture of the PP-OMDS framework, along with its components and reference technologies. These are:  Data Stream Source Layer – The layer where data streams are produced by a target process (e.g., sensor networks, logistic networks, etc.). Technology used: arbitrary (at the input layer).  Data Stream Acquisition Server – The server devoted to acquire data streams (by also providing the initial pre-processing – e.g., cleaning) and to make the necessary data model transformations. Technology used: Java programming language; JBoss application server, MySQL database server. In particular: (i) JBoss provides the necessary Java execution runtime environment for the Data Stream Collection Component, which is the component that implements classes and functions supporting the data stream acquisition phase; (ii) My SQL database server provides the neces- sary data storage (even buffer-oriented) and management functionalities.  Data Stream Monitoring Server – The server devoted to the monitoring of data streams, by implementing the algorithms proposed in the PP-OMDDS framework. It fully interacts with the Data Stream OLAP Server and the Data Stream Privacy-Preservation Server, respectively, in order to achieve the overall privacy-preserving OLAP-based monitoring of data streams pursued by the PP-OMDDS project. Technology used: Java programming language; JBoss application server. In particular, JBoss provides the neces- sary Java execution runtime environment for the Data Stream Monitoring Component, which is the component that implements classes and functions supporting the data stream monitoring phase.  Data Stream OLAP Server – The server devoted to support OLAP over of data streams, by implementing the algorithms proposed in the PP-OMDDS framework. It fully interacts with the Data Stream Monitoring Server and the Data Stream Privacy-Preservation Server, respectively, in order to achieve the overall privacy-preserving OLAP-based monitoring of data streams pursued by the PP-OMDDS project. Technology used: Java pro- gramming language; JBoss application server, Mondrian OLAP server. In particular: (i) JBoss provides the necessary Java execution runtime envi- ronment for the OLAPing Data Stream Component, which is the compo- nent that implements classes and functions supporting OLAP analysis over data streams; (ii) Mondrian OLAP server provides the necessary multidi- mensional data storage and management functionalities.  Data Stream Privacy-Preservation Server – The server devoted to support privacy-preserving management of data streams, by implementing the al- gorithms proposed in the PP-OMDDS project. It fully interacts with the Data Stream Monitoring Server and the Data Stream OLAP Server, respec- tively, in order to achieve the overall privacy-preserving OLAP-based mon- itoring of data streams pursued by the PP-OMDDS project. Technology used: Java programming language; JBoss application server. In particular, JBoss provides the necessary Java execution runtime environment for the Privacy-Preserving Data Stream Management Component, which is the component that implements classes and functions supporting the privacy- preserving data stream management phase.  Analytics Server – The server devoted to support data stream analytics, ac- cording to the privacy-preserving OLAP-based vision pursued by the PP- OMDS framework. Technology used: Java programming language; JBoss application server; MySQL database server. In particular: (i) JBoss pro- vides the necessary Java execution runtime environment for the PP-OMDS Analytics Component, which is the component that implements classes and functions supporting the PP-OMDS analytics phase; (ii) My SQL database server provides the necessary data storage (even buffer-oriented) and man- agement functionalities.  Streaming Analytics Layer – The layer where streaming analytics function- alities are finally implemented and delivered to the client applications/us- ers, based on specific analytics goals (e.g., emergency detection and man- agement, security, etc.). Technology used: arbitrary (at the output layer). The PP-OMDS framework exploits software and hardware solutions that are cur- rently available and completely technologically-feasible (even considering open-source solutions, in the case of software). Indeed, looking at the hardware architecture of the PP-OMDS framework, we identify an (hardware) architecture that makes use of stand- ard solutions for (i) collecting data streams, (ii) monitoring data streams, (iii) aggregat- ing data streams, (iv) providing privacy-preserving methods over data streams, and (v) supporting OLAP-like query answering over data streams. All these components are commonly delivered on top of well-known architectures composed by (i) data servers, (ii) OLAP servers, (iii) application servers, (iv) client components (e.g., desktop com- puters, laptops, mobile devices, etc.). As regards the software architecture of the PP- OMDS framework, we identify a (software) architecture populated by software com- ponents that can be developed by means of standard high-level programming languages (e.g., Java, C++, etc.) and standard data access and manipulation methods (e.g., JDBC, ODBC, etc.). It should be noted that, for both the hardware architecture and the software architecture of the PP-OMDS framework, the components to be developed adhere to well-assessed and mature technologies (both hardware and software) that clearly make the PP-OMDS framework completely-feasible. In addition to this, all the components of the PP-OMDS framework are already Cloud-enabled, hence the framework can be easily extended towards a Cloud-based application (hence, improving performance, re- liability and availability). 