=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2405/04_invited |storemode=property |title=From Design-Time to Runtime and Back Again with Liquid Models |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2405/05_invited.pdf |volume=Vol-2405 |authors=Manuel Wimmer |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/staf/Wimmer19 }} ==From Design-Time to Runtime and Back Again with Liquid Models== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2405/05_invited.pdf
                   From Design-Time to Runtime and
                    Back Again with Liquid Models

                                   Manuel Wimmer3[0000−0002−1124−7098]

                                           CDL-MINT, TU Wien, Austria

Keynote Abstract

Today, we recognize a discrepancy between design models concentrating on the
desired behaviour of a system and its real world correspondents reflecting devi-
ations taking place at runtime. In order to close this gap, design models must
not be static, but evolutionary artefacts so to speak liquid models. Such liquid
models are the cornerstone of our research project CDL-MINT (https://cdl-
mint.se.jku.at/) which is about the model-based continuous evolution of cyber-
physical systems based on operational data gathered and analysed at runtime.
In my talk, I will present some initial results of this project, in particular the
liquid models architecture for linking design models with runtime concerns. I
will also elaborate on the proposed technologies for the respective architectural
layers and identify the research challenges ahead.

Keywords liquid models, cyber-physical systems, desing time, runtime

Short Biography

                          Manuel Wimmer is Full Professor and Head of the De-
                          partment of Business Informatics Software Engineer-
                          ing at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.
                          He received his Ph.D. and his Habilitation from TU
                          Wien, Austria. He has been a research associate at the
                          University of Malaga, Spain, a visiting professor at the
                          University of Marburg, Germany as well as at TU Mu-
                          nich, Germany, and an assistant professor at the Busi-
                          ness Informatics Group (BIG), TU Wien, Austria. Cur-
                          rently, he is also leading the Christian Doppler Lab-
                          oratoy on Model-Integrated Smart Production (CDL-
                          MINT) which is running from 2017 to 2023. In this con-
                          text, he is developing modeling approaches for smart
                          production facilities, as well as techniques for the con-
tinuous evolution of such systems based on production information gathered and
analyzed at runtime.

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
22     Manuel Wimmer

    Moreover, he is/was involved in several national and international projects
dealing with the foundations and application of model engineering techniques,
especially metamodeling and model transformations, for domains such as tool
interoperability, legacy tool modernization, model versioning and evolution, soft-
ware reverse engineering and migration, Web engineering including social Web
and semantic Web, Cloud computing, and flexible production systems. He is co-
author of the book Model-driven Software Engineering in Practice (Morgan &
Claypool, second edition, 2017).