=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2402/paper4 |storemode=property |title=Designing a Prototype Architecture for Crowdsourcing Language Resources |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2402/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2402 |authors=Christos Rodosthenous,Verena Lyding,Alexander König,Jolita Horbacauskiene,Anisia Katinskaia,Umair ul Hassan,Nicos Isaak,Federico Sangati,Lionel Nicolas |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ldk/RodosthenousLKH19 }} ==Designing a Prototype Architecture for Crowdsourcing Language Resources== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2402/paper4.pdf
Designing a Prototype Architecture for
Crowdsourcing Language Resources
Christos Rodosthenous
Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

Verena Lyding
Eurac Research, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy

Alexander König
Eurac Research, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy

Jolita Horbacauskiene
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Anisia Katinskaia
University of Helsinki, Finland

Umair ul Hassan
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway

Nicos Isaak
Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

Federico Sangati
Orientale University, Napoli, Italy

Lionel Nicolas
Eurac Research, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy

We present an architecture for crowdsourcing language resources from language learners and a
prototype implementation of it as a vocabulary trainer. The vocabulary trainer relies on lexical
resources from the ConceptNet semantic network to generate exercises while using the learners’
answers to improve the resources used for the exercise generation.

2012 ACM Subject Classification Information systems → Web services; Information systems →

Keywords and phrases Crowdsourcing, Language Learning, Language Resources, Lexicon, Know-
ledge Bases, ConceptNet, Commonsense Knowledge, enetCollect

Acknowledgements This paper is based upon work from the European Network for Combining
Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques (EnetCollect) COST Action, supported by
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
            © Christos T. Rodosthenous et al.;
            licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY
LDK 2019 - Posters Track.
Editors: Thierry Declerck and John P. McCrae
XX:2   Designing a Prototype Architecture for Crowdsourcing Language Resources

           1   Introduction

       We present a prototype architecture for crowdsourcing language resources from language
       learners and a first implementation of it for creating interactive vocabulary exercises which
       crowdsource [3] the learners’ answers, aiming to improve the language resources used to
       generate the content of the exercises.
           The current architecture is designed to accommodate various language resources, such as
       mono- and bilingual corpora or lexicons as well as content from commonsense knowledge
       bases and ontologies. The architecture foresees that exercises can be delivered via several
       user interfaces thanks to the implementation of a RESTful API approach, allowing the logical
       separation between computation and presentation layers.
           Work presented here is similar to that of Duolingo, a platform [14] which is used to
       crowdsource translations from learners. Other related work includes initiatives using explicit
       crowdsourcing, which have primarily employed Amazon Mechanical Turk for data collection.
       For instance (among many others), in [1] the authors created a Turk Bootstrap Word Sense
       Inventory of frequently used nouns in English.
           Also, approaches of implicit crowdsourcing, which mostly rely on Games With A Purpose
       (GWAPs), relate to the logic underlying the architecture presented here. For example, in [9]
       a platform that combines automated reasoning with games for acquisition of knowledge rules
       was developed. Moreover, in [6], a web based game called Common Consensus is described,
       based on the popular TV game show ‘Family Feud’. That game is used to collect and validate
       commonsense knowledge about everyday goals.
           The proposed architecture as well as a vocabulary trainer prototype and its features are
       presented in the following sections. The code of the project resides on GitLab1 for interested
       readers to test it or even more, help in expanding it.

           2   Implicit Crowdsourcing Paradigm

       The presented prototypical architecture builds on an implicit crowdsourcing paradigm which
       follows the idea that:

       IF a language resource can be used to automatically generate language learning exercises,
       THEN learners’ answers to these exercises can also be used to improve the resource.

           This paradigm thus exploits a win-win strategy [7]) between people in need of high quality
       language resources and people in need of online language learning material. It bootstraps a
       virtuous circle between both parties, where the answers of the learners allow the enhancement
       of the language resources, which in turn will result in higher quality learning content, due to
       the fact that it is generated from the improved language resources.
           Such a paradigm can be applied to any scenario in which a language resource (e.g.,
       treebanks, wordnets, corpora) can be paired with a specific language learning exercise, in the
       sense that the exercise content can be automatically generated from the LR.
           There is a somewhat counter-intuitive aspect to this paradigm: the assumption that a
       crowd of learners, with their natural deficiencies regarding their knowledge of the language,
       can be of use for improving language resources–a task that is usually performed by expert

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    Figure 1 An overview of the proposed architecture, presenting the core modules of the platform,
the data interchange between them and user interactions. The red dashed-line arrow represents the
update of the initial Language Resource with crowd-contributed data.

