=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2406/paper11 |storemode=property |title=Deep Learning for Energy Estimation and Particle Identification in Gamma-ray Astronomy |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2406/paper11.pdf |volume=Vol-2406 |authors=Evgeny Postnikov,Alexander Kryukov,Stanislav Polyakov,Dmitry Zhurov }} ==Deep Learning for Energy Estimation and Particle Identification in Gamma-ray Astronomy== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2406/paper11.pdf
        Deep Learning for Energy Estimation and
          Particle Identification in Gamma-ray

                  Evgeny Postnikov1[0000−0002−3829−0379] , Alexander
    Kryukov                      , Stanislav Polyakov1[0000−0002−8429−8478] , and
                       Dmitry Zhurov2,3[0000−0002−1596−8829]
      Lomonosov Moscow State University, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics
  (SINP MSU), 1(2), Leninskie gory, GSP-1, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation
evgeny.post@gmail.com, kryukov@theory.sinp.msu.ru, s.p.polyakov@gmail.com
      Institute of Applied Physics of Irkutsk State University, 20, Gagarin bulvard
                          664003 Irkutsk, Russian Federation
       Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83, Lermontova str. 664074
                              Irkutsk, Russian Federation

         Abstract. Deep learning techniques, namely convolutional neural net-
         works (CNN), have previously been adapted to select gamma-ray events
         in the TAIGA experiment, having achieved a good quality of selection
         as compared with the conventional Hillas approach. Another important
         task for the TAIGA data analysis was also solved with CNN: gamma-
         ray energy estimation showed some improvement in comparison with the
         conventional method based on the Hillas analysis. Furthermore, our soft-
         ware was completely redeveloped for the graphics processing unit (GPU),
         which led to significantly faster calculations in both of these tasks. All
         the results have been obtained with the simulated data of TAIGA Monte
         Carlo software; their experimental confirmation is envisaged for the near

         Keywords: Deep learning · CNN · Gamma-ray astronomy.

1       Introduction

1.1     Gamma-ray astronomy

Gamma-ray detection is very important for observing the Universe as gamma-
rays are particles without electric charge and are unaffected by a magnetic field.
Detected gamma-rays can therefore be extrapolated back to their origin. For
    Supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project 18-41-06003.
that reason, they are currently the best ”messengers” of physical processes from
the relativistic Universe.
    With specially designed telescopes, gamma-rays can be detected on Earth
(ground-based gamma-ray astronomy) at very high energies. These instruments
are called Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) [1]. Gamma-rays are ob-
served on the ground optically via the Cherenkov light emitted by extensive
showers of secondary particles in the air when a very-high-energy gamma-ray
strikes the atmosphere.
    However, very-high-energy gamma-rays contribute only a minuscule fraction
to the flux of electrically charged cosmic rays (below one per million [2]). This cir-
cumstance makes it necessary to learn to distinguish gamma-rays against charged
cosmic rays, mostly protons, on the basis of the images they produce in the tele-
scope camera.

1.2   Data Life Cycle project in Astroparticle Physics
The Russian-German Initiative of a Data Life Cycle in Astroparticle Physics
(also referred to as Astroparticle.online) [3, 4] aims to develop an open science
system for collecting, storing, and analyzing astroparticle physics data including
gamma-ray astronomy data. Currently it works with the TAIGA [5] and KAS-
CADE [6] experiments and invites astrophysical experiments to participate.
    In this work, two important problems of gamma-ray astronomy data analysis
are solved within the framework of deep learning approach (convolutional neural
networks). These are the background rejection problem (removal of cosmic ray
background events), and the gamma-ray energy estimation problem, in imaging
air Cherenkov telescopes. The data to solve the both problems were simulated
using the complete Monte Carlo software for the TAIGA-IACT installation [7].

1.3   Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
CNNs are well adapted to classify images; that is why they were also chosen for
all deep learning applications to the IACT technique [8–10]. Their advantage
is a fully automatic algorithm, including automatic extraction of image fea-
tures instead of a set of empirical parameters (‘Hillas parameters’ [11]). CNNs
are implemented in various free software packages, including PyTorch [12] and
TensorFlow [13]. In contrast to the camera with square pixels [8], a shape and
arrangement of pixels of the TAIGA-IACT camera is hexagonal, and this geo-
metrical feature has not been fully taken into account yet.

2     Data simulations
Data simulations were performed to obtain datasets with the response of a real
IACT telescope for two classes of particles to be identified: gamma-rays and
background particles (protons). The development of the shower of secondary
particles in the atmosphere was simulated with the CORSIKA package [14].
The response of the IACT system was simulated using the OPTICA-TAIGA
software developed at JINR, Dubna [7]. It describes the real TAIGA-IACT setup
configuration: 29 constituent mirrors with an area of about 8.5 m2 and a focal
length of 4.75 m, and the 560-pixel camera located at the focus. Each pixel is a
photomultiplier (PMT) collecting light from the mirrors.
    The telescopic image was formed using a dedicated software developed at
SINP MSU taking into account the night sky background fluctuations, PMT
characteristics, and triggering and readout procedures of the data acquisition

3     Image cleaning
Image cleaning is a conventional procedure to remove images and image parts
produced by the night sky background fluctuations but not by a shower of sec-
ondary particles. The conventional procedure is two-parametric: it excludes from
subsequent analysis all image pixels except the core pixels, i.e. those with the
amplitude above a core threshold and at least one neighbour pixel above a neigh-
bour threshold, and the neighbour pixels themselves. If the image contains too
few pixels after cleaning (for example, 2 or less), the entire image is excluded
from the analysis.
    Deep learning algorithms were trained on images both without and with
cleaning. For the reference technique, a test sample was first subjected to the
image cleaning procedure in any case. No training sample was needed for the
reference technique.

4     Deep learning
4.1   Data sample
Training datasets for the CNN contained gamma-ray and proton images (Monte
Carlo of TAIGA-IACT) for the task of background suppression, and only gamma-
ray images for the energy estimation. Image examples are presented in Figure
    The dataset consisted of 2.7×104 simulated events after strong image cleaning
(70% training + 30% test) for PyTorch, and of 5.6×104 events after soft image
cleaning (of which 60% were used for training, 15% for validation, and 25% for
testing) for TensorFlow. The images in the training dataset were rotated around
the camera center by multiples of 60o thereby producing 6 times the initial
sample size. Finally, the total number of events was about 2×105 for training
(with rotations), 0.8×104 for validation, and 1.5×104 for testing.

4.2   CNN implementation
Seeing that convolutional operations are optimized for a square grid, the TAIGA-
IACT hexagonal camera grid was needed to be represented in convenient form
                                 104                                      104

                                   Amplitude, photoelectrons

                                                                            Amplitude, photoelectrons
                                 103                                      103

                                 102                                      102

                                 101                                      101

Fig. 1. Simulated image examples: generated by high-energy gamma-ray (left) and
proton (right).

to fit the square one. For that purpose, a transformation to oblique coordinate
system was applied to each image, so that each hexagonal image with 560 pixels
was transformed to the 31x30 square grid. These square grid images were fed to
the input layer of the CNN.
    For the background suppression, test datasets of gamma-ray and proton im-
ages in random proportion (blind analysis) were classified by each of the pack-
ages: TensorFlow and PyTorch.
    The energy was either directly predicted as a scalar parameter by the CNN,
or the ratio of the energy to the total sum of the amplitudes in the image was
predicted and then multiplied back by the value of the total sum to obtain the
energy estimate. The reason for the second way to estimate the energy is that
the above mentioned total sum of the amplitudes, referred to as ‘image size’, is
correlated with the energy for gamma-rays incident closer than ≈100 m from the
telescope [15]. Therefore, image size can be in some way directly included in the
estimation algorithm to account for this strong correlation at least for nearby
gamma-rays. Beyond this ‘Cherenkov radius’ of about 100–120 m, the Cherenkov
light intensity varies rapidly with the distance from gamma-ray to the telescope,
which may also lead to a substantial increase of the resulting uncertainty in the
energy estimation.
    Various networks with different parameters were tested to find the one maxi-
mizing background suppression and the one minimizing the relative energy error.

4.3   CNN architecture

The first part of the convolutional neural network consists of convolutional layers
(Figure 2). Each layer includes convolution with 32 kernels of 3x3 pixels and
the ReLU activation function, average pooling layer with 3x3 pooling size and
strides of 2 pixels. To avoid overfitting during the training, a dropout layer with
a dropout rate of 10% is added after each pooling layer.
     Input                       Convolutional layers                           features
                             32x15x15             32x7x7              32x3x3          288                      value

                                                            32 kernels 3x3
31x30 mono                           32 kernels 3x3        average pooling
                32 kernels 3x3      average pooling                                           Classifier /
               average pooling
                                   Feature extraction

Fig. 2. Convolutional neural network for classification/regression. The network accepts
square grid images in oblique coordinate system at the input of convolutional layers.
Output of the convolutional layers (extracted features) is fed to the classifier/regressor
(full-connected layers) that evaluate the output value.

    Output of the convolutional layer is fed to the full-connected layers of classi-
fier or regressor. The full-connected layers consist of 32 neurons with the ReLU
activation function in the first layer and 16 neurons in the second one. Dropout
with a 50% rate after each full-connected layer is used to avoid overfitting.
    Sigmoid was set as the output neuron activation function for the classifica-
tion task, whereas no activation function was set to the output neuron for the
energy estimation. Adagrad optimizer with the learning rate set at 0.05 and the
binary cross-entropy as the loss function were used for classification. The energy
estimation was performed using Adam optimizer and the mean square error as
the loss function.
    The early stop criterion was set to interrupt the training procedure when the
loss function for the validation dataset shows no decrease for 30 epochs. The
training lasted for 144 epochs (runtime ∼9 minutes). The computational graph
was run on NVIDIA GPU Tesla P100.
    Accuracy on the training and validation sample after training was 91.29%
and 90.02% respectively. ROC AUC score (an area under the receiver operating
characteristic curve [16]) was 0.9712 for training and 0.9647 for validation.

5      Results
5.1      Scalar quality criterion (Q-factor)
As a quality criterion of particle identification, the selection quality factor Q was
estimated. This factor indicates an improvement of a significance of the statistical
hypothesis that the events do not belong to the background in comparison with
the significance before selection. For Poisson distribution (that is for a large
number of events), the selection quality factor is:
                                Q = nuclei / bckgr ,                            (1)
where nuclei and bckgr are relative numbers of selected events and background
events after selection. For our task we consider protons as a background to select
gamma-rays above this background.
    Quality factor (1) values obtained by the best CNN configuration among all
the trained networks are assembled in Table 1 together with the quality factor
for the reference technique (simplest Hillas analysis [17]).
    CNN was accelerated on graphics processing unit (GPU), which led to a
significantly faster calculation. Its implementation was approximately 6 times
faster than an equivalent implementation on CPU and revealed no quality loss
(the last column of Table 1).

                Table 1. Q-factor for gamma/proton identification.

Image cleaning Reference CNN(PyTorch) CNN(TensorFlow) CNN(TensorFlow GPU)
No             1.76      1.74         1.48
Yes            1.70      2.55         2.91            2.86

5.2   Q-factor variability

Comparison of different CNN versions for both software packages is illustrated
in Figure 3.
    PyTorch had more stable results in a wide range of CNN output parame-
ter values. However, significant improvement was obtained with the TensorFlow
CNN version trained by a modified training sample, which contained both orig-
inal simulated images and additional ones obtained by rotating images from the
initial sample by the symmetry angles of hexagonal structure. Thus the modi-
fied training sample consisted of ∼2×105 events instead of ∼3×104 . Therefore,
the performance of different software packages was approximately the same, in-
dicating that the training sample size was crucial for the identification quality.

5.3   Energy error

The predicted energy RMSE is 2.56 TeV for training sample, 3.31 TeV for vali-
dation dataset, and 4.76 TeV for the TensorFlow test sample (7.82 TeV for the
PyTorch test sample). The dependence of the predicted energy on the primary
energy is shown in Figure 4. Absolute error distribution is presented in Figure
    The accuracy of the energy estimate depends on the image distance from
the camera center, which corresponds to the distance of the gamma-ray induced
shower to the telescope. The energy error is presented in Figure 6 for various
angular distances from the image centre of gravity to the centre of the camera’s
field of view. This angular distance is strongly correlated with the distance from
the gamma-ray-induced shower to the telescope, but is measurable in experiment
unlike the unknown distance to the telescope. The angular distance of ∼1.5o
corresponds roughly to ∼100–150 m [18].
Fig. 3. Quality factor vs CNN output parameter (a scalar parameter between 0 and 1
characterizing image similarity to gamma-ray or proton).

    Though for the nearest gamma-rays there is no improvement over the simplest
conventional technique of a linear proportionality to the image size (section 4.2),
for the distances above 1o CNN gives significantly better results, and especially
does the CNN predicting the ratio of the energy to the image size instead of
predicting the energy itself. However, it is not the optimal way to incorporate
the image size information in the CNN, and therefore the energy estimation still
contains some potential to further improve accuracy.

6   Conclusion
Convolutional neural networks were implemented to solve two important tasks of
data analysis in gamma-ray astronomy: cosmic ray background suppression and
gamma-ray energy estimation. Background rejection quality strongly depends on
the learning sample size but in any case is substantially higher than for conven-
tional techniques. The energy estimation achieves significantly better accuracy
than conventional approach for gamma-rays incident in the area outside of a
narrow circle around the telescope (∼100–150 m on the ground or ∼1–1.5o on
the camera plane). Because of the wide acceptance of the TAIGA-IACT camera,
this technique is capable of measuring energy of most gamma-rays detected by
the installation.
    We also note that there is still considerable potential to further improve the
results by taking into account the hexagonal pixel shape and increasing training
                                    train fit 0.90x + 0.65
                          100       validation fit 0.84x + 1.00
                                    test fit 0.65x + 1.64
 Predicted energy [TeV]

                          80        validation



                                0         20          40          60     80   100
                                                     True energy [TeV]

Fig. 4. Predicted energy vs true energy: top pannel TensorFlow, bottom pannel Py-
Torch (dashed lines are the ‘ideal case’ y=x).
                     Fig. 5. Absolute energy error distributions.

Fig. 6. Relative energy error vs angular distance of the image: TensorFlow (‘TF’, left),
PyTorch (‘PT’, right).
sample size by one order of magnitude, which is a challenge for the immediate

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