=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2403/paper4 |storemode=property |title=An Introduction to Image Classification and Object Detection using YOLO Detector |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2403/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2403 |authors=Martin Štancel,Michal Hulič |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/StancelH19 }} ==An Introduction to Image Classification and Object Detection using YOLO Detector== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2403/paper4.pdf
    An Introduction to Image Classification and Object
             Detection using YOLO Detector

        Martin Štancel1() [0000-0001-6669-1439] and Michal Hulič1 [0000-0002-2974-8050]
                     1 Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia

             martin.stancel@tuke.sk , michal.hulic@tuke.sk

       Abstract. Artificial neural networks have been proved to be the best and the
       most used solution for image classification and object detection tasks. Paper an-
       alyzes them as a tool that significantly improves the mentioned, very compli-
       cated computational calculations. In the paper there is a brief history of their
       development as well as the selected object detector that we used for our intro-
       ductory experiment that is shown later in the paper. Also, there is introduced the
       idea of the future research that is going to be based on the conducted experi-
       ment and which is going to involve a new methodology for an automated gen-
       eration of new domain-specific datasets that are essential in the training phase
       of the neural networks.

       Keywords: Artificial neural network, Image classification, Object detection,
       Dataset, Pattern recognition, Computer vision, Machine learning.

1      Introduction

In the last two decades scientists and researchers in the fields of computer vision,
machine learning and neural networks perceive an increasing popularity of these sec-
tors of computer science due to the fact that technologically hardware as well as soft-
ware components of today's computers have been significantly advanced. It has al-
lowed us to do extensive algorithmic operations and work with a huge amount of data.
    We analyzed artificial neural networks (in short neural networks), which is a sub-
area of the machine learning, that are the most suitable method for image classifica-
tion and object detection tasks.
   Neural networks use methodologies of the machine learning and computer vision.
Computer vision takes care about image processing in a way so it also deals with
noise reduction, brightness change, or image enhancement by various techniques. On
the other hand, the machine learning is very flexible, because it can be used in com-
puter vision, image processing as well as other sectors of computer science.
    The paper also describes the history of the neural networks as well as the primarily
used convolutional neural network which has become the most popular method at the
image classification and object detection tasks.
   According to the analyzed facts and the results from our empirically tested data, in
the future we would like to design and implement optimized method for automated
generation of domain-specific datasets that are essential in the training phase of the
neural networks which is very necessary task to do for the neural networks to actually
be able to learn and detect objects on the series of any new images.

2      Neural Networks

There are a lot of general methods that deal with a problem in a unique way in an
optimal time consuming interval and nowadays neural networks have been one of
them that become commercially popularized thanks to the fact that hardware as well
as software are being significantly advanced on daily basis. Today, they have been
widely used in many sectors of the computer science from arduino microcontroller
interfaces [1] through authentication [2] or our researched image classification and
object detection.
    Neural networks consist of many interconnected groups of nodes that are called
neurons. Variables from input functions from data are transmitted to these neurons as
a multivariable linear combination, where the values are multiplied with each function
variable (i.e. weights). On this linear combination there is later applied non-linearity
that give the neural networks an ability to model complex non-linear relations. Neural
networks can have more layers, where an output from one layer is the input for the
other. Also, for the learning and detecting processes, neural networks use trained da-
tasets (section 2.2).
    Nowadays, there are a lot of algorithms with various types of neural networks.
Their historical development is described in the next section 2.1.

2.1    History of the Neural Networks
For a few decades there have been simple approaches to create one of the firsts neural
networks and its very first approach begun by Frank Rosenblatt in 1958 [3], who re-
searched how information from physical world are stored in biological system so it
could be used for detection or behavioral influences in the future.
   Later, there were developed models with several successively non-linear layers of
neurons that are dated back to the sixty's [4] and seventy's [5]. Gradient descent
method was in the supervised learning [6] in discrete, differencional networks of an
arbitrary depth called backpropagation [7] applied for the first time to a neural net-
work in 1981.
    With a huge amount of various layers, neural networks were too hard to develop at
this time, because of that their development stagnated until the beginning of ninety's
[8], when unsupervised learning [9] method was implemented.
    In the ninety's and twenty's of the last century there were significant improve-
ments in this kind of field. There was developed a new method of reinforced learning
[10] that looks into an unknown environment and by using the trial and error method,
agent learns about its surroundings and gets better every time it tries a new approach
with its actions [11].
    In the third millennium, the neural networks attracted a large amount of research-
ers for their application in many different sectors [12, 13] resulting among the best
algorithms. Since 2009 the neural networks have won many competitions especially
in a pattern recognition.
    The pattern recognition was significantly improved when Alex Krizhevsky et al.
in 2012 developed convolutional neural network for image classification task on
ImageNet challenge [14]. He and his team won the challenge and created state-of-the-
art image classification method that is also used today.

2.2    Datasets

Today, there are a lot of various datasets for the machine learning but we will take a
closer look at image datasets that are essential for image classification and object
detection tasks.
    Creating image datasets is a relatively time-consuming operation, since their
meaning is acquired when they contain a huge amount of data. The image datasets
that are used in image classification and object detection are created by labeling ob-
jects and accurately locating them with a bounding box. Nowadays, there are no such
tools that could perform fully automated objects labeling and locating.
    We want to direct our research to domain-specific environments, so creating a
method that automates the generation of these datasets is desired in the community.
    We assume that it will be based on a convolutional neural network and an image
object detector within YOLO architecture which we empirically tested on the series of
our two experiments (section 3.2). Our idea is to collect images online that would
consist of various types and colors of the same object classes, transparent or one-
colored background and accurate name. Then, we could extract individual objects
from the images and programmatically adjust their brightness, light settings, shadows,
etc to get even more images for the training phase.
    Our idea is to put those objects into randomly generated backgrounds with random
location and overlapping as can be seen in the next figure (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Randomly generated background with random locating and overlapping objects.
3      Detector YOLO and the Experiments

YOLO is an object detector created by Redmon, J., et al. [16]. The YOLO authors
state [17] that it is a state-of-the-art image object detector that achieves the best re-
sults in terms of accuracy and speed and that's why we used it in our research along
with its neural network called Darknet.

3.1    Detector

YOLO divides each image into a grid of size S x S and each cell in the grid predicts B
bounding boxes and their confidence. This confidence of an object reflects how relia-
ble and accurate the bounding box that locates and classifies an object is. It defines
the confidence of an object as follows:
                             𝑃𝑅(𝑂𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡) ∗ 𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑                                     (1)

which means that the probability of the detected object is multiplied with an intersec-
tion over union (the intersection area divided by the union area for two bounding
boxes) between the predicted boundary box and the ground truth box (i.e. hand la-
beled bounding box in a training data).

3.2    Experiments

With the detector YOLO we conducted two experiments on a pre-trained COCO da-
taset [18]. In the first one, we showed how the detector works on the image shown
below (Fig. 2) and in the second one we tested the detector on the series of 500 images
to empirically confirm its functionality.

Using the detector on the image in various resolutions. In this experiment we com-
pared the image classification and object detection while processed on processor Intel
Core i7-7700K (Table 1) and graphic card GeForce GTX 1070 (Table 2) while we
used the same image for both of the components.
Fig. 2. Used Image for this experiment.

By comparing the two tables, we can see that the data processing, image classification
and the object detection on the processor is noticeably slower than on the graphic card
(approximately 8x slower). Also, with the increasing resolution, the number of detect-
ed objects is also increased, which is caused because of the better quality and clearer

                     Table 1. Objects Detection Testing on the Processor.

                      Resolution          Objects Detected      Time in ms
                       378x284                   8               1639.114
                       756x567                   9               1623.239
                       1008x756                  11              
                      2016x1512                  13              1679.288
                      4032x3024                  14              1550.013

                   Table 2. Objects Detection Testing on the Graphic Card.

                      Resolution          Objects Detected      Time in ms
                       378x284                   8               194.474
                       756x567                   9               202.065
                       1008x756                  11              
                      2016x1512                  13              198.224
                      4032x3024                  14              194.799
Using the detector on the series of 500 images. We extended our first experiment to
detect objects on the series of 500 images. Also, according to the results of our previ-
ous experiment, we didn't use various resolutions anymore, because it has no effect in
time on the final detections and using the images in their original resolution provide
more detected objects. For the comparison we chose the images with the fastest and
the slowest detection time and the images with the most and the least objects detected.
Also, we provided average time and average amount of detected objects per whole
series of the images. Similarly we used processor and graphic card processing as in
the first experiment. The results are shown in the next tables (Table 3 and Table 4).

              Table 3. 500 Images Objects Detection Testing on the Processor.

                Property            Objects Detected       FLOPS       Time in ms
          The fastest detection            20              65.864       2188.822
         The slowest detection             20              65.864       1401.273
             Average time                13.23                    1563.503
           The most objects                44              65.864       1505.41
            The least objects              2               65.864       1572.51

            Table 4. 500 Images Objects Detection Testing on the Graphic Card.

                Property            Objects Detected       FLOPS       Time in ms
          The fastest detection            20              65.864       220.742
         The slowest detection             20              65.864       187.003
             Average time                13.23                    192.299
           The most objects                44              65.864       189.685
            The least objects              2               65.864       188.625

The speed of the detection on the series of 500 images is between 1401.273ms to
2188.822ms with the average time of the detection 1563.503ms on the processor and
187.003ms to 220.742ms with the average time of the detection 192.299ms on the
graphic card.

From the results of this experiment we can conclude that the amount of objects de-
tected doesn't affect the speed of detection (the fastest and the slowest processed im-
ages contain the same amount of objects) as well as the time of the most and the least
objects detected images is almost identical.
4      Future Research

In the future, we would like to use the YOLO detector for processing a huge amount
of images for a training phase of automated generation of domain-specific datasets.
Based on our results, we will aim the processing on a graphic card. The card we used
achieved 5 FPS.
   The future research will also be aimed to design completely new methodology for
the automated generation of domain-specific datasets. We assume that the method
will be of a great importance in reducing time cost while creating new datasets, espe-
cially in the phase of the labeling where each object on an image must be precisely
put into the bounding box. Nowadays this task is handmade by people and this ap-
proach should completely get rid of the human intervention during the labeling pro-
cess. The method would also be applied in real-time detections as well as many other
tasks like determining specific species of a certain kind or in education to learn spe-
cific objects in the same way as children learn from their very first moments of life.
   The last thing I would like to point out is that creating such datasets is a serious
problem since labeling and locating of the objects in the images is mostly a manual
work. Our method would help researchers in many different areas to get significantly
better results because, as is written in this papers [19, 20], often times their datasets
are very limited and it could affect the results accuracy.
    With our approach of automated generation of domain-specific datasets we could
train the neural networks on specific environments which would significantly help
with a determination not only of a class of some object but also its kinds and sub-
classes e.g. a detected flower would be more accurately detected as forget-me-not or a
detected tree would be more accurately detected as baobab.


This work was supported by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
Technical University of Košice under the contract No. FEI-2018-59: Semantic Ma-
chine of Source-Oriented Transparent Intensional Logic.

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