Dockerizing Automatic Routing Runs for The Open-Source IR Replicability Challenge (OSIRRC 2019) Timo Breuer Philipp Schaer Technische Hochschule Köln Technische Hochschule Köln Cologne, Germany Cologne, Germany ABSTRACT keeping test collections consistent across different systems, pro- In the following, we describe our contribution to the Docker in- viding infrastructures for replicable environments, or increasing frastructure for ad hoc retrieval experiments initiated by the Open- transparency by the use of open-source software. Source IR Replicability Challenge (OSIRRC) at SIGIR 2019. We con- The OSIRRC workshop2 located at SIGIR 2019 is devoted to tribute automatic routing runs as Grossman and Cormack specified the replicability of ad hoc retrieval systems. A major subject of them during their participation in the TREC Common Core track interest is the integration of IR systems into a Docker infrastructure. 2017. Reimplementations of these runs are motivated by the CEN- Participants contribute existing IR systems by adapting them to TRE lab held at the CLEF conference in 2019. More specifically, we pre-defined interfaces. The organizers put the focus on standard investigated the replicability and reproducibility of WCRobust04 test collections in order to keep underlying data across different and WCRobust0405. In the following, we give insights into the systems consistent. adaption of our replicated CENTRE submissions and report on our Docker facilitates the deployment of complex software systems. experiences made. Dependencies and configurations can be specified in a standard- ized way. The resulting images will be run with the help of os-level Image Source: virtualization. A growing community and efficient resource manage- ment make Docker preferable to other virtualization alternatives. Docker Hub: Using Docker addresses some barriers to replicability. With the help of clearly specified environments, configuration errors and obscurities can be reduced to a minimum. An early attempt at mak- ing retrieval results replicable with Docker was made by Yang et 1 INTRODUCTION al. [11]. The authors describe an online service, which evaluates submitted retrieval systems run in Docker containers. Likewise, In 2018 the ACM introduced Artifact and Review Badging1 con- Crane [5] proposes Docker as packaging tool for machine learning cerned with procedures assuring repeatability, replicability, and systems with multiple parameters. reproducibility. According to the ACM definitions, reproducibility The CENTRE lab at CLEF is another initiative concerned with assumes stated precision to be obtainable with a different team the replicability and reproducibility of IR systems. Our participa- and a different setup. Preliminarily, the stated precision should be tion in CENTRE@CLEF19 [6] was devoted to the replicability and replicable by a different team with the original setup of the artifacts. reproducibility of automatic routing runs. In order to contribute Thus replicability is an essential requirement towards reproducible our code submissions to the IR community, we integrate them into results. Both objectives are closely coupled, and requirements of the proposed Docker infrastructure of OSIRRC. reproducibility are related to those of replicability. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In section Empirical studies manifest most findings in the field of informa- 2, we will summarize our submission to CENTRE@CLEF19. In tion retrieval (IR). Generally, these findings have to be replicable this context, the general concept of automatic routing runs will and reproducible in order to bring further use for future research be introduced. Section 3 gives insights into the adaption of our and applications. Results may become invalid under slightly differ- reimplementations to the Docker infrastructure. The last section ent conditions, thus reasons for non-reproducibility are manifold. will conclude with the resulting benefits and experiences made. Choosing weak baselines, selective reporting, or hidden and missing information are some reasons for non-reproducible findings. The well-known meta-studies by Armstrong [1, 2] reveal the problem of 2 REIMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOMATIC illusory evaluation gains when comparing to weak or inappropriate ROUTING RUNS baselines. More recent studies by Wang et al. [12] or Lin et al. [9] In the context of CENTRE@CLEF19, participants were obliged show that this circumstance is still a huge problem, especially, with to replicate, reproduce, and generalize IR systems submitted at regards to neural IR. previous conferences. Our participation in the CENTRE lab was During the last years the IR community launched several Eval- motivated by the replication and reproduction of automatic routing uation as a Service initiatives [8]. Attempts were made towards runs submitted by Grossman and Cormack to the TREC Common Core Track in 2017 [4]. According to the guidelines of the CEN- 1 TRE lab, participants have to reimplement original procedures. Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). OSIRRC 2019 co-located with SIGIR 2019, 25 July 2019, Paris, France. 2 31 OSIRRC 2019, July 2019, Paris, France Breuer and Schaer Run Test Training available in existing packages. A detailed description of our im- plementation is available in our workshop report [4]. The general WCRobust04 New York Times Robust04 workflow can be split into two processing stages. WCRobust0405 New York Times Robust04+05 Table 1: Run constellations: Replicated runs are made of 2.2.1 Data preparation. The first stage will prepare corpora data. rankings from New York Times (NYT) documents. The un- Besides different compression formats, we also consider diverg- derlying data of Robust04 and Robust05 are the TREC Disks ing text formatting. We adapted the preparation steps specifically 4&5 (minus congressional records) and the AQUAINT cor- to the characteristics of the corpora. After extraction, single doc- pus, respectively. uments will be written to files which contain parsed text data. Grossman and Cormack envisage a union corpus in order to de- rive tfidf-features. The corpus with training samples as well as the corpus to be ranked are supposed to be unified. This proceeding results in training features that are augmented by the vocabulary Replicability is evaluated by applying reimplementations to data of the corpus to be ranked. In their contribution to the ECIR repro- collections originally used. Reproducibility is evaluated by applying ducibility workshop in 2019 Yu et al. consider this augmentation reimplementations to new data collections. In the following, we to be insignificant [13]. In our experimental setups, we compare will describe the general concept of automatic routing runs, we resulting runs of augmented and non-augmented training features will continue with some insights into our reimplementations and and confirm the assumptions made by Yu et al. It is reasonable conclude this section with the replicated results. to neglect tfidf-derivation from a unified corpus. Features can be taken solely from the training corpus without negatively affecting 2.1 Automatic Routing Runs evaluation measures. Due to these findings, we deviate from the Grossman’s and Cormack’s contributions to the TREC Common original procedure with regards to the tfidf-derivation. Our training Core 2017 track follow either a continuous active learning or rout- features are exclusively derived from Robust corpora. ing approach [7]. We focus on the latter in accordance with the 2.2.2 Training & Prediction. Single document files with parsed text CENTRE guidelines. As the authors point out, automatic routing result from the data preparation step. The scikit-learn package [10] runs are based on deriving ranking profiles for specific topics. With offers the possibility to derive tfidf-features by implementing the the help of relevance judgments, these profiles are constructed. TfidfVectorizer. A term-document matrix is built by providing doc- Opposed to other retrieval approaches, no explicit query is needed ument files from the Robust corpora to the TfidfVectorizer. Text in order to derive a document ranking for a specific topic. Typically, documents from all corpora are converted to numerical represen- queries are stemmed from topics and corresponding narratives. tations with regards to this matrix. Converting documents from The proposed routing mechanisms, however, do not require such the New York Times corpus, for instance, can result in vectors that an input. Grossman and Cormack chose to implement the profile do not cover the complete vocabulary of specific documents. This derivation with the help of a logistic regression classifier. They is a requirement for retrieving document vectors of equal length. convert text documents into numerical representations by the de- As pointed out above, this is not affecting evaluation outcomes. termination of tfidf weights. Subsequently, they train the classifier Relevance judgments are converted to a binary scale and serve for with these tfidf features in combination with binary relevance judg- selecting training documents from the Robust corpora. Based on ments. The classifier is used to rank documents of another corