Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) Extending Message Handlers with Pattern Matching in the Jadescript Programming Language Giuseppe Petrosino, Federico Bergenti Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche Università degli Studi di Parma 43124 Parma, Italy, Abstract—Software agents are characterized by sophisticated particular, this paper details one of the latest features of the messaging capabilities that support distributed problem solving language that has been recently included to ease the reception and that provide the basic ingredients for interoperability in of structured messages and to support the management of open agent-based systems. Jadescript is an agent-oriented pro- gramming language that has been recently proposed to offer pro- complex conversations among agents. Jadescript now provides grammers the abstractions that characterize agents to concretely a specific support for pattern matching that was carefully and effectively support the implementation of complex agent- integrated with the type system of the language to readily based systems. As expected, the abstractions that Jadescript state the conditions used to route messages to proper message provides include native support for the advanced messaging handlers. The use of the new support for pattern matching, as capabilities that characterize agents. This paper describes a recent development of Jadescript that extends the language with described in Section IV, allows programmers to clearly state a native support for pattern matching designed to simplify the the intended scope of message handlers, and it ultimately helps reception of structured messages and to ease the management to further raise the level of abstraction of the language with of complex conversations. The proposed support for pattern respect to previous versions (e.g., [6], [7]). matching is intimately correlated with the type system of the Even if the early JADE prototypes date back more than language, and it can be used to effectively associate inbound messages with specific handlers. From the point of view of twenty years, JADE is still one of the most popular agent programmers, the proposed support for pattern matching allows platforms [8], and it is still used for academic and industrial clearly expressing the intended scope of message handlers, and projects [8]. In addition, JADE is the solid base for other it contributes to raise the level of abstraction of the language. software platforms like WADE (Workflows and Agents Devel- Index Terms—Jadescript, JADE, agent-oriented programming, opment Environment) [9], which supports agent-based business software agents process management, AMUSE (Agent-based Multi-User Social Environment) [10], which focuses on agent-based multi-player I. I NTRODUCTION games (e.g., [11]), and WANTS (Workflows and AgeNTS) [12], Since the introduction of software agents (e.g., [1]), the which routinely participates in the management of a nation- interest in AOP (Agent-Oriented Programming) (e.g., [2]) has wide telecommunication network. Jadescript has been recently been constantly increasing mainly because AOP is expected added to the list of projects that use JADE in order to offer a to deliver effective tools to design and implement complex new way to reduce the complexity of building JADE systems, agent-based systems. AOP languages shield programmers from and to provide concrete support for the adoption of the ab- many fine-grained details related, for example, to the routing stractions that most substantially characterize JADE, namely, of messages or to the deployment of agents to network hosts. agents, behaviours [13], and ontologies [14]. Jadescript is AOP languages promote high-level views of agent-based sys- intended to bring the power of JADE to programmers that tems that allow programmers to concentrate on the problems are not interested in directly using an agent platform, but that at hand, rather than focusing on fine-grained details that tend are interested in taking advantage of the beneficial features of to distract attention from problems. All things considered, software agents. Jadescript is meant to enable the effective use AOP languages allow programmers to reason on agents at of agents as software components (e.g., [15]), and it is already a high level of abstraction because they provide support for planned that it would allow the adoption of a high-level agent the abstractions that characterize the agent-oriented view of model (e.g., [16]) in the near future. software systems promoted, for example, by the IEEE FIPA This paper is organized as follows. Section II provides a Standards Committee ( or by the literature on brief survey of some of the most relevant languages proposed AOSE (Agent-Oriented Software Engineering) [3]. to support the development of software agents and agent-based The main objective of this paper is to summarize the current systems. Section III describes the major features of Jadescript, state of the development of Jadescript [4], an AOP language and it lists the elements of the language provided to support whose main purpose is to help programmers to deal with the message passing. Section IV describes the new support for complexity of building real-world agent-based systems using pattern matching. Finally, Section V concludes the paper and JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment framework) (e.g., [5]). In outlines major future developments of the discussed research. 113 Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) II. R ELATED W ORK by listing commitment rules that refer to future actions. The communication among agents is accomplished by exchanging Several AOP languages have been already proposed in simple messages, which are classified into three types: inform the literature, and for some of them, the needed tools, like of a belief, request to perform an action, and unrequest of a interpreters and compilers, have also been implemented. Doc- previously requested action. umented experiments on such languages often show that pro- PLAnning Communicating Agents (PLACA) [17] is a direct gramming languages specifically designed for AOP are con- descendant of AGENT-0, and it extends the capabilities of venient for the development of complex agent-based systems. AGENT-0 by providing new linguistic constructs and new However, most of the languages in use to program software mental categories. The major improvement with respect to agents and agent-based systems are general-purpose OOP AGENT-0 is that agents do not need to request for specific (Object-Oriented Programming) languages, even if agents and actions to call for cooperation, but they can refer to high- objects differ in important ways, which include, most notably, level goals. Such an improvement has two major benefits. the degree of autonomy. Objects directly and inevitably invoke First, agent communication is lighter because the number of methods on other objects, while agents express their intentions messages is possibly reduced. Second, it allows agents to focus to delegate some of their goals to other agents. on the desired results of actions, thus easily adding cooperative AOP languages are based on specific agent models, and planning capabilities to agents. they provide linguistic constructs to ease the adoption of Concurrent M ETATE M [20] is an AOP language based such models at a high level of abstraction. Ease of use and on temporal logics. In this language, sets of rules are used expressivity are common characteristics of AOP languages. to describe the lifecycle of agents and the execution of However, AOP languages differ significantly in terms of the actions. Such rules can be grouped into temporal rules and selected agent mental attitudes (if any), of the integration with non-temporal rules. Non-temporal rules are used to support an agent platform (if any), and of the underlying programming application-specific reasoning, while temporal rules are used paradigm and implementation language. The literature pro- to govern agents and they are classified into three categories: vides multiple classifications of AOP languages that consider start rules, step rules and sometimes rules. In Concurrent such a diversified landscape. A recent survey [17] proposes M ETATE M, agents act asynchronously and they interact by a classification of AOP languages that is based on mental message passing. The language does not mandate a structure attitudes. It identifies the following classes of languages: AOP for messages, and messages are nothing but typed events. languages, BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) languages, hybrid AgentSpeak [21] is an important example of a declarative languages, and other languages. Such a classification acknowl- AOP language. In AgentSpeak, an agent program is described edges that BDI languages follow the AOP paradigm, but, for as a tuple that collects beliefs, events (internal and exter- their notable relevance in literature, it reserves special attention nal), actions, plans, and intentions. The approach adopted by to them by listing BDI languages in a separate category. AgentSpeak allows to declaratively program agents based on Another appreciated survey [18] proposes a classification the BDI model. Jason [22] can be considered the first usable in which languages are divided into imperative, declarative, implementation of AgentSpeak. Jason is tightly integrated with and hybrid. It is worth noting that, in both classifications, Java, and it extends AgentSpeak by providing all features the languages that adhere to the declarative programming needed to effectively adopt it for the implementation of com- paradigm are the most numerous because they are natively plex agent-based systems. Jason is currently one of the most well-suited to implement automated reasoning. On the con- popular tools to adopt the declarative programming paradigm trary, the languages that adopt the imperative programming for the implementation of agent-based systems. paradigm are just a minority, and they are frequently obtained 3APL (An Abstract Agent Programming Language) [23] by extending procedural programming languages with specific is an AOP language that includes abstractions from both linguistic constructs to support agents and related abstractions. declarative and imperative programming paradigms. Agents In the rest of this section, some of the most relevant AOP in 3APL are based on the BDI model and for this reason the languages are briefly described. Only the languages that share language provides a set of abstractions to implement agents features with Jadescript are considered. with reasoning capabilities. The mental states of agents consist The acronym AOP was first introduced by Shoham [19] of sets of goals and beliefs, while sets of practical reasoning together with AGENT-0, a first example of the application of rules are used to modify mental states and to generate plans to the AOP paradigm. In AGENT-0, a computation is represented achieve goals. There are two official implementations of the by a sequence of collaborative and/or competitive interactions support tools for 3APL, one in Java and one in Haskell. among agents. Each agent has a mental state that is composed JACK [24] is an agent platform commercialized by AOS of beliefs and commitments. The mental state of an agent ( It supports the development of agent- changes over time, which is represented as a sequence of dis- based