=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2408/paper5 |storemode=property |title=How Enterprise Engineering Methodology Support Organizational Transformation with Capability Maturity Framework |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2408/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-2408 |authors=Shoji Konno,Junichi Iijima |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/eewc/KonnoI19 }} ==How Enterprise Engineering Methodology Support Organizational Transformation with Capability Maturity Framework== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2408/paper5.pdf
   How Enterprise Engineering Methodology support
 organizational transformation with Capability Maturity

                        Shoji Konno, Junichi Iijima[Supervisor]

               Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
               Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
       Konno.s.ad@m.titech.ac.jp, iijima.j.aa@m.titech.ac.jp

       In response to changes in the environment surrounding an enterprise, many oc-
       casional To-Be models like IT Governance models and IT service management
       models have been proposed. Recently, digital enterprise model has attracted at-
       tention. The concepts, frameworks, and methodologies dealing with the enter-
       prise have also changed in response to the movement. While we are leading en-
       terprises to the transformation to the To-Be model from various perspectives, and
       it is difficult to promote transformations that maintain interoperability across
       them, while viewing the enterprise from various perspectives. It seems that we
       are working on the closed framework of individual frameworks and methodolo-
       gies that deal with the same enterprise. The goal of this paper is to define com-
       monly available dimensions related to the enterprise and apply a mechanism for
       analyzing the influence of the change based on those dimensions collaborate with
       the concept of enterprise engineering on enterprise transformation.

       Keywords: Business-IT Alignment (BITA), Enterprise Transformation Man-
       agement, Business Capability, Technology Capability, Dimension, Enterprise

1      Introduction

1.1    Motivation

   Historically, as changes in the business environment are predicted or occurs, so
many post-transformation pictures are provided by consultants, practitioners and re-
searchers. We can find digital enterprise transformation [1,4] as the latest cases. In the
Enterprise Transformation [2], there are so many future states of post-transformation
would be achieved [3]. Indeed, a variety of approaches were proposed in the literature
concerned with the solution for treating those transformation. Various ideal frameworks
and/or big pictures are drawn but transformation has failed [5,6,7,8,9]. Rather than pro-
moting change with ad-hoc way blindly, we think that we should incorporate ideas to
support the practice of enterprise transformation [10,11] capability based on multi-di-
mensional impact analysis.

   On the other hand, under our preliminary literature survey, existing management
frameworks are addressing one specific perspective of enterprise management and fo-
cusing on one kind of improvement. There is no significant adoption in state of the
enterprise transformation management systems based on relationship between architec-
ture and transformation practices yet. Companies try to improve and transform in silos
according to individual frameworks and concepts. Evaluate As-Is in assessments and
interviews based on previously created ideals, and highlight To-Be and Ambition.
Close to the frameworks and concepts used at that time, it seems that the assessment
and subsequent plans have been successfully done. However, it may be that the reason
why enterprise transformation will fail due to the lack of interoperability with other
related perspectives and/or things. Even if individual frameworks have formed com-
pleted forms, I thought that frameworks that can be transformed and transformation
operation platforms that embody them would be necessary while maintaining their in-

1.2    Our goal

   The goal of this work is, therefore, to propose a holistic management framework to
support the transformation by using Enterprise Engineering [12] thinking-frame. All
the dimensions, analysis perspectives, impact analysis of those change practices to-
gether support among adaptable enterprise architecture world and real transformation
   Enterprise Engineering [12,13] is conceptual thinking methodology to apply engi-
neering approach to enterprise architecture management by describing the model of
enterprise, governance model and business model. Enterprise Engineering have the po-
tential for solve those problems describer in Section 1 between enterprise model and
enterprise transformation activities on the real business world and/or physical enter-
prise. For example, we can use DEMO method to clarify the influenced area of enter-
prise on ET management activities.
   On the other hand, at the research area of Enterprise modelling, the formation of the
capturing the enterprise has influenced by the change of business environments. For
example, at the digital age the form of enterprise has shift from traditional pyramid
style to networked ecosystem style. At the scene, several research activities have pro-
posed each sophisticated and specific framework for representing the structure of ideal
enterprise structure.
   At the management activities of those transformation, we must clarify the mecha-
nism that how to influence the activities for the transformation to Enterprise model at
each transformation scenario. It is important to connect various frameworks and theory
about enterprise through enterprise dimensions [14] for supporting the transformation.
   At the end of this work, we will establish the framework for supporting platform and
solution as a service (Figure 1). At the scene, the start point of the solution will be
definition the requirements for a transformation activity [15] by using requirements
engineering think-frame [16], etc (Figure 1).

                                 Figure 1: Our Goal.

   The solution will take next steps for supporting the enterprise transformation man-
   (Step-1) Clarify Requirements of the transformation
   (Step-2) Co-create Expectation Tree of the transformation
   (Step-3) Target IT/Business Capability for the transformation based on Enterprise
Engineering think-frame
   (Step-4) Visualize the value network
   (Step-5) Take an impact analysis
   (Step-6) Execute ETM
   Ultimately, we aim to design, develop and provide a platform for Digital Twin on
Enterprise Transformation Management realized on the own framework proposed in
this work. This will reduce costs and labors on achieving various types of transform
from the traditional ETM world to the new fully digitally ETM world. We think that
the core components of the platform are to have the ability to connect with change
capability, business model, architecture and so on.
   In Section 2 we summarize the underlying scientific foundations are briefly dis-
cussed. The related work is mentioned in Section 3. In Section 4 we state the goals to
reach and the research question for solving the problems described above. In Section 5
we present the research method used in this work. In Section 6, the ongoing and future
work is summarized. In Section 7 we conclude and plan future work.

2       Background Concepts

2.1     Enterprise

    Many frameworks and concepts with "Enterprise" seem to exist. Sometimes it may
be a subtle difference, such as pointing to an enterprise system or pointing to an enter-
prise organization. Even without "Enterprise", some seem to be closely related to En-
terprise system and Enterprise Organization. In this study, we decided to target Enter-
prise defined in [20]. The definition is “The term “enterprise” is used to refer in the
most general way to human cooperatives, like companies, institutes, projects, etc., as
well as to networks of enterprises, like supply chains.”. According to [20], The term
“business” is “typically used to refer to the function perspectives on the enterprise by
its customers (but applies also to other stakeholders).” And by the “organization” of an
enterprise is “strictly meant the construction perspective (white-box) on the enterprise,
disregarding all function perspectives (black-box).”.

2.2     Enterprise Lifecycle

    According to [21], the enterprise life-cycle describes the history of the enterprise
from the initial concept of a business in the mind of an entrepreneur, through a series
of phases as the enterprise grows, until the business venture ends. The enterprise life-
cycle consists of three general, distinct stages: development, deployment, and opera-
tion. Enterprise lifecycle is strongly focusing on “Enterprise System”. Development
covers the engineering phases to create an enterprise system, deployment is the change
management process to implement the enterprise system, and operation is the manage-
ment of the enterprise system and its continuous improvement. The typical enterprise
life-cycle phases as:

    1. System identification – The system boundaries, purpose, and project scope are
    2. Analysis – The system problems are analyzed; requirements are generated.
    3. Design – The system design is generated.
    4. Construction – The system is built.
    5. Implementation – The system is implemented and deployed into its environment.
    6. Operation and Maintenance – The system is operated and maintained.
    7. Decommission– The system is retired.

   In our work, it is necessary to form an ET management life cycle in relation to the
existing life cycle.

2.3     Enterprise Architecture
   The Enterprise Architecture (EA) is “a conceptual blueprint that defines the structure
and operation of an organization” [22]. The intent of enterprise architecture is “to de-
termine how an organization can most effectively achieve its current and future objec-
tives” [23]. EA is “often used to frame IS evolution by putting more focus on future

requirements; it is about developing a long-term IT strategy including multi-year ob-
jectives, activity planning, and staff requirements to support evolving business needs
and interests” [23][24]. As we will mention in Section 6, it is changing its shape as the
enterprise environment changes. It is necessary to consider the dimension in line with
the change of architecture.

2.4    Enterprise Transformation

   According to [2], Enterprise transformation concerns change, not just routine change
but fundamental change that substantially alters an organization’s relationships with
one or more key constituencies, e.g., customers, employees, suppliers, and investors.
Transformation can involve new value propositions in terms of products and services,
how these offerings are delivered and supported, and/or how the enterprise is organized
to provide these offerings. Transformation can also involve old value propositions pro-
vided in fundamentally new ways.
   Enterprise transformation (ET) can involve new value propositions or change the
inner structure of the enterprise. Further, ET could involve old value propositions pro-
vided in fundamentally new ways [25]. Examples are significant mergers & acquisi-
tions, replacements of legacy IT systems or business model changes [26].

2.5    Digital Enterprise Transformation

   According to [52], digital enterprise is a widely used term, but it means different
things to different people. And there are no agreed universal definitions. In this research
activity, digital enterprise transformation is defined as ‘transforming enterprise by us-
ing digital technologies and networks in activities within enterprise and with other part-
ners on own ecosystem’.

2.6    Enterprise Transformation Management
  EA management (ETM) is concerned with the establishment and coordinated devel-
opment of EA in order to consistently respond to business and IT goals, opportunities,
and necessities [27,28].

2.7    Dynamic Capability

   In [29], the definition is “the skills, procedures, organizational structures, and deci-
sion rules that firms utilize to create and capture value.”. We think that the DC will be
the core engine in change management because change is to change the company's rou-
tine business processes.

2.8    Enterprise Dimensions

  According to [14], “Structure”, “Behavior” and “Value” are illustrated as the major
dimensions. [14] also pointed out “all of which are interrelated and understanding these

should improve the Enterprise”. At [14], the focus was on how to subdivide the enter-
prise model for improvement in the company's performance. It has not been defined in
anticipation of relationships or impacts in line with transformation or other elements.

2.9    Foundation for Execution and Operating Model

    In [22], J. Ross has defined the foundation for execution model for traditional enter-
prise. They say that an organization’s operating model should determine its enterprise
architecture, which, in turn, should guide the building of its foundation for execution
(i.e., the operating platform). According to [22], operating model is “the necessary level
of business process integration and standardization for delivering goods and services to
customers”. As with other concepts and frameworks, the operating model has also
changed in response to changes in the environment surrounding the enterprise, such as
digital transformation [3,4]. In this study, although the relationship between EA and
Capability is illustrated, but dimensions on enterprise transformation has not been men-

2.10   Enterprise Model and Business Model

   According to [51], a business model consists of two essential elements – the value
proposition and the operating model. The value proposition has three dimensions: “Tar-
get Segment(s)”, “Product and Service Offering” and “Revenue Model”. The operating
model has three critical areas: “Value Chain”, “Cost Model” and “Organization”. In
this paper, the enterprise model means the output of enterprise modeling like a DEMO
methodology connected with business model dimensions and elements described

3      Related Works

3.1    EAM

   EAM (Enterprise Architecture Management) has the holistic perspective of enter-
prise architecture management [30]. It is a framework for successful implementation of
ETM, and it is effective for capturing activities to be implemented. [30] has” eight ma-
jor groups of ETM activities”. Those activities are “ET Meta”, “ET Performance”, “ET
Strategy”, “ET Execution”, “ET HR”, “ET IT”, “ET Structure” and “ET Relationship”.
These perspectives are very useful in considering the transformation dimensions in our

3.2    Adaptive Enterprise Architecture

   Adaptive Enterprise Architecture has four perspectives derived from the need for
and underpinnings of a reconceptualization of enterprise architecture from the enter-
prise ecological adaptation (i.e. adaptive enterprise) point of view. It is considered to
be the latest among the existing EA forms. It is thought that the transition shown in the
figure 3 has been achieved until this form is reached. It is used as a material to identify

those that are universal and those that are not in these changes. In addition, we think
that the viewpoints dealt with in this framework are also useful for the consideration of
our dimensions.

3.3    ACET

    ACET (Architectural Coordination of Enterprise Transformation) [31,32] has the
holistic perspective of enterprise architecture management. The purpose of the ACET
is to coordinate enterprise transformation. ACET integrates and aggregates local infor-
mation and provides different viewpoints. By using ACET, the stakeholders of an en-
terprise transformation can create and share the understanding.

3.4    COBIT

   COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Technology) [50] has introduced
“Design Factors” in the latest version. The “Design Factors” consist of eleven elements,
“Enterprise Strategy”, “Enterprise Goals”, Role of IT”, “Enterprise Size”, at al. It could
drive the design for the governance system of the enterprise. It will clarify from the
enterprise goals to process goals. The design factors influence the sort of governance
system your organization needs and elevates the required capabilities. The new design
factors in COBIT 2019 can also influence the importance of one or more components
or require specific variants. I think this is also one of ideal picture of enterprise govern-
ance structure and processes.

4      Research Scope

4.1    Research Question
   After preliminary literature review concerned with those research areas, we have
defined the research question for our work. These questions are below.
   (RQ1) " How Enterprise Engineering Methodology support organizational transfor-
mation with Capability Maturity Framework?"
   (RQ2) “How impact Business and Technology Capability to Enterprise dimensions”.

   Furthermore, we will clarify next points in this work as the secondary research ques-
tion. In next items, no description of “related to” means there are some relations with
both RQ.
   (1) What are there as perspectives and dimensions related to the enterprise? How do
they influence each other during enterprise transformation? How can Enterprise Engi-
neering support enterprise transformation?
   (2) The relationship between models related Enterprise, “Business Model”, “Enter-
prise model” and “Execution (Operation) model”, etc. (Related to RQ2).
   (3) How to define the dimensions for capturing organizational transformations
   (4) How to apply “DEMO” notation to the organizational transformations

   (5) How should I define those dimensions for modelling and assessing those trans-
formation including (Related to RQ2).
   (6) How to evaluate the impact of each transformation (Related to RQ2).
   (7) The relationship between “Enterprise model” and Capabilities related to Enter-
prise like a dynamic capability
   (8) The relationship between “Enterprise dimensions” and Capabilities related to en-
terprise like a dynamic capability on transforming enterprise successfully
   (9) For example, how to apply this method to “Digital Enterprise Transformation”?

4.2       Hypotheses

    We formulate the following hypotheses for addressing the research questions:
       Hypothesis 1 (H1): related to RQ1
          There are relationships between enterprise transformation capabilities and
       others concerned with enterprise.
       Hypothesis 2 (H2): related to RQ1
          There are unified enterprise dimensions and influencers for enterprise trans-
       Hypothesis 3 (H3): related to RQ1 and RQ2
          Enterprise dimension reference model and body of knowledge related to
       each specific transformation theme is key contents of ETM framework.

5         Research Design

   In this research, we choose the methodology which this thesis follows is based on
the design science research (DSR) [17], [18].
   In this PhD acquisition activities, we conduct “Applied Research (I-1-b)” as Re-
search Outcome according to “Deductive Research (I-2-b)” logic, we choose “Descrip-
tive(I-3-b)” as Research Purpose and “Critical (I-4-c)” as Research Approach. In the
approach, we use “Design Science (II-6-c)” with “Qualitative (II-5-b)” data, obtained
from “Archival Research (III-7-c)” and “Survey (III-7-d)” of design options and “Her-
meneutics (III-8-c)”. By using Design Science method, we validate the enterprise trans-
formation management specific artifacts proposed in this research.

                  Table. 1: Research Design Space Description (based on [19])
                                     Research Design Space
       Phase          Decision point            Options and Selected One (shaded cell)
    (I) Strate-   (1) Research Outcome (a) Basic Research           (b) Applied Research
    gic           (2) Research Logic      (a) Inductive Research    (b) Deductive Research
                  (3) Research Purpose    (a) Explanatory           (b) Descriptive
                                          (c) Exploratory           (d) Evaluation
                  (4) Research Ap-        (a) Positivist            (b) Interpretivist
                  proach                  (c) Critical
    (II) Tacti-   (5) Research Process    (a) Qualitative           (b) Quantitative
    cal                                   (c) Mixed Approach
                  (6) Research Method     (a) Case Study            (b) Action Research

                                         (c) Design Science
  (III) Oper-   (7) Data Collection      (a) Interviews             (b) Observation
  ational       Method                   (c) Archival Research      (d) Survey
                                         (e) Simulation             (f) Experiment
                (8) Data Analysis        (a) Grounded Theory        (b) Thematic Analysis
                Method                   (c) Hermeneutics           (d) Statistical Analysis

   Based on the Research Decision Space Description (Table 1), we have set the re-
search steps below. Note that these steps do not end in one direction, and can be reor-
dered or repeated as needed.

  (Step1). Clarify problems to be studied.
        Describe Main Research Questions and Support Research Questions.
  (Step2). Propose new Solutions.
       Study the existing theory/framework/body of knowledge around the problem area in or-
       der to envision a possible solution, based on literature review action.
  (Step3). Define Research Model.
       Build research model, make hypotheses and familiar with the selected research method-
       ologies and tools for the solution.
  (Step4). Realize new Solutions.
       Define commonly available artifacts focusing on enterprise transformation based on en-
       terprise engineering. The main artifacts are enterprise dimensions for supporting various
       types of enterprise transformation, for example, digital enterprise transformation.
  (Step5). Collect data from Case Examples
       Define commonly available enterprise dimensions for existing frameworks and ideas re-
       lated to enterprise, focusing on enterprise transformation.
  (Step6). Validate Hypothesis.
       Apply to some model cases on enterprise transformation management such as digital
       transformation in Japan, Europe and US. In this step, we will use Design Science as
       primary method. The detailed process, method, validation points and measurement for
       the validation will be defined in this step, later.
  (Step7). Evaluate Research Results.
       Evaluate the artifacts to ensure that all intended goals and benefits ware achieved. The
       detailed process, method, evaluation points and measurement for the evaluation also will
       be defined in this step, later.
  (Step8). Extend Research Model.
       Refine our research model based on the research results obtained through research steps
       described above.
  (Step9). Conclusion.
       Complete this research with the evaluation of the results and the presentation. By making
       presentations and posting journals at international conferences, we will obtain expert
       opinions and feedbacks in this area, and will continue to participate in discussions as a
       member of the research community in that area.

6      Ongoing and Future Work

    In this research, we will apply enterprise engineering think-frame to enterprise
transformation management (Figure 2).

                           Figure:2 Our Research Approach.

6.1    Historical review of Enterprise Architecture

    Based on the preliminary historical literature review [33], we can describe the his-
tory of the transformation in the real business world (Figure 3). At the beginning of the
history, the enterprise model formed like a pyramid separated with several layers, for
example infrastructure layer, technology layer, data layer, information layer, business
process layer. We will extract the characteristics of each representation for clarifying
what dimension is changing by transform the shape [33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40]. In these
changes, we think that the universal part, the part that is not so can reveal our dimen-

              Figure 3: History of the shape for representing Enterprise.

6.2    Types of Enterprise Organizational Formation

    According to [41], traditionally enterprise architecture has focused on process
standardization and integration, not on continuous adaptation to the changing business,
information, social and technological landscape. Furthermore, [42] has described about
“changing role of EA and technological catalysis along different phases of the adaptive
loop”. Depend on those change of environments of business, the formation of enterprise
has been transformed like the formation describer in Figure 4.
    We will extract the characteristics of each formation of enterprise for clarifying
which influencers will impact to the enterprise model at when a transformation occurs.

                    Figure 4: Enterprise Organizational Formation.

6.3    Characteristics of each Enterprise Business Evolution

    We define the characteristics of each Enterprise formation (Figure 5) by referring
[43,44,45]. These characteristics is one of the candidates as the transformation require-
ments. We can extract some dimensions of enterprise transformation from the compar-
ison. When comparing Figures 4 and 5, differences can be seen in the comparison items
and the transition axis. In the future, we will continue to study from two directions and
define the dimensions of enterprise formation, based on a deeper survey of the litera-

           Figure 5: Characteristics of each Enterprise Business Evolution.

6.4    IT Capability and the Maturity Model

   As the concept of IT capability was introduced by Ross, Beath and Goodhue [46].
We select IT-CMF [47,48] which more impact for digital transformation for explaining
this method. IT Capability has also changed to technology-centric, service-centric,
business-centric, and customer-centric in response to changes in the global enterprise
environment (Figure 6). From these circumstances, we will clarify what is necessary to
consider our dimension in the future.

                 Figure 6: IT Capability Maturity Model of IT-CMF.

6.5    Dimensions related to enterprise transformation

    We will define the dimensions related enterprise transformation based on existing
several dimensions and models mentioned above. From some literature review con-
cerned with Enterprise Transformation, there are so many styles of representation for
figuring out the characteristics of To-Be picture of future enterprise. We think the di-
mensions is key role among enterprise transformation management with multi-direc-
tions connected influencers. The influencers will be derived from several theories,
frameworks, existing dimensions and models referred in this paper. Figure 7 is the over-
view of the dimensions model currently under development. After a fundamental liter-
ature review around this work area, we will reshape the model, in the future.

      Figure 7: Future image on our enterprise transformation management world.

    In Figure 7, “Enterprise Governance” represents the high-level dimension for deci-
sion-making style. The detailed dimensions will be defined in our future study. Same
as “Enterprise Governance”, we can define the relationship between each high-level
dimension with specific perspective on enterprise transformation. “Enterprise Model”
represents models related enterprise, like business models. “Enterprise Capability” rep-
resents capabilities related enterprise, like dynamic capability. “Enterprise System”
represents enterprise systems, like Systems of Record [52]. “Enterprise Formation” rep-
resents organic styles of enterprise, like hierarchy/networked/ecosystem/…. “Enter-
prise Resource” represents resources of enterprise, like platform/infrastructure/staff…
“Enterprise Architecture” is architecture of enterprise, like traditional/…/adaptive.

7      Conclusion and Future Research

   Nowadays, many enterprises like companies, governments and also society are fo-
cusing Digital Transformation at all industries around the world. On the other hand,
many existing issues concerned with current business model and/or enterprise for-
mation are still remain. Efforts and new ways of thinking in specific areas have been
shown, but it is difficult to proceed with change while achieving mutually beneficial
effects siloed. This paper provides overview of ongoing research in authors PhD pro-
gram and plan the remaining steps. It aims to enable the framework to be used in state-
of-the-art enterprise change environments.

    As future work, we intend to (i) reshape new enterprise transformation management
model consist of technology, business and BITA perspectives as new enterprise trans-
formation management world based on the combination enterprise engineering and dy-
namic capabilities; (ii) propose how to describe the requirements for the transformation;
(iii) examine the clarifying the relationship on influencing between architecture world
and transformation world by using common dimensions and influencers for leading the
transformation; and finally, (iv) formalize the prototype management support platform
for the transformation with low cost and high speed.

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