=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2402/paper5 |storemode=property |title=DYLEN: Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2402/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-2402 |authors=Andreas Baumann,Julia Neidhardt,Tanja Wissik |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ldk/BaumannNW19 }} ==DYLEN: Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2402/paper5.pdf
DYLEN: Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks
Andreas Baumann
Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna, Austria

Julia Neidhardt
Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien, Austria

Tanja Wissik
Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria

In this contribution we present a use case of the application of big language data and digital
methods such as natural language processing, machine learning, and network analysis in the fields of
digital humanities and linguistics by characterizing and modeling the diachronic dynamics of lexical
networks. The proposed analysis will be based on two corpora containing 20 years of data with
billions of tokens.

2012 ACM Subject Classification Human-centered computing → Social network analysis; Comput-
ing methodologies → Natural language processing; Computing methodologies → Machine learning

Keywords and phrases language change, language resources, natural language processing, network
analysis, big data

Funding The project Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks (DYLEN) is funded by the ÖAW
go!digital Next Generation grant (GDNG 2018-020).

 1     Background and Research Aims

Evidently, languages are constantly subject to change. For example, on the word level, new
items enter the vocabulary (i.e. the lexical system) of a language, others cease to be used by
speakers, and some established words may change their meaning.
    Characterizing and modeling these dynamics has a broad field of applications including
linguistics, natural language processing, digital humanities, artificial intelligence, computer
sciences and cognitive sciences. In the project Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks
we therefore want to investigate, 1) how and why lexical systems of natural languages
change, thereby considering social factors such as influential individuals as well as cognitive
factors [3, 6, 11]; and 2) how language change in the lexical domain can be measured. Here,
approaches such as corpus analysis and statistical analysis of word-frequency trajectories
are typically employed in the field of diachronic linguistics (i.e. the analysis of language
over time). Figure 1, for example, shows frequency trajectories of two lexical innovations.
Recently, however, network-based approaches [1] have become increasingly important in this
context [16, 9, 10, 4].
    The advantage of network-based approaches for the analysis of lexical dynamics is that
they allow to study the semantic properties of words in addition to word frequency, since
the meaning of a word is closely related with its context, i.e. other words it co-occurs with
frequently. So, we can track lexical innovations (i.e. new words) introduced by influential
individuals (politicians) and systematically analyze contextual, i.e., semantic, changes of
these words.
    More specifically, our project focuses on the following research questions:
            © A. Baumann, J. Neidhardt and T. Wissik;
            licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY
LDK 2019 - Posters Track.
Editors: Thierry Declerck and John P. McCrae
XX:2   DYLEN: Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks

           Figure 1 Frequency trajectories of two competing Austrian German terms, “Hacklerregelung”
       and “Langzeitversichertenregelung” (long-term insurance regulation). Both terms show a frequency
       increase during the observation period in ParlAT and AMC. Do they also undergo contextual change?

       1. How and why do lexical systems change?
             What is the role of influential innovators (e.g. politicians) in lexical change?
             What determines the successful spread of lexical innovations?
             Can we disentangle social factors from cognitive factors in lexical change?
       2. How can lexical change be measured?
             Does network science give more detailed answers about language change than traditional
             frequency based methods?
             Which computational method is most suitable to analyze the evolution of lexical
             networks through time?
             How can we enrich the digital-humanities toolbox with the output of the project?

        2     Used Data Sets

       As data sets we use two diachronically layered big text corpora available for Austrian German:
       the Austrian Media Corpus (AMC), containing more than 20 years of journalistic prose [15]
       and the ParlAT corpus, covering the Austrian parliamentary records of the last 20 years [21].
       The journalistic prose included in the Austrian Media corpus comprises Austrian press agency
       releases, most Austrian periodicals such as all daily national newspapers as well as a large
       number of the major weekly and monthly magazines, in total 53 different newspapers and
           Moreover, the Austrian Media Corpus contains also transcripts of Austrian television
       news programs, news stories and interviews [15]. In total, the AMC contains 10.500 million
       tokens with 40 million wordforms and 33 million lemmas. The ParlAT corpus contains the
       stenographic records, in German called “Stenographische Protokolle” from the XX to the
       XXV legislative period (1996 – 2017). So they are not transcripts of recordings but shorthand
       records. The corpus size is 75 million tokens with over 0.6 million word forms and 0.4 million
       lemmas [21]. Both corpora are tokenized, part-of-speech tagged and lemmatized.
           Crucially, the two corpora cover lexical innovations both directly in the linguistic output
       of politicians as well as indirectly in media texts. Thus, the two corpora provide an ideal
       testing ground for the hypotheses outlined above.
A. Baumann, J. Neidhardt and T. Wissik                                                                   XX:3