4 Comparative Analysis with Competitive Frameworks The software product context of the PP-OMDS framework is represented by the wide area of streaming analytics tools and systems, and, in particular, those devoted to sup- port stream monitoring. Nevertheless, it does not exist a solution that specifically fo- cuses on the relevant problem of supporting privacy-preserving, OLAP-based monitor- ing of distributed data streams, as delineated by the PP-OMDS framework’s motiva- tions. This confirms to us the innovativeness of our proposal. In the following, we focus the attention on the specific block-founding problems that characterizes the PP-OMDS framework. For what regards the basic distributed data stream monitoring problem, some relevant tools and systems that are currently availa- ble are the following ones:  APAMA Streaming Analytics, from Software AG;  Stream Computing, from IBM;  Event Stream Processor, from SAP;  Apache Spark, from Cloudera. For what regards both the basic OLAP analysis over data streams problem and the basic privacy-preserving data stream management problem, there do not exist direct tools and systems currently available, although vertical solutions on top of existing streaming analytics platforms can be devised. The most critical limitation of competitor frameworks is represented by the fact that they all adhere to a common deployment model, i.e. providing a general platform for supporting data stream analytics. While on top of such (common) platform personalized solutions can still be developed (via ad-hoc IDE and functional programming environ- ments), they do not focus on the specialized problem of supporting privacy-preserving OLAP-based monitoring of distributed data streams, despite the relevance of this prob- lem and its target application scenarios (e.g., emergency management, security, and so forth). On the other hand, developing personalized solutions on general-purpose streaming analytics platforms poses critical challenges for what regards a wide spectrum of issues, ranging from complexity overheads to (software) maintenance problems, from hetero- geneous data format integration issues to analytical front-end tools that are not focused to the peculiarities of the target application (thus making the whole knowledge discov- ery from big streaming data harder), and so forth. All these considerations clearly sug- gest the adoption of an all-inside, self-contained analytical framework that, still being focused on the specific goal of supporting privacy-preserving OLAP-based distributed data stream monitoring, can be further specialized on particular, vertical application settings (still falling in the reference technological area). Table 1. Comparative Analysis of Competitor Frameworks and the PP-OMDS Framework. Distributed OLAP Analysis Privacy-Pre- Support for Support for Data Stream over Data serving Data General-Pur- Vertical Appli- Monitoring Streams Stream Man- pose Applica- cations agement tions APAMA Strea-      ming Analytics Stream Com-      puting Event Stream      Processor Apache Spark      PP-OMDS      In addition to this, the competitor frameworks do not provide an explicit support neither to OLAP analysis tools over data streams neither to privacy-preserving data stream management, making for them hard to follow the paradigms dictated by the PP- OMDS framework’s paradigms. Table 1 proposes a summary on the comparative anal- ysis of the competitor frameworks against the PP-OMDS framework, along the above- discussed parameters/functionalities. 5 Conclusions In this paper, we propose have proposed PP-OMDS, an innovative framework for sup- porting the OLAP-based monitoring of data streams, which is relevant for a plethora of application scenarios (e.g., security, emergency management, and so forth), in a pri- vacy-preserving manner. References 1. R. Agrawal, R. Srikant, D. Thomas: Privacy-Preserving OLAP, SIGMOD, pp. 251-262, 2005 2. M. Gan, H. Dai: Detecting and monitoring abrupt emergences and submergences of episodes over data streams. Information Systems 39:277-289, 2014 3. C. Dwork, T. Pitassi, M. Naor, G.N. Rothblum: Differential privacy under continual obser- vation, STOC, 2010 4. E. Shi, T.-H. H. Chan, E.G. Rieffel, R. Chow, D. Song: Privacy-preserving aggregation of time-series data, NDSS, 2011 5. L. Fan, L. Xiong. 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