    However, the lack of expertise of the crowd can be compensated in two ways: (1) by
continuously evaluating the performance of the learners and taking it into account, and (2)
by cross-matching judgments from their answers to the exercise questions.
    Regarding (1), evaluating the learner is considered feasible, as in most cases the learning
application should not crowdsource on the learner, but provide exercise content that is of
satisfying quality and should thus be generated from reliable LR entries considered as ‘gold
standard’. Accordingly, learners can be evaluated on this gold standard content, while we
crowdsource their answers only on new or unreliable entries, and at a very moderate rate
(e.g., applying a ratio of 95% of reliable exercise content vs. 5% of exercises to crowdsource
new content).
    Regarding (2), cross-matching judgments of learners to deduce the correct answers can
be addressed by an aggregation approach which relies on both the classic trade-off between
quantity and quality (a low quality of answers is made up for by a higher quantity of answers),
and the possibility to decompose any complex question in smaller grained elements that can
be asked to learners through a set of boolean questions (e.g., ‘Does the learner believe that
the French word “manger” is a verb?’). Indeed, provided that the crowdsourced answers
allow to directly or indirectly deduce a boolean opinion, then all answers from learners with
performances superior to 50% to such a task allow to progress towards statistical certainty.
Therefore, one only needs to keep on asking the same question to different learners until the
set of answers allows to reach a statistical threshold ensuring good quality (e.g., a reliability
score above 98%).

    3    System Architecture
The proposed architecture is based on a modular schema and comprises four modules: (1)
an exercise generation module, (2) a data dispatcher, (3) an evaluation module and (4) one
or several user interfaces. In Figure 1, a high-level overview of the architecture is depicted
showing the core modules and processes.
    The exercise generation module is responsible for content retrieval from any type of
language resource (LR) like corpora, knowledge bases and lexica, which contain language data

    Readers can picture it as asking a group of tourists for a route in the city they are visiting.

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XX:4   Designing a Prototype Architecture for Crowdsourcing Language Resources

       in a structured form. It handles the retrieval of specific data from a LR, e.g., all collocates
       of the word ‘challenge’ from a collocation lexicon, and automatically processes them in order
       to create exercises. The processing could include grouping the collocates by word class,
       normalize singular and plural forms of substantives, etc. The exercise generation module
       delivers the exercises to the data dispatcher which can deliver valid answers to the exercises,
       back into the LR. Furthermore, it can also use natural language processing techniques to
       convert data, e.g., extracting the lemma of a word.
           The data dispatcher module handles all transactions between the various modules.
       It caters for receiving and passing on data in a generic exchange format (such as JSON3 ).
       For example it may receive generated exercises of different types and passes them on to
       multiple user interfaces. In return it receives back the response from the completed exercises
       from the user interfaces and passes them on to the evaluation module. After receiving the
       processed results, it can return the crowdsourced data to the original language resource
       that the exercises were generated from. The whole communication is done through secure
       web-service transactions between the various modules.
           The evaluation module processes the results retrieved from learners when completing
       exercises. Different types of aggregation methods can be applied to determine correct and
       wrong answers. This validation information is used for two purposes in the presented
       architecture: firstly to update or enhance the LR with new generated (crowdsourced)
       information and secondly to provide feedback to the learners about their performance while
       completing the exercises.
           The user interaction module can handle integrations of the data dispatcher with
       different user interfaces such as chatbots (e.g., Telegram4 ) and web-based applications. The
       architecture can be utilized by any user interface that is able to consume the exercises
       structure, data and incentive mechanism through its API, while preserving the same logic
       behind the exercise.

           4   Vocabulary Trainer

       As a first implementation of the prototype architecture for crowdsourcing language resources,
       we present an interactive vocabulary trainer, which is built using data from ConceptNet,
       a commonsense semantic network [13]. It offers vocabulary exercises to practice semantic
       relations between words.
            In language learning, vocabulary enhancing exercises based on words semantic relations
       are considered to be effective activities. In [11], the aspects of background knowledge, context
       and morphology to learn words more effective and clarify word meaning as essential to
       vocabulary instruction are presented. The richness of acquired vocabulary depends not
       only on the number of learned lexical items but also from the ability to connect and share
       semantic networks of similar concepts. Authors of [2] argue that ‘word learning is not simply
       the process by which isolated object– label associations are added to the mental lexicon one by
       one but also involves the learning of interrelated clusters of concepts, in which the knowledge
       of one concept supports the learning of another’ (p. 42).
            ConceptNet is a large semantic network that describes general human knowledge and how
       it is expressed in natural language. Facts in ConceptNet originate from sources like DBPedia

