=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2400/paper-40 |storemode=property |title=Summarizing Social Media Content for Multimedia Stories Creation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-40.pdf |volume=Vol-2400 |authors=Flora Amato,Francesco Moscato,Vincenzo Moscato,Antonio Picariello,Giancarlo Sperlì |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sebd/AmatoMMPS19 }} ==Summarizing Social Media Content for Multimedia Stories Creation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-40.pdf
           Summarizing social media content for
              multimedia stories creation
                              (DISCUSSION PAPER)

 Flora Amato1 , Francesco Moscato3 , Vincenzo Moscato1 , Antonio Picariello1 ,
                           and Giancarlo Sperli’3
                          University of Naples, Federico II (DIETI)
    via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy {flora.amato,vmoscato,picus}@unina.it
                         Universita’ degli Studi della della Campania
     Viale Ellittico, 31, 81100, Caserta, Italy francesco.moscato@unicampania.it
             CINI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica)
       Via Cinthia, 80126, Naples, Italy giancarlo.sperli@consorzio-cini.it

        Abstract. This article represents an extended abstract of our previous
        work on multimedia summarization. In particular, we propose a novel
        summarization technique of social media content for multimedia stories
        creation, using a graph- based modeling approach and influence analy-
        sis methodologies to detect the most important multimedia objects re-
        lated to one or more topics of interest. Consecutively, from the list of
        candidates, we obtain a multimedia summary exploiting a summariza-
        tion model that satisfies several properties such as Priority (w.r.t. user
        keywords), Continuity, Variety and not Repetitiveness. The summary
        objects are finally arranged in a multimedia story.

        Keywords: Social Network Analysis · Summarization · Graph DB.

1     Introduction
Online Social Networks (OSNs) represent interactive platforms where users com-
ment events and facts, express personal opinions on specific topics, report mo-
ments of everyday life and so on, by creating on-line profiles and continuously
sharing large amount of information (especially multimedia data). Thus, social
media content coming from OSNs can be considered , without any doubt, the
essence of Big Data, providing at the same time new opportunities to investigate
and analyze social dynamics within these environments. In the last decade, So-
cial Network Analysis (SNA) has been introduced to understand OSNs’ structure
and properties aiming at supporting a wide range of applications : information
retrieval, recommendation, viral marketing, event recognition, expert finding,
community detection, user profiling, security, social data privacy, etc., and, in
particular, summarization [1].
    Copyright c 2019 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying per-
    mitted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted
    by its editors. SEBD 2019, June 16-19, 2019, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy.
    The summarization process from OSNs can be considered a “distilling” pro-
cess of the most important information from a variety of logically related sources,
in order to obtain a brief and significant version of the social media content. The
heterogeneity of the user generated content leads to the creation of a multimedia
story, i.e. a sort of summary integrating different kinds of multimedia data (e.g.
images, videos, audios, texts, etc.).
    Let us consider, for instance, the typical behavior of a user that desires to
retrieve particular social media content (e.g., photos posted on Flickr or video on
Youtube) related to a specific event (e.g., New year’s day in London) described
by a set of keywords (e.g. ‘London’, ‘new year’s day’) and concerning a given
topic (e.g., holidays). Once determined the most important objects composing
the summary, they have to be properly organized in a multimedia story according
to some preferences and needs and delivered to final users[5,7].
    Concerning the Related Work on social media content summarization, the
majority of approaches focuses on how different features of user generated mul-
timedia content crawled by OSNs can support in several ways visual summaries
building related to particular events [4,8,6].
    Here, we propose a novel summarization technique of social media content
for multimedia stories’ creation. In particular, for each Multimedia Social Net-
work (MuSN) - i.e. a particular OSN focusing on the management and sharing
of multimedia information - we use a graph- based modeling approach and ex-
ploit influence analysis methodologies to detect the most important multimedia
objects related to one or more topics of interest. Consecutively, from the list of
candidate objects we obtain a multimedia summary leveraging a summarization
model that considers several properties such as Priority (w.r.t. user keywords),
Continuity, Variety and not Repetitiveness of generated summaries. The sum-
mary objects are finally arranged in a multimedia story and presented/delivered
to final users.

