=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2406/paper5 |storemode=property |title=Provenance Metadata Management in Distributed Storages Using the Hyperledger Blockchain Platform |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2406/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-2406 |authors=Andrey Demichev,Julia Dubenskaya,Elena Fedotova,Alexander Kryukov,Stanislav Polyakov,Nikolay Prikhod'ko }} ==Provenance Metadata Management in Distributed Storages Using the Hyperledger Blockchain Platform== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2406/paper5.pdf
        Provenance Metadata Management in
     Distributed Storages Using the Hyperledger
                Blockchain Platform?

Andrey Demichev1 , Julia Dubenskaya1 , Elena Fedotova1 , Alexander Kryukov1 ,
              Stanislav Polyakov1 , and Nikolay Prikhod’ko2
                        Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics
                 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
         Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Velikiy Novgorod, Russia

        Abstract. The paper is devoted to the development of principles and
        operation algorithms of provenance metadata management system, en-
        titled ProvHL (Provenance HyperLedger), based on the integration of
        blockchain technology, smart contracts and provenance metadata driven
        data management. It is fault-tolerant and reliable in terms of the safety
        and security of provenance metadata records from accidental or inten-
        tional distortion.

        Keywords: distributed storage · provenance metadata · blockchain ·
        access rights · Hyperledger Fabric.

1     Introduction
This work is aimed at developing design principles of a system for storage and
management of provenance metadata for data generated by large-scale scientific
experiments. A vivid example of such installations is the Large Hadron Collider
(CERN, Geneva; https://home.cern), the time of active work of which and, ac-
cordingly, the generation of large scientific data, is several tens of years, and the
processing time of the data will be at least twice as much. Without detailed and
correct provenance metadata, comparing the results obtained with an interval,
for example, of a few years, will be simply impossible. Another important ex-
ample is astroparticle physics which has become a data intensive science with
many terabytes of data and often with tens of measured parameters associated
to each observation (see e.g., [1]). While 10–15 years ago there were 1–10 Tb
of data per year in astrophysics, new experimental facilities generate data sets
ranging in size from 100’s to 1000’s of terabytes per year. Moreover new highly
complex and massively large datasets are expected to be produced in the next
decades by novel and more complex scientific instruments as well as results of
data simulations needed for physical interpretation.
    This work was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 18-11-00075).
    Although a number of projects have been implemented in recent years to
create systems for the support and management of metadata, including the data
provenance, but the vast majority of implemented solutions are centralized [2,
3], which is inadequate for the use in distributed environments and the possibil-
ity of using metadata by organizationally unrelated or loosely related research
communities. The use of centralized solutions in a distributed environment that
includes different administrative domains is always associated with the problems
of organizing the management of the central service, as well as with ensuring the
trust in such a service from the side of participants of the distributed system. In
addition, any central service is a bottleneck and a point of failure of the system.
On the other hand, in recent years, distributed registries based on blockchain
technology [4] have become very popular in various applied areas thanks to a
number of important advantages. Just recently, blockchain-based provenance
metadata (PMD) management systems have also been developed [5, 6]. Analysis
of the proposed solutions shows that they are designed for cloud storage environ-
ments, are quite heavyweight and resource-consuming. The latter is related to
the specific peculiarities of realization of the distributed registries as blockchains
(namely, necessity for block mining). This makes doubtful the prospects for suc-
cessful use of these solutions for the storage and management of provenance
metadata generated by large scientific experiments in distributed environments.
    In this paper, we propose an approach to solving this problem based on
the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts within the Hyperledger
platform (https://www.hyperledger.org) [7]. The basic principles of operation
and algorithms of the ProvHL system (Provenance HyperLedger) for managing
provenance metadata and data access rights in distributed storages are pre-

2     Basic principles of operation of the system for
      managing provenance metadata

2.1   Smart contracts

The basic scenario of using the proposed system assumes that a virtual orga-
nization (VO) is formed for the joint implementation of a certain project. VO
includes several real organizations, in turn including data providers, users and
data handlers affiliated with them. It is assumed that the implementation of
such a project requires the use of a distributed data storage. This distributed
storage can be formed by renting multiple cloud storage, as well as integrating
the own storage resources of the organizations that form the VO. Thus, the
hardware and software basis of the business environment in this case is formed
by a set of storages (possibly of different types, e.g., cloud storages, file servers,
tape storages, etc.), each of which can be managed by its own data management
system (DMS). For certainty, it is further assumed that the data is stored as
files, i.e. the file is a unit of data. Generally speaking, several VOs can coexist;
the storages with which they interact can form partially overlapping sets.
    In such an environment, an immutable and distributed (as the environment
itself) registry and a consensus on the order of data operations are needed to
resolve possible conflicts between the VO/project participants related to the use
of the data. Conflicts may be caused by priority issues upon obtaining results
of data processing, use of results (including funding issues), interrelations with
storage providers, etc. In order to prevent possible conflicts, accurate imple-
mentation of mutual data access policies is required. In other words, support of
business processes for data sharing and storage is needed.
    A smart contract along with the registry form the basis of a blockchain
system. While the registry contains information about the current and historical
state of a set of business objects, a smart contract determines the executable logic
that generates new states to be added to the registry. Before parties of a business
process can enter into interactions with each other, they must define a common
set of contracts covering common terms, data, rules, concept definitions and
processes. Taken together, these contracts define a business model that governs
all interactions between transactional parties. A smart contract defines these
rules between the parties in the form of executable code.

2.2   Permissioned blockchains
A natural solution for the establishment of a distributed immutable registry for
the provenance metadata (PMD) records is the use of the blockchain technology.
The latter guarantees that no records were inserted into the registry in hindsight,
no entries were changed in the registry and the registry has never been branched
or bifurcated. An important question is how to provide validation of the chain
of blocks with transaction records in the case of PMD registry. The use of the
most popular proof-of-work (PoW) method [4] on the basis of mining is very
resource-intensive, and is poorly suited for management systems for provenance
metadata in the case of processing scientific data. Indeed, the calculations that
are performed within the framework of PoW themselves do not serve any useful
purpose, and this is a principle feature. It is very difficult to come up with a
proof of work that would serve a socially useful role. Therefore, if possible, it is
better to abandon it. Trying to solve these problems, a community of researchers
in this field offers a variety of consensus algorithms that do not require “work”.
The choice of the algorithm heavily depends on the way of access to transaction
processing. From this point of view, blockchains are classified as follows:
 – permissionless (public) blockchains, in which there are no restrictions on the
   transaction handlers;
 – permissioned blockchains, in which transaction processing is performed by
   specified entities.
Public blockchains are more known because cryptocurrency networks are based
on them. In contrast to the permissionless blockchains, in the systems based
on permissioned blockchains, the built-in coins are usually not used. Built-in
coins are required in permissionless blockchains to provide a reward for pro-
cessing transactions. Permissioned blockchains can form a more controlled and
predictable environment than public blockchains and does not require calcula-
tions related to the PoW algorithms. In the distributed storage environment,
the local data management systems, data owners, representatives of real organi-
zations participating in the project, etc., can act as the authorized parties that
create and sign the blocks. In order to maliciously change a transaction con-
firmed by all the authorized parties in the distributed storage environment, the
attacker must gain access to all the secret keys of the block handlers. This is
very unlikely, and thus this approach provides a high degree of protection for
the distributed registry. It is this approach to the construction of the metadata
registry that was implemented in our PMD management system.

2.3   Hyperledger blockchain platform
To put this solution into practice, it is convenient to use existing blockchain
platforms. Analysis of existing platforms shows that the required solution for the
PMD management system most naturally can be implemented on the basis of the
Hyperledger Fabric permissioned blockchain platform (HLF; hyperledger.org) [7]
together with Hyperledger Composer (hyperledger.github.io/composer). The lat-
ter is a set of tools to simplify the use of blockchain. Hereafter we shall refer
to these two components as HLF&C-platform. To describe the business process
within the framework of HLF&C-platform, a number of concepts are used, the
main ones are assets, participants, transactions and events. Assets are tangible
or intellectual resources, services or property, records of which are kept in the
blockchain. Assets must have a unique identifier, but they can also contain any
properties defined for them. Participants are members of the business network
who can own assets and make transaction requests. They also can have any prop-
erties if necessary. Transaction is the mechanism of interaction of participants
with assets. Messages about the events can be sent by transaction processors to
inform external components of changes in the blockchain. Very important that
HLF&C-platform provides the operation of smart contracts (called chaincode),
which allows us to organize the business process of sharing storage resources by
project participants located in different administrative domains. The suggested
ProvHL system for managing provenance metadata is a sophisticated adaptation
of the HLF&C-platform for the business process of sharing storage resources.
    Unlike public blockchain networks, which allow non-authenticated users to
participate in their work, members of the HLF&C-network must be registered
with Membership Service Provider (MSP), which, among other things, performs
the functions of Certification Authority (CA).

2.4   Management of data access rights
In addition to the task of recording the immutable history of working with data in
a distributed storage environment, the task of providing distributed management
of access rights to data is set. For example, the owner of a data file (the user
who created the data, the organization to which it belongs through its authorized
representative, etc.) must be able to manage access to it for other users. Another
example is when a cloud storage service grants access to data stored on it only
to users from organizations that have paid for this storage service.
    Detailed management of rights to initiate transactions related to operations
with data in the distributed storage is based on the use of special Hyperledger
Composer tools. The rights have to be described in acl-files located in the nodes
of the blockchain network with the help of the special Access Control Language
(ACL). Modification of the contents of the acl-file is also carried out by initiating
the corresponding transaction by duly authorized users.

2.5   Metadata driven data management
From the general point of view, two approaches are possible. In the first ap-
proach, data management systems (DMS) manage data and use a blockchain
simply as a distributed log (data driven data management). In the second ap-
proach, the metadata is written to the blockchain beforehand, and DMSs refer
to the blockchain and perform the transactions recorded there (metadata driven
data management). In the first case, the functionality of the blockchain system
is very limited, it only provides a distributed ledger which is resistant to occa-
sional or malicious attempts to modify the history of data in distributed stor-
age. HLF&C-platform enables one to implement the second approach, which,
in addition to simply maintaining the ledger, allows us to solve the problem of
distributed data access management.
    In our case, participants (in the sense of the HLF&C-platform) include per-
sons (users and administrators of different levels) and storage providers. The
main assets are data files. Their properties (attributes) are provenance meta-
data, including local file name in a storage, storage ID, creator ID, file owner
ID, type of the file (primary, secondary or replica), etc. Another important type
of the assets consists of the (local) storages constituting the distributed envi-
ronment. We also defined user groups as assets, because we found it useful for
managing data access rights. Finally, operations with files are treated as assets
too because each operation actually comprises of a several atomic transactions.
The basic operations can be of the following types: new file upload; file down-
load; file copy within a storage; file deletion; file copy to another storage; file
transfer to another storage.
    The algorithm which we propose for recording transactions with provenance
metadata and managing data access rights in the framework of ProvHL in a very
simplified form reads as follows:
 – the owner accesses the chaincode function, which, according to the acl-file
   (acl stands for access control language), allows the owner of the data to grant
   access rights to these data to another user or group of users;
 – a user who has been granted access rights by the owner accesses the chaincode
   with a request to make an operation (ClientRequest transaction) with data
   (for example, file download, upload or copy);
 – chaincode verifies that such a transaction complies with the rules defined
   in the acl-file and, if it does, sends a request to the HLF environment to
   complete the transaction;
 – HLF performs transaction processing (transaction workflow: simulation and
   endorsements → ordering → validation → state updating);
 – HLF sends a message (event) to the user about the successful transaction
   and its recording in the blockchain; the message also contains the transaction
   identification number;
 – the user accesses the data management system (DMS) with a request to
   perform a data operation that contains the number of the corresponding
 – DMS checks for a record of this transaction in the blockchain;
 – if there is a record of the valid transaction, the DMS performs the required
   operation and, in turn, initiates a transaction record confirming that a data
   operation was performed (ServerResponse transaction).

    As it can be seen, for each data operation, at least two transaction records
are made in the blockchain: the first corresponds to the client request (ClientRe-
quest), and the second corresponds to the server response (ServerResponse). In
general case, an operation comprises of even more transactions. In the simplified
description of the algorithm, some details specific to certain types of transactions
are omitted for brevity. In particular, when the new file upload operation is per-
formed, the creation of the new asset, that is the data file, is performed only after
the actual upload of the file in the storage when DMS makes a ServerResponse
transaction and turns the uploaded file into a fully valid asset. Together with the
above-mentioned splitting of transactions into the client and server parts, this
makes the level of correspondence between the history recorded in the blockchain
and the real history of the data in the distributed storage practically acceptable.

2.6   Consensus

One of the first and most well known consensus algorithms is the Paxos algo-
rithm [8]. This algorithm is not designed to work in distributed systems with
possible Byzantine errors (malicious distortion of information by nodes). It is
very difficult for understanding and implementing. In addition, Paxos uses an
approach in which each node (consensus member) interacts with each, so the
complexity of the decision is O(n2 ), where n is the number of the nodes. As a
result, practical implementations have little to do with Paxos. Each implemen-
tation begins with Paxos, detects difficulties in its implementation, and then
significantly changes the architecture. It takes a lot of time and leads to errors.
Because of these problems, Paxos is not a good choice for building real systems.
The Raft algorithm [9] implements the consensus by choosing a single leader,
giving it full responsibility for managing the replicated log. The leader accepts
requests from consensus members, copies them to other nodes, and tells the rest
of the nodes when it is safe to use log entries in their replicated state machines.
The idea of having a special leader simplifies the management of the replicated
log. If the leader for some reason stops working, the procedure for selecting a
new leader begins. However, Raft is also not designed to work in distributed
systems in which the Byzantine type of error is possible.
    The Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) algorithm [10] was the first
practical solution to achieve consensus in the face of Byzantine failures. It uses
the concept of replicated state machine, and nodes in a PBFT system are sequen-
tially ordered with one node being the leader and others referred to as backup
nodes. All nodes in the system communicate with one another with the goal
being that all honest nodes will come to an agreement of the state of the system
using the majority rule. This algorithm requires 3n + 1 replicas to be able to
tolerate n failing nodes. Communication between nodes has two functions: nodes
must prove that messages came from a specific peer node, and they must verify
that the message was not modified during transmission. This approach imposes
a low overhead on the performance of the HLF&C-platform ordering services
which are consensus nodes in our case. However messaging overhead in the case
of PBFT increases significantly as the number of the ordering nodes increase.
However it remains acceptable for a couple of dozens of ordering service nodes
(parties in a project using a distributed storage under the ProvHL management).
Currently we consider PBFT as a most suitable distributed consensus algorithm.

3   Conclusion
In this paper, using the novel approach based on the integration of blockchain
technology, smart contracts and metadata driven data management, the prin-
ciples and algorithms of the new system, entitled ProvHL (Provenance Hyper-
Ledger), have been developed. This system is intended for fault-tolerant, safe
and secure management of provenance metadata, as well as of access rights to
data in distributed storages. The problems of optimal choice of the blockchain
type for such a system, as well as the choice of the blockchain platform are stu-
died. Namely, it is proposed to use the permissioned type of blockchain and the
Hyperledger blockchain platform, on the basis of which the ProvHL system is
    At present, a testbed has been created on the basis of SINP MSU, where
a preliminary version of the ProvHL prototype is deployed to implement the
developed principles and refine the algorithms of the system. The creation of
ProvHL production level system will significantly improve the quality and reli-
ability of the results obtained on the basis of processing and analysis of data in
a distributed computer environment.

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