=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2406/paper9 |storemode=property |title=Distributed Data Storage for Modern Astroparticle Physics Experiments |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2406/paper9.pdf |volume=Vol-2406 |authors=Alexander Kryukov,Minh-Duc Nguyen,Igor Bychkov,Andrey Mikhailov,Alexey Shigarov,Julia Dubenskaya }} ==Distributed Data Storage for Modern Astroparticle Physics Experiments== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2406/paper9.pdf
            Distributed Data Storage for Modern
             Astroparticle Physics Experiments?

               Alexander Kryukov1[0000−0002−1624−6131] , Minh-Duc
               Nguyen1[0000−0002−5003−3623] , Igor Bychkov2 , Andrey
            Mikhailov2[0000−0001−5572−5349] , Alexey Shigarov2 , and Julia
    Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
                              Moscow 119992, Russia
kryukov@theory.sinp.msu.ru, nguyendmitri@gmail.com, jdubenskaya@gmail.com
            Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory,
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Lermontov st. 134, Irkutsk, Russia

         Abstract. The German-Russian Astroparticle Data Life Cycle Initia-
         tive is an international project launched in 2018. The Initiative aims to
         develop technologies that provide a unified approach to data manage-
         ment, as well as to demonstrate their applicability on the example of
         two large astrophysical experiments - KASCADE and TAIGA. One of
         the key points of the project is the development of a distributed stor-
         age, which, on the one hand, will allow data of several experiments to
         be combined into a single repository with unified interface, and on the
         other hand, will provide data to all participants of experimental groups
         for multi-messenger analysis. Our approach to storage design is based
         on the single write-multiple read (SWMR) model for accessing raw or
         centrally processed data for further analysis. The main feature of the
         distributed storage is the ability to extract data either as a collection of
         files or as aggregated events from different sources. In the last case the
         storage provides users with a special service that aggregates data from
         different storages into a single sample. Thanks to this feature, multi-
         messenger methods used for more sophisticated data exploration can be
         applied. Users can use both Web-interface and Application Programming
         Interface (API) for accessing the storage. In this paper we describe the
         architecture of a distributed data storage for astroparticle physics and
         discuss the current status of our work.

         Keywords: Astroparticle physics · Distributed storage · Open science ·
         CERNVM-FS · Timeseries DB.

1       Introduction
Currently, a number of experimental facilities in the field of particle astrophysics
of the mega-sciences class are under construction or are already operating around
    Supported by RSF, grant no. 18-41-06003
the world. Among them there are such installations as LSST [1, 2], MAGIC [3,
4], CTA [5, 6], VERITAS [7], HESS [8], and others. These facilities collect a
tremendous volume of data. For example the annual (reduced) raw data of the
CTA project have a volume of about 4 PB. The total volume to be managed by
the CTA archive is of the order of 25 PB per year, when all data-set versions
and backup replicas are considered.
    In addition to the huge flow of data produced, an important feature of this
class of projects is the participation of many organizations and, as a result,
the distributed nature of data processing and analysis. All this presents a real
challenge to developers of the data analytics infrastructure.
    To meet a similar challenge in high energy physics, the WLCG grid was de-
ployed as part of the LHC project [9]. This solution, on the one hand, proved
to be highly efficient, but on the other hand, it turned out to be a rather heavy
one requiring high administrative costs, highly qualified staff and a very homo-
geneous environment on which applications operate. The success of the WLCG
is based primarily on the fact that thousands of physicist users actually solve
one global problem using a highly centralized system management.
    Taking into account the tendency to a multi-messenger analysis [10] of data
with its potential for a more accurate exploration of the Universe and mordern
trend to open science [11, 12], it is very important to provide users from geo-
graphically distributed locations with access to the data of different astrophysics
facilities. Today, open access to data or, more generally, open science is becoming
increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that the amount of data received in
some experiment often exceeds the capabilities of the relevant collaboration to
process and analyze these data. And only the involvement of all scientists inter-
ested in research in this area allows for a comprehensive analysis of the data in
    Please note that most existing collaborations have a long history and apply
methods for data processing they are accustomed to. So, our approach to the
design of data storage for astroparticle physics should be based on two main
principles. The first principle is that there is no interference with the existing
local storage. And the second principle is the processing of user requests in a
special service outside the local storage using metadata. The interaction between
local storages and any user of the system should be provided by special adaptors
which define a unified interface for data exchange in the system. Our approach
to storage design is based on a single write-multiple read model (SWMR) for ac-
cessing raw data or centrally processed data for further analysis. The motivation
for the solution is that both raw data and data after the initial processing (for
example, calibration) should be stored unchanged and presented to users as is
upon request. A similar approach is being discussed in the HDF5 community [13].
    The main ideas of the proposed approach are as follows:

 – no changes in the inner structure of local storage;
 – unification of access to local storage based on corresponding adapter mod-
 – use of local data access policies;
 – search of the requested data using the only metadata on a special service;
 – aggregating the requested data into a new collection and providing the user
   with access to it;
 – data transfer only at the moment of actual access to them.

    Based on the above principles and ideas, we propose a concept of distributed
storage for astrophysical experiments, which we call APPDS (abbreviated from
AstroParticle Physics Distributed Storage). The prototype of such distributed
storage is developed in the framework of the German-Russian Astroparticle Data
Life Cycle Initiative [17]. This initiative aims to develop a distributed data stor-
age system in the field of astrophysics of particles by the example of two ex-
periments KASCADE [14] and TAIGA [15, 16], as well as to demonstrate its
viability, stability and efficiency.
    Below we discuss the architecture of the distributed data storage and briefly
report the current status of the project and the nearest plans.

2   Architecture of the data storage

One of the main ideas of the distributed data storage architecture for the physics
of astroparticles is that we do not interfere with the work of local storages S1
... S3 (see Fig. 1). This is achieved by using special adapter programs A1 ...
A3 that allow local storages to interact with the data aggregation service. As
adapters, we use the CERNVM-FS [18] file system to export local file systems
to the aggregation service in a read-only mode. First, it provides a transparent
way for users to interact with local storages. Secondly, the actual transfer of data
will only occur when a user actually accesses these data. Additionally, reducing
network traffic can be achieved through the use of CVMFS caching properties.
    To retrieve the necessary files, a user forms a request through the web in-
terface provided by the Data Aggregation Service. When the Data Aggregation
Service receives the user request, it requests a response from the Metadata Cat-
alogue (MDC). After the Metadata Catalogue responds, the Data Aggregation
Service forms the corresponding resulting response and delivers it to the user.
    The proposed system offers two types of search conditions for user requests:
a file-level search and an event-level search.
    In the case of a file-level search, the user requests a set of files, imposing
conditions on the metadata (that is, on the data about the files). An example of
such a condition is the range of dates of observation of gamma sources in the sky.
It is important to note that the user will receive in response the corresponding
set of files with the same directory structure as in the original repository. Thus,
the application software can be run without modification, as if the user runs the
program locally.
    In the case of a event-level search, the user wants to select from the files
only some events that satisfy the search conditions, for example, some energy
range of the air flow. In this case the events are selected from the files and the
aggregation service prepares a new one which contains only the necessary events.
                        Fig. 1. The architecture of APPDS

The new file is transferred to the user. However, the directory structure will be
preserved too.
   The processing of user requests is performed by the metadata catalogue, the
main purpose of which is to specify, up to an event, in which files and where
the data requested by the user are contained. The MDC service is built around
TimescaleDB [20–22].
    The extractors E1, E2 play a key role in the architecture of APPDS. All data
stored in the local storages must pass through the extractors. The extractors take
off metadata from the data and store the metadata in MDC. The type of the
extracted metadata is defined by the metadata description file (MDD) which is
used as input for the extractor. The MDD file is written in Kaitai Struct [23,
24] format with special marks pointing to elements of binary data which are
metadata and should be extracted.
    The extractor E1 takes out metadata from raw data, while the extractor E2
takes out metadata from centrally processed data (for example, from data after
calibration or calculation of the shower energy). Thus, the information needed
to process user requests is collected in the MDC service.
    It is important to note that all services in APPDS are built as microservices
[25] and have a well–defined REST API [26]. Some services are running in Docker
containers [27].
    A more detailed description of the aggregation service and the metadata cat-
alogue service can be found in the papers by M-D.Nguyen [28] and I.Bychkov [29]
in these proceedings.

3    Status

Currently a prototype of APPDS was deployed in Skobeltsyn Institute of Nu-
clear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. The prototype consists of
two local storages interconnected via a local network for modelling distributed
storage, an aggregation service and a metadata service based on TimescaleDB.
The next version of the system will also include KCDC [30] storage at KIT and
storage at Irkutsk State University.
    Most of the components of the system are written in Python. As the first-
time example of the production use of the system, users of the KASCADE and
TAIGA/TUNKA collaborations will gain access to the data of these experiments,
as well as the Monte Carlo simulation data. It should be mentioned that the
system is developed for broad general use and is not limited to astrophysics


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