C. T. Rodosthenous et al.                                                                             XX:5

[5], Wiktionary5 and popular GWAPS and crowdsourcing projects, such as Verbosity [15],
the Open Mind Common Sense project [12], etc.
   The exercise generation module is responsible for retrieving content from ConceptNet
and for creating language learning exercises from the retrieved content. This is done by
quering directly the conceptnet.io APIs for relevant content.
   ConceptNet provides a large set of background knowledge about different facts connected
with other facts using relations such as relatedTo, AtLocation, PartOf, IsA, etc.
   For instance, if a search for knowledge that relatesTo the term ‘cat’ is initiated, Concept-
Net will return results such as ‘feline’, ‘pet’, ‘dog’, etc. Afterwards, the exercise generation
module processes the results using a natural language processing application to remove
stopwords and duplicates, retrieve lemmas and store them in a database.
    An example of a generated exercise is ‘Name one thing that is related to cat’, where the
learner is expected to provide a word that exists in the results retrieved from the knowledge
base. In cases where new words are added, the evaluation module checks whether they should
be added to the knowledge base or not, while a specific user feedback strategy is used to
account for the unknown correctness of the answer.
    The data dispatcher module of the vocabulary trainer is handling transactions between
the various modules by using secure web-services, where requests are received and the
outcome is presented in JSON6 format. Detailed specification of the API is available at the
project repository. The architecture provides web-services for: (1) registering new users, (2)
retrieving exercises from the exercise generation module, (3) checking learners’ contributions,
(4) assigning points and awards to learners, and (5) updating the leaderboard.
    Within the vocabulary trainer, the evaluation module processes the learners’ answers
in order to both update the knowledge base with new words and to assign points and badges
to the learners and make the whole process interesting.
    Whenever a learner completes an exercise, the evaluation module validates the provided
answer against the knowledge base. If the answer is already part of the knowledge base then
the learner receives points. If the answer is not part of the knowledge base then it is put
on hold until a certain number of new words (i.e., candidate words for the knowledge base)
have been accumulated for that specific exercise. In the second case, the learner receives a
feedback message explaining that there are additional points pending to be approved.
    Once the pre-defined threshold of new words is met the list of candidate words is ranked
according to the frequency and feedback is sent to each learner who provided an answer.
For the highest-ranked word among the list of candidates the pending points are turned
into actual points and the knowledge base is updated with the word. All learners who had
provided that answer are awarded points, and the learners who provided that answer first,
receive also an additional badge.
    The user interaction module is currently populated by two user interfaces in the
vocabulary trainer: (1) The Telegram messenger chatbot, and (2) a web application using
the popular Bootstrap framework (see Figure 2). Both interfaces use APIs to communicate
with the data dispatcher, query it for new exercises, display these to the user and store the
user’s answer. The generic architecture ensures that both interfaces can implement the same
features while presenting them to the user in different ways.


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XX:6   Designing a Prototype Architecture for Crowdsourcing Language Resources

            Figure 2 A screenshot depicting the two prototype implementations, i.e., the Telegram chatbot
       (left) and the Bootstrap web application (right) where a user is contributing new words, while
       completing exercises.

        5     Conclusion and Future Work
       In this paper, we presented an architecture to crowdsource language resources from language
       learning exercises delivered via several user interfaces. The proposed architecture is versatile
       and expandable and it is not restricted to a specific paradigm or dataset. Different language
       resources can be used for generating learning content and several types of exercises can
       be added. Also different evaluation strategies to cross-match learners’ answers can be
       incorporated to accept or reject an answer and update the corresponding language resource.
            Furthermore, we presented the first prototype implementation on top of the architecture,
       i.e., a vocabulary trainer that relies on ConceptNet to deliver exercises. Early tests with
       both the Telegram chatbot and the Bootstrap web application show promising results in
       terms of acquisition of knowledge facts and usefulness of the architecture for that purpose.
            We are currently designing an experiment to formally evaluate all components of the
       architecture. We also plan to deliver the exercises via the language learning platform Revita
       [4] and existing knowledge-based GWAPs [8, 9]. Future directions of our research could also
       include exercises related to geography, which can be used to populate a knowledge base for
       identifying the geographic focus of a text [10], using words that are related to a specific
       geographic location, e.g., feta RelatedTo greece.

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