=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2404/paper03 |storemode=property |title=Experiments on Robust Indoor Localization of Mobile Devices Using Interval Arithmetic |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2404/paper03.pdf |volume=Vol-2404 |authors=Stefania Monica,Federico Bergenti |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/woa/MonicaB19 }} ==Experiments on Robust Indoor Localization of Mobile Devices Using Interval Arithmetic== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2404/paper03.pdf
                                      Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019)

          Experiments on Robust Indoor Localization
         of Mobile Devices Using Interval Arithmetic
                                              Stefania Monica, Federico Bergenti
                                 Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche
                                                Università degli Studi di Parma
                                                     43124 Parma, Italy

   Abstract—The lack of techniques and tools to estimate the              information that agents can use to bring about their goals.
position of mobile devices with high accuracy and robustness is           Therefore, the use of the position to enrich the behaviors of
one of the major causes that limit the provision of advanced              agents is expected to be simple and effective. This is the reason
location-based services in indoor environments. An algorithm to
enable mobile devices to estimate their positions in known indoor         why the algorithm used to run the experiments documented
environments is discussed in this paper under the assumption              in this paper was implemented as an extension of the lo-
that fixed network nodes are available at known locations. The            calization add-on module (e.g. [15]) for JADE (e.g., [16]).
discussed algorithm is designed to allow devices to estimate              The localization add-on module for JADE is responsible
their positions by actively measuring the distances from visible          for providing timely information to agents regarding their
fixed nodes. In order to reduce the errors introduced by the
arrangement of the fixed nodes in the environment, the discussed          positions using one of the available localization algorithms.
algorithm transforms the localization problem into an optimiza-           Actually, the localization add-on module extends a JADE
tion problem, which is then solved using interval arithmetic.             container (e.g., [16]) executed on a mobile device with the
Experimental results on the use of the discussed algorithm with           possibility of interfacing the sensors of the device to obtain the
distance estimates obtained using ultra-wide band are presented           low-level information needed to apply the chosen localization
to assess the performance of the algorithm and to compare
it with a reference alternative. Presented experimental results           algorithm. The estimated position of the device is then passed
confirm that the discussed algorithm provides an increased level          to interested agents hosted by the container so that they can
of robustness with respect to the considered reference alternative        use it to bring about their goals. Note that, besides available
with no loss of accuracy.                                                 localization algorithms, additional algorithms like the one
   Index Terms—localization as optimization, indoor localization,         discussed in this paper can be easily integrated in the add-on
ultra-wide band, software agents
                                                                          module provided that they implement a specific Java interface.
                                                                             The discussions in this paper are focused on the general
                      I. I NTRODUCTION
                                                                          problem of allowing a mobile device, denoted as Target Node
   The possibility of robustly associating an accurate position           (TN), to estimate its position inside an indoor environment
with a mobile device in an indoor environment has recently                with known geometry under the assumption that fixed network
become a major feature needed to increase the level of                    nodes, denoted as Anchor Nodes (ANs), are installed at known
personalization of services and applications offered to users             locations. One of the major assumption of this work is that
(e.g., [1]–[3]). Robust and accurate indoor localization can be           mobile devices can actively measure the distances from the
used, for example, to personalize and increase the interactivity          ANs installed in the environment using one of the available
of visits to art exhibitions by means of educational games                ranging technologies. An average error of 1 m in the estimation
(e.g., [4]), it can be used to support the automation of work in          of positions is considered acceptable for targeted application
warehouses (e.g., [5]), and it can be used to extend the services         scenarios, and experimental results discussed in Section V
of location-based social networks (e.g. [6]) to large indoor              show that such an accuracy is feasible using the discussed
areas like shopping malls, train stations, and airports. Solutions        localization algorithm when ranging information are obtained
to problems related to indoor localization can be found in                using UWB. With minor loss of generality, it is assumed that
recent literature (e.g., [7]–[9]), but the general problem of             the considered indoor environment is composed of possibly
enabling a mobile device to accurately and robustly estimate              overlapping rectangular cuboids, called boxes in this paper to
its position in a known environment is still an open issue                follow a consolidated nomenclature. Under this assumption, it
(e.g., [10], [11]) even if specific technologies like Ultra-Wide          is possible to focus the hunt for TNs in the environment on
Band (UWB) (e.g., [12], [13]) are readily available.                      the single boxes that compose the environment, and therefore
   Software agents are expected to play a relevant role in the            the localization problem can be simplified by considering
delivery of mentioned services and applications (e.g., [14])              only box-shaped environments. Observe that the minimum
because agents are normally characterized as situated entities            bounding box containing the considered environment can be
capable of exhibiting context-aware behaviors. With this re-              used if the environment cannot be split into boxes, but, in this
spect, the position can be considered as just another context             case, estimated positions of TNs should be filtered accordingly.

                                           Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019)

   One of the problems that make indoor localization difficult          but lightface and with a subscript, for its components. Also
is related to the fact that the positions of ANs in the envi-           note that the common understanding of 00 = 1 is adopted
ronment strongly affect the accuracy of ordinary localization           consistently throughout this paper.
algorithms (e.g., [17], [18]), like the Two-Stage Maximum-                Given two multi-indices I ∈ Nn and J ∈ Nn , they can be
Likelihood (TSML) [19] algorithm discussed in Section V. In             compared using the following partial order
particular, a significant loss of the accuracy provided by such
algorithms is normally observed when ANs are not positioned                    I ≤ J ⇐⇒ i1 ≤ j1 ∧ i2 ≤ j2 ∧ · · · ∧ in ≤ jn                  (3)
properly in the environment. Such a problematic characteristic          and they can also be added componentwise
of ordinary localization algorithms is critical for indoor envi-
ronments because ANs are normally located near the ceilings                        I + J = (i1 + j1 , i2 + j2 , . . . , in + jn ).           (4)
of rooms, which is an arrangement that exacerbates the men-
                                                                        The following abbreviation is introduced for multi-indices
tioned problem. The choice of installing all ANs at (roughly)
                                                                        H ∈ Nn , I ∈ Nn , and J ∈ Nn to express repeated sums
the same height near the ceilings of rooms degrades the
performance of ordinary localization algorithms because some                         X                  j1
                                                                                                        X  j2
                                                                                                           X                  jn
of the matrices involved in computations become strongly ill-                               (·)   =                    ···            (·).   (5)
conditioned (e.g., [5], [20]). Unfortunately, the choice of the                    H≤I≤J               i1 =h1 i2 =h2         in =hn
positions of ANs in indoor environments is often dictated by            Note that H is omitted in (5), so that only I ≤ J remains, if
practical considerations intended, for example, to limit the            it is the null multi-index (0)nk=1 .
interference caused by people and furniture, and to maximize               The multi-index notation is particularly well-suited to study
coverage. Therefore, the positions of ANs cannot be changed             polynomial functions. A polynomial function p : Rn 7→ R of
just to limit the mentioned problem of ordinary localization            n ∈ N+ real variables with real coefficients can be written as
algorithms. The remainder of this paper is devoted to study                                             X
the robustness of an alternative algorithm in situations in                                     p(x) =       aI xI ,                  (6)
which the accuracy of ordinary algorithm degrades sensibly.                                               I≤L
Experimental results presented in Section V show that the
                                                                        where {aI }I≤L ⊂ R is the set of the coefficients of p and
accuracy of the studied algorithm is acceptable even when
                                                                        multi-index L ∈ Nn is the multi-degree of p.
the accuracy of the TSML algorithm, which is used as a point
                                                                           Observe that the localization algorithm discussed in this
of reference, degrades sensibly.
                                                                        paper works by studying the bounds of polynomial functions
   This paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces
                                                                        over boxes. Hence, it is worth recalling the following notation
adopted notation. Section III describes the adopted approach
                                                                        for intervals and boxes. A closed (real) interval from a ∈ R
to localization. Section IV describes the discussed algorithm
                                                                        to a ∈ R is denoted as
and briefly presents its characteristics. Section V reports the
results of the experimental campaign performed to assess                                 [a, a] = {x ∈ R : a ≤ x ≤ a},                       (7)
the robustness of the studied algorithm. Finally, Section VI
concludes the paper.                                                    and it equals the empty set if and only if a > a. A
                                                                        singleton (real) interval that contains only a ∈ R is denoted
                         II. N OTATION                                  as [a] = [a, a]. Given n ∈ N+ , a (real) box B ⊂ Rn from
   This section summarizes the notation commonly used to                b = (bk )nk=1 ∈ Rn to b = (bk )nk=1 ∈ Rn is denoted as
study real functions of several real variables, as it is used to
present the localization problem and the discussed algorithm in                B = [b, b] = [b1 , b1 ] × [b2 , b2 ] × · · · × [bn , bn ],    (8)
the following sections. The set of natural numbers, including           and it equals the empty set if and only if bi > bi for some
zero, is denoted as N and the set of positive natural numbers           1 ≤ i ≤ n. Note that the notation Bi = [bi , bi ] ⊂ R with
is denoted as N+ . Given n ∈ N+ , a multi-index I ∈ Nn is               1 ≤ i ≤ n is used to refer to the closed intervals that compose
defined as an n−tuple of natural numbers                                the nonempty box B. Also note that the notation Bi→W is
                I = (i1 , i2 , . . . , in ) = (ik )nk=1 .    (1)        used to refer to the box obtained by replacing the i−th closed
                                                                        interval that composes the nonempty box B with the nonempty
Note that it is a common notation to use an uppercase letter to         closed interval W ⊂ R.
denote a multi-index and to use the same letter, but lowercase             Interval arithmetic (e.g., [21]) uses the introduced nota-
and with a subscript, to denote its components. The following           tion to express computations whose arguments and results
notation is adopted to use a multi-index I ∈ Nn as an exponent          are closed intervals. Given two nonempty closed intervals
for t ∈ Rn with t = (t1 , t2 , . . . , tn ) = (tk )nk=1                 A = [a, a] ⊂ R and C = [c, c] ⊂ R, they can be added
                           tI =      tikk .                  (2)                             A + C = [a + c, a + c],                         (9)
                                                                        and they can be multiplied
Note that it is a common notation to use a boldface letter
to denote an n−tuple of real numbers, and the same letter,               A · C = [min{a c, a c, a c, a c}, max{a c, a c, a c, a c}]. (10)

                                         Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019)

In both cases the result is a nonempty closed interval. Note that         algorithm briefly recalled in Section IV is a specific instanti-
the product among intervals can be used to define the m−th                ation of an algorithmic framework proposed in an upcoming
power of a closed interval A ⊂ R, where m ∈ N+ . Also note                paper. Interested readers can obtain from authors a preprint
that the convention [0]0 = [1] is adopted consistently in this            of the paper where the algorithmic framework is proposed
paper. Given n ∈ N+ , a nonempty box B ⊂ Rn , and a multi-                and studied. In the remainder of this section, the approach of
index I ∈ Nn , the following notation that uses only products             localization as optimization is recalled for the tridimensional
among intervals is normally used                                          case for the sake of clarity and to fix the adopted notation.
                                n                                            A set of m ≥ 4 ANs is positioned at fixed and known
                         BI =         Bj j .                 (11)         locations in the considered indoor environment. The position
                                j=1                                       of the i−th AN is denoted as ai ∈ R3 with 1 ≤ i ≤ m. The
                                                                          true position of the TN is denoted as t ∈ R3 , and the true
Using the introduced notation, which is typical of interval
                                                                          distance between the TN and the i−th AN is
arithmetic, a polynomial function p : Rn 7→ R of n ∈ N+
real variables with real coefficients can be extended to work                                      ri = ||t − ai ||.                    (13)
on boxes. If the function is expressed as in (6), then for any            The geometry of the problem suggests that the position of the
box B ⊂ Rn                     X                                          TN can be found by intersecting m spheres, the i−th of which
                     p(B) =       [aI ]B I ,              (12)            is centered at ai and has radius ri
                                                                                                  ||t − a1 ||2 = r12
where the notation for singleton intervals is used to treat the
                                                                                                ||t − a2 ||2 = r22
coefficients of the polynomial function as closed intervals.                                                                       (14)
Observe that it is easy to prove that the result of the evaluation                             
                                                                                                               .
of p(B) is a closed interval that includes the range of p over
                                                                                                 ||t − am ||2 = rm 2
box B (e.g. [21]).
                                                                          The localization problem is the problem of finding estimates
           III. L OCALIZATION AS O PTIMIZATION                            of the position of the TN provided that the distances between
   The localization as optimization approach was proposed                 the TN and each AN are estimated using one of the available
in previous works (e.g., [5], [20]) with the aim of reducing              ranging technologies. The estimated position of the TN is
the loss of accuracy that characterizes ordinary algorithms               denoted as t̃ ∈ R3 , while the estimated distance between the
for critical arrangements of the ANs, as briefly recalled in              TN and the i−th AN is
Section I. The localization as optimization approach is based                                      r̃i = ||t̃ − ai ||.                  (15)
on the possibility of rewriting any localization problem into a
                                                                          Therefore, the estimated position t̃ of the TN is expected to
related optimization problem, which can then be solved using
                                                                          satisfy the following system of nonlinear equations, which is
one of the algorithms documented in the vast literature on
                                                                          obtained by exchanging the true values with their correspond-
optimization. Observe that many of the optimization algo-
                                                                          ing estimated values in (14)
rithms available in the literature still have problems related
                                                                                                   ||t̃ − a1 ||2 = r̃12
to ill-conditioned matrices. Therefore, specific attention must                                
be paid to the choice of a proper optimization algorithm in                                     ||t̃ − a2 ||2 = r̃22
order to guarantee that the reformulation of the localization                                                    ..                (16)
problem in terms of an optimization problem would lead to                                      
                                                                                                                 .
high accuracy in scenarios where the arrangements of ANs is                                    
                                                                                                  ||t̃ − am ||2 = r̃m 2
critical. This is the reason why, among the large number of op-
                                                                          Note that (16) can be used to try to compute the position
timization algorithms, the use of Particle Swarm Optimization
                                                                          estimate t̃. Unfortunately, even if (14) always has a single
(PSO) [22] was chosen for initial experiments. Experimental
                                                                          solution, (16) may not have a single solution because of the
results (e.g., [5], [20]) showed that the use of PSO to im-
                                                                          errors introduced in the estimation of distances. In general,
plement localization as optimization proved to be effective in
                                                                          (16) may have no solutions, and only rarely it has one solution.
solving the loss of accuracy caused by critical arrangements
                                                                             Note that (16) can be rewritten in matrix notation as follows
of ANs. Unfortunately, PSO has two severe issues that limits
its applicability to solve practical localization problems. First,                               1m t̃⊺ t̃ − 2At̃ = k̃,                 (17)
just like all other general optimization algorithms, PSO does             where 1m ∈ Rm is a vector whose components are all equal to
not guarantee that global extrema of studied functions are                1, k̃ ∈ Rm is a vector whose i−th element is k̃i = r̃i2 −||ai ||2 ,
computed in finite time. Second, the performance of the PSO               and A is the following m × 3 anchor matrix
algorithm depends on a set of parameters whose optimal                                                 ⊺ 
values can be determined only by simulating the behavior                                                 a1
                                                                                                       a⊺2 
of the algorithm in the considered environment. Therefore,
                                                                                                 A =  . .                           (18)
                                                                                                            
alternatives to the use of PSO to implement localization as                                            .. 
optimization are under experimentation. Among them, the                                                      a⊺m

                                      Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019)

   Many localization algorithms (e.g., [18]) perform algebraic           rewriting a localization problem into a related optimization
manipulations of matrices whose entries depend on the po-                problem that aims at finding a global minimum of the lo-
sitions of the TN and of the ANs. The matrices involved                  calization cost function f defined in (20). Given that one of
in such computations can become ill-conditioned in critical              the adopted assumptions in this paper is that the considered
situations, and this represents one of the inherent problems             environment can be split into possibly overlapping boxes, as
of such algorithms. For example, it is evident from (18) that            discussed in Section I, the considered minimization problems
the anchor matrix is rank deficient if all ANs are placed at the         can be restricted to boxes. In summary, the POSTI algorithm
same height because the entries in its last column are all equal.        estimates the position of the TN by finding a global minimum
As discussed in detail in Section V, the TSML algorithm is not           of a polynomial function f of n = 3 variables and multi-
applicable if all ANs are installed at the same height because           degree L = (4, 4, 4) over a given box, which corresponds to
it would require to invert a singular matrix. Similarly, if the          the considered indoor environment.
heights of the ANs are not exactly the same, but they are                   Note that the accuracy of the POSTI algorithm does not
sufficiently close, the TSML algorithm produces large errors             depend on the positions of the TN or of the ANs, and therefore
because the matrix to be inverted is strongly ill-conditioned.           it can be used when the accuracy of ordinary algorithms,
   If (17) has exactly one solution, such a solution can be              like the TSML algorithm, degrades sensibly. In addition, note
computed by using the equations of the system to state a proper          that experimental results discussed in Section V show that
minimization problem. Actually, the solution t̃ of (17), which           the POSTI algorithm ensures an accuracy of localization
is the estimated position of the TN, can be found by solving             comparable to the accuracy of the TSML algorithm when the
the following minimization problem                                       arrangement of ANs is not critical. The comparison with the
                                                                         TSML algorithm is particularly relevant because the TSML
                       t̃ = argmin f (x),                   (19)         algorithm is an accepted reference to assess the performance
                                                                         of localization algorithms. Actually, the TSML algorithm is
where D ⊆ R3 is the region of space where the TN is                      particularly relevant in the context of localization because it is
supposed to be located, and f : D 7→ R is the function to                proved [23] that it can attain the Cramér-Rao lower bound [24]
be minimized, normally called localization cost function                 for the position estimator.
               f (x) = ||1m x⊺ x − 2Ax − k̃||2 .            (20)            The literature on nonlinear programming proposes several
                                                                         algorithms to minimize a polynomial function. When the
Even if (17) does not have exactly one solution, the refor-              minimum is searched in a box, as in the scenarios considered
mulation of (17) in terms of a minimization problem can                  in this paper, most of the minimization algorithms make use
still provide an estimate of the position of the TN. Note that           of the properties of the Bernstein polynomial basis (e.g., [25]
function f is a polynomial function of three variables whose             for a comprehensive review of the subject and a historical ret-
multi-degree is L = (4, 4, 4). Also note that since it is assumed        rospective). Actually, well-known properties of the Bernstein
that the indoor environment can be split into disjoint boxes,            polynomial basis can be used to compute lower and upper
D can be considered as a box without loss of generality.                 bounds of a polynomial function over a given box, and such
                                                                         bounds can be used to drive the subdivision of the box using
                IV. T HE POSTI A LGORITHM                                a branch-and-bound approach in search for a global minimum
   The Polynomial Optimization using Subdivision Trees                   (e.g., [26]). In particular, for each subdivision, the so called
(POST) algorithmic framework is introduced in an upcoming                Bernstein coefficients are computed on the two resulting sub-
paper as an effective means to support the localization as op-           boxes, and such coefficients are used to obtain the needed
timization approach described in previous section. The POST              lower and upper bounds of the polynomial function for the two
framework is completed with a suitable method to compute                 sub-boxes. Unfortunately, such an approach is problematic in
lower and upper bounds of polynomial functions to obtain an              terms of computational cost when the polynomial function to
algorithm to solve the minimization problems derived from                minimize is obtained from a localization problem because of
localization problems. In this paper, the instantiation of the           the number n = 3 of variables and because of multi-degree
POST framework that uses interval arithmetic to compute                  L = (4, 4, 4) of the polynomial function. Even if effective
lower and upper bounds of polynomial functions over boxes,               algorithms for the computation of Bernstein coefficients are
normally called POSTI algorithm, is described. The experi-               available (e.g., [27]–[31]), a total of 125 Bernstein coefficients
mental results presented in Section V were obtained using an             are needed for each considered sub-box in the worst case, and
implementation of the POSTI algorithm integrated within the              preliminary tests showed that needed computation cost is too
localization add-on module for JADE recalled in Section I.               high for the intended applications of indoor localization briefly
   The POSTI algorithm uses classic results from the literature          mentioned in Section I.
on interval arithmetic (e.g., [21]) to compute lower and upper              Classic results from the literature on interval arithmetic can
bounds of a given polynomial function over a given box. Then,            be used to compute lower and upper bounds for a given poly-
the POSTI algorithm uses such bounds to drive an ordinary                nomial function over a given box instead of using the bounds
subdivision method to solve the minimization problem at hand.            provided by Bernstein coefficients. The bounds obtained from
In detail, the POSTI algorithm is based on the possibility of            the application of interval arithmetic are typically less strict

