=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2400/paper-51 |storemode=property |title=Social Mining from Wi-Fi Campus Data |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-51.pdf |volume=Vol-2400 |authors=Roberto Puccetti |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sebd/Puccetti19 }} ==Social Mining from Wi-Fi Campus Data== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-51.pdf
                Social mining from Wi-Fi campus data

                                        Roberto Puccetti 1
                         supervised by Dino Pedreschi1 - Mirco Nanni 2
                                     1 Pisa University, Pisa - Italy
                                          2 CNR Pisa – Italy


       Abstract. This research deals with methods and algorithms for analyzing Wi-Fi data
       of individuals at the scale of a large campus area, studying personality traits, class at-
       tendance, mobility and social network structure of students. In particular, the main
       driving application will be the study of whether and how such elements influence aca-
       demic performances.

1      Introduction

Data mining has been used in telecommunication industry for several applications including
marketing, security and network reliability. The exploration data in educational field using
Data Mining techniques concerns with extracting a pattern to discover hidden information
from educational data. In the case of academic performance studies, a number of behavioral
patterns have been linked such as time allocation, active social ties, sleep duration and sleep
quality, or participation in sport activity. While most of the existing studies suffer from bi-
ases and limitations often associated with surveys and self-reports, our research is directed
towards a Wi-Fi network in an urban campus area and therefore it analyses a large set of
data that are not biases influenced. We want first to address the problem to analyze such
data to discover their quality and then to develop a tool to enable the extraction of latent
knowledge in dynamic and multidimensional networks. As an application area of the stud-
ies, we use the movements within a university campus and then the study of the influence of
daily behavior on students' performance.

2      Related Works

We can define our research as multidisciplinary, in the sense that it approaches and uses
many fields of information science: Wi-Fi Data Analysis, Social Networks (Construction
[1], Topological properties [2] and Study of community [3]) and Privacy issues [4]. How-
ever the most of survey work done is about Prediction of Students’ Academic Performance
[5] [6], [7] [8], [9], [10]. In these works there are many aspect similar to our research but the
most innovative aspects we have introduced are: no survey from questionnaires but directly
from their behavior using a large dataset collected from students (about 50k) by their tab-

Copyright © 2019 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying permitted for
private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
SEBD 2019, June 16-19, 2019, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy.
let/smartphones, plurality in course of study, and Social network observations from campus
Wi-Fi data (their visited places and physical proximity at the same time).

3      Research plan

To gain the goal of the research, activity includes the following main tasks: to adopt or de-
velop methods and algorithms to analyze wi-fi data on the scale of a large campus, to devel-
op a software prototype, on top of such methods and algorithms, that can be used for solving
a selected set of problems as, for example, to predict students’ academic performance. Final-
ly, we want to collect a “so-big dataset” from a campus area as a case study to test the proto-
type. From the viewpoint of the case study, we are planning: i) to extract and evaluate the
importance of different sets of features for supervised learning models in particular for stu-
dents’ performance prediction; ii) to identify individual and network factors that best corre-
late with students’ performances; iii) to predict students’ performance; iv) to investigate
significant differences among performance groups, in terms of the most important individual
and network features. Data used to build the case study come from a consistent dataset: Wi-
Fi access logs and exam results from the University of Pisa, described in better detail later.

4      Preliminary results

The Wi-fi data usually suffer from various issues, such as sparse data, noise, uncertainty and
so on, which need to be dealt with before any analysis-based task. We start our work by
studying and trying to remove (or to mitigate) them.

4.1      Semantic labelling of Access Points
Another preliminary work is to understand the role of each Access Point connection in the
people activity. This means to understand two main important features of the access points:
collocation in area and purpose of their use. So, we aggregated APs to calculate and display
interactively the daily use (see Fig.1) and we identified 11 classes of use (Didactics, Central
Administration, Study area, Recreational activities, Dormitory, etc.). This second task has
two approaches: Top-Down, supervised (based on collocation, and Data-Driven, using visu-
al tools and Data Time Warping algorithm to validate what prefixed in arbitrary way.
                 Fig. 1. The 3 main used areas (from http://sintetik.altervista.org/visual/)

4.2      Students clustering
We use two different clustering methods to study users’ ties: behavior similarity, that
wants to analyze how much students use APs in percentage and for which purpose, and
physical collocation, that presupposes the friendship between two individuals who habitual-
ly attend the same places. The first, for each AP classification gathers a score from 1 to 2 to
“weight” the importance of the location frequency, for instance assigning higher weights to
spaces devoted to study and (secondarily) social activities. Then, for each category, each
student is represented by an array describing the percentage of his time spent in it. This rep-
resentation of a student allows the direct comparison of two individuals through a simple
weighted sum (basically a L1-norm where each feature has an associated importance). Dis-
tance from student i to student j is

                       Fig. 2. Hierarchical clusters dendrogram of students’ similarity

   In such a way, we create a student’s weighted disctance matrix to measure distance for
clustering operations, aimed to group students that spend their time in a similar way (Fig.2).
   Instead, the physical location approach considers the simultaneous use of the access point
as similarity factor. Staring from the time logs, we study the overlapping time in function of
the APs use to determine the reasonable cut factor. We decided to consider 20 minutes as
reasonable overlapping time. With this parameter and adopting Jaccard distance index, we
construct the relationship matrix for social network methods to determine the student’s
community. Using two different methods (DEMON and LOUVAIN), in both we collect the
same number of communities. This means that in students’ environment we have a strong
clustering in function of place frequency.
 5      Conclusions and next steps

 After community’s discovery, in function of students’ behaviors analysis, we want to corre-
 late them with their performance. The first and simplest method we will use to calculate the
 performance is to combine exam results with their importance and their timeliness (e.g. it
 penalizes exams that are late on schedule):


 Finally, based on this score and on cluster membership descripted above, we will profile the
 students. This process will be done studying how to optimize the accuracy of profiling. De-
 fining such accuracy in a well-founded way is part of the challenge.

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