=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2402/paper1 |storemode=property |title=Comparison of Embedding Techniques for Topic Modeling Coherence Measures |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2402/paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-2402 |authors=Mark Belford,Derek Greene |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ldk/BelfordG19 }} ==Comparison of Embedding Techniques for Topic Modeling Coherence Measures== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2402/paper1.pdf
Comparison of Embedding Techniques for Topic
Modeling Coherence Measures
Mark Belford1
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University College Dublin, Ireland
Derek Greene
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University College Dublin, Ireland

The quality of topic modeling solutions are often evaluated using topic coherence measures, which
attempt to quantify the semantic meaningfulness of the descriptors. One popular approach to
evaluate coherence is through the use of word embeddings, where terms are represented as vectors in
a semantic space. However, there exist a number of popular embedding methodologies and variants
which can be used to construct these vectors. Due to this, questions arise regarding the optimal
embedding approach to utilise when calculating the coherence of solutions produced for a given
dataset. In this work we evaluate the difference between two popular word embedding algorithms
and their variants, using two distinct external reference corpora, to discover if these underlying
choices have a substantial impact on the resulting coherence scores.

2012 ACM Subject Classification Information systems → Document topic models

Keywords and phrases Topic Modeling, Coherence, Embeddings

Funding Mark Belford: This research was supported by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under
Grant Number SFI/12/RC/2289

    1    Introduction
Topic modeling facilitates the discovery of the underlying latent themes or topics in a
corpus of text documents. These are frequently represented by their top n terms and
are referred to as topic descriptors. There are many popular topic modeling approaches
including probabilistic techniques such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [2] and those
based on matrix factorization such as Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) [5]. Ideally
topic modeling solutions should be of high quality and easily interpretable, however this
is unfortunately not always the case as poor solutions can be discovered for a number of
reasons, such as the stochastic nature of traditional topic modeling algorithms [1]. With this
in mind quality metrics are frequently used to evaluate solutions, with topic coherence being
the most common. These measures typically attempt to evaluate the semantic coherence of
a set of topics, relative to a background corpus. While originally a human evaluated task [4],
there now exists a variety of automated coherence methodologies [7, 8, 12].
    A more recently proposed approach to evaluate coherence utilises word embedding
algorithms, such as word2vec [6] and fastText [3]. In both of these approaches, words are
represented in a dense, low-dimensional vector space, where words with similar meaning
and usage appear to be similar to one another. Both algorithms offer two different model
variants to construct these vectors – Continuous Bag-Of-Words (CBOW) and Skip-Gram
(SG). The goal of CBOW is to predict a target word while using the surrounding context

    Corresponding author
            © Mark Belford and Derek Greene;
            licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY
LDK 2019 - Posters Track.
Editors: Thierry Declerck and John P. McCrae
XX:2   Embedding Techniques for Coherence Measures

       words, based on a sliding window, while SG is the inverse where the goal is to predict the
       surrounding context words for a given target word. Word embedding models require that
       they be trained on large external reference corpora to facilitate making these predictions.
       However, questions arise regarding which of these embedding approaches to utilise when
       calculating topic coherence for a given dataset, especially as there are many facets which are
       left to the user to specify and these may have an impact on the results. With this in mind
       we propose the following research question – how does the choice of embedding algorithm,
       selected variant, and background reference corpus impact the resulting coherence scores?

        2      Methodology

       To calculate the coherence of topic descriptors using word embeddings we utilise the approach
       proposed by [9]. This technique quantifies the intra-topic coherence based on word similarities
       using their learned vector representations from a given embedding model. However, it is
       possible that some of these top terms may not have a corresponding vector in the embedding
       model due to not appearing in the vocabulary of the external reference corpus used for
       training. To account for this we propose a small modification to this approach in which we
       construct the list of top terms as the first N terms that appear in a descriptor but are also
       contained in the embedding vocabulary. By following this approach coherence scores for
       topics are calculated using the formulation seen in Equation 1. While fastText can generate
       vectors for terms that are not present in the reference corpus vocabulary we chose not to
       utilise this feature to ensure a fair comparison with word2vec. Frequently topic coherence is
       only measured at the individual topic level, such as in Equation 1. However, we can also
       calculate an overall coherence score at the model level by simply computing the average of
       these individual topic descriptor coherence scores.

                     N j−1
                  1 XX
            T C = N       similarity(wi , wj )                                                       (1)
                   2   j=2 i=1

           For our experiments, we constructed 15 yearly datasets from The Guardian API, where
       associated article section labels were used as ground truth topics (e.g. “politics”, “technology”).
       We then built 100-dimensional CBOW/SG word2vec and fastText embeddings on two larger
       background corpora: (1) 1.6m Guardian news articles published from 2004-2018, (2) 4.9m
       Wikipedia long abstracts collected in 2016 [10]. These variant and corpus combinations
       yielded 8 embeddings, as seen in Table 2. For each dataset, we generate 100 runs of
       randomly-initialized NMF, and compute 100 corresponding model-level coherence scores,
       before averaging this set to compute a final coherence value, as seen in Equation 2. We
       repeat this process over a range of topic numbers k ∈ [2, 30] for each embedding and dataset
       combination. Table 1 provides a detailed breakdown of these datasets.

            M eanT C =         T C(modeli )                                                           (2)
                         r i=1
M. Belford and D. Greene                                                                                      XX:3

    Table 1 Details of the fifteen evaluation corpora and two reference corpora used in our experiments,
including the total number of documents n, number of terms m, and number of categories k̂ in the
associated “ground truth” annotations.
                          Corpus             n            m            k̂
                          guardian-2004      18,209       20,191       5
                          guardian-2005      17,311       17,396       4
                          guardian-2006      24,338       22,491       6
                          guardian-2007      28,218       27,051       6
                          guardian-2008      36,774       30,579       8
                          guardian-2009      30,411       26,825       7
                          guardian-2010      25,164       25,426       6
                          guardian-2011      20,840       24,008       5
                          guardian-2012      28,820       28,783       7
                          guardian-2013      22,139       24,813       5
                          guardian-2014      28,774       29,118       7
                          guardian-2015      32,593       32,098       7
                          guardian-2016      30,634       31,056       7
                          guardian-2017      17,918       23,279       5
                          guardian-2018      15,334       21,520       5
                          guardian15         1,595,844    557,937      N/A
                          wikipedia2016      4,899,998    1,333,306    N/A

   Table 2 Details of the eight combinations of embedding models with varying embedding ap-
proaches, variants and reference corpora.
        Combination Name                   Embedding        Variant     Reference Corpus
        guardian15-ft-cbow-d100            fastText         CBOW        guardian15
        guardian15-ft-sg-d100              fastText         SG          guardian15
        guardian15-w2v-cbow-d100           word2vec         CBOW        guardian15
        guardian15-w2v-sg-d100             word2vec         SG          guardian15
        wikipedia2016-ft-cbow-d100         fastText         CBOW        wikipedia2016
        wikipedia2016-ft-sg-d100           fastText         SG          wikipedia2016
        wikipedia2016-w2v-cbow-d100        word2vec         CBOW        wikipedia2016
        wikipedia2016-w2v-sg-d100          word2vec         SG          wikipedia2016

 3     Evaluation

3.1    Ranked Correlation
We first investigated whether there was a noticeable difference between the different embedding
approaches with respect to their coherence scores by measuring the Spearman rank correlation
between the average topic coherence scores produced on each of the 15 Guardian datasets.
These results are displayed as a heatmap plot, as seen in Figure 1. It is evident that there is
a large difference between embedding models that are trained using different background
corpora, with the models having much lower correlation scores with respect to each other.
It is also worth noting that, when considering the same background corpora, the different
embedding algorithms exhibit relatively high correlation scores. This suggests that they

                                                                                                           L D K Po s t e r s
XX:4   Embedding Techniques for Coherence Measures

                                           Average Spearman Rank Correlation
                     g-ft-sg                                                                                                0.8
                   g-w2v-sg                                                                                                 0.6
                  w-ft-cbow                                                                                                 0.4
                w-w2v-cbow                                                                                                  0.2







            Figure 1 Heatmap of the Pairwise Average Spearman Rank Correlation over all 15 corpora.

       may perform similarly when trained on the same data. When exploring this further, it
       also appears that there is a high level of correlation between the variants of the different
       embedding algorithms (i.e. CBOW v SG) when utilising the same reference corpora.

       3.2     Ground Truth Evaluation
       A common application of topic coherence is to select an appropriate number of topics k.
       Therefore, we further explored the effect of embedding choice as follows. For each dataset
       and embedding model, we sorted the coherence scores for different k values to identify the
       top values of k. We then counted the number of times the “ground truth value” of k appears
       within the top n recommendations, for n = 1 to n = 5, as seen in Table 3. For example, the
       wikipedia-w2v-cbow embedding correctly identifies the ground truth number of topics when
       n = 5 for 14 of the 15 datasets. Surprisingly, using the Wikipedia corpus, rather than the
       domain-specific Guardian corpus produces better embeddings with respect to identifying the
       “correct” number of topics. This may be due to a temporal effect where The Guardian news
       articles span over a 15 year duration, while the Wikipedia dump reflects a relatively recent
       collection of articles. It is also interesting to note that fastText performs considerably worse
       than the word2vec model in these cases. Across all combinations it is also clear that the
       CBOW variant performs better than SG, and is likely due to CBOW having to only predict
       a single target word rather than the context words around it.

        4      Conclusion
       In this work we have demonstrated that care should be taken when utilising word embeddings
       in the process of measuring topic coherence. It is clear that the choice of embedding algorithm,
       model variant, and background corpus has a large impact on the resulting coherence values,
       which could potentially influence topic model parameter selection choices, and ultimately
       affect the interpretations made from the topics identified on a given corpus.
M. Belford and D. Greene                                                                                  XX:5

   Table 3 Results of the number of times the ground truth value of k was identified in the top n
elements for each embedding combination.
         Combination Name                 Top 1     Top 2     Top 3     Top 4     Top 5
         guardian15-ft-cbow-d100              0         1         3         3         3
         guardian15-ft-sg-d100                0         0         1         1         1
         guardian15-w2v-cbow-d100             1         3         3         3         3
         guardian15-w2v-sg-d100               1         1         1         1         1
         wikipedia2016-ft-cbow-d100           1         1         3         4         4
         wikipedia2016-ft-sg-d100             2         4         5         5         5
         wikipedia2016-w2v-cbow-d100          4         7         7        14        14
         wikipedia2016-w2v-sg-d100            4         5         5         6         6

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