Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) A Computational Model for Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction: An Approach Based on Theory of Delegation Filippo Cantucci Rino Falcone Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology, Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology, National Research Council of Italy, (ISTC-CNR) National Research Council of Italy, (ISTC-CNR) Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Abstract—In this paper we present a cognitive model to The integration of these kinds of social skills in autonomous support reasoning and decision making on socially adaptive task robots would naturally lead to a deeper relationship of trust delegation and adoption. The designed model allows a robot to between them and humans. Several cognitive architectures dynamically modulate to dynamically modulate its own level of collaborative autonomy, by restricting or expanding a received have been proposed [7], [8], [9], everyone with the goal of sim- task delegation, on the basis of several context factors as the needs ulating human’s cognitive and behavioral features at different of other users involved in the interaction. We exploit principles levels of cognition: perception, learning, reasoning, planning, underlying theory of delegation, theory of mind and BDI agent memory and so on. Along with the ability to autonomously modelling, in order to build a decision making system for real- elaborate the context information, react to the changes in world teaming between autonomous agents. The model has been developed by using JaCaMo framework, the environment, make decisions about the task they are which provides support for implementing multi-agent systems expected to carry out by showing some level of proactiveness, and integrates different multi-agent programming dimensions. robots should integrate the conceptual instruments necessary We tested our model in a specific domain on the humanoid to transform their autonomy into social autonomy [10]. robot Nao, widely adopted in human-robot interaction applica- tions. The support study has established that the model provides A. Problem and contribution the robot with the ability to modify its social autonomy and to handle possible collaborative conflicts due to the initiative to help As claimed in [11], cooperation implies the definition of the user beyond her/his request. the two complementary mental attitudes of task delegation and task adoption linking collaborating agents. Delegation and I. INTRODUCTION adoption are two basic cognitive ingredients of any collabora- In every-day life, humans cooperate with other humans, in tion and organization. The notion of autonomy in artificial order to gain knowledge, achieve and share goals, following agents, should integrate different levels of task adoption. social norms. These are sometimes encoded as laws, some- Indeed, after receiving a task delegated from the outside, times as expectations. A primary research topic in cognitive artificial agents should exploit their knowledge about the human-robot interaction is the design of autonomous systems environment, including other agents are interacting with them, that can interact and cooperate proficiently with humans. to adjust their own decision, for example by going beyond Indeed, social robots are becoming part of daily life and are the delegated task, or (partially or completely) changing it, or present in a variety of environments, including hospitals [1], again, adopting just a sub-part of it, because the context does offices [2], schools [3], tourist facilities [4] and so on. In these not allow a complete task achievement. Theory of delegation, contexts, robots have to coexist and collaborate with a wide should guide the design of the decision making process of spectrum of users not necessarily able (or willing) to adapt every robot that has to collaborate with humans in daily life. their interaction level to the kind requested by a machine: the In summary, the contribution of this research includes: users need to deal with artificial systems whose behavior must • the development of a declarative, knowledge-oriented, be understandable and effective. To be effective, the interaction plan-based computational model that relies on the prin- between humans and robots should consider not only the ciples defined in the theory of delegation. The proposed ability of the robots but also the human preferences [5]. Robots approach provides a robot with an internal representation have to maintain as much as possible a natural and intelligent of itself and the actor involved in the interaction, every interaction with humans: they should modulate their level of one with their own beliefs, goals, plans. In particular, the support interpreting both the contextual situations and the model is a decision making system where the interaction needs of the other agents involved in the cooperation [6], just between the robot and the user is reproduced. Once a like humans typically do when they interact with each other. user delegates a task to the robot, it can take its decision 127 Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) about the level of task adoption, on the basis of the pair τ = (α, g). For a complete theoretical overview of the environmental context and of the mental states attributed delegation theory we refer to [11]. Let’s focus on a deep to the human it is interacting with. The presence, in the level of cooperation, where the contractor can adopt a task robot’s mind of a self-representation, allows it to have a delegated by the client, at different levels of effective help. In detailed description of its internal status, its technological the theory of delegation, various levels of contractor’s adoption limits and consider them in the decision process. are individuated: • A support study where the computational model has • Sub help: The contractor satisfies just a sub-goal of the been tested on a well known robotic platform. The study delegated task, has shown that the robot was able to adapt its level of • Literal help: the contractor adopts exactly what has been collaborative autonomy in adopting a task delegated from delegated by the client, the outside. The model has conferred to the robot the • Over help: the contractor goes beyond what has been capability to go beyond the simple task acceptance and to delegated by the client without changing the clients plan, handle possible collaborative conflicts due to the initiative • Critical help: the contractor satisfies the relevant results to help the user beyond its request. of the requested plan/action, but modifies that plan/action, The paper is organized as follows: section 2 describes the • Critical-Over help: the contractor realizes an over help theoretical models underlying our approach and the software and in addition modifies the plan/action, framework used for its implementation. Section 3 focus on the • Critical-Sub help: the contractor realizes a sub help and description of the computational model; section 4 illustrates a in addition modifies the plan/action, support study where a real robot cooperated with humans in • Hyper-critical help: the contractor adopts goals or in- a specific domain; section 5 is dedicated to conclusions and terests of the client that the client itself did not take into future works. account (at least, in that specific interaction with the con- II. BACKGROUND tractor): by doing so, the contractor neither performs the action/plan nor satisfies the results that were delegated. We briefly introduce the theory beyond our computational model and the software framework used for its implementa- It is important to underline that we are considering collabora- tion. tive robots, i.e. robots that have as their main goal the positive collaboration with the user (client). A. BDI Agents BDI agents [12] are one of the most popular models in C. JaCaMo Framework agent theory [13]. Originally inspired by the theory of human practical reasoning developed by Michael Bratman [14], BDI JaCaMo [15] is a framework for multi-agent programming model focuses on the role of intentions in reasoning and that integrates three different multi-agent programming lev- allows to characterize agents using a human-like point of els: agent-oriented (AOP), environment-oriented (EOP) and view. Very briefly, in the BDI model the agent has beliefs, organization-oriented programming (OOP). Every mentioned information representing what it perceives in the environment level is associated to three well-known existing platforms that and communicates with other agents, and desires, mean states have been developed for years, separately: of the world that the agent might to accomplish. The agent • Jason [16], a powerful AgentSpeak(L) [17] interpreter for deliberates on its desires and decides to commit to one of them: BDI agents programming, committed desires become intentions. To satisfy its intentions, • CArtAgO [18] for programming shared environment it executes plans in the form of a course of actions or sub- artifacts, goals to achieve. The behaviour of the agent is thus described • M oise [19] for programming multi-agent organizations. or predicted by what it committed to carry out. An important feature of BDI agents is the property to react to changes in JaCaMo framework provides a powerful tool for implementing their environment as soon as possible while keeping their pro- our computational model, in terms of:(i) the capability to active behaviour. represent the mental states of the real actors involved in the interaction as BDI agents;(ii) the possibility for agents B. Levels of adoption about the delegated task of the computational model to exchange information;(iii) the As mentioned above, delegation and adoption are two basic possibility to implement a shared environment where can be ingredients of any collaboration and organization. Typically mapped the skills of the real robot. Each of these features cooperation works through the allocation of some task τ allowed us to reproduce the real interaction in the decision- (or sub-task), by a given agent A, the client, to another making system of the robot. The development of our computa- agent B, the contractor, via some ”request” (offer, proposal, tional model has been based mainly on the first two platforms, announcement, etc.) meeting some ”commitment” - bid, help, Jason and CArtAgO. We do not exclude, in the future, to contract, adoption and so on [11]. The task τ, the object of exploit M oise in order to introduce organizational rules or delegation, can be referred to an action α or to its resulting constraints among the agents that populate the computational goal state g. By means τ we will refer to the action/goal model. 128 Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) Fig. 2. composed plan example the robot, with their mental states. Please note that when we refer to Client and Contractor, we always indicate the mental representations, in the model, of the interacting real agents. Fig. 1. Computational model overview Notice that the system can potentially be equipped by several versions of the robot itself, with different mental states. These versions could correspond to different contractor agents in the III. DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPUTATIONAL robot’s decision making system. We could define, for example, MODEL a ”lazy” robot version, or a really proactive version, by giving In this section we illustrate the conceptual ingredients of the different descriptions of their set of cognitive ingredients. the implemented computational model. The main goal is to At this stage of the work we have considered just one self- make an artificial agent able to autonomously adapt its level of representation of the robot, choosing a version in which it has collaborative autonomy, when it adopts a task delegated from a the goal to provide more help than delegated every time that human client. We refer to the real artificial agent as a robot that the contextual factors allow it. is interacting with humans. We exploit the formalism provided Generally speaking, an agent’s cognitive state can be de- by JaCaMo, in particular by Jason for the agent programming scribed as a set of beliefs, goals and plans. A belief β is a and CArtAgO for the environment programming. grounded first-order logic formula encoding the information When a user delegates a task τi to the robot, the task τ f that perceived from the environment, attributed to other agents, the robot decides to achieve, can match with the delegated one or provided by the communication with other agents. Further or not. The level of τi adoption depends on the robot’s ability knowledge can be generated, in term of new beliefs, reasoning to map in its decision making system: on simple beliefs through complex rules. A goal g is the state • an high-level description of the perceived current state of of affairs that an agent wants to achieve. An agent achieves the environment, a goal, matching to the intention it commits to pursue, by • a self-representation in terms of intentional system, implementing a plan π, defined as part of its own plan library • the mental states of the other real agent involved in the Π, which establishes the know-how of the agent. According interaction. to practical reasoning principles, plans are courses of actions The capability of an autonomous agent to meta-represent itself or sub-goals the agent has to carry out before achieving the and other agents and reason about their beliefs, goals, plans, ”top-level goal”. intentions is known as Theory of Mind [20]. Formally, the plan library belonging to an agent in the computational model A. Conceptual ingredients of the model d [ a The computational model (Figure 1) can be considered a ∏=∏ ∏ (1) multi-agent system which provides the robot with a theory of is a collection of Πd composed plans and Πa abstract plans. mind. Composed plans (Figure 2) represent complex hierarchical In particular, the model is populated by two categories of goals that decompose into other complex sub-goals gi or agent: actions αi . This results in a graph representation in which • the Contractor, edges denote plan decomposition and root nodes in the graph • the Client. correspond to goals or complex actions. Typically the lowest Agents belonging to the first category define a self- decomposition level is formed by elementary actions, which, representation of the robot, with their own mental attitudes, in the case of a robot, match with its elementary perception while agents belonging to the second one, define a represen- and action capabilities, for example object detection, face tation of the human clients, involved in the interaction with recognition, object grasping, moving toward a point in the 129 Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) Fig. 3. Jason agent reasoning cycle [16] Fig. 4. Goal recognition strategy space and so on. Instead, abstract plans are plans which can be specialized. A plan for achieving gi , can be written according to the wrapped in specific artifact’s functionalities, which become an Jason formalism: abstraction of the elementary actions the robot can perform in +!gi : ci ←− bi (2) the real world. The contractor agent representing the robot, can exploit elementary actions to update its beliefs base or to An agent operates by means of its own reasoning cycle (Figure carry out complex goals or actions. The possibility to equip 3); through that, it can update its beliefs base, achieve goals the robot with a self-representation and a model of other agent by selecting plans whose context ci are matching with the involved in the interaction, is really powerful and introduces a current state of the interaction, described through the beliefs. further important feature which can lead its decision process: The agent acts with respect to the body bi of the selected a human-like description of itself. plan, which is the course of actions/sub-goals needed for achieving the goal gi . The reasoning cycle can be extended B. Decision making strategy and customized, for implementing a specific reasoning logic. As analyzed above, the contractor represents a bridge be- Notice that is possible to write several relevant plans with tween the real world and the computational model and allows the same goal to achieve, but different contexts or bodies. the latter to have an high-level description of the perceived en- Relevant plans become applicable plans, if their context is a vironment. Instead, the client has the main function to support logical consequence of the agent’s belief base. the decision about τi adoption level. The client is profiled by In addition to the plans for achieving goals, an agent can exploiting a classical approach to User Modelling [22] which trigger plans for reacting to every change in its belief base, can be applied to its cognitive ingredients: beliefs, goals and corresponding to a change in the current state of the world. The plans are mapped with respect to the domain in which the Jason’s formalism for plans used for reacting to environment robot is operating. While beliefs and goals of a client represent changes is: the mental state attributed to the user, its reasoning cycle +!β j : c j ←− b j (3) implements a logic that makes the robot able to reason about In this way an agent implements the two fundamental aspects goals of the current interlocutor. In practice, modifying the of reactiveness and proactiveness: the agent has goals which it reasoning cycle means to adapt the architectural components tries to achieve in the long term, while it can react to changes shown in figure 3. For τ f computation, we implemented a in the current state of the world. Finally, an important feature context-dependent plan recognition [23] strategy relying on: of Jason platform is the capability to integrate a speech-act • representing real agents of the interaction, in the robot’s based communication [21], which enables knowledge transfer mind, included the robot itself, between agents. • the capability of the agents in the computational model The Client and the Contractor in the computational model to share their mental states between them by speech-act can exploit a shared environment, programmed in CArtAgo, communication functionalities, which is a collection of artifacts. Artifacts are entities mod- • the possibility to abstract real actions in a shared simu- elling services and resources for supporting agents activities. lated environment available to the agents. Artifacts have the main property to link the low-level control Figure 4 shows the activity diagram of the strategy used by the part of the robot with its high-level decision making system. robot to adapt its level of task adoption. Once the interaction Indeed, the robot is provided with its own APIs, for collecting starts and the user delegates τi to the robot, the first step of τ f data from sensors, and acting in the real world. APIs can be calculation is to activate the contractor into the computational 130 Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) model. This agent, with its own initial beliefs, triggers a plan for adopting the initial task τi +!adoptTask(τi ,U) : true ←− send(U, τi , Rbb ). (4) The contractor has the intention to adopt the task τi delegated by the user U. The plan’s body allows the contractor to send to the agent U, τi and the beliefs stored in its belief base Rbb . At this point, the decision process is temporarily moved into the client U. The task τi could be completely specified by the user or the user could delegate to the robot a task in Fig. 5. Interactive map which some entity is not declared. For example he/she could delegate the goal ”put the red object on the table” or ”put an object on the table”. In this case the robot has to reason cons in extending the level of task adoption; possible conflicts about the task specification, on the basis of the user profile can emerge when the robot provides less or more help than represented by the client’s beliefs, goals and plans. Already at delegated. Conflicts can arise for several reasons [11]. For now, this stage, the robot shows the capability to provide more help we just start from the assumption that the user appreciates the than delegated, requested by the task specification. Once τi is collaborative initiative of the robot, but sometimes the robot completely specified, the client agent exploits its reasoning can make a mistake in classifying the user it is interacting cycle to explore the plan library in order to find at least a with, because of its limited perceptive skills. As we will see in plan of which τi represents a top-level goal or a sub-goal the next section, the computational model stem this limitation to achieve before accomplishing a complex one. Once found, without losing its ability to go beyond the task delegated by plans related to τi are selected. Their context is checked with the user. respect to the current state of the world (remember that the client agent can reason about beliefs sent by the contractor IV. E XPERIMENTAL SETUP AND APPLICATION SCENARIO agent too) and the belief attributed to the client representation. Our computational model has been tested on a well known Once found an applicable plan among them, the client sends robotic platform: the humanoid robot Nao [24]. We figured a to the contractor the task τ f , associated to the selected plan. scenario where the Nao robot serves as an ”infoPoint assistant” τ f can match with τi or not. This strategy allows the real robot that could help people to get information about restaurants, to potentially extend its proactivity realizing an over-help, or museums, historical monuments to visit and nightclubs, in at least a literal help. Notice that the ”action” that the client the city of Rome. We choose this domain for three main performs in the model is to send to the contractor the message reasons: first of all, as mentioned in the introduction, tourism carrying in τ f . The plan for sending τ f is: and hospitality companies have started to adopt robots and AI services in the form of chatbots, robot-concierge, self- +! f inalTask(τ f ) : true ←− send(Contractor, τ f ) (5) service information/check-in/check-out systems and so on; The final decision about τ f the implementation is up to the second, this domain allowed us to make experiments with a contractor again, which tries to execute a plan. On the basis real robot by overcoming the technological limitations related of the current state of its belief base, the contractor chooses, to the robotic platform (grasping issues, navigation issues). among the relevant plans, the one applicable to the context. Furthermore, robot as touristic assistant can figure several The context of every plan in the contractor’s library takes possible scenarios, of which providing information is only a into account the beliefs describing the capabilities of the robot part. itself and its internal status. If an applicable plan exits, then τ f Through the use of a simple interactive map (figure 5), the becomes the final task to pursue: the selected plan can match robot shows to the user where the requested point of interest or not with the one attributed to the client and the robot can (POI) is placed and indicates the path to the destination. satisfy τ f modifying or not the plan of the user: in the first It suggests the less busy way (dashed path), starting from case it will implement a literal or an over help; in the second the infoPoint (marked landmark) to the POI. The map is one it will implement critical or over-critical help. If the robot partitioned in zones, encoded by landmarks that Nao can easily does not have the resources to execute the task calculated, recognize and associate to integers (e.g. 68, 80, 107). Every it will execute a sub-task of τ f , implementing a sub-help or point of interest is associated to a particular area of the city critical sub-help. If a plan for achieving τ f does not exist, the populated by restaurants, museums and so on. The map is robot starts an interaction with the user. interfaced to a specific artifact exploited by the contractor In conclusion, by exploiting the plan recognition technique agent to make it accessible. POIs are described in the belief already described, the robot can identify possible goals/plans base of the contractor through expressive annotations. For of the user, which do not necessarily match with the delegated instance, to a restaurant can be associated a tuple of the task. They can be goals outstanding the delegated task, because form restaurant(name, category, location, capacity, target, the real agent decided it can adopt the task at a different state), where category describes the restaurant’s typology, level of help. However, there is a trade-off between pros and state indicates if it’s open or closed, target the audience 131 Workshop "From Objects to Agents" (WOA 2019) τ f if 0.7 ≤ Accs ≤ 1.0 Q1 en joyT heCity : c1 ←− f indRestaurant(laSoraLella, 68, Typical); f indPlaceToVisit(araPacis, 68, historical). Q2 en joyT heCity : c1 ←− f indRestaurant(laParolaccia, 68, Typical); f indPlaceToVisit(araPacis, 68, historical). τ f if 0.0 ≤ Accs < 0.4 Q1 en joyT heCity : c1 ←− f indRestaurant(laSoraLella, 68, Typical); f indPlaceToVisit(SantaCecilia, 68, church). Q2 en joyT heCity : c3 ←− f indRestaurant(AngoloDelVino, 68, Typical); f indMuseumToVisit(MuseoDal, 68, art). τ f if 0.4 ≤ Accs < 0.7 Q1 en joyT heCity : c1 ←− f indRestaurant(laSoraLella, 68, Typical); f indPlaceToVisit(piazzaTrilussa, 68, square). Q2 en joyT heCity : c1 ←− f indRestaurant(Otello, 68, Typical); f indPlaceToVisit(piazzaTrilussa, 68, square). TABLE I TASK ADOPTION RESULTS for whom it is addressed (e.g. singles, couples, groups) and in a restaurant and visiting a monument: capacity if it is small, big or medium. π1 :en joyT heCity : c1 ←− The robot can interact with different kind of users: for instance, it can give information to tourists and citizens. Since f indRestaurant(Name, Location,Category); our goal is to demonstrate the flexibility of the computational f indPlaceToVisit(Name, Location,Category). model, without loss of generality we leverage on a simplified This means that the robot attributes this plan to the user and user encoding, based on colors and numbers. Tourists are maps it in the client agent. Notice that, in the client’s plan encoded with a red shirt and citizens with a green one. library, can be attributed several plans with the same goal of Moreover, people can have different mental states, depending enjoying the city, but different contexts and bodies. Last, the on their characteristics and attributes, i.e. the age, the marital robot choses the relevant plan to execute as depicted in section status and so on. In our case study we exploited the marital III. status in order to classify the interlocutor as i) single, ii) in Table 1 shows the level of τi adoption related to the situation couple, iii) with family and iv) in group. The marital status described above. In all cases where the delegation is univocal is represented by a number on the shirt: 1 for singles, 2 for (Q1 ), the robot can go beyond the delegation, without changing couples, 3 for families and 4 for groups. In conclusion, the the client’s plan (over-help). When the delegation is vague (Q2 ) robot can perceive the user as, for instance, a single citizen, or the robot is still able to extend its help: indeed, it can use a tourist on holiday with his own family. The robot can make the few task specifications in order to find a restaurant which mistake in perceiving the user. For mapping this perceptive better adapts to the user, by considering the accuracy which it process into the model, two beliefs, in the contractor agent, has been classified. For example, when 0.0 ≤ Accs < 0.4 the are updated when the robot detects the user: robot exploits the ”stereotype” of a tourist representation in userCategory(Uc , Accc ) and maritalStatus(S, Accs ) its decision making system and chooses a typical restaurant (typically a tourist wants eat in typical restaurants) targeted The first one indicates if the user is a tourist or a citizen, the for couples instead of single people. Vice versa it chooses a second one indicates its marital status. The robot classifies restaurant targeted for singles when it is almost sure that the the user’s attributes with a certain accuracy, expressed by user is effectively single (0.7 ≤ Accs ≤ 1.0). Finally, when it Accc and Accs . We conducted a test in which the robot could cannot distinguish singles from couples, it chooses a restaurant interact with tourists or citizens with different marital status. suitable for a generic target audience. Notice that, when the Hereinafter we describe the scenario where the robot interacts robot does not find any monument to visit, it still does more with a tourist who is single and asks it to achieve the result than delegated, by finding a museum to visit, instead of a to find a restaurant. Moreover, we took in consideration the monument: it realizes an over help and in addition it modifies case where the robot was able to correctly recognize the user the plan attributed to the user (over-critical help). as a tourist, but it could classify its marital status at different V. C ONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS levels of accuracy Accs . The user asks to the robot: In this paper we presented a cognitive model which inte- • Q1 : ”I would like to go to La Sora Lella restaurant” grates the concept of adjustable social autonomy as a basis for • Q2 : ”I would like to go to eat something in Trastevere” an effective human-robot interaction. Exploiting the notions Questions imply two different τi delegation: of task delegation, adoption and the theory of mind, the computational model has proven to be really adaptive and • Q1 : f indRestaurant(”LaSoraLella”, 68, ”Typical”) flexible, giving to the robot the capability to adjust its level of • Q2 : f indRestaurant(””, 68, ””) help on the basis of several dimensions of the cooperation. 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