=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2402/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Lexical Sense Alignment using Weighted Bipartite b-Matching |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2402/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-2402 |authors=Sina Ahmadi,Mihael Arcan,John P. McCrae |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ldk/AhmadiAM19 }} ==Lexical Sense Alignment using Weighted Bipartite b-Matching== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2402/paper3.pdf
Lexical Sense Alignment using Weighted Bipartite
Sina Ahmadi
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Data Science Institute
National University of Ireland Galway
Mihael Arcan
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Data Science Institute
National University of Ireland Galway
John P. McCrae
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Data Science Institute
National University of Ireland Galway

    1   Introduction
Lexical resources are important components of natural language processing (NLP) applications
providing linguistic information about the vocabulary of a language and the semantic
relationships between the words. While there is an increasing number of lexical resources,
particularly expert-made ones such as WordNet [8] or FrameNet [2], as well as collaboratively-
curated ones such as Wikipedia1 or Wiktionary2 , manual construction and maintenance of
such resources is a cumbersome task. This can be efficiently addressed by NLP techniques.
Aligned resources have shown to improve word, knowledge and domain coverage and increase
multilingualism by creating new lexical resources such as Yago [13], BabelNet [9] and
ConceptNet [12]. In addition, they can improve the performance of NLP tasks such as word
sense disambiguation [10], semantic role tagging [15] and semantic relations extraction [14].

    2   Objective
One of the current challenges in aligning lexical data across different resources is word
sense alignment (WSA). Different monolingual resources may use different wordings and
structures for the same concepts and entries. There are various approaches in aligning
definitional texts based on semantic similarity and linking techniques. For instance, Meyer
and Gurevych [7] use semantic similarity and Personalized PageRank (PPR) to estimate
the semantic relatedness in linking Wiktionary and WordNet. Pilehvar and Navigli [11]
go beyond the surface form semantic similarity by transforming resources into semantic
networks. Differently, Matuschek and Gurevych [5] present Dijkstra-WSA algorithm which
aligns word senses using Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm.
    In this study, we present a similarity-based approach for WSA in English WordNet and
Wiktionary with a focus on the polysemous items. Our approach relies on semantic textual
similarity using features such as string distance metrics and word embeddings, and a graph
matching algorithm. Transforming the alignment problem into a bipartite graph matching
enables us to apply graph matching algorithms, in particular, weighted bipartite b-matching

            © Sina Ahmadi and Mihael Arcan and John McCrae;
            licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY
LDK 2019 - Posters Track.
Editors: Thierry Declerck and John P. McCrae
XX:2   Lexical Sense Alignment using Bipartite b-Matching

        3       Method

       WBbM is one of the widely studied classical problems in combinatorial optimization for
       modeling data management applications, e-commerce and resource allocation systems [1, 3, 4].
       WBbM is a variation of the weighted bipartite matching, also known as assignment problem.
       In the assignment problem, the optimal matching only contains one-to-one matching with
       the highest weight sum. This bijective mapping restriction is not realistic in the case of
       lexical resources where an entry may be linked to more than one entries. Therefore, WBbM
       aims at providing a more diversified matching where a node may be connected to a certain
       number of nodes. Formally, given G = ((U, V ), E) with weights W and vertex-labelling
       functions L : U ∪ V → N and B : U ∪ V → N, WBbM finds a subgraph H = ((U, V ), E 0 )
       which maximizes e∈E 0 W (e) having u ∈ [L(u), B(u)] and v ∈ [L(v), B(v)]. In other words,
       the number of the edges that can be connected to a node is determined by the lower and
       upper bound functions L and B, respectively.

        Algorithm 1: Greedy WBbM
          Input: G = ((U, V ), E, W ), bounds L and B
          Output: H = ((U, V )), E 0 , W ) satisfying bound constraints with a greedily-maximized
                      score e∈E 0 W (e)
        1 E =∅
        2 Sort E by descending W(e)
        3 for e to E do
        4     if H = ((U, V )), E 0 ∪ {e}, W ) does not violate L and B then
        5         E 0 = E 0 ∪ {e}

        6    return H = ((U, V )), E 0 , W )

           Algorithm 1 presents the WBbM algorithm with a greedy approach where an edge is
       selected under the condition that adding such an edge does not violate the lower and the
       upper bounds, i.e. L and B.

                    S2                                                                               WBbM MATCHING
        Ei          ..           GRAPH GENERATOR                   Sim(R1 : Ei , R2 : Ei ) =                          [l0 , b0 ]
                                                                                              
                    Sn                                              σS S 0 σS S 0    ...           [l, b]        ..
                            R1 : Ei : S1       R2 : Ei : S10      1 1     1 2
                                                                                                                 .
                                                                σS2 S 0 σS2 S 0     ...           [l, b]
                            R1 : Ei : S2       R2 : Ei : S20                                                          [l0 , b0 ]
                                                                     1        2               
                                  ..                ..         
                                                                   ..                 ..
                                                                                                           ..
                                   .                 .
                                                                         ..                   
                                                                                                             .   ..
               R2                                                  .        .         .       
                                                                                              
                    S10     R1 : Ei : Sn       R2 : Ei : Sm         σSn S10   ...   σSn Sm
                                                                                         0         [l, b]
                                                                                                                      [l0 , b0 ]

        Ei          S20                                                                                               [l0 , b0 ]

             Figure 1 Sense alignment system
Sina Ahmadi et al.                                                                                       XX:3

    We evaluate the performance of our approach on aligning sense definitions in WordNet
and Wiktionary using an aligned resource presented by Meyer and Gurevych [7]. Given an
identical entry in English WordNet and Wiktionary, we first convert the senses to a bipartite
graph where each side of the graph represents the senses belonging to one resource. Then, we
extract the similarity scores between those senses using a similarity function. The similarity
function is a trained model based on similarity features such as word length ratio, longest
common subsequence, Jaccard measure, word embeddings and forward precision, which is
performed by NASIC [6]. And finally, the senses in the the weighted bipartite graph are
matched by the WBbM algorithm. This process is illustrated in Figure 1 where senses of
entry Ei in resource R1 , {S1 , S2 , ..., Sn }, are aligned with the senses of the same entry in
       0    0         0
R2 , {S1 , S2 , ..., Sn }. The lower and upper bounds of the right side and left side of the graph,
respectively [l, b] and [l0 , b0 ], are the parameters to be tuned.

 4      Evaluation

In order to evaluate the performance of our alignment approach, we calculated macro precision
Pmacro , macro recall Rmacro , average F-measure Favg and average accuracy Aavg as follows:

             TP                               1 X       T Pi
     P =                          Pmacro =                                                     (1)
           TP + FP                           |E| i=1 T Pi + F Pi

          TP                                1 X        T Pi
     R=                           Rmacro =                                                     (2)
        TP + FN                            |E| i=1 T Pi + F Ni

             P ×R                               1 X
     F =2×                            Favg =           Fi                                      (3)
             P +R                              |E| i=1

             1 X           T Pi + T Ni
     Aavg =                                                                                    (4)
            |E| i=1 T Pi + T Ni + F Pi + F Ni

    where E refers to the set of entries, TP, TN, FN and FP respectively refer to true positive,
true negative, false negative and false positive.
    Table 1 provides the evaluation results using the WBbM algorithm with different com-
binations of the matching bounds over the left side (WordNet senses) and the right side
(Wiktionary senses) of the alignment graph. We observe that a higher upper bound increases
the recall. On the other hand, setting the lower bound to 1 provides a higher precision, while
parameters with a lower bound of 0, e.g. [0, 3], lack precision. Note that [0, 1] parameter
performs similarly as a bijective mapping algorithms such as the assignment problem where a
node can be only matched to one node. Our approach delivers superior results in comparison
to the baseline results provided by McCrae and Buitelaar [6].

                                                                                                      L D K Po s t e r s
XX:4   Lexical Sense Alignment using Bipartite b-Matching

                       Left bound, right bound       Pmacro     Rmacro     Favg      Aavg
                       [0, 1], [0, 1]                81.86      61.83      68.51     69.48
                       [0, 2], [0, 1]                78.13      70.74      73.28     76.57
                       [0, 3], [0, 1]                77.88      71.38      73.59     77.13
                       [1, 2], [1, 2]                81.21      74.17      76.59     79.49
                       [1, 3], [1, 3]                81.26      75.02      77.12     80.14
                       [1, 5], [0, 1]                81.25      75.25      77.28     80.33
                       [1, 5], [1, 2]                81.25      75.23      77.26     80.32
            Table 1 WBbM algorithm performance on alignment of WordNet and Wiktionary

        5      Conclusion

       We revisited WordNet-Wiktionary alignment task and proposed an approach based on
       textual and semantic similarity and WBbM algorithm. We demonstrated that this approach
       is efficient for aligning resources in comparison to the baseline results thanks to the flexibility
       of the matching algorithm. However, tuning the parameters of the matching algorithm needs
       further investigations of the resource and is not following a rule. In future work, we plan to
       extend our experiments to more resources.


       This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
       innovation programme under grant agreement No 731015.

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