2   Multimedia Social Network modeling

The proposed model (see [2,3] for more details) permits to represent in an ef-
fective way any kind of entities (i.e., users and multimedia objects) and rela-
tionships (e.g., publishing, sharing, commenting, similarity, etc.) in any type of
MuSNs (e.g, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram, Last.fm, etc.). In particular, our idea
consists of modeling any MuSN as a particular database graph.

Definition 1 (MuSN). A MuSN (Multimedia Social Network) is an undirected
edge-labeled graph G = (V, L, E), V being the set of graph vertices, representing
main entities of a social network, L being a set of labels (belonging to a given
vocabulary), describing the different kinds of relationships that can occur among
the social network entities; and E ⊆ V × L × V being the set of edges; V and
E being abstract data types with a set of properties (expressed using several
attributes that can be different depending on the type of nodes and edges).
Example 1 (Example of MuSN). In the case of Flickr, entities of the social net-
work are Users, Groups and Photos (V = U ∪ Gr ∪ P ). Users, Groups and
Image properties can be described leveraging proper attributes (e.g., username,
name, surname, number of followers, etc. for Users; title, description, num-
ber of photos, number of users, etc for Groups; and title, description, number
of favorites, tags, etc. for Images). Labels correspond to the several activities
(L = {‘publishing’, ‘following’, ‘mark as favorite’, ‘comment’, ‘visualization’,
‘add to group’, ‘discussion’}) on the social network (i.e., a user can publish a
photo, a user can follow another one, a user can mark as favorite a photo shared
by other users, a user can perform a comment on a given photo, a user can
visualize a photo, a user or photo can be added to a group and a user can add a
discussion to a group). Edges properties are described by proper attributes (e.g.,
publishing relationships by timestamp and topic, discussion relationships by the
timestamp and text of a discussion together with the related answers, etc.).
    In addition, particular edge-labeled paths, named social paths can be in-
stantiated between two nodes leveraging the different kinds of relationships in
MuSN: a given path can “directly” connect two users because they are “friends”
, or “indirectly”, as they have commented the same photo, or even, two distinct
but similar pictures. Among the different types of social paths, the relevant
social paths (p = (vi , ei , . . . , ek , vj )) – i.e.particular paths that present certain
properties Θ – assume a particular importance for the social network analy-
sis purposes.Eventually, we can easily observe that relevant social paths can be
obtained as results of a Regular Path Query (RPQ) on the graph database rep-
resenting the given MuSN. To extract relevant social paths, we can first exploit
regular path queries and after filtering the obtained results on the base of Θ.
Example 2 (Influential Paths). A particular kind of relevant social path is con-
stituted by influential paths connecting two users; in particular, a user can “in-
fluence” in some way other users. As an example, in Flickr a given user ui
influences another user uj , if uj adds to her/his favorites any photo of ui , or if
uj positively comments a photo (or one similar to) that ui has just published. In
Twitter, the influence is mainly related to the re-tweet actions, thus the user ui
influences the user uj , if uj has re-tweeted any tweet of ui . Similarly in Yelp, the
user ui influences uj , if the user uj posts a review of the same sentiment of the
review previously posted by ui on the same business object. Indeed, the type of
influential paths that can be considered depends on the Social Network and on
the analytical goals. Concerning the first case of Flickr, all the influential paths
can be extracted using the following RPQ:
                                      (u1 , e1 e2 , u2 )                               (1)
             e1 .type = “publishing 00 ∧ e2 .type = “mark as f avorite00 ∧
                                                     (e2 .time − e1 .time) ≤ ∆t
constitutes the set of conditions Θ, being ∆t a given time.
Example 3 (Recommending Paths). Another kind of relevant path is the rec-
ommending path that represents a specific path between two objects by which
a given object can “recommend” other objects. As an example, in Flickr it is
proper to assume that a given object oi recommends another oj , if a user visual-
ized/published oi and oj in consecutive temporal instants of the same browsing
session, and the objects are similar or if a user provided two positive reactions
or comments to oi and oj in successive times or if a user marked oi and oj as
favorite in consecutive temporal instants. In the last case, all the recommending
paths have the form:
                                   o1 , e1 e2 , o2                            (2)
         e1 .type = “mark as f avorite00 ∧ e2 .type = “mark as f avorite00 ∧
                                 similar(o1 , o2 ) ∧ (e2 .time − e1 .time) ≤ ∆t
constitutes the set of conditions Θ, being ∆t a given time and similar(oi , oj ) a
predicate that is true in the case the two objects are similar in terms of multime-
dia content. Recommending paths are surely useful for different applications such
as recommendation and summarization, being the goal to determine the subset
of most relevant objects that could be of interest for a large community of users
on the base of their multimedia content. Thus, we can consider recommending
paths as a sort of influential paths between objects. The most influential objects
are surely good candidates to compose a multimedia summary.

3   Story creation
Our goal is to determine the most important objects of a MuSN for summariza-
tion purposes exploiting an Influence Maximization (IM) strategy that allows
to obtain a set of suitable candidates (“influentials”), together with the related
overall social importance w.r.t. a given topic. We successively apply a summa-
rization algorithm on the influentials in order to generate a summary following
a set of optimization criteria.
    For the summarization goals, we deal with a particular homogeneous graph
– Summarization Graph – that is derived from a MuSN topic-based view using
relevant paths.
Definition 2 (Summarization Graph). A Summarization Graph is the triple
SG = (V ; Es; ω), V being a set of vertices related to specific objects of a MuSN,
Es a set of edges and ω a weight function. In particular, there exists a unique
edge e between two vertices vi and vj for all recommending paths connecting vi
and vj . For each edge the related weight will be determined as in the following:
                                           γ(pk (vi , vj ))
                          ω(ei,j ) = k=1                                        (3)
M being the number of distinct relevant paths between vi and vj and Nj the
number of relevant paths of having as destination vertex vj .
     It is then possible to apply on the SG all the most diffused models and tech-
niques for influence maximization and diffusion to determine the most important
objects (influentials) of a MuSN. In particular, we have chosen to model how
the influence spreads over a network using an Independent Cascade (IC) model,
where the “activation” of each node is based on the behavior of its active neigh-
bors, and can occur by a single chance. Among all possible approaches defined
in the literature, we have used a biologically inspired technique for influence
maximization, in particular the ABC algorithm based on the bees’ behaviors
within a hive (see [2,3] for more details).
     In our vision, a multimedia summary is a sequence of summarizable objects
(i.e., influentials represented by multimedia data with topic labels derived from
user annotations) that can be semantically correlated (also w.r.t user keywords).
On the top of summary definition, we have then introduced four different proper-
ties for evaluating the generated summaries (see [2,3] for more details): Priority,
Consistence, Variety and Repetitiveness.
     In more details, the Priority criterion measures the relevance of objects in the
summary with respect to some user keywords; Continuity and Variety criteria
give more importance to multimedia objects published in the same temporal
intervals and by different users, respectively; Repetitiveness criterion, eventually,
measures how semantically similar are the selected objects. Clearly, it is desirable
to have a summary with priority and not repetitive contents that presents a
temporal continuity and a certain variety in terms of multimedia sources (i.e.
users and social networks).
     In the previous work, authors have demonstrated that the optimal summary
evaluation is a NP-hard problem. To this aim, we provide a greedy strategy
that find a sub-optimal solution for the summary evaluation problem in a more
efficient way. Our summarization algorithm is based on genetic programming
with the following characteristics (see [2,3] for more details):
 – it starts using as input the most important k objects (influentials) computed
   by the ABC influence maximization algorithm applied on the summarization
   graphs related to all the considered OSNs;
 – it works on an initial solution that considers only the priority criterion;
 – it uses a mutation operator to generate more suitable solutions with respect
   to all the optimization criteria.

4   System Architecture and Implementation
Figure 1 reports an overview of the proposed summarizer system in terms of
main components: the Data Crawler – that collects information about users, the
related generated content and interactions among users and between users and
content) and then store such information into a Staging Area: the MuSN Builder
– that builds the social network using a graph database for each considered
MuSN; the Knowledge Base Manager – that allows to manage the knowledge
related to the different MuSNs; and the Multimedia Summary Manager, formed
by Influence Analyzer, Summary generator and the Summary Presenter.
               Fig. 1. Overview of the proposed summarizer system

    We retrieve data from Flickr and YouTube. The Staging area has been re-
alized using a document oriented database MongoDB that ensures a high hori-
zontal scalability. For the Knowledge Base, we decided to adopt a graph-based
approach and to exploit Neo4J functionalities. All the remaining components
have been implemented in Scala on the top of Apache Spark, the related data
processing libraries and HDFS. Multimedia stories have been realized as HTML
pages using javascripts combining AJAX and Jquery technologies.

5   Experiments and Results

We used as dataset the YFCC100M 4 multimedia collection. We have thus in-
stantiated the related MuSN using Flickr images and basic relationships (i.e.,
publishing, following, visualizations, comments, favorites, etc.). We considered
images about building and sport, obtaining as topic-based view a graph with the
characteristics depicted in Table 1.

                 Dataset                               Edges
                          Users Topic labels Images
                YFCC100M 1K           40        1.3K    3.8K
                  Table 1. Topic-based view characterization

    We performed a human-based evaluation for generated summaries using the
Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation (ROUGE 5 ) package.
    We asked a group of 25 people6 to generate, for two distinct triples of key-
words (“commercial/residential/government”, “soccer/football/rugby”’), two dif-
ferent sets of summaries, each one respectively containing 15, 25 and 50 images
from the list of candidates computed by ABC algorithm on the Flickr MuSN.
  The people involved in the experiments were mainly students from the University
  of Naples related to the database and multimedia system courses having an account
  on Flickr.
The first group contains images that according to human judgment maximizing
the not repetitiveness criterion and the second one endorses the variety criterion.
    After this preliminary step and starting from the 300 obtained summaries,
we have built, for each topic, 6 “optimal” summaries (composed by 15, 25 and
50 sentences and respectively giving more importance to variety and not repeti-
tiveness) by considering those objects that have been more frequently chosen by
humans. Then, such optimal summaries have been compared with those gener-
ated by our summarizer using the same variety and not repetitiveness criteria.
    Such combinations have been then considered to obtain all the 12 possible
system configurations. We computed system performances in terms of average
recall, average precision and F-measure with respect to the human ground truth
according to the ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-SU4 methods (see Table 2).

Table 2. Comparison of ROUGE values between system generated summaries and
human ground truth.

       Configuration                          AverageR AverageP AverageF
       high not repetitiveness, n=25, building 0.40014 0.42331 0.41032
       high not repetitiveness, n=25, sport    0.38159 0.41372 0.39409
       high variety, n=25, sport               0.38443 0.40959 0.39408
       high variety, n=25, building            0.37694 0.40598 0.39104
       high not repetitiveness, n=50, sport    0.35801 0.39220 0.37296
       high not repetitiveness, n=50, building 0.34689 0.38160 0.36218
       high variety, n=50, sport               0.33693 0.35843 0.34691
       high variety, n=50, building            0.34627 0.34657 0.34513
       high not repetitiveness, n=15, building 0.27698 0.30680 0.28899
       high not repetitiveness, n=15, sport    0.29604 0.30803 0.30004
       high variety, n=15, building            0.24785 0.26503 0.25412
       high variety, n=15, sport               0.23099 0.25431 0.24035

       Configuration                          AverageR AverageP AverageF
       high not repetitiveness, n=25, building 0.43015 0.45132 0.43802
       high not repetitiveness, n=25, sport    0.41684 0.43903 0.42302
       high variety, n=25, sport               0.40913 0.44888 0.42691
       high variety, n=25, building            0.40713 0.43912 0.42069
       high not repetitiveness, n=50, sport    0.37835 0.41433 0.39801
       high not repetitiveness, n=50, building 0.38752 0.42374 0.40270
       high variety, n=50, sport               0.37023 0.39286 0.37943
       high variety, n=50, building            0.37796 0.37801 0.37564
       high not repetitiveness, n=15, building 0.32701 0.34106 0.33011
       high not repetitiveness, n=15, sport    0.30891 0.34301 0.32201
       high variety, n=15, building            0.28032 0.30203 0.28998
       high variety, n=15, sport               0.26531 0.29301 0.27632
6    Acknowledgments

This work was co-funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-
2020),CREA Project, under grant agreement No. 766463.

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