=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2400/paper-48 |storemode=property |title=Image Analysis in Technical Documentation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-48.pdf |volume=Vol-2400 |authors=Fabio Carrara,Franca Debole,Claudio Gennaro,Giuseppe Amato |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sebd/CarraraDGA19 }} ==Image Analysis in Technical Documentation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-48.pdf
     Image Analysis in Technical Documentation
                (Discussion Paper)

    Fabio Carrara1 , Franca Debole1 , Claudio Gennaro1 , and Giuseppe Amato1

 Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI), Italian National Research
                  Council (CNR), Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy

        Abstract. In the era of Big Data, manufacturing companies are over-
        whelmed by a lot of disorganized information: the large amount of digital
        content that is increasingly available in the manufacturing process makes
        the retrieval of accurate information a critical issue. In this context, and
        thanks also to the Industry 4.0 campaign, the Italian manufacturing
        industries have made a lot of effort to ameliorate their knowledge man-
        agement system using the most recent technologies, like big data analysis
        and machine learning methods. This paper presents the on-going work
        done within the ADA project, with special emphasis on the specific image
        analysis work carried out to extract information from images contained
        in the so different document of the manufacturing companies, partners
        of the project.

        Keywords: Image Analysis · Machine Learning · Big Data · Manufac-
        turing companies

1     Introduction

Manufacturing companies, which produce complex products and manage large
plants, generate a consistent flow of data and information throughout the com-
pany processes, from acquisition to production and maintenance of the products
themselves. In this amount of data, a significant part consists of texts, graphics,
and images obtained as a transposition of the know-how of human personnel.
    Collecting and retrieving all this data and information quickly and easily is
vital for speeding up internal business activities. For example, during the design
phases of a new product, it is useful to be able to identify, in past projects, spec-
ifications, data and information contained in lessons learned, in risk analysis, to
carry out more reliable and innovative design activities. In case of plants mainte-
nance, it is invaluable for operators to have immediate access to the information
necessary to carry out their work quickly and effectively.

    Copyright c 2019 for the individual papers by the papers authors. Copying permit-
    ted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by
    its editors. SEBD 2019, June 16-19, 2019, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy.
    The needs of the manufacturing companies described above, however, clash
with the complexity of knowledge management, due both to the large quan-
tity and to the heterogeneity of the data and documents to be processed: the
technological tools currently available on the market are not able to rise this
challenge and effectively meet these needs. In this context, therefore, the main
target of the ADA project is to design and develop a platform based on big data
analytics systems that allows for the acquisition, organization, and automatic
retrieval of information from technical texts and images in the different phases
of acquisition, design & development, testing, installation and maintenance of
    In this paper, we illustrate the work carried out in the ADA project focus-
ing on the image content retrieval part: the images contained in the corporate
documents constitute a relevant source of information that could be relevant in
the manufacturing work flow. On this context, we developed specific techniques
for the extraction, classification, recognition, and tagging of images within tech-
nical documentation. The architecture and the methodologies of our work are
presented on Section 3 and Section 4, respectively.

2   Related Work

Image recognition techniques have been extensively studied in the last decade
in the field of computer vision and the recovery of multimedia information.
Deep learning techniques, such as those based on Convolutional Neural Net-
works (CNNs), represent today the state of the art for the most varied computer
vision activities such as image classification, image recovery and object recog-
nition [4]. Furthermore, the use of intermediate layer activation as a high-level
descriptor (feature) of visual image content has become very popular and has
proven to be effective as demonstrated by many scientific papers [11]. Convolu-
tional neural networks exploit the computing power provided by the GPU-based
architectures, in order to learn from huge collections of multimedia information
(e.g. images). One of the limitations of this approach is that many collections
of images available were created for academic purposes (e.g. ImageNet [9]) and
can not be used effectively for applications such as those discussed in the ADA
    In the project, the development of tools to search for graphic symbols be-
longing to technical schemes within the technical documentation is of particular
importance. To this end, some works [5, 10] that try to tackle the problem by
using CNNs seem to be promising. However, as Elyan et al. claim in [5], the
application of CNNs to detect and localize symbols in drawings is still a chal-
lenging task. This is probably due to the complexity of the problem and also to
the lack of sufficient annotated examples or publicly available data sets.
    Elyan et al. [5] presented a semi-automatic and heuristic-based approach to
localise symbols within engineering drawings, and then applied a CNN to classify
the detected symbols. Similarly, Quan et al. [10] used an AlexNet to classify point
symbols in color topographic maps.
3   Image Analysis Component

The technical documents of manufacturing companies often contain a large num-
ber of heterogeneous images such as graphics, wiring diagrams, mechanical draw-
ings, etc. While on the one hand the images are almost always accompanied by
text such as captions, descriptions, and labels, being able to recognize their con-
tent without using text is an increasingly requested feature: images represent a
rich source of information.

                    Image Module

                        Provides image search capabilities via category matching, object presence, and visual similarity

                       FExtractor                                 Classifier
                                                                                                       Image Index

    Image Dataset

                       Recognizer                                   Indexer

         Fig. 1. A general view of the Image Analysis Module architecture.

    The Image Analysis Module (Fig. 1) aims to enable companies to extract
information from images contained within their technical documentation. This
information is necessary to perform a search and classification of images based
on visual content. The module in particular deals with the identification and ex-
traction from the images the content, classifying them, recognizing some graphic
elements, such as symbols, within them and looking for similar ones.
    The Image Analysis Module is composed by the following sub-components:
FExtractor Module. This component is intended to extract from one image
one or more visual descriptors (features) that allow one to perform searches
based on visual similarity using an image as a query.
Classifier Module. The classifier component deals with the classification of
the images in the various possible types in the field of technical and patent doc-
umentation (e.g. technical drawing in perspective, sections, electronic circuit,
flow chart, etc.). The tool relies on modern Machine Learning techniques based
on Deep Learning. The automatic classification is based on training a neural
network on a number of examples for each of the types of images to be classified.
The accuracy of the tool is strictly correlated to the number of training examples
Recognizer Module. This component allows the automatic recognition of ob-
jects within the images classified by the classification tool: once the images are
classified through the classification tool, the objects are automatically recognized
within the image. For each type of image, the tool will have a number of ex-
amples related to the objects to be identified. Another result of this component
is to automatically associate one or more tags with an image: the tags can be
further enriched or corrected by analyzing the text in the document that refers
to the image itself.
Indexer Module. This component deals with the appropriate indexing of both
the visual features of the images and the context features related to the image:
the image is decomposed into a visual part and into a symbolic part. For each
image in fact, we will have both the global visual features necessary to perform
visual similarity queries, and local features to perform queries able to detect and
localize specific symbols contained in the image.
Searcher Module. This module deals with sorting the various types of search
supported (see the details below).
    The search component allows the user to perform different types of searches
using the index created by the Indexer module:

 1. Textual Search on the text correlated or extracted from the images.
 2. Similarity Search on images: search by similarity of the basic elements (sym-
    bols) in an image archive using an example as a query.
 3. Search for the categories to which an image belongs.

Furthermore, the Searcher Module is able to automatically handle external
queries, i.e. using images that are not present in the index, as well as inter-
nal queries, i.e. using images already present in the database as queries. For
the external queries, the Searcher Module uses FExtractor Module to extract
features from the query image.
    In the next section, we will describe the specific methodologies exploited
for the realization of the four main mentioned modules: FExtractor, Classifier,
Recognizer, and Indexer.

4   Methods

Due to their astonishing effectiveness on perceptual tasks, we resort to state-
of-the-art Deep Learning techniques based on Convolutional Neural Networks

                           Feature Extractor                                                                                Classifier
                                                                          0.2                                                                                     technical drawing

                                                                                                                                                                  electronic circuit




                                                                          5.4                                         ...



                           ...                                              …                                                                                     flow chart
                                                                          1.0                                                                                     ...

                                                  Last Layer
                                                                     Image                                        CNN                                             Image
                                                Regional Pooling                                    Features Extractor                                             Tags
                         ResNet-101                                 Descriptor

                                  Recognizer                                                                                         Indexer

                                                                                 Deep Permutation

                                                                                                                            STR Encoding

                                                                                                                  6                               BBBC




                            ...                                                                                   …                               DDEE
                                                                                                                  5                               E…                    Record

                           CNN                                Detected                                                                     Surrogate Text
                 Features Extractor                                                                 Permutation                            Representation

      Fig. 2. Image Analysis Module: actual sub-components and their interaction.

(CNN) to implement the visual analyses conducted by the aforementioned mod-
    In the following, we will describe in details the methods chosen to implement
the main functions of the Image Analysis Module, and how they are distributed
among its sub-components. As depicted on Figure 2, for each image on the data-

 – we extract the features (FExtractor) as descriptors of the image on the index
   (Indexer); the extracted features are also made available to the Recognizer
   and Classifier modules;
 – for specific categories, we use ad-hoc techniques for the object recognition
   (Recognizer) and the classification of the image (Classifier); we rely on sim-
   pler techniques based on previously extracted features otherwise;
 – all the information deriving from FExtractor, Recognizer and Classifier are
   memorized in the Image Record on a specific index (Indexer).

