=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2402/paper8 |storemode=property |title=A Study on Improving Corpus Creation by Pair Annotation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2402/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-2402 |authors=Ines Siebigteroth,Bodo Kraft,Oliver Schmidts,Albert Zündorf |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ldk/SiebigterothKSZ19 }} ==A Study on Improving Corpus Creation by Pair Annotation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2402/paper8.pdf
A Study on Improving Corpus Creation by Pair
Ines Siebigteroth
FH Aachen, University
Jülich, Germany

Bodo Kraft
FH Aachen, University
Jülich, Germany

Oliver Schmidts
FH Aachen, University
Jülich, Germany

Albert Zündorf
University of Kassel
Kassel, Germany

One of the most expensive steps in the development process of a natural language processing
application is the annotation of corpora. We provide a study to evaluate the pair annotation
approach for corpus development. This approach applies the process of pair programming, a
well-established practice in the field of software engineering, to the annotation process.
    We verify pair annotation by comparing two groups: One group consists of pair annotators,
while the other group is made up of single annotators as a reference. Every group annotates a set of
question and answer documents gathered from Stack Overflow. Evaluating the quality of annotations
we apply the kappa measure of inter-annotator agreement between the annotated documents and a
previously defined gold standard.
    The results show that pair annotation can serve as an approach to improve initial skill training
and quality of corpus creation.

2012 ACM Subject Classification Computing methodologies → Natural language processing; Soft-
ware and its engineering → Pair programming

Keywords and phrases Corpus Creation, NLP, Pair Annotation, Pair Programming

Category Poster track

Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to the student group of FH Aachen.
Without their volunteering participation this study would not have been possible.

   Corpus creation is a complex task, depending on domain and language used. For example,
the precision of Part-of-Speech (POS) drops on domain specific text if they were not trained
on this domain before [6]. Even a native speaker or linguist may have trouble correctly
annotating domain specific language. Despite recent approaches to (semi-)automate the
annotation process [9, 10, 11, 12], building reliable, domain specific corpora requires extensive
manual work.
   Kent Beck introduced the idea of pair programming [3], which is a standard technique
today, to the software engineering community as optimization approach to the software
development process. Demirşahin et al. [5] proposed pair annotation by adopting pair
            © Ines Siebigteroth, Bodo Kraft, Oliver Schmidts and Albert Zündorf;
            licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY
LDK 2019 - Posters Track.
Editors: Thierry Declerck and John P. McCrae
XX2   Improving Corpus Creation by Pair Annotation

      programming to the process of corpus annotation to accelerate the annotation process while
      reducing errors and resolving disagreements faster. However, they mentioned, that their
      approach needs further evaluation, due to their small group of individuals and project
      specificity of their approach. We conduct this new study, evaluating the impact of pair
      annotation on corpus creation of non-native speakers.
          Closely related to the advantages and disadvantages of pair programming we expected
      that the inter-annotator agreement between the gold standard and annotated documents
      by the pairs should be higher than documents annotated by single individuals, since the
      navigator checks the work of the driver and they discuss possible corrections immediately.
      These discussions may lead to a better understanding of the tags, improving results in future
      annotations. This quality improvement compensates the higher costs for two annotators in
      comparison to the costs for a single annotator.
          Furthermore, we expected that the pairs would be more motivated and focused towards
      their task. As a result, higher quality of annotations and an enhanced learning curve with
      regard to increasing knowledge about the tags should be visible through Kappa statistics.
          Gathering question and answer documents from the platform Stack Overflow [2], we
      selected the programming language Java as specific technical domain. Regarding to the
      international community of Stack Overflow the documents were written in English. We choose
      five documents, each consisting of 100 words, and apply the process of text segmentation to
      them. To evaluate the inter-annotator agreement we annotated a gold standard for each of
      the five documents.
          As visualized in Figure 1, we divided a group of sixteen computer science students into two
      groups: one group consisting of five pair annotation teams and a reference group consisting
      of six single annotators. In order to ensure a realistic composition, especially without taking
      personal preferences into account, we took care of the group division and not the students
          The skill of the students was on a similar level, because all have sufficient knowledge of
      the chosen domain. Furthermore, all were not familiar with any process of corpus annotation
      and they are neither native speakers nor linguists.
          Annotators particularly used the Quick Pad Tagger (QPT) from NLPf [12] as a tool
      for the POS tagging process. For this study we chose the universal POS tag set[1], the
      default POS tag set from the NLPf framework [12], to simplify the annotation process for
      the experiment participants, and thus they are not native speakers or linguists.
          The groups annotated the documents within five rounds, whereby each round lasted 30
      minutes and only one document was annotated in each round. The defined time for each
      round was sufficient for each document. To recover, the students had a lunch break of 45
      minutes after round three and a 15 minute break after each other round.
          We interviewed them during the breaks and after the last round for evaluation regarding
      their experience to analyze their motivation and concentration over time. In addition, we
      conduct these interviews to investigate their learning experience during the study.
          After the students had annotated all documents, we used the framework DKPro Statis-
      tics [7] to determine the inter-annotator agreement between the previously defined gold
      standard and the students’ result by applying the implementation of the free-marginal kappa
      statistics as described by Brennan [4] and Randolph [8]. This kappa definition can be used
      when the annotators are not advised to classify a defined number of tokens to each category.
      Regarding to the concept of this study, the latter are used to analyze the results, where
      the categories correspond to the POS tags. We extended the framework by inter-annotator
      agreement of each category.
I. Siebigteroth, B. Kraft, O. Schmidts and A. Zündorf                                                                     XX3

                                        Single Annotators


                                                                  Interview all

                                        One document per                                          Inter-annotator
                                             round                                                   agreement
   Sixteen annotators

                                                                                      Annotated documents

                                         Pair Annotators

     Start process      Derive groups   Annotation of documents                   Evaluation

   Figure 1 Visualization of annotation process

   The formula for calculating the agreement of each category is shown in Equation 1.
             Pai − Pe
   κi =                                                                                                         (1)
              1 − Pe
For each category i, the actual percentage of agreement Pai is determined for this category.
The expected percentage of agreement Pe is 89% for every category. Furthermore, the average
inter-annotator agreement for each group was calculated. Based on the determined kappa
values, we evaluated the quality of the annotated documents and identified significant errors
caused by confusion of POS tags respectively categories.
    The kappa values for both groups, singles and pairs, indicated a high agreement and
good quality overall with significant values always larger than 0.7. Furthermore, the values
increased over time, which we interpreted as a learning curve. However, while even both
groups achieved high kappa values, we recognized, that the pairs produced minimal better
results. In addition, the variation of the kappa values of the single annotators was at least
one and a half times as high as the variation of the pairs. The variation of the inter-annotator
agreement of single annotators showed, that randomly chosen single annotators may have a
different level of annotation skill, leading to unstable training data.
    Based on the analysis of the variation, we supposed that the pairs are able to balance
different skill levels leading to more stable results of higher quality. We interpreted this as
an indication that working as a pair leads to higher quality training data. Furthermore,
we interpreted this as an indication that the pairs are able to balance different skill levels
leading to more stable results of higher quality than randomly chosen single annotators who
may have a different level of annotation skill, leading to unstable training data.
    Analyzing the confusion matrix as visualized in Figure 2, we observed that the diagonal of
the matrix was particularly pronounced. We interpreted that most of the POS tags were set
correctly. Nevertheless, the annotators confused the category pairs AUX and VERB, PRON
and NOUN, CONJ and SCONJ between 20% and 40% of the time. Even more significant is

                                                                                                                      L D K Po s t e r s
XX4   Improving Corpus Creation by Pair Annotation

                                                                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                1
                       AUX                                                                                                                                              AUX

                      PRON                                                                                                                                             PRON

                      PROPN                                                                                                                                            PROPN

                       SYM                                                                                                                                              SYM
                                                                                                                                                  0.8                                                                                                                                              0.8
                        ADJ                                                                                                                                              ADJ

                       NUM                                                                                                                                              NUM

                          *                                                                                                                                                *
                                                                                                                                                  0.6                                                                                                                                              0.6
                      SCONJ                                                                                                                                            SCONJ
       Tagged Value

                                                                                                                                                        Tagged Value
                        ADP                                                                                                                                              ADP

                        DET                                                                                                                                              DET

                       ADV                                                                                                                                              ADV
                                                                                                                                                  0.4                                                                                                                                              0.4
                      PUNCT                                                                                                                                            PUNCT

                       PART                                                                                                                                             PART

                       CONJ                                                                                                                                             CONJ
                                                                                                                                                  0.2                                                                                                                                              0.2
                       VERB                                                                                                                                             VERB

                          X                                                                                                                                                X

                       INTJ                                                                                                                                             INTJ

                      NOUN                                                                                                                                             NOUN
                                                                                                                                                  0                                                                                                                                                0



































                                                                            Proper Value                                                                                                                                     Proper Value

       (a) Single                                                                                                                                       (b) Pair

                       Figure 2 Confusion matrix of categories per group

      the analysis of the category pair ADJ and ADV. The inter-annotator agreement is located
      between 70% for adjectives and 50% for adverbs. Like the categories mentioned before the
      annotators confused them 20% of the time. Furthermore, they considered them as other
          We explained that by the fact, that the annotators were neither native speakers nor
      linguists, why it was difficult for them to determine the correct category in some cases. In
      the future we approve to give an introduction on English grammar to the annotators to
      improve the annotation of POS tags.
          Nonetheless, we observed that the pairs were able to compensate the lack of grammar
      skills better by collaborating in a team. Regarding to this, we interpreted it, that it is easier
      for them to deal with missing knowledge. According to this, we recommend the usage of pair
      annotation to improve the skill on difficult tasks of the corpus annotation process.
          In the interviews both groups of annotators described their motivation during the ex-
      periment without any difference, against our assumptions. However, Annotators mentioned
      they lost motivation, because of the repetitive annotation tasks after achieving a skill ceiling
      annotating the documents. They felt unable to improve further.
          Regarding to the time of concentration and the experience of skill-improvement, we
      observed a difference between the groups. The pairs mentioned that they were able to
      concentrate better than the singles. Furthermore, they mentioned a steeper learning curve.
      Over all rounds the pairs reported their learning experience as higher as the single annotators.
      This self-evaluation fit to the higher and faster increasing inter-annotator agreement of the
      pairs, which confirms that the pairs achieve their skill maximum faster.
          In the future the approach needs further verification with a larger group of pair and single
      annotators and more documents, with an introduction on grammar to the annotators to
      reduce the confusions that showed up during this study. Furthermore, we will investigate
      how the quality of the annotated corpus increases when we break up pairs and build new
      pairs consisting of single annotators with skill deficits and a better skilled individual from
      a broke up pair. Additionally, we will investigate the optimization of multi-staged corpus
      annotation processes by pair annotation, where Linguists will classify the POS tags at first
I. Siebigteroth, B. Kraft, O. Schmidts and A. Zündorf                                                  XX5

and a group with domain knowledge will annotate the named entity relations (NER) next.

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 2   Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers, January 2019. URL:
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                                                                                                   L D K Po s t e r s