Preface This book constitutes the CEUR proceedings of the (a) 19th CIAO! Doctoral Consortium (19th CIAO! DC), (b) Enterprise Engineering Working Conference Forum 2019 (EEWC Forum 2019) and (c) Enterprise Engineering Working Conference Posters 2019 (EEWC Posters 2019), held in conjunction with the 9th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC2019), in Lisbon, Portugal, between May 20th and 24th, 2019. The Enterprise Engineering Working Conference addresses the emerging field of Enterprise Engineering (EE), having as goal to gather academics and practitioners in order to share innovative research issues and practical experiences, mixing rigour and relevance, and to facilitate profound discussions on the domain of Enterprise Ontology, Normalized Systems, Foundational Ontologies, Enterprise Interoperability, Standards and Policies in various sectors/domains, and other Enterprise Engineering topics. One of the ways to involve researchers and practitioners is to organize complementary events to the main conference. These complementary events provide an additional opportunity to promote discussion in EE field regarding new emerging themes that are being researched. In addition, it integrates EE community with industrial initiatives, increasing the academic and industry collaboration. This year event was also indelibly registered by the forthcoming farewell lecture of the Professor José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet that will occur in the end of 2019. We remember his vast contribution to the development of EE discipline and to the support to this community. This volume contains (a) three papers from EEWC Forum 2019 where two papers explore Blockchain integrated with cases in health care and Insurance and one is related with business processes in the Atlas tool, (b) two papers from 19th CIAO! DC where two PhD students presented their current stage of research and received feedback for future steps, and (c) three posters from EEWC 2019 that were presented in a special session only devoted to this matter. Finally, we thank all the participants, the authors and the reviewers for their contributions to these EEWC collocated events and hope that you find this proceeding useful to further explore the Enterprise Engineering challenges. Sérgio Guerreiro, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Pedro Sousa, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal David Aveiro, University of Madeira and Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal Giancarlo Guizzardi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy José Borbinha, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland