=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2408/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Managing Multi-view Business Processes Models in the Atlas Tool |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2408/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-2408 |authors=Pedro Sousa,Diogo Cardoso,João Colaço |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/eewc/SousaCC19 }} ==Managing Multi-view Business Processes Models in the Atlas Tool== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2408/paper3.pdf
Managing multi-view business processes models
              in the Atlas tool

              Pedro Sousa1,2 , Diogo Cardoso1 , and João Colaço1
                       University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
                         Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa
                          Link Consulting, Lisboa, Portugal
                      Av. Duque Ávila 23, 1000-123 Lisboa

      Abstract. Modelling notations as BPMN imply a dominant perspective
      in the detriment of others, thus motivating the need of different stake-
      holders to look for different models of the same process. However, in
      BPMN, once modelled, the process definition becomes fixed into a dom-
      inant perspective, making them harder to use by the other stakeholders.
      In fact, it is common to see different models of the same processes in
      different units of an organisation (such as quality, audit, risk or human
      resources), each focusing specific aspects. In this paper we present an
      overview of our method to consolidate different perspectives of the same
      business process into a consolidated model and than to generate on-the-
      fly different BPMN views according to specific stakeholders perspectives.
      The implementation work is ongoing but the core of the view generation
      method is already available.

      Keywords: Business Process Modelling, Process Views, Process Repos-
      itory, BPMN

1   Introduction

Business Process models are fundamental to document, analyse and sustain or-
ganisational change, as documented by multiple works related to business process
management [5, 6].
    Process blueprints are developed according to specific goals as well as to
the modeller’s perspective. This means conflicting specifications may exist for
the same process. However, and despite a number of notations and techniques
assisting the modelling task, there is no agreement on the modelling criteria
that can be used by different stakeholders. Organisations are then faced with
disparate blueprints for the same process and no formal procedures to sort out
their relevance. In fact, these models are probably accurate while representing
the actual organisation but from the modeller’s view of that particular process.
Given that business processes often cross multiple organisational units, they
2          Pedro Sousa, Diogo Cardoso, and João Colaço

are often shared among different stakeholders and represented from multiple
perspectives, such as quality, auditing, information technology and security. As
a result, process blueprints must be able to address the different stakeholders
perspectives and interests and their management and sharing may be simplified
if they are handled by a process repository.
    The problem of multiple process views starts with the definition of an Activ-
ity. Activities comprise a number of atomic tasks, and it is up to the modeller to
decide how to aggregate them into activities. This means different modellers can
compose tasks into activities differently, leading to different representations of
the same process. The work presented here is not new. The basic general ideas
were presented in [10], that were further developed in [8] and later in [2]. More
recently, a method for view integration was presented in [4] and a method for
view generation is presented in [3].
    Our approach allows consistent modelling of business processes and efficiently
supports different business process views by:
    – Consistently integrating views from different stakeholders into a common
      and consolidated process model. This is sustained on a flexible notion of
      activity, specifying the properties of an activity that enables further aggre-
      gation and/or disaggregation according to the desired level of detail.
    – Consistently generating views from a common and consolidated business pro-
      cess model according to the stakeholders requirements, that trigger activities
      aggregation or disaggregation.
In figure 1 we present the three elements of our approach. On the left the Process
View Integration method, the Repository in the middle and the Process View
generation on the right.

       Fig. 1. View Integration (on the left) and View Generation (on the right)

    The Process View Integration Method This method merges distinct
views of a business process into a single, consolidated business process model [4,
8]. The method also defines what we call an organisational taxonomy, which is
            Managing multi-view business processes models in the Atlas tool       3

a taxonomy tree for each dimension. A taxonomy tree is a collection of concepts
organised into a hierarchical structure. The method guides the process stakehold-
ers in constructing these trees by classifying process activities according to a set
of dimensions. As default dimensions we consider the Who, Where, How, When,
What, Why, but other dimensions representing different concerns can equally
be considered in this classification method, as, for example, risk and security,
among others. The resulting mappings are stored in a process repository.
    The Repository The repository holds:

 – The organisational taxonomy;
 – The consolidated BPMN process model;
 – The mapping between the activities of the consolidated process model and
   the leaf nodes of the taxonomy trees.

The meta-model of the repository is presented in figure 2, using an UML class
diagram. A Process is composed of Flow Elements. A Flow Element can be an
Activity, Gateway or Event and is connected to other Flow Elements by sequence
flows (represented by the Flow Element class self-association). A Process also
aggregates, for each dimension applied in the generation of views of that process,
the root of the dimensions taxonomy tree, which is a Taxonomy Node. Taxonomy
Nodes in turn aggregate other Taxonomy Nodes and the leafs of the taxonomy
trees classify each Activity of the Process (represented by the association between
the Taxonomy Node and the Activity classes).
    In the current state of affairs, we only support swimlanes and the BPMN
elements presented in the figure 2. Since the BPMN standard allows a wide
scope for the swimlane elements (i.e. pools and lanes) [7], we derive them from
the associations between the taxonomy trees node and the process activities. It
is up to the stakeholder to determine which dimension should swimlanes depict
in the generated view.

         Fig. 2. UML class diagram of the process repository meta-model.

   The Process View Generation Method This method produces views of
a business process from a consolidated business process model [3], according to
the desired hierarchy level of each dimension.
4         Pedro Sousa, Diogo Cardoso, and João Colaço

    One needs to aggregate the activities in the consolidated model according to
a simple rule. The basic rules for aggregating and/or disaggregating activities
are listed below.

    – Two activities α and β can be aggregated into an activity δ if and only if
      for every dimension one of the following two conditions applies:
        • the taxonomy concepts mapped to α and β are the same;
        • the taxonomy concepts mapped to α and β are different but their an-
          cestor at the chosen level of detail is the same.
    – Likewise, an activity α can be disaggregated into two consecutive activities
      β and δ if and only if for any dimension the following condition applies:
        • there exists more than one taxonomy concept mapped to α at the chosen
          level of detail.

    To better illustrate the problem and our solution, we present a scenario in
section 1.1 and afterwards we present the overall solution.

1.1     An Illustrative Scenario

This section describes the research problem by presenting the illustrative exam-
ple of an automobile repair company, with the intention of promoting the readers
understanding of the problem. This scenario will be used throughout the paper:
    ”The ACME automobile repair company specialises in bodywork repairs. When
a damaged car arrives to the ACME’s garage, its service manager assesses the
vehicle damage. Based on the service manager’s analysis, a panel beater planes
the damaged parts or goes to the company’s warehouse to pick up replacement
parts or both. After the body work repair, a painter prepares the car for spraying.
The spraying is done on the company’s painting greenhouse, where the service
manager also inspects the quality of the finished job. If he/she believes the quality
is low, the painter resprays the vehicle and it is inspected again. Otherwise, the
car is ready to be delivered. This process is monitored by two departments: the
Human Resources (HR) department and the Facilities Department. To perform
this monitoring, each department models their own view of the process focused
in the resources that each has to manage: actors for the first and premises for
the second department.”
    The process is performed by three actors, in three distinct locations and has
six activities. Figure 3 shows the business process views designed by the HR
and Facilities department. On the one hand, the HR department grouped the
”Replace parts” and ”Planish parts” activities because they are both performed
by the panel beater. On the other hand, the facilities department grouped the
”Spray car” and ”Inspect painting quality” activities since they are performed
in the same location (greenhouse). We refer to the former as the Who dimension
and the latter as the Where dimension.
    In the scope of our problem, the question that now arises is: ”How do we
model additional views of the process or update any of the existing views while
maintaining consistency across all views?”. In this very simple scenario, a process
            Managing multi-view business processes models in the Atlas tool       5

Fig. 3. BPMN process views of the car repairing process, designed by the Facilities
department (top) and HR department (bottom).

change would be easy to keep up with. However, in more complex processes (with
more decision gateways, exception flows, etc.) it would take a lot of effort to keep
consistency across views. To our knowledge, there are no mechanisms to simplify
the work of keeping consistency across views nor to assist the creation of new
views, thus making these tasks costly and inefficient.

2     The Approach

2.1   View Integration

The method for view integration is presented in detail in [4], and is briefly
presented here.
    The proposed view integration method is represented in figure 4, where the
Stakeholder A and Stakeholder B lanes can represent any stakeholder willing to
integrate its specific process view. The lane Repository represents the business
process repository supporting our method. The view integration process starts
with the identification of a modelling need, followed by the activity of mod-
elling a view of a given process. The respective view is then uploaded into the
repository. At this point, the classification of the view elements is performed by
the stakeholder, by giving the information about the desired taxonomy. These
6          Pedro Sousa, Diogo Cardoso, and João Colaço

               Fig. 4. Method for Business Process View Integration ([4])

activities are repeated in the context of another view of the same process, high-
lighting the incremental aspect of the proposed method. In this case, we assume
there are only two views to be integrated, but there could be more. The process
ends with the generation of the consolidated model in the repository, based on
the information introduced as input by the stakeholders.
    We now present the case for the two process views shown in Figure 3.

Integrating the Facilities View For this example of view integration, consider
the following :

    – The Who and Where dimensions will be used as the taxonomy to classify
      the process activities;
    – The gateway elements will not be considered for classification, therefore they
      are connected automatically to the previous and the following elements in
      the consolidated business process model.

The repository is initially empty. The steps for classifying the elements of the
”Facilities view” are the following:

    – Pool: ACME. One asks the question ”From the following list, how do you
      classify this pool?”, and the logic answer is ”Organisation” and a new tax-
      onomy node is created in both dimensions Who and Where.
    – Lanes: ”Warehouse”, ”Garage” & ”Greenhouse”. The same question is now
      answered regarding the process lanes. The answer is the same for all the
      lanes, however, there are two valid answers: ”Location” and ”Organisational
      Unit”. We consider ”Location” as the answer, resulting in the assignment of
      all the lanes to the Where dimension. As a result, three child nodes having
      the ”ACME” as a parent are created in the Where taxonomy tree.
           Managing multi-view business processes models in the Atlas tool        7

 – Events: ”Damaged car arrives” and ”Car ready to be delivered”. In this case,
   the events are automatically assigned as nodes of the When taxonomy tree
 – Activities: In this step it is asked to the stakeholder to classify each activity
   considering the Who and Where dimensions, with the resulting classification:
     • Assess car damage - Who: Service Manager; Where: Garage;
     • Planish parts - Who: Panel Beater; Where: Garage;
     • Replace parts - Who: Panel Beater; Where: Warehouse;
     • Prepare car for spraying - Who: Painter; Where: Garage;
   Regarding the ”Spray and inspect painting” activity, the classification is the
   following: the Where dimension has the value ”Greenhouse” and the Who di-
   mension is composed of two actors ”Painter” and ”Service Manager”. When
   the latter case occurs, the activity must be drilled down so the resulting clas-
   sification of the tasks only has one value for each dimension. Therefore, using
   the modeller tool, the stakeholder replaces the ”Spray and inspect painting”
   activity with two distinct tasks, connected in this order: ”Spray car” and
   ”Inspect painting quality”. These tasks must then be classified as follows:
     • Spray car - Who: Painter; Where: Greenhouse;
     • Inspect painting quality - Who: Service Manager; Where: Greenhouse;

Integrating the Human Resources View At this point, the repository al-
ready has information regarding the ”Facilities view”. We will now describe the
classification of the elements belonging to the ”HR view”. The steps for classi-
fying these elements in the taxonomy are the following:

 – Pool: ”ACME”. Now that the repository is not empty, based on the name
   of the element, it is suggested to the stakeholder that the lane ”ACME”
   already exists. Since the stakeholder agrees with the classification of this
   lane as ”Organisation”, he selects the already existing nodes for this lane in
   the Who and Where dimensions.
 – Lanes: ”Service Manager”, ”Panel Beater” & ”Painter”. This step is analo-
   gous to the one described for the classification of the ”Facilities view”. The
   difference lies in the classification given to the lanes, which in this case is
   ”Actor”. The result of this step is adding the three lanes as child nodes of
   the ”ACME” in the Who taxonomy tree.
 – Events: ”Damaged car arrives” and ”Car ready to be delivered”. Now that the
   same events are already present in the repository taxonomy, the stakeholder
   selects them and the taxonomy remains unchanged.
 – Activities: In this step it is asked to the stakeholder to classify each activity
   considering the Who and Where dimensions, with the resulting classification:
     • Assess car damage - Who: Service Manager; Where: Garage;
     • Prepare car for spraying - Who: Painter; Where: Garage;
     • Spray car - Who: Painter; Where: Greenhouse;
     • Inspect painting quality - Who: Service Manager; Where: Greenhouse;
8         Pedro Sousa, Diogo Cardoso, and João Colaço

Regarding the ”Fix parts” activity, the classification is the following: the the Who
dimension has the value ”Panel Beater” and the Where dimension is composed
of two locations ”Warehouse” and ”Garage”. When the latter case occurs, the
activity must be drilled down so the resulting classification of the tasks only has
one value for each dimension. Therefore, using the modeller tool, the stakeholder
replaces the ”Fix parts” activity with two distinct tasks, connected directly or
indirectly using inclusive gateways (the way of connecting these two tasks is not
relevant for the activity classification in the taxonomy): ”Planish parts” and
”Replace parts”. These tasks must then be classified as follows:

    – Planish parts - Who: Panel Beater; Where: Garage;
    – Replace parts - Who: Panel Beater; Where: Warehouse;

    After uploading and classifying the elements of the ”HR view”, we reach the
final state of the repository that contains the necessary information for the gen-
eration of the views presented in the next section. We state so because all the
elements present in both views are classified in the taxonomy and the relation-
ships between the elements are sufficient to produce a consolidated model and
organisational taxonomy.

2.2     View Generation

The generation algorithm iterates the consolidated process model to identify pat-
terns to which it applies the activity aggregation rule. All the activities contained
in a piece of process flow that matches a pattern are then evaluated against the
aggregation rule. If the rule can be applied, the matched process flow is grouped
into a single activity. It can take several iterations to generate the final view
because new patterns may be generated in each iteration. The algorithm stops
when one can no longer apply any aggregation rule during an entire iteration.
Figure 5 shows the three patterns considered. These patterns are composed of
some of the patterns identified in [1].
    Pattern A is the simplest. Any two sequential activities that respect the
aggregation rule can be grouped into a single activity. If any, the intermediate
events between the activities are also aggregated into the resulting activity.
    Pattern B refers to the splitting of the process flow into an unspecified number
of branches which must all join at the same gateway. The gateway type is not
relevant. The branches must only contain at most one activity and any number
of events. If the activities of all branches respect the aggregation rule, then both
gateways and the branches can be grouped into a single activity.
    Pattern C depicts the classic rework pattern. Both the main branch and
rework branch must contain at most one activity and any number of events. If
both activities respect the aggregation rule, then both branches and gateways
can be grouped into a single activity,
    It is expected that not all process flows respect these patterns. When that
happens, it is up to the modeller to group the process elements of the generated
view as they see fit.
            Managing multi-view business processes models in the Atlas tool            9

    In a final phase, the algorithm assigns a name to each generated activity,
which is simply the aggregation of the names of the activities that originated
it. Then, it looks for a matching stakeholder defined name and uses it instead,
whenever one is found. This mapping between generated names and stakeholder
given names is updated whenever the stakeholder changes and uploads a gener-
ated view and cleared whenever at least one of the corresponding activities are
removed or changed from the process repository.
    In what concerns the activities positioning, a similar approach is taken. In
the final layout, a stakeholder defined position is searched for each generated
activity, and used whenever a position is found. The position information of
generated views is cleared whenever one of the corresponding activities in the
process model are changed or removed.
    Using the car repairing process as an example, if one chooses the Where
dimension at level of detail 2 and the Who dimension at level of detail 1, two
given activities can only be aggregated if they are both performed in the same
location (garage, warehouse or greenhouse).

 Fig. 5. Patterns that the generation algorithm tries to match during its execution.

3   Demonstration
In this section, we provide a glimpse of the tool developed to support the gen-
eration of process views. Moreover, we also show some examples of generated
views of the car repairing process that we believe will further help the readers
understanding of our solution.
10         Pedro Sousa, Diogo Cardoso, and João Colaço

   The tool was developed extending the Atlas [9] tool from Link Consulting3
with the process view generator. It includes two major components:

 – the Process Repository, holding the process model and the taxonomy tree
   for each dimension, is configured in Atlas. The construction of organisational
   taxonomies and the mapping of its concepts to the consolidated model is
   done solely through the process repository.
 – the Process Modeller, was developed using the bpmn.io 4 library and im-
   plements the generation algorithm. The modeller integrates with the reposi-
   tory using REST services allowing the retrieval and upload of process data.

   The construction of the consolidate model, as well as future changes, is done
through the process modeller. Thus, the modeller has three distinct functions:

 – Creation of new consolidated models (see figure 6);
 – Edition of existing models;
 – Generation of views from the existing consolidated process models.

                Fig. 6. Screen of the tool after the generation of a view.

    Regarding the generation of views, we show some examples of views in figure
7 that are generated from the repository content created after using the view
integration method with the views depicted in figure 3. Only two dimensions are
present: the Who and Where dimensions, each with a two-level taxonomy tree,
representing process actors and locations, respectively.
            Managing multi-view business processes models in the Atlas tool        11

    View c) clearly focuses on the Who dimension as this dimension is represented
with the highest level of detail (level 2), whereas the Where dimension was set to
the lowest level of detail (level 1). Furthermore, lanes were used to represent the
Who dimension. In turn, view b) was generated from the exact opposite input:
the Where at the maximum level of detail; the Who at the lowest level of detail;
and the lanes were chosen to represent the Where dimension.
    Whereas in the previously described views the focus was on one dimension, in
views a) and d) both dimensions were set to the lowest level of detail and to the
highest and lanes represent the Where and the Who dimension, respectively. As
expected, the higher the level of detail of the dimensions, the more the process
activities are decomposed; if the lowest level of detail is chosen for all dimensions,
there is no activity decomposition at all.
    The name of a generated activity is simply the aggregation of the names
of the activities that originated it. Nonetheless, as previously mentioned, the
stakeholder may choose to edit the naming and positioning of the activities.
These changes are kept in the repository and used in future generation requests.

4    Evaluation
To demonstrate and test the applicability and usefulness of our research work, we
will apply the view generation approach in real-life cases study performed within
real organisations, starting from a company in the automotive retail industry.
    In this proof-of-concept, the first step is to select one business process involv-
ing several stakeholders and gather information about the chosen process from
the various stakeholders, each stating its view. We follow the view integration
method to merge the different process views from the different stakeholders and
populate the Atlas process repository. In this process, the dimensions that better
address the stakeholder’s concerns will become explicit and defined, as well as
the taxonomy tree for each dimension.
    Afterwards, the participants will be asked to state their concerns and to
generate views that better suits such concerns, and comment on the usefulness
of the generated views, thus fulfilling the requirement of evaluation of our work.

5    Conclusions and Future Work

This work served the purpose of exposing the difficulties of having consistent
process views, with each conveying the concerns of different stakeholders. Our
contribution to this problem is grounded on applying a rule for business process
activities aggregation and matching of workflow patterns with the ultimate goal
of creating different process views based on existing consolidated models and
organisational taxonomies.
    Apart from the research work in progress, as future work we intend to elimi-
nate some of the limitations imposed on the consolidated business process model.
We are assuming various simplifications on the consolidated models, although
12      Pedro Sousa, Diogo Cardoso, and João Colaço

           Fig. 7. The BPMN process views of the car repairing process.

they are still compliant with the BPMN 2.0 standard [7]. Namely, some ele-
ments, like data objects, data stores, message flows and boundary events, are
totally disregarded.

    Moreover, the consolidated models must comply with some modelling con-
straints: they shall have only one start event; activities and events have exactly
one outgoing and one incoming arc (except for the start and end event which
do not have, respectively, any incoming and outgoing arc); split gateways have
only one incoming arc and arbitrary outgoing arcs while join gateways are the
opposite. Despite these limitations, this work already provides a first glance on
the generation of stakeholder-specific business process models in BPMN 2.0.

    Finally, we also aim to improve the view generation algorithm by identifying
further patterns and enhance the generation of the aggregated activities’ names.
Besides that, we aim to generate views in notations other than BPMN.
            Managing multi-view business processes models in the Atlas tool         13


This research was supported by the Link Consultings project IT-Atlas n 11419,
under the IAPMEI 2020 PO CI Operational Program.

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