                                      Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019)

than the bounds obtained using Bernstein coefficients, but the
needed computation cost for n = 3 variables and multi-degree
L = (4, 4, 4) is reduced and it is compatible with the intended                  3

applications of indoor localization. In particular, the following
proposition can be used to compute lower and upper bounds

                                                                         z [m]
of a polynomial function over a box. The proposition is shown                    1                                                3
without proof because it is a classic result of the literature on
interval arithmetic (e.g., [21]).                                                0
   Proposition 1: Given a polynomial function p : Rn 7→ R of                 10                                                   7
n ∈ N+ variables with multi-degree L ∈ Nn                                                                       8
                                                                                         8                                                             2
                                                                                             7                                    11
                       p(x) =       aI xI ,                  (21)                                   6
                               I≤L                                                                          5                                          6
                                                                                                    y [m]           4
if B = [b, b] ⊂ Rn is a box from b ∈ Rn to b ∈ Rn , then                                                                  3
                                                                                                                                                       10      3


                                                                                                                                       1       9        2

              p ≤ min p(x)        max p(x) ≤ p,             (22)                                                                           0   0
                                                                                                                                                   1   x [m]
                   x∈B            x∈B

where p(B) = [p, p] is computed using interval arithmetic.               Figure 1. A schematization of the considered indoor environment, i.e., a 4 m
                                                                         wide, 10 m long, and 3 m tall empty corridor, is shown together with the
                                                                         twelve positions of the TN used for experiments (numbered in red).
                V. E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS
   In order to test the applicability of the POSTI algorithm for
indoor localization, an experimental campaign was performed              numbers from 1 to 4, and their coordinates are expressed in
in an indoor environment, as discussed in this section. Re-              meters in the coordinate system shown in the figure as
sults were obtained using a commercial Android smartphone
                                                                                                  t1 = (0, 0, 3)                  t2 = (2, 0, 3)
equipped with the necessary hardware and software to com-
municate with UWB tags and to derive distance estimates                                           t3 = (2, 5, 3)                  t4 = (0, 5, 3).
from the time of flight of UWB signals. The smartphone used              The four positions of the TN whose heights are all equal
for experiments was a SpoonPhone, produced by BeSpoon                    to 1.5 m are associated with numbers from 5 to 8, and
(www.bespoon.com), which is, to the best of our knowledge,               their coordinates are expressed in meters in the considered
the only commercial smartphone equipped with a dedicated                 coordinate system shown in Fig. 1 as
programming interface to easily estimate the distance between
the smartphone and a paired UWB tag. In the considered                                       t5 = (0, 0, 1.5)                     t6 = (2, 0, 1.5)
experiments, four UWB tags were used as active ANs and                                       t7 = (2, 5, 1.5)                     t8 = (0, 5, 1.5).
distance acquisition was performed by the SpoonPhone, which
                                                                         The four positions of the TN near the floor are associated with
was used as TN. The collected distance estimates were then
