=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2400/paper-52 |storemode=property |title=Behavioral Analysis For a Continuous User Authentication |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-52.pdf |volume=Vol-2400 |authors=Giacomo Giorgi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sebd/Giorgi19 }} ==Behavioral Analysis For a Continuous User Authentication== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2400/paper-52.pdf
      Behavioral Analysis For a Continuous User

                                Giacomo Giorgi
               Supervised by Fabio Martinelli and Andrea Saracino

        Istituto di Informatica e Telematica-Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche

        Abstract. New generation devices are pervasive in nature and provide a
        number of security sensitive functionalities, which might expose the user
        private information to serious security and privacy threats. The main
        countermeasure used to prevent unauthorized access is the user authen-
        tication. Most of these devices are still protected by traditional authen-
        tication mechanisms (PIN, password), which are exposed to well known
        security limitations. These issues are mitigated by the introduction of
        new physical biometric authentication mechanisms. Biometric authenti-
        cation, basing on user physical traits and requiring the user presence at
        the authentication time, makes the system more secure. Despite the new
        mechanisms overcome some data security issues, they still suffer from
        other usability problems. In this paper we explore a new unobtrusive
        authentication mechanism based on human behavior.

        Keywords: Machine learning · Authentication · Human behavior.

1     Introduction
The most common user authentication mechanisms used are based on the con-
cepts of: (i) what the user knows, (ii) what the user has, (iii) what the user
is, (iv) what the user does. The traditional authentication mechanisms (i, ii)
as explained in literature [4] are not considered much safe to provide security
to the users because of many flaws in the conventional systems. These security
issues are mitigated by the introduction of the physical biometric authentication
mechanisms. However the systems based on physical biometrics require more
users cooperation since such traits cannot be analyzed unobtrusively, thereby
reducing the usability of the system. The main open challenges of an authen-
tication system are: (i) Identification of a discriminative biometric trait, (ii)
Limited resource available, (iii) Robustness over biometric trait variation, (iv)
unobtrusiveness. In this paper is described the structure of a new authentication
mechanism based on the physical human behavior analysis exploiting the user
interaction with its smart devices.
    Copyright c 2019 for the individual papers by the papers authors. Copying permit-
    ted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by
    its editors. SEBD 2019, June 16-19, 2019, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy.
2   Related work

Use sensor data to identify and authenticate smartphone users based on a per-
son’s movements is a topic already treated in literature. In the paper [2], they
collect individuals data related to walk, jog, and climb stairs having a mobile
phone equipped with the sensor and they demonstrated to function as biometric
signatures. In a similar way [3], demonstrated that the way a phone is held or
kept at different positions through motions can be used to authenticate users.

3   Approach

The approach proposed in order to solve the aforementioned issues, is based on
the aggregation of different behavioral analysis classified in: (i) behavioral user
actions, (ii) user interactions with the smart devices and reported in Table 1. In

                           Action                    behavioral user action Device interaction
            Free texting sitting/walking                       x                    v
            Unlock from table/pocket/bag                       x                    v
            Web page browsing                                  x                    v
            Walking up and down inclination ground             v                    x
            Running up and down inclination ground             v                    x
                                    Table 1. User’s actions

order to avoid the direct user interaction with the system and make it less intru-
sive, data are collected transparently from the devices’ sensors (accelerometer
and gyroscope). Basing on the fact that each user can has a unique distinctive
behavior in doing these actions, it is possible build a system ables to recognize a
user starting from the analysis of its behavior. The system is composed by two
main components: (i) Human Action Recognition (HAR), (ii) User verification.
The HAR component performs the task of identifying the specific movement or
action of a person based on sensor data, while the user verification component
is used to verify the identity of who has performed the action. Figure 1 shows
the complete pipeline.

                       Fig. 1. Behavioral Authentication System
3.1   Implementation

As first step has been implemented an Android application ables to fetch data
from the main smartphone sensors. The application requires to the user to per-
form the specific actions listed in Table 1 in order to catch sensors’ values asso-
ciated to the action required. The data collected will be used to train a Human
Action Recognition in recognizing the new type of actions defined. The Iden-
tity verification component, as showed in Figure 1 is composed by a set of sub
components, each of one dedicated to the verification of the identity through
the analysis of a different action. One of the sub component analyzed is the
Gait recognition component. As explained in the paper [1] a deep neural network

                       Fig. 2. Gait recognition architecture

architecture is applied to the problem on identifying 153 person exploiting 2
inertial sensors located on the right wrist and on right side of pelvis. Given a
gait cycle (walking cycle that starts with initial contact of the right heel and
it continues until the right heel contacts the ground again), the task is to de-
termine to which person the cycle belongs. The network extracts, from a single
input gait cycle, features of two different abstraction level (through two 1D con-
volutional layers) and applies a temporal aggregation on the features extracted
in the second level (bidirectional recurrent layers). The result is a temporal ag-
gregation feature vectors that are concatenated and passed to a fully connected
layer composed by 153 softmax units which compute the probability of the input
gait cycle to belong to a specific identity. Figure 2 shows the architecture.

4     Experiments

The experiments are done on the ZJU-gaitAcc dataset that is described in [5].
The dataset contains the gait acceleration series of records collected from 153
subjects gathered in two walking sessions. The aim of our experiments is to
learn user identity starting from its walking path. To this end we considered
two scenarios in which we experimented the recognition ability in the same
session (walking gaits recorded in the same day) and in different sessions (walking
gaits recorded over time). Figures 3 and 4, show the CMC curve reporting the
recognition accuracy for both scenarios. The real case, right side of the pelvis-
right wrist (S3-S1), reaches 94% and 96% of accuracy at rank-1 respectively in
cross sessions and single session scenario.

    Fig. 3. CMC curve single session            Fig. 4. CMC curve cross session

5    Conclusion and Future work
As showed in Section 3.1, the gait identification network reaches an high accu-
racy in recognizing a person among 153 different identities, that result is very
promising in perspective of the implementation of a verification network. As fu-
ture work, starting from the gait identification network, we plan to implement
a siamese architecture to better adapt to verification problem. In addition we
plan to reproduce the experiments on the data collected through smartphone
and finally extend the verification to other user actions in combination with a
HAR based on the actions showed in Table 1.

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3. Primo, A., Phoha, V.V., Kumar, R., Serwadda, A.: Context-aware active authenti-
   cation using smartphone accelerometer measurements. In: Proceedings of the IEEE
   conference on computer vision and pattern recognition workshops. pp. 98–105 (2014)
4. Raza, M., Iqbal, M., Sharif, M., Haider, W.: A survey of password attacks and
   comparative analysis on methods for secure authentication. World Applied Sciences
   Journal 19(4), 439–444 (2012)
5. Zhang, Y., Pan, G., Jia, K., Lu, M., Wang, Y., Wu, Z.: Accelerometer-based gait
   recognition by sparse representation of signature points with clusters. IEEE trans-
   actions on cybernetics 45(9), 1864–1875 (2014)