4.1     Visual Similarity Search

For the implementation of the visual similarity search, we employ state-of-the-
art global image descriptors extracted from CNN specifically tailored for image
retrieval. Specifically, we select the Region Maximum Activation of Convolution
(R-MAC) descriptors [14] as a compact and expressive image descriptors, which
enables our system to support instance-level visual object retrieval on both nat-
ural photos and schematics/synthetic images.
    Given an image, the FExtractor module first feeds it to a pre-trained con-
volutional network to extract the output of the last convolutional layer, which
is composed by multiple feature maps having two spatial dimensions. Then, we
compute the R-MAC descriptor by pooling and aggregating different parts (or
regions) of those feature maps. The feature maps are max-pooled over several
regions on their spatial dimensions, and the obtained vectors are aggregated by
summation and the result l2-normalized.
    The choice of the pre-trained CNN for the extraction of the feature maps
is essential: instead of choosing a network trained on generic object recognition
tasks (such as ImageNet), we select the model developed by [6], a ResNet-101
convolutional network trained specifically for the task of same-object retrieval.
With this configuration, we obtain 2048-dimensional image descriptors that can
be compared with the cosine similarity to search for visual matches.
    As already mentioned on Section 3, part of the work done for the ADA
project is to make use also of the text correlated or extracted from the image. In
the following paragraph, we will explain how we realized an appropriate index
supporting both the visual and textual features of the images in an efficient way.

4.2   Indexing of Image Descriptors
While textual information, such as labels and tags, can be stored in a relational
database, we need a similarity search index structure to store high-dimensional
image features and efficiently compute the cosine-similarity to perform retrieval.
Despite open-source indexes for efficient similarity search exist [8], they still come
with caveats and, in general, are not mature and well-supported as the scalable
disk-based textual indexes such as Elastichsearch.
    Seeking for simplicity, we propose to adopt Elasticsearch in the Indexer and
Searcher modules as database for all the information extracted by the visual
analysis modules, and adapt our similarity search needs to the full-text search
engine provided by the software. Specifically, the adoption of two techniques,
Deep Permutations [3] and Surrogate Text Representation [1, 2], permit us to
represent our image descriptors as text, index them using a full-text search
engine based on inverted indexes, and perform similarity queries without the
need of a image-specific similarity index.
    The Deep Permutations technique is based on the fact that in high-level
deep-learned features, each dimension represents an abstract visual concept, and
its value specifies the importance of that concept. Similar features tend to have
the same relative importance among visual concepts, and thus, we can approxi-
mate a float vector of features by sorting its dimensions in descending order and
keeping the sorting permutation (an integer vector). By truncating the permu-
tation to the top elements only, Amato et al. [3] demonstrated that this coarse
approximation is sufficient to obtain state-of-the-art trade-offs between efficiency
and effectiveness, permitting large-scale searches with query time in the order
of seconds.
    The Surrogate Text Representation technique aims at encoding a given
integer vector in the term frequency values of a full-text search engine by generat-
ing an appropriate textual string. Used in combination with Deep Permutations,
it permits us to store sparse truncated permutation in the inverted index for tex-
tual data and leverage the vector document model of full-text search engines to
perform cosine similarity searches.

4.3   Image Categorization and Object Detection

For certain documentation, the Classifier module needs to assign each image to
one or more categories defined by the system users. Thus, we have to implement
a multi-class multi-label image classifier. For the categories with a considerable
number of training examples, a CNN can be trained to implement the image
classifier. Instead of defining and training a new model from scratch, we propose
to leverage the transfer learning practice, exploiting the knowledge of popular
CNNs that have been successfully trained in large-scale generic object recogni-
tion tasks. Specifically, we plan to use the ResNet-50 [7] model pre-trained on
ImageNet1k, replacing the last classification layer to match our number of classes
and to perform fine-tuning on the available training samples. When training sam-
ples are scarce, we resort to a simpler kNN classifier based on visual similarity:
we reuse the same features extracted by the FExtractor module and the cosine
similarity matching function in the implementation of the kNN classifier.
    For specific categories of images, the Recognizer module needs to detect
the presence of particular objects of interest. If the location of the object is not
required, R-MAC features matching can be used to reveal object presence. Being
an aggregation of local region descriptors, matching the R-MAC descriptor of
a sub-region of an image against the whole image descriptor will yield a high
score. Thus, we can perform object detection via instance-level similarity search
reusing the same modules. Instead, if more fine-grained information about de-
tected objects is required, such as the specific localization in the image, and
enough training samples are available, we resort to more complex object de-
tection techniques based on Deep Learning, such as region-based CNNs [13] or
single-stage detectors [12], that can be fine-tuned on the specific object category
to detect.
    Both the information extracted by the Classifier and Recognizer modules
are stored by the Indexer module in Elasticsearch as additional fields of the
image record, and accordingly searchable through the Searcher module.

5     Conclusions

This paper briefly introduces the on-going work on image analysis in the ADA
project, whose main aim is to support the innovation of the production process
of the manufacturing companies. We focused on the description of the method-
ologies carried out to extract relevant information from images contained in the
different document provided by the project partners.

This work was partially funded by “Automatic Data and documents Analysis
to enhance human-based processes” (ADA), CUP CIPE D55F17000290009. We
gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation
of a Tesla K40 GPU used and a Jetson TX2 board used for this research.

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