                                                                         numbers from 9 to 12, and their coordinates are expressed in
processed according to the POSTI algorithm to obtain esti-
                                                                         meters in the coordinate system shown in the figure as
mates of the position of the TN. In order to compare the
performance of the POSTI algorithm with that of a known                                           t9 = (0, 0, 0)                  t10 = (2, 0, 0)
and appreciated algorithm, the distance estimates passed to                                      t11 = (2, 5, 0)                  t12 = (0, 5, 0).
the implementation of the POSTI algorithm were also passed
to the implementation of the TSML algorithm that is readily                 The localization accuracy of the two considered algorithms
available in the localization add-on module for JADE.                    is measured in terms of the following position error
   The indoor environment used to perform reported experi-                                                              e = t − t̃,                                (23)
ments is a 4 m wide, 10 m long, and 3 m tall corridor. All
obstacles were removed from the corridor during experiments              where t is the true position of the TN and t̃ is the estimated
to guarantee that all ANs were in line of sight with the                 position of the TN. Since four different scenarios correspond-
TN, and to reduce errors caused by multipath interference.               ing to four different arrangements of the ANs were studied,
Four different scenarios were considered, which correspond               and since experimental results were derived in correspondence
to different configurations of the ANs. For each scenario,               of twelve positions of the TN for each scenario, a total of
twelve different positions of the TN were considered. Such               48 experimental configurations were considered. For each
positions are shown as red dots in Fig. 1, which also shows a            considered experimental configuration, r = 100 estimates of
schematization of the considered environment. Three different            the distance between the TN and each AN were acquired,
heights for the TN were considered, i.e., 3 m (near the ceiling),        and such estimates were used to derive r position estimates
1.5 m, and 0 m (near the floor). The four positions of the TN            using the POSTI algorithm. Then, r position estimates were
near the ceiling of the corridor are associated in Fig. 1 with           also derived by processing the same distance estimates with

                                        Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019)

                            Table I                                                                 Table II
              E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS IN S CENARIO 1                                   E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS IN S CENARIO 2

         Position   eP [m]    σP [m]    eT [m]   σT [m]                           Position   eP [m]    σP [m]    eT [m]    σT [m]
           t1         0.352     0.236    N/A      N/A                               t1         0.400     0.489     0.430     0.198
           t2         0.284     0.103    N/A      N/A                               t2         0.403     0.231     0.997     2.137
           t3         0.249     0.411    N/A      N/A                               t3         0.628     0.580     2.190     2.572
           t4         0.251     0.258    N/A      N/A                               t4         0.305     0.158     0.801     1.135
           t5         0.316     0.093    N/A      N/A                               t5         0.350     0.174     1.421     2.468
           t6         0.316     0.070    N/A      N/A                               t6         0.348     0.192     0.740     0.663
           t7         0.730     0.247    N/A      N/A                               t7         0.793     0.229     0.754     0.818
           t8         0.608     0.185    N/A      N/A                               t8         0.585     0.197     0.856     0.634
           t9         0.255     0.088    N/A      N/A                               t9         0.246     0.092     2.387     2.903
           t10        0.392     0.259    N/A      N/A                               t10        0.341     0.188     1.359     1.746
           t11        0.312     0.220    N/A      N/A                               t11        0.435     0.189     1.679     1.575
           t12        0.506     0.151    N/A      N/A                               t12        0.440     0.099     1.804     2.313

the TSML algorithm. Finally, the average and the standard               Results show that the accuracy of the POSTI algorithm is
deviation of the Euclidean norm of e over the r acquisitions            similar to the accuracy measured in the first scenario. As a
obtained using the POSTI algorithm, denoted as eP and                   matter of fact, the values of eP vary between 0.246 m and
σP , were computed together with the corresponding values,              0.793 m, and the values of σP vary between 0.092 m and
denoted as eT and σT , obtained using the TSML algorithm.               0.580 m. The similarity between the results obtained in the
                                                                        two scenarios is not surprising because the position of the
A. Scenario 1
                                                                        ANs did not change significantly.
   In the first scenario, the four ANs are placed at the same              Table II also shows the results related to the accuracy
height near the ceiling of the considered environment. Using            of the TSML algorithm, expressed in terms of eT and σT .
the coordinate system shown in Fig. 1, the positions of the             Observe that such results are affected by significant errors in
ANs have the following coordinates expressed in meters                  correspondence of some positions of the TN. In detail, the
             a1 = (0, 0, 3)        a2 = (4, 0, 3)                       value of the average error eT is larger than 2 m when the TN
                                                                        was positioned in t3 and t9 , and it is larger than 1 m when
             a3 = (0, 10, 3)       a4 = (4, 10, 3).
                                                                        the TN was positioned in t5 , t10 , t11 , and t12 . Moreover, for
As discussed in Section I, the fact that all ANs share the              8 positions out of 12, the value of σT is larger than 1 m and
same height is problematic for ordinary algorithms, and the             it is often larger than 2 m, which emphasizes the inaccuracy
TSML algorithm is actually inapplicable in this scenario. For           of position estimates obtained with the TSML algorithm for
this reason, only the accuracy of the POSTI algorithm can be            the studied arrangement of ANs. From obtained results it can
evaluated. Table I shows the results related to the accuracy            be concluded that the performance of the POSTI algorithm is
of the POSTI algorithm using the values eP and σP defined               good in this scenario, while the TSML algorithm leads to very
above for the r = 100 experiments and for each one of                   inaccurate position estimates.
the twelve positions of the TN shown. Observe that values
of eP vary from 0.249 m to 0.730 m. Therefore, it can                   C. Scenario 3
be concluded that the accuracy of localization is compatible               As observed in the previous scenario, the reduction of the
with the intended applications discussed in Section I. The              height of two ANs by 0.5 m is not sufficient to obtain accurate
values of standard deviations are also compatible with practical        position estimates with the TSML algorithm. For this reason,
applications because they vary from 0.07 m to 0.411 m.                  in this scenario the height of two ANs is further reduced with
                                                                        respect to the previous scenario and it equals 1.5 m. Hence,
B. Scenario 2                                                           using the coordinate system shown in Fig. 1, the positions of
   In the second scenario, the height of two of the four ANs            the ANs have the following coordinates expressed in meters
is reduced with respect to the previous scenario. Using the
                                                                                     a1 = (0, 0, 1.5)        a2 = (4, 0, 3)
coordinate system shown in Fig. 1, the positions of the ANs
have the following coordinates expressed in meters                                   a3 = (0, 10, 1.5)       a4 = (4, 10, 3).

            a1 = (0, 0, 2.5)        a2 = (4, 0, 3)                      Observe that the new height of the two relocated ANs may not
                                                                        be sufficient to guarantee visibility in practical applications
            a3 = (0, 10, 2.5)       a4 = (4, 10, 3).
                                                                        because of the possible presence of obstacles. However, in
  Table II shows the accuracy of the algorithms in terms of             the considered scenario, the corridor is empty and, therefore,
eP and σP (evaluated using the POSTI algorithm), and of eT              visibility is guaranteed just like in previous scenarios.
and σT (evaluated using the TSML algorithm). All values are                Table III shows the accuracy of the algorithms in terms of
computed using r = 100 repetitions of the experiments for               eP and σP (evaluated using the POSTI algorithm), and of eT
each one of the twelve positions of the TN shown in Fig. 1.             and σT (evaluated using the TSML algorithm). All values are

                                        Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019)

                           Table III                                                               Table IV
             E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS IN S CENARIO 3                                   E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS IN S CENARIO 4

         Position   eP [m]    σP [m]    eT [m]    σT [m]                        Position   eP [m]    σP [m]    eT [m]    σ T [m]
           t1         0.335     0.382     0.314     0.126                          t1        0.275     0.068     0.583      0.551
           t2         0.331     0.126     0.345     0.193                          t2        0.309     0.065     0.298      0.111
           t3         0.533     0.388     0.479     0.708                          t3        0.326     0.333     0.313      0.336
           t4         0.303     0.064     0.573     0.103                          t4        0.454     0.144     0.783      0.374
           t5         0.404     0.276     0.446     0.745                          t5        0.350     0.213     0.426      0.446
           t6         0.417     0.290     0.196     0.098                          t6        0.271     0.111     0.315      0.103
           t7         0.557     0.474     0.896     0.706                          t7        0.218     0.328     0.385      0.509
           t8         0.339     0.242     0.566     0.234                          t8        0.241     0.121     0.600      0.114
           t9         0.287     0.070     0.756     0.745                          t9        0.308     0.070     0.257      0.104
           t10        0.419     0.358     0.867     0.923                         t1 0       0.483     0.420     0.627      0.589
           t11        0.335     0.161     0.650     0.456                         t1 1       0.346     0.309     0.878      0.194
           t12        0.467     0.090     0.626     0.248                         t1 2       0.409     0.069     0.782      0.168

computed using r = 100 repetitions of the experiments for              eT and σT (evaluated using the TSML algorithm). All values
each one of the twelve positions of the TN shown in Fig. 1.            are computed using r = 100 repetitions of the experiments
Results show that the accuracy of the POSTI algorithm is               for each one of the twelve positions of the TN shown in
similar to the accuracy measured in the first and in the second        Fig. 1. Results show that the accuracy of the POSTI algorithm
scenarios. Actually, the values of eP vary between 0.287 m             is similar to the accuracy measured in the first, second, and
and 0.557 m, and the values of σP vary between 0.064 m and             third scenarios. As a matter of fact, the values of eP vary
0.474 m. The results obtained in the considered scenarios are          between 0.218 m and 0.483 m, and values of σP vary between
not surprising because the accuracy of the POSTI algorithm             0.065 m and 0.420 m. Such results are in agreement with
is expected to be independent from the position of ANs.                those obtained in previous scenarios, which is not surprising,
   Table III also shows the results related to the accuracy of         since the accuracy of the POSTI algorithm is expected to be
the TSML algorithm, expressed in terms of eT and σT . In               independent from the position of ANs.
this scenario, results obtained with the TSML algorithm are               Table IV also shows the accuracy of the TSML algorithm
sufficiently accurate for many applications. As a matter of            using the quantities defined previously for the r = 100
fact, the values of the average error eT vary between 0.196 m          repetitions of experiments and for the twelve positions of
and 0.896 m, and the values of the standard deviation σT               the TN shown in Fig. 1. In this case, the accuracy obtained
vary between 0.098 m and 0.923 m. A comparison between                 with the TSML algorithm is similar to the accuracy obtained
the values of the average errors eP obtained with the POSTI            in the third scenario. Actually, the values of the average
algorithm and the values of the average errors eT obtained             error eT vary between 0.257 m and 0.878 m, and the values
with the TSML algorithm shows that the characteristics of the          of the standard deviation σT vary between 0.103 m and
two algorithms are comparable in this scenario. Analogous              0.589 m, which ensures an accuracy of localization compatible
considerations can be derived from the values of the standard          with intended applications discussed in Section I. As for the
deviation σP obtained with the POSTI algorithm and the                 previous scenarios, the results reported in Table IV show that
value of the standard deviation σT obtained with the TSML              the performance of the two algorithms are similar in this case.
algorithm, even though the values of σP are actually lower
than the corresponding values of σT for 9 out of the 12                                      VI. C ONCLUSIONS
positions of the TN.
                                                                          The POSTI algorithm is discussed in this paper as a
D. Scenario 4                                                          viable opportunity to support the localization as optimization
   In this scenario, the height of the two relocated ANs is            approach (e.g., [5], [20]). The POSTI algorithm is based on
further reduced and they are placed near the floor of the              consolidated results from the literature on nonlinear program-
corridor while the other two ANs are still at their original           ming, and it relies on a subdivision method to search for
positions. Using the coordinate system shown in Fig. 1, the            the position of the TN in the considered indoor environment,
positions of the ANs are expressed in meters as                        which is assumed to be composed of possibly overlapping
             a1 = (0, 0, 0)        a2 = (4, 0, 3)                      rectangular cuboids. According to the current implementation
                                                                       of the algorithm, the TN can actively obtain estimates of the
             a3 = (0, 10, 0)       a4 = (4, 10, 3).
                                                                       distances from ANs using UWB. An alternative implemen-
As in the previous scenario, the new height of the two                 tation of the algorithm that uses WiFi signaling to obtain
relocated ANs may not be sufficient to guarantee visibility            distance estimates was experimented, but the accurate and
in practical applications because of the presence of obstacles.        robust distance estimates that UWB provides ensures far better
   Table IV shows the accuracy of the algorithms in terms of           localization performance and such an implementation is not
eP and σP (evaluated using the POSTI algorithm), and of                discussed in this paper.

                                             Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019)

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