systems composed of agents that are programmed in crete steps. Agents share a sense/act cycle in which incoming terms of the BDI model. One of the main elements of the messages are processed, beliefs and commitments are updated, JACK platform is JAL (JACK Agent Language), an AOP and actions are executed. An AGENT-0 program is written by language that is defined as a superset of Java. JAL extends Java enumerating initial states for beliefs and commitments, and by introducing features borrowed from logic languages, and it 114 Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) provides statements to allow the construction of plans. One III. JADESCRIPT IN B RIEF of the most relevant features of JAL is the native support for organizations and teams, which is provided to enable effective This paper introduces a new feature of Jadescript intended distributed problem solving. to embed pattern matching in the core of the language. Such a SEA L (Semantic web-Enabled Agent Language) [25], [26] new feature represents a first attempt at supporting the declar- is a DSL (Domain-Specific Language) to program agent-based ative programming paradigm in Jadescript, and it is designed systems for the Semantic Web. SEA L addresses some of to make the aims and scope of message handlers explicit. The the limitations of other development frameworks intended remaining of this section briefly describes Jadescript and, in to implement agent-based systems for the Semantic Web. A particular, it highlights the elements of the language provided specific modeling language, called SEA ML (Semantic web- to send and receive messages. Enabled Agent Modeling Language) [27], is available for the Jadescript is a novel programming language designed with graphical modeling of agent-based systems. the explicit intent to make agent-oriented code similar to CLAIM (A Computational Language for Autonomous Intel- semantically-equivalent pseudocode. It supports the develop- ligent and Mobile Agents) [28] is an AOP language designed ment of JADE agents and agent-based systems, and it is char- with a focus on agent mobility. CLAIM supports holarchies acterized by distinctive features designed to make the language because agents can be built by hierarchically composing other very expressive. Notably, the language shares characteristics agents. CLAIM agents have two types of reasoning capa- with popular scripting languages like, for example, the use of bilities: forward reasoning, for reactive tasks, and backward semantically-relevant indentation and collection types. reasoning, for goal-driven tasks. Agent communication is per- Every Jadescript source code is intended to be compiled formed by message passing, and the underlying agent platform into one or more Java source codes, which are then compiled uses a set of specific messages to support agent mobility. into Java bytecode using any off-the-shelf Java compiler. Such a design choice was taken primarily to grant interoperability Jadex [29] is a framework to implement agent-based sys- with Java, and to enable Jadescript agents to directly use tems originally designed to work on top of JADE. A Jadex libraries and frameworks already available for the Java virtual agent is equipped with a BDI reasoning engine, and it is pro- machine. Despite the close relationship with Java, Jadescript grammed in terms of beliefs, goals, and plans. Jadex combines is not an OOP language, rather it is an AOP language that the imperative and the declarative paradigms because it uses follows the path originally traced by AGENT-0. The minimal ADFs (Agent Definition Files) to define beliefs, goals and interface to Java, which is still present in Jadescript to support plans, while it uses Java to procedurally define plans. Note integration with the features of the underlying Java virtual that, even if it does not introduce a specific syntax, Jadex machine, is considered low-level and its use is discouraged. underpins an AOP language, and for this reason it is often treated as such. Jadex is intended for practical and commercial Jadescript is a statically-typed language, and its type system use, and a number of real-world applications that use it are comprises the following data types: documented in the literature. Besides its name, the framework • Primitive types; is no longer tightly linked with JADE because now it provides • Collection types; the needed tools to interface various agent platforms. • Ontology types; SARL [30] is an AOP language that follows the imperative • Agent types; and programming paradigm. It can be considered as an extension • Behaviour types. of the Xtend language [31], which is a dialect of Java that Jadescript provides the following primitive types that are it is used to implement the procedural parts of SARL agents. immediately mapped to corresponding Java types: boolean, SARL is platform-agnostic, even if it is commonly used with a double, float, integer, and text. It provides collec- dedicated agent platform called Janus. One of its most peculiar tion types in terms of lists and maps of typed values. It features is the support for holarchies by means of specific supports structured types in terms of ontology types, which linguistic constructs. SARL compiler is implemented using can be declared in the scope of ontology declarations us- Xtext [32], which the same development framework used for ing concept, action, predicate, and proposition the Jadescript compiler. declarations. Ontology types are declared (with the exception JADEL [33]–[35] is the direct predecessor of Jadescript. It is of proposition declarations) in terms of sets of typed an AOP language that targets the Java virtual machine, and it is properties, and they can include properties inherited from intended to support the construction of agents and agent-based other ontology types. Finally, agent and behaviour types are systems using JADE. JADEL provides specific constructs for provided for the manipulation of agents and behaviours. Values message passing, for event handling, and for the definition of of such types cannot be used freely in expressions, and they agents, behaviours, and ontologies. It has direct support for can be used only in the scope of a limited number of linguistic FIPA interaction protocols [36], and its operational semantics constructs. The restrictions on the use of agent and behaviour is formalized [37]. Finally, its procedural parts are based on types ensure that programmers cannot freely manipulate agents the Xtend language, and its major support tools are a compiler and behaviours, and they are coherent with the underlying and an Eclipse plugin, both built using Xtext. management of the same abstractions in JADE. 115 Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) In order to improve readability, Jadescript is designed to 1 ontology TemperatureSensor support a limited form of type inference. The Jadescript 2 proposition nonnegative compiler can identify when new variables are declared, and 3 proposition negative it can infer the types of new variables in correspondence of 4 concept sample(value as double) assignment statements. Similarly, the Jadescript compiler can 5 infer the types of properties from the types of expressions used 6 cyclic behaviour ReceiveNonNegative as initializers. Even if the supported form of type inference is 7 uses ontology TemperatureSensor sufficient to improve readability, it is worth noting that it is 8 limited with respect to the form of type inference that other 9 on inform m languages provide. Actually, the types of some of the elements 10 when content of m is sample do referenced in source codes like, for example, the types of 11 s = content of m the formal parameters of procedures, need to be explicitly 12 stated because the language does not provide to the compiler 13 if value of s >= 0 do sufficient information to infer them. 14 send inform nonnegative Agents are the core abstractions used to build Jadescript 15 to sender of m agent-based systems, and they depend completely on JADE 16 else do agents. Each Jadescript agent operates within a JADE con- 17 send inform s to aid of agent tainer, it is identified by a unique AID (Agent IDentifier), and 18 it can be in one of several lifecycle states. Agents operate 19 cyclic behaviour ReceiveNegative by engaging one or more behaviours. For each agent, active 20 uses ontology TemperatureSensor behaviours are executed following the characteristic non- 21 preemptive scheduling mechanisms of JADE behaviours [5]. 22 on inform m Currently, Jadescript supports two types of behaviour: one 23 when content of m is sample do shot behaviours and cyclic behaviours. Interested readers 24 s = content of m should consult the official JADE documentation [5] for de- 25 tailed descriptions of the behaviour scheduling mechanisms 26 if value of s < 0 do and of possible agent-lifecycle states. 27 send inform negative The runtime state of agents and behaviours is stored in 28 to sender of m properties, which are declared using the keyword property 29 else do in the scope of agent and behaviour declarations. Similarly, 30 send inform s to aid of agent ontology types are also declared in terms of properties. Prop- erties can be accessed in expressions using the of operator, Fig. 1. Example of the limitations of the traditional approach used to associate which mimics how the preposition of is used in English as a incoming messages to appropriate message handlers in Jadescript. synonym of belonging to. Agent and behaviour declarations can also include parameterized blocks of procedural code in the scope of function and procedure declarations. Event handlers, just like functions and procedures, have a body Jadescript agents are fully interoperable with JADE agents, where procedural code is included by means of statements and they communicate by exchanging FIPA ACL (Agent and expressions. Moreover, message handlers can specify a Communication Language) messages. Jadescript provides a set when clause that is used to state a condition that interesting of linguistic constructs to send and receive messages, with messages are required to satisfy. In detail, Jadescript allows message reception expressed in terms of a specific type of the use of an expression after the optional keyword when in event. Jadescript agents can react to events using dedicated the declaration of a message handler to allow programmers linguistic constructs. Future versions of the language are to state a condition that messages must satisfy in order to planned to support application-specific types of events, for be extracted from the message queue of the agent. Such example, to let agents easily interface with the physical world expressions are not arbitrary Boolean expressions, but they (e.g. [38]) through the underlying agent container. For the time are conditions, which can be composed using the ordinary being, Jadescript supports only three types of events: logical connectives, on the performative, the ontology, and the • Agent-lifecycle events, handled by the on create and type of the content of messages. For the sake of readability, a the on destroy constructs in agent declarations, to condition on the performative of messages can also be declared allow agents to react to changes of their lifecycle states; by stating the accepted performative after the keyword on • Behaviour-activation events, handled by the on create so that, for example, on inform can be used to declare a construct in behaviour declarations, to support the initial- message handler that processes inform messages. Fig. 1 shows ization of the internal state of behaviours; and an example of the use of the discussed mechanism to route • Message events, handled by the on message construct inbound messages to appropriate message handlers. Note that and its variants in behaviour declarations, to allow the the described mechanism also provides valuable compile-time reception of messages with specific characteristics. information about handled messages that is used to infer types. 116 Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) IV. PATTERN M ATCHING IN M ESSAGE H ANDLERS 1 cyclic behaviour ReceiveNonNegative 2 uses ontology TemperatureSensor The urge to extend Jadescript with an improved mechanism 3 to declare message handlers is mainly motivated by the need 4 on inform m to provide more expressive linguistic constructs to associate 5 when inbound messages with appropriate handlers. In particular, the 6 content of m matches sample(v) and major weakness of the described support for message dispatch- 7 v >= 0 do ing becomes evident when several behaviours work on similar 8 send inform nonnegative messages. Consider, for example, the behaviours shown in 9 to sender of m Fig. 1. If the two behaviours are activated by the same agent, 10 then they would work on the same message queue, and they 11 cyclic behaviour ReceiveNegative would handle messages with the same ontology, the same 12 uses ontology TemperatureSensor performative, and the same content type. However, behavior 13 ReceiveNonNegative is designed to handle messages for 14 on inform m which the property value is nonnegative, while behaviour 15 when ReceiveNegative has the opposite requirement on the 16 content of m matches sample(v) and same property. In this example, both behaviours reinsert the 17 v < 0 do received message into the message queue of the agent when 18 send inform negative the message does not meet the intended requirements. Even if 19 to sender of m the reinsertion into the message queue ensures that messages are eventually processed by appropriated handlers, the example Fig. 2. Example of message handlers that use the matches operator with emphasizes that the current support for message dispatching appropriate ontology patterns. is probably too limited. A simple solution to the mentioned weakness of the support for message dispatching that Jadescript has been providing The pattern matching mechanism for composite patterns since its early releases could be based on the possibility of works by comparing each term of the pattern, from left to allowing generic Boolean expressions to guard the activation right, to the corresponding value at the left-hand side of the of handlers. However, such a solution is not fully satisfactory matches operator. In the case of a literal term, the value because generic Boolean expressions could have uncontrol- represented by the literal is simply compared for equality. lable side effects. This is the reason why Jadescript has been The same sort of comparison is performed for identifier terms recently extended to allow the use of pattern matching in the that refer to variables already present in the current scope. guard expressions of message handlers. In particular, the new However, if the pattern refers to an identifier that cannot support for pattern matching in message handlers is made be resolved to a declared variable in the current scope, the available to programmers by means of a new binary operator matches operator binds the identifier to the corresponding called matches that allows to compare a value against a values in the left-hand side operand. Such bindings are then specified pattern. Such an operator evaluates to true when treated as if they were declared variables. In particular, when the value matches to the provided pattern, and it evaluates to the checking of a pattern results in the implicit declaration of a false otherwise. Currently, Jadescript supports the following variable, such a new variable becomes accessible in the current four types of patterns: scope. Similarly, if the term to be checked is an underscore • Ontology patterns, used to check a value of an ontology placeholder, any value is considered to be a valid match type against a pattern; because the pattern is treated as a dummy variable. Finally, • List patterns, used to check a list against a pattern; when the term to be checked is a sub-pattern, the described • Map patterns, used to check a map against a pattern; and matching mechanism is performed recursively. Fig. 2 shows • Regular-expression patterns, used to check if a text sat- an example of the use of ontology patterns. isfies a regular expression. List and map patterns are similar to list and map literals, with the addition of the possibility of using the Prolog-inspired Ontology, list, and map patterns are called composite patterns optional pipe symbol to separate the head from the tail (also because they are defined as sequences of terms. Each term in known as rest) of the collection. Note that the optional pipe a composite pattern can be: symbol is particularly relevant because it is used to express • A text, integer, float, double, or boolean patterns that match lists and maps of unknown size. literal; Regular expression patterns, as the name suggests, are • A variable identifier, possibly not yet declared in the regular expressions for strings of characters. The matches current scope; operator checks if the value at the left-hand side of the operator • An underscore placeholder symbol (_), which acts as a is a text, and if it is, returns true if the text matches the dummy variable; or pattern. 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