 3     Approach and Expected Outcome
To address the questions mentioned in section 1, we analyze the above described data sets,
namely the Austrian Media Corpus (AMC), and the ParlAT corpus. In addition, we will
provide an easy-to-use online tool to enable researchers to do diachronic analyses of lexical
networks by themselves. Our approach requires the following steps, which are schematically
depicted in Figure 2:

1. NLP pre-processing and data model development: For both corpora (i.e. AMC
   and ParlAT) a number of data pre-processing steps have already been conducted, i.e.
   tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, segmentation, lemmatization, named-entity (NE)
   recognition. Parts of the existing NE recognition will be enhanced using machine learning
   and semantic knowledge bases, e.g. Wikidata [19]. Furthermore, we will introduce a
   comprehensive data model combining both corpora and all metadata. In addition we
   will compile a list of relevant Austrian politicians as we want to analyze their impact on
   language change.
2. Network construction and description: A systematic procedure will be defined
   to 1) construct different co-occurrence networks (i.e. networks, where nodes represent
   identified entities, e.g. politicians, as well as nouns, verbs or adjectives and edges represent
   the co-occurrence of these nodes in a sentence, paragraph or document) for different time
   intervals (i.e. all documents within a week, a month, a year, etc.); and 2) extract basic
   properties (e.g. number of nodes/edges, clustering, centrality) to describe the networks.
   Together with frequency of occurrence, these properties can be interpreted cognitively
   and semantically [9, 10].
3. Network analyses and comparisons: In-depth analyses of the resulting networks will
   be conducted using network analysis and visualization. As the number of networks is
   assumed to be quite large, an approach will be developed to systematically compare
   these networks over time and across the two corpora. Therefore, different methods from
   network analysis, machine learning and statistical modeling will be tested. This will
   allow to identify relevant parameters (e.g. network properties) to capture diachronic
4. Modeling diachronic developments: Statistical models including time-series analysis
   with generalized additive models and time-series clustering techniques for analyzing the
   co-evolution of parameters (see 3.) in multiple networks will be employed.
5. Interactive web application: A web-based interactive tool will be developed that
   retrieves the constructed networks and allows to explore, analyze and visualize them.

     The technical implementation, which will build on an existing prototype [7], will mainly be
based on Python and appropriate libraries [5, 8, 12, 14], on Neo4j [20] to store the network and
on software for big data analysis , e.g. Apache Spark [23], Hadoop Yarn [17, 18], HDFS [17].
Gephi [2] will be used to visualize the graphs, and R for the statistical analyses [13, 22].
     We expect our project, which has to face specific challenges such as NE recognition for
Austrian German and the analysis of two large-scale diachronic corpora, to contribute to
the understanding of the role that influential speakers and other linguistic factors play in
lexical change by analyzing big amounts of language data. Since we cover both the linguistic
output of influential speakers (ParlAT) as well as their linguistic reflex (AMC), we can test
if lexical innovations introduced by these individuals behave differently than other lexical
innovations. This allows us to disentangle social effects from cognitive effects in the process
of lexical spread. For example, by analyzing the evolution of the clustering coefficients of

                                                                                                      L D K Po s t e r s
XX:4   DYLEN: Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks

           Figure 2 Work flow in the DYLEN project. Lexical networks are generated from diachronically
       layered corpus data. Network properties of lexical items, such as semantic neighborhood density, are
       then investigated across time to derive insights into semantic change.

       networks around lexical innovations, we can test if increase in frequency is accompanied by
       semantic widening effects; a correlation which is expected given results from research on
       language change [3, 6, 11].
          We also seek to foster network theory as a suitable tool to analyze and make sense of
       diachronic language data in the linguistic research community.

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