=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2406/paper14 |storemode=property |title=Data Structure Adaption from Large-Scale Experiment for Public Re-Use |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2406/paper14.pdf |volume=Vol-2406 |authors=Doris Wochele,Jürgen Wochele,Frank Polgart,Victoria Tokareva,Donghwa Kang,Andreas Haungs }} ==Data Structure Adaption from Large-Scale Experiment for Public Re-Use== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2406/paper14.pdf
       Data Structure Adaption from Large-Scale
            Experiment for Public Re-Use ?

  Doris Wochele1[0000−0001−6121−0632] , Jürgen Wochele1[0000−0003−3854−4890] ,
 Frank Polgart1[0000−0002−9324−7146] , Victoria Tokareva1[0000−0001−6699−830X] ,
Donghwa Kang1[0000−0002−5149−9767] , and Andreas Haungs1[0000−0002−9638−7574]
     Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Nuclear Physics, 76021 Karlsruhe,

         Abstract. Large-scale experiments in astroparticle physics are usually
         operated several decades by international collaborations of partly several
         hundreds of scientists. Experiments launched some decades ago, trying
         to make their data publicly available, suffer from the fact that their
         data structures cannot be evaluated using modern information technolo-
         gies. To overcome this situation and to guarantee a FAIR (findable-
         accessible-interoperable-reusable) [2] data preservation, the data must
         be restructured and reformatted. A step in this direction is to provide
         the data and meta-data as well as the tools to analyse the measured data
         of the meanwhile dismantled cosmic ray experiment KASCADE, which
         operated from 1996 to 2013. The project to make the entire scientific
         data public is called the ’KASCADE Cosmic Ray Data Centre’ (KCDC,
         https://kcdc.ikp.kit.edu). The activities within KCDC are used as
         blueprint for a sustainable data life cycle including aspects of data cura-
         tion in astroparticle physics. With this paper we give an overview of the
         current status of the KASCADE Open Data Publication via the KCDC
         web portal with focus on the adaption of the initial structure of the
         KASCADE data for the KCDC data publication.

         Keywords: Astroparticle Physics · Data Structure · Data Curation ·
         Public Data Centre

1      Introduction

A major topic of Astroparticle Physics is to investigate the nature of the cos-
mic radiation manifesting in many ways. The detection of high-energy cosmic
rays is performed by the registration of extensive air showers, i.e. the secondary
     Supported by KRAD, the Karlsruhe-Russian Astroparticle Data Life Cycle Initiative
     (Helmholtz Society Grant HRSF-0027). The authors acknowledge the cooperation
     with the Russian colleagues (A. Kryukov et al.) in the GRADLC project (RSF
     Grant No. 18-41-06003) as well as the KASCADE-Grande collaboration for their
     continuous support of the KCDC project.
particles generated by the primary cosmic ray when entering the atmosphere. In
various air-shower experiments located all over the world the cascades of par-
ticles are detected, generated in interaction processes of the relativistic cosmic
rays (mainly fully ionized atomic nuclei, but also cosmic gamma-rays and neutri-
nos)with the molecules of the Earth’s atmosphere. As these air-showers consist of
a huge number of particles which are spread over a vast area, large detectors are
required to measure certain characteristic parameters. Dedicated reconstruction
algorithms [1] are then used to determine the direction of the incoming particle
as well as its energy and mass.
     The combined analysis of observations of various components of the cosmic
radiation like charged particles, gamma rays and neutrinos is widely known as
’Multi-Messenger Astroparticle Physics’. From this, currently as hot topic clas-
sified research field, we hope to gain new and exciting information to extend our
knowledge of the origin and transport of what we understand as cosmic radi-
ation. The Multi-Messenger Astroparticle Physics requires access to data (in a
reasonable and standardized format) of the diverse experimental installations.
Our studies described here are important steps towards establishing a global
data and analysis centre [2] for Multi-Messenger Astroparticle Physics.

2   From Proprietary Experimental Data to an Easy
    Accessible Open Data Format

KASCADE-Grande [3],[4],[5] was an extensive air shower experiment array to
study the cosmic ray primary composition and the hadronic interactions in the
energy range E0 = 1014 −1018 eV. The experiment was situated on site of the
KIT, Campus North (49.1 ◦ N,8.4 ◦ E) at 110 m asl, corresponding to an average
atmospheric depth of 1022 g/cm2 [3] and operated between 1996 and 2013. One
of the main results obtained by KASCADE is a picture of increasingly heavier
composition above the ’knee’ caused by a break in the spectrum of the light com-
ponents. Conventional acceleration models predict a change of the composition
towards heavier components.
    The KASCADE-Grande experiment consisted of four major detector com-
ponents. An array of 252 detector stations housing separate electron and muon
detectors, a central detector for measuring the hadron component with addi-
tional muon detection area, a tunnel with streamer tubes to record individual
muon tracks and, a second array with 37 detector stations for electron detection
which extends the effective KASCADE array area from 200 × 200 m2 by a factor
of 10 built in 2003. Furthermore, an array of 30 radio antennas is co-located with
the KASCADE array (LOPES [10]) which uses the KASCADE trigger and the
well-calibrated information of air shower properties to study radio emissions of
cosmic rays (see fig. 1).
    After the shutdown of the KASCADE experiment the number of scientists
who can maintain the databases with old software on old computers degraded
fast. The only chance to get the results comprehensible for other experiments is
       Fig. 1. The Karlsruhe Shower Core and Array Detector (KASCADE)

to start a data curation process and feed the data to a system where they can
be kept maintained.

3   KASCADE Data Acquisition and Data Structure
The KASCADE Data Acquisition System was designed and set up in the early
nineties of the last century using the most modern types of databases and soft-
ware available. By that time all off-line programming in high-energy physics was
carried out using Fortran 77 programming language. Although this language of-
fered some advantages compared to other common languages at that time, it
suffered from a lack of dynamic data structuring facilities. To overcome these
disadvantages CERN ZEBRA [11] has been introduced by the particle physicists
to allow the programmers to build dynamic data structures even at real (exe-
cution) time. Thus, the KASCADE raw data are organized in so-called ZEBRA
banks as schematically described in fig. 2.
    Below a file header holding information about the current run, properties
like start time, detector status, calibration settings etc., the event blocks are
organized sequentially, each consisting of an event header and the hierarchically
arranged ZEBRA banks for the event data of every detector component being
part of the respective event, followed by a direct access table information on
number of events and the position of the first data set. Each of the various
components of the KASCADE-Grande detector system was designed as an in-
dependent experiment with its own data acquisition and control system. Besides
the control and monitoring of the hardware, the preparation of the data recorded
and the transmission to the Central Event Builder was part of each system. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Position in Block 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Position in Block 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Position in Block 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Number of Events
                                                  Data Grande 1

                                                                                                                     Data Grande 2

                                                                                                                                                                                        Data Grande 3
                                                                                     Event header 2
                  Event header 1

                                                                                                                                                        Event header 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Block Index 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Block Index 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Block Index 3
                                   Data Array 1

                                                                                                                                                                         Data Array 3
                                                                  Data Calor 1

                                                                                                                                     Data Calor 2
                                                                                                      Data Array 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Data Calor 3
    File header





                                                                  Fig. 2. Scheme of KASCADE ZEBRA bank structure.

main task of the Central Event Builder is to merge time information and the
recorded data of all running detector components and to transfer it to a mass
storage system. The event builder is invoked by a trigger signal from any of the
various trigger sources of KASCADE. The conditions to generate a trigger are
defined in the local processes of the detector components without any control
by the event builder. Data blocks with time labels within a window of 10µs are
merged to one event. If a detector component does not supply data for more
than 2 minutes, a hardware error is assumed. Then the corresponding compo-
nent is removed from the data acquisition and a new run is started. Altogether
about 1.7 billion events have been recorded during the lifetime of KASCADE
from 1996 to 2013 stored in more than 50.000 raw data files, consuming 4 TB of
storage space, and analysed with the KASCADE data reconstruction program
KRETA. The data have been archived on a tape robot of the central comput-
ing department and copied in portions to local disks for fast access during data
analysis. Meanwhile all measured and analysed data are stored locally on a Raid
system and on the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager of KIT-SCC (Steinbuch Centre
for Computing) for long term preservation.

4                 KASCADE Data Analysis
The measured air showers in KASCADE are analysed using the reconstruction
program KRETA (Kascade Reconstruction for ExTensive Airshowers), which
reads the raw data, performs the calibration and reconstructs the basic shower
observables, storing all the results in the form of histograms and vectors of
parameters (n-tuples).
    The calibration parameters and the geometry of the detector layout are stored
in a time dependent database called CERN HEPDB [12]. Calibration parameters
like energy deposits or correction parameters like time delay offsets are derived
from a separate analysis of the data recorded and stored in HEPDB together
with a validity time stamp. The validity range of typically several days is mainly
caused by the change of the photomultiplier tubes associated with the tempera-
ture of the environment, while the geometry database remained mostly constant
during the complete measuring period. Other correction data sets like air pres-
sure and temperature were obtained from external measurements. Additionally,
a correction table was required to exclude disturbances from a nearby man-made
radiation source that occurred periodically for a few minutes per day.
   Data sets recorded with irregular hardware conditions (bad runs) have been
identified in a preanalysis step and removed for the final reconstruction.

    Data quality is commonly described as a state of accuracy for appropriate
use of data. The re-usability of an astroparticle experiment dataset relies on a
high quality filter of the raw data. Only the researcher can take into account all
details of data acquisition and data transformation. The raw KASCADE data
are reduced by a factor of four by applying quality cuts within the data analysis
procedure, mostly because low energetic events with a too small signal cannot
be reconstructed properly. All these cuts were applied during the calibration
phase on an event-by-event basis as well as the energy deposits corrections for
the detector stations flagged as “not working” or “in saturation”. Calibration
data, correction data and information on the detector layout are taken from a
HEPDB data base where more than 100 different time dependent calibration
tables are stored. The reconstruction procedure itself is then done in 3 iteration
levels. A rough estimation of shower parameters in level 1 is followed by a more
sophisticated analysis in level 2 where the results of level 1 are taken as starting
values for level 2. Level 3 aims for an even more tuned accuracy using the
results of level 2 and delivers the final reconstruction results. These results for
each iteration level are stored in so called ntuples making use of the HBOOK
package [14] which is also part of the CERN library.
    An ntuple is like a table, where all the variables belonging to a certain event
are columns while each event is a row. In this form it is easy to generate one or
multi dimensional projections of any of these several hundred variables. Storing
requirements become significant for large event samples. The most important
output parameters stored in ntuples for KASCADE are:
 – the reconstructed position of the shower core,
 – the reconstructed shower direction,
 – the reconstructed number of electrons and muons,
 – most probable reconstructed primary energy E0 based on a certain variant
   of the reconstruction process (is always based on a theoretical model of
   hadronic interactions incorporated in simulations [8]).
In the early years of KASCADE the resulting hbook files have been visualized
using the CERN PAW framework (Physics Analysis Workstation [13]) to gener-
ate statistical distributions of the measured events. KRETA still produces only
hbook files but nowadays they are converted to the CERN ROOT data struc-
ture [15] with a disk space requirement of about 1.3 GB and stored on local
servers and archived on mass storage robots.

5   KCDC portal as a demonstrator for Big Data Analytics
    in astroparticle physics
The main goal of KCDC [7,6] is to provide a concept for the open data pub-
lication, following the idea of the Berlin Declaration on Open Data and Open
Access [9].
    The large amount of data stored in ROOT files makes it impossible to offer
the entire data directly for download. Thus we choose to fill the reconstructed
data and meta data into a database and install a web portal, named the KCDC
data shop [6], in a way that a registered user can select parameters and apply
specific cuts on most of the quantities to limit the download volume for his own
analysis. For event object storage a NoSQL database was chosen because of the
unfixed scheme per event. For multi-messenger analyses in cosmic ray physics
the experimental setup usually varies within time. This makes it necessary to
add components and new joins which is still a ’show-stopper’ in big relational
database management systems (RDBMS). NoSQL databases can be more easily
adapted to new setups. In KCDC MongoDB was chosen as an easy-to-use and
scalable document-oriented storage well proofed in Big Data environments.
    The KCDC web portal is publicly accessible, no special software installation
is required on the user side. All data are offered for ftp download in ROOT,
which is standard data format in High Energy Physics, or in HDF5, mostly used
to store big amounts of data, or in ASCII for simple education examples.

     Most of the parameters stored in the ROOT files gained from the KASCADE
data reconstruction with KRETA can only be used by experts with detailed
background knowledge of the detector geometry and the detector properties. In
order to give a wider audience the opportunity to use these data, they must be
prepared in such a way that they can be handled without special knowledge.
     In modern terms this procedure is known as data curation. Curation includes
a range of activities and processes done to create, manage, maintain, and vali-
date data elements. Specifically, data curation is the attempt to determine what
information is worth saving and for how long. The data curation workflow is
determined from data quality management, data protection, life cycle manage-
ment and data movement. Therefore the routine filling KASCADE data in the
MongoDB of KCDC determines which data should be published in that spe-
cific version of KCDC. The KCDC Major Version Number is an indicator for a
complete dataset. Any changes within the database will be indicated by a new
version number and we can only guarantee a valid representation of KASCADE
using data from the same published versions.
     Another important point for this procedure is that in KRETA each detector
component generates its own ROOT files because no data merging has been ap-
plied. This disadvantage we overcome by publishing the combined data analysis
in a new KCDC data shop presently under construction. For the time being, we
merge the data of the different components when filling the MongoDB.

   As the KASCADE Events can be uniquely identified by their Run- and Event
numbers, the filling routine uses these two parameters to merge the data sets
from the different components of KASCADE and some additional information
from separate tables like exclude lists for special events. Most of the space re-
quired in the MongoDB is occupied by the data arrays holding information on
e/γ and µ-energy deposits of each of the 252 KASCADE detector stations and
     ‚DATA‘ Collection                                                                                                                               ‚ARRAYS‘ Collection

                                                                                                                                                                      Stations [{ list of entries }]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Stations [{ list of entries }]
                                               component A 1

                                                                                                                                 component 1 1
                                                                   detect. component X
                                       detect. component


                                                                                                                                                     Component id A

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Component id X
                     event metadata

                                                                                                        event metadata
      Event 1 - id

                                                                                         Event 2 - id


                         Fig. 3. Scheme of the used MongoDB data storage structure.

the arrival time of the first particle hitting the respective station and producing
a valid signal in the detector electronic. The structure scheme of the data stored
in the MongoDB is shown in fig. 3. In MongoDB we have two collections named
‘DATA‘ and ‘ARRAYS‘, where the first is filled with (meta)data from the recon-
struction process with information on parameters like event number, event time
etc. and shower parameters like core position, angle of incidence and number of
particles separately for each detector component. In the second, the ‘ARRAYS‘,
relevant data from every detector station are kept.

6   Outlook

Publishing data for other scientist enhances the sensibility for correct docu-
mentation and cross-checking the results. Using only one source of data for re-
searchers from the KASCADE collaboration and for external researchers led
automatically to a high integrity of the published data sets and increased our
confidence in the data sets published. Published data sets in experimental physics
underlie changes whenever analytical methods are improved or errors are dis-
covered. A change of the version number indicates a non-semantic change of
the data sets whereas the elements e.g. a specific event, is still part of the data
set. A unique UUID, implemented in the next release, represents such an object
independent from versions and the reference is immutable. Records that were
once published in KCDC are frozen by versions, which means that even if the
data are extended or changed the reproducibility is maintained.

     In a next step we will adapt the data of a totally independent experiment
(TAIGA [16] or TUNKA [17]) to the scheme described above and include them
into KCDC. With a first multi-messenger like analysis applied to the data of
both experiments a proof-of-principle of the demonstrator will be given [18] (see
fig. 4).
                       Cosmic Rays              DataCentre              Web Portal

                                      Data Curation    Data Publication
    KASCADE             TAIGA

Fig. 4. Scheme of the data flow of the exemplary data life cycle initiative: Cosmic ray
data from two different experiments are stored with a standardized data structure and
comparable meta data before the made available for a re-use.

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