=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2403/paper6 |storemode=property |title=Natural Language Dialogue Formalization: From Hyperintensional Logic to Linear Logic |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2403/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2403 |authors=Zuzana Bilanová,Ján Perháč |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/BilanovaP19 }} ==Natural Language Dialogue Formalization: From Hyperintensional Logic to Linear Logic== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2403/paper6.pdf
Natural Language Dialogue Formalization: From
    Hyperintensional Logic to Linear Logic

    Zuzana Bilanová [0000−0001−6347−2409] and Ján Perháč [0000−0002−0128−5111]

    Department of Computers and Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
             Informatics, Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia

        Abstract. This paper deals with a formalization of a natural language
        dialogue using transparent intensional logic and predicate linear logic. In
        the beginning, it is necessary to choose the dialogue in a natural language.
        Subsequently, this dialogue is analyzed by transparent intensional logic,
        that allows it to capture the meaning of sentences in logical structures.
        At this stage, a three-step method of an analysis will be applied to the
        dialogue: at first, there will be a type analysis of the lexical units, which
        is the base for the logical constructions that capture the meaning of the
        sentences and then we apply a type checking to verify the correctness
        of the solution. In the second part of the paper, the same dialogue is
        analyzed by the Ludics theory, which represents the superstructure of
        the predicate linear logic. In a technical presentation of Ludics theory,
        the dialogue is placed in a logical space and time what allows model
        interactions between its actors.

        Keywords: Logical Analysis of Natural Language · Ludics Theory ·
        Predicate Linear Logic · Transparent Intensional Logic.

1     Introduction
Computer programs require people to communicate with them in a formal pro-
gramming language that is accurate, unambiguous, and structured. Human speech
does not have these attributes. The natural language has not been discovered,
but gradually developed spontaneously over the centuries in communicative prac-
tice and adapted to changing conditions in the society. This causes that people
mostly understand themselves, but sometimes their understanding of meaning
is different. The meaning of the natural language expressions is often ambiguous
because its logical structure is not identical to the grammatical structure. Ex-
plaining the meaning of natural language expressions is dealt by the logic analysis
of natural language (LANL), which also allows to discovery the mistakes that
arise from misinterpretations of the premises.
    The most important requirement for a logical system examining the natural
language semantics is the expressivity. An extensional logic systems (proposi-
tional logic, predicate logic...) are not enough expressive - for LANL needs it is
necessary to work with an intensional logical systems. This paper is built on the
following research results:
 – in [1][2][3] was presented that the most expressive LANL system is a trans-
   parent intensional logic (TIL), which we will deal with in this paper,
 – TIL has not been fully automated for use in the computer science yet, which
   is related to its extraordinary expressive force. The solution would be to link
   its apparatus with another logical system that does not have this deficiency
   - in [4][5] was presented that a suitable logic could be predicate linear logic
   (PLL). PLL is not commonly used in LANL, but this paper will describe
   how it can analyze the natural language dialogues.
    In the future research, the goal is to create the formal specification of a new
logic linking TIL with PLL. It will be the basis for the implementation of a
semantic machine [6] that will be able to automate the logical analysis of nat-
ural language. A prerequisite for its implementation is to provide the necessary
architectural [7][8][9] and security requirements [10][11][12]. Previously it will be
necessary to explore the possibilities of TIL and PLL in formalizing the meaning
of sentences from several points of view. The aim of this paper is to compare
how mentioned logic can analyze natural language dialogues.

2     Transparent Intensional Logic
The founder of TIL is Pavel Tichý [13] who (same as Frege) claimed extended
Church’s simple theory of types (containing a set of individuals and truth values)
by modal and temporal parameters. TIL is high-order logic based on the concept
of possible worlds. Language of TIL is a modified version of the typed object-
oriented lambda calculus with a ramified hierarchy of types.

2.1   Basic Objects in TIL
Logical analysis of natural language is related to a specific object base. The basic
objects of TIL which represent non-functional element types are:
 – set of truth value (true, false) o,
 – set of individuals ι,
 – set of time points (real numbers) τ ,
 – set of logically possible worlds ω.

     Functional types are sets partial functions (αβ1 ,.......βm ), with arguments
b1 ,.....bm of type β1 ,.......,βm and values in α. Intensions are objects of type
(αω), i.e. functions from a possible worlds for any type α. Most often, these
are functions of type ((ατ )ω), for simplicity it is stated in TIL as ατ ω . Some
examples of frequently used intensions are shown in Table 1.

2.2   Constructions in TIL
Tichý introduced the concepts of construction [14] as a non-linguistic abstract
procedures which expressed the meaning of natural language expressions. The
constructions can be:
                               Table 1. Intensions in TIL

      Type intension Description                  Example
           (oα)      object type α                prime number(oτ )
         (o(oα))     quantifiers for any types α ∀ ∃
          (ooo)      binary logical operators     ∨, ∧, ⇔
           (oo)      unary logical operator       ¬
            ιτ ω     individual roles             president of SR
         (oα)τ ω     properties of type objects α surprise
           oτ ω      propositions                 Peter is looking for a princess.

 – variable x, constructs objects based on their valuation,
 – trivialization 0 X, constructs an object X without changes,
 – composition [X1 . . . Xm ], constructs the result of an application of function
   to arguments,
 – closure λx.X (based on λ-abstraction), constructs function.

2.3     Application of TIL to Natural Language Dialogue

Consider the following example:

Example 1. Mother: “If you behave well, you’ll either be playing at home with
ball or toy, or going out to the cinema or shopping. If you want to go out, I will
decide where to go.“
Son: “I want to go out.“
Mother: “Then we will go to the cinema.“

    In TIL , these sentences are analyzed in three steps - type analysis (to each
object of sentence is assigned a corresponding type), synthesis (create a con-
struction which represents the meaning of a sentence) a type checking (verify if
the synthesis was correctly done).
    Let’s analyze the first sentence: “If you (son) behave well , you’ll either
be (choose) playing at home with ball or toy, or going out to the cinema or
shopping.“ 1

1. Type analysis:
   son/ι, behave well/(ooι)τ ω , ⇒/ooo, choose/(oιι)τ ω , home/(oι)τ ω , ∨/ooo,
   out/(oι)τ ω .
2. Synthesis:
   λw λt [[0 behave wellw t ⇒ [0 choose w t [0 home w t ∨ 0 out w t ]]] 0 son]
3. Type checking: (Fig. 1)

    This analysis is simplified. The disjunctions of which the objects home and out are
    composed were not analyzed.
λw λt [[0 behave well       w   t    ( [0 choose w        t   [0 home w           t       N   0
                                                                                                  out   w       t ]]]

 ω   τ       (ooι)τ ω       ω τ ooo      (oιι)τ ω    ω τ      (oι)τ ω        ω τ ooo (oι)τ ω ω                   τ           ι


                                                                             oι                    (oι)τ

                   (ooι)τ                    (oιι)τ                               ooι                      oι

                         ooι                        oιι                                       o

                                oι                                      ιι




                  oτ ω

Fig. 1. Type checking of the sentence: “If you behave well, you’ll either be playing at
home with ball or toy, or going out to the cinema or shopping.“

   Other sentences can be analyzed in the same way. A sentence, the meaning of
which is correctly expressed, is always a proposition with type (o)τ ω (same as in
Fig. 1). From this example it is clear that even though TIL is an effective tool of
LANL, the individual sentences of the natural language are analyzed separately,
and so it is not adequate for its application on natural language dialogues. In
the next section, the same dialogue will be explored through the PLL.

3    Predicate Linear Logic
Linear logic, introduced in 1987 by J.Y. Girard [17], has the following charac-
 – can describe real processes in the world, because it works with resources and
   their consumption,
 – the formula of it is an action, a source or a literal,
 – introduces new linear logic connectives,
 – does not contain the rules of weakness and contraction.
   Since a intensions in the natural language expressions can be described by
using predicates, we need to introduce PLL. The formula ϕ in a PLL can be
formulated by the following production rule [15] [16]:
ϕ ::= pn | 0 | 1 |⊥| > | ϕ1 ( ϕ2 | ϕ1 ⊗ ϕ2 | ϕ1 ⊕ ϕ2 | ϕ1 Oϕ2 | ϕ1 Nϕ2 | ϕ⊥ | ϕ? |
ϕ! | P (t, ..., t) | (∀x)ϕ | (∃x)ϕ,

t ::= x | c | f (t, ..., t),
    where 0, 1,>, ⊥ are logical constants (neutral elements), pn are atomic state-
ments, ⊗, N, ⊕, O are logical connectives, ( is linear implication, (.)⊥ is nega-
tion, !, ? are modal operators, P (t, ..., t) is predicate, ∀, ∃ are quantifiers, x is
variable, c is constant, and f (t, ..., t) is the application of a functional symbol to
a term t.

3.1     Ludics Theory

The Ludics theory [18] is an extension of the PLL by time and space. Ludics
is a theory of interaction, which can overcome the difference between grammar
and semantics. The basic principle of this calculus is handling positions of PLL
formulas, while ignoring their contents.

Time and space in linear logic To change the polarity of the blocks (called
clusters) in proof tree means an increment of time. PLL connectives are divided
into positive and negative, which also determines the polarity of the PLL formula.
There are:

 – positive - ⊗, ⊕, 1,0, !, ∃,
 – negative - N, O, >, ⊥, ?, ∀,
 – special - ( represents dependent polarity, (.)⊥ causes the flipping of polarity.

    The rules of invertibility and focalization are used to make one-step from few
follow-up steps in proof tree. In invertibility, a cluster of negative formulas is
formed, in focalization a cluster of positive formulas is originated.
    Talking about space in Ludics, the truth nor the content of formula, but
its location, is essential in the proof tree, known as the ξ. The proof tree that
contains only location data is called a design. Immediate subformulas of the
A formula are enumerable, while the number of immediate subformulas can be
labelled as Bi , Bij , Bijk ..., where i, j, k are positive integers - biases and i, ij, ijk
are concatenation of particulate biases i, j, k. If all the data, except the formula
addresses, is removed in the sequences used in argument, we call it a pitchfork:

                                                   ξ ` Λ,                                (2)

    where ξ represents one address, and context Λ is a finite set of addresses. In
pitchfork calculus, the following rules are applied:
    Axiom daimon
                                          (@)                                  (3)
      Positive and negative rule

                 ...ξ ∗ i ` Λi ...                     ... ` ΛI , ξ ∗ I...
                                   (+, `, ξ, I )                           (−, ξ ` N )   (4)
                      ` Λ, ξ                                 ξ`Λ
3.2     Application of Ludics Theory to Natural Language Dialogue

With PLL will be analyzed the same dialogue as with TIL. The PLL formula of
the sentence: “If you behave well (W ), you’ll either be playing at home with ball
(B) or toy (T ), or going out to the cinema (C) or shopping. (S)“ is:

                                       W ( ((BNT )N(C ⊕ S))2                                                    (5)
    From this PLL formula is possible to create a proof tree, where the following
rules of the PLL sequent calculus are used:

                               Γ ` ϕ, ∆ Γ ` ψ, ∆           Γ, A ` B, 4
                      (id)                       (N)                   (()
          A`A                      Γ ` ϕNψ, ∆             Γ ` A ( B, 4                                          (6)
                         Γ ` ϕ, 4             Γ ` ϕ, ∆
                                   ((.)⊥ )               (⊕ r1 )
                         Γ, ϕ ` 4           Γ ` ϕ ⊕ ψ, ∆

  In proof tree, the change of the polarity is marked with the signs + a −,
what creates the polarized tree, shown in Fig. 2.

                                                                                  (-)                       (id )
                                                                                        W, W ⊥ ` C, C ⊥
(+)                          (id )     (+)                        (id )                                     ((.)⊥ )
      ` W, W ⊥ , B, B ⊥                       ` W, W ⊥ , T, T ⊥                         ` W, W ⊥ , C, C ⊥
                             ((.)⊥ )                              ((.)⊥ )   (+)                                (⊕)
      W, W ⊥ ` B, B ⊥                         W, W ⊥ ` T, T ⊥                       ` (C ⊕ S), Γ2 , W, W ⊥
                                                                  (N)                                          ((.)⊥ )
                       W, W ⊥ ` (BNT ), Γ3                                          W, W ⊥ ` (C ⊕ S), Γ2
                (-)                                                                                            (N)
                                               W, W ⊥ ` ((BNT )N(C ⊕ S)), Γ1
                                        (+)                                             (()
                                                 ` W ( ((BNT )N(C ⊕ S)), Γ

           Fig. 2. Prof tree of the PLL formula with a marked polarity change

      In this proof tree are used contexts such as:

 – Γ = {W ⊥ , B ⊥ , T ⊥ , C ⊥ S ⊥ },
 – Γ1 = {B ⊥ , T ⊥ , C ⊥ S ⊥ },
 – Γ2 = {C ⊥ , S ⊥ },
 – Γ3 = {B ⊥ , T ⊥ }.

    We modify the proof tree into a reduced tree, shown in Fig.3, by closing
the formulas with the same polarity into the clusters. In the reduced tree, the
following substitutions and contexts are used:

 – A = W ( ((BNT )N(C ⊕ S)),
 – A1 = {W, B, T, C, S},
 – A2 = {{W }, {B}, {T }, {C}, {S}},
 – D = W ( (C ⊕ S),
    N - the choice depends on the son (outer non-determinism), ⊕ - the choice does not
    depend on the son (inner non-determinism).
                                                                     W, W ⊥ ` C, C ⊥
                           (@)                           (@)                                (+, `, D, D 1 )
    ` W, W ⊥ , B, B ⊥                ` W, W ⊥ , T, T ⊥            ` (C ⊕ S), Γ2 , W, W ⊥
                                                                                            (−, A, ` A2 )
                                 W, W ⊥ ` (BNT )N(C ⊕ S), Γ1                     1
                                                                   (+, `, A, A )
                                             ` A, Γ

               Fig. 3. Reduced tree showing incrementation of logic time

 – D1 = {W, C, S},
 – Γ = {W ⊥ , B ⊥ , T ⊥ , C ⊥ S ⊥ },
 – Γ1 = {B ⊥ , T ⊥ , C ⊥ S ⊥ },
 – Γ2 = {C ⊥ , S ⊥ }.

   A address tree (Fig. 4), in which the addresses are assigned to the formulas
and subformulas, represents a logical space.

                                                         ξ.0.4.1 ` ξ.0.1
                     (@)                          (@)                      (+, `, ξ.0.4, {1})
    ` ξ.0.1, ξ.0.2               ` ξ.0.1, ξ.0.3           ` ξ.0.1, ξ.0.4
                                                                           (−, ξ.0, ` {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}})
                                     ξ.0 `
                                             (+, `, ξ, {0})

                             Fig. 4. Adress tree showing logic space

    From the address tree it is possible to create the dialogue strategies. The
mother has three strategies - she always sets out the offer (positive action
(ξ, {0})) and after its execution she is ready to allow her son to play with the
ball (negative action (ξ.0, {1, 2})), or the toy (negative action (−, ξ.0, {1, 3})), or
to go out with him (negative action (−, ξ.0, {1, 4})). If a son wants to go out, his
mother chooses from two other strategies - cinema (positive action (ξ.0.4, {1}))
or shopping (positive action (ξ.0.4, {2})).
    The son has four strategies - he always accepts the mother’s offer (negative ac-
tion (ξ, {0})) and either wants to play with the ball (positive action (ξ.0, {1, 2})),
or the toy (positive action (−, ξ.0, {1, 3})), or wants to go out and he is ready
for both eventualities (two negative actions (ξ.0.4, {1}) and (ξ.0.4, {1})), or is
ready only for going to the cinema (negative action (ξ.0.4, {2})).
    The strategies of the dialogue actors make it possible to explore their in-
teractions by using principles from the game semantics. PLL allows to describe
natural language dialogues more effectively than TIL.

4    Conclusion

In this paper the possibilities of analyzing natural language dialogues through
TIL and PLL logic systems are explored. From the presented results is clear
that each of mentioned logic systems has a certain deficiency - TIL analyzes the
sentences separately, whether they are in dialogue or not; PLL is not usually used
in LANL, because it does not allow fine-grained semantics analysis of natural
language expressions.
    In order to achieve the declared goals of the research, it will be necessary to
divide it into two parts, where each represents an original contribution in the
processing of the natural language. The first phase of the project will be based
on existing and already published results in which a transparent intensional
logic has been identified as the logical system for LANL with the highest express
power. Because of several serious disadvantages (the absence of formal definitions
of syntax and semantics of the system, the impossibility of specifying a complex
deductive calculus, the impossibility of creating a fully automated practical im-
plementation, etc.) an original logical system of source-oriented character will
be created. Its ambition will be overcome mentioned disadvantages. Following
the first phase of the research, its capabilities will be tested and compared with
existing solutions not only through exact logical proofing, but also through its
implementation of a semantic machine.


This work was supported by the following projects:

 – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of
   Košice under the contract No. FEI-2018-59: Semantic Machine of Source-
   Oriented Transparent Intensional Logic.
 – Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. SK-AT-
   2017-0012: Semantics technologies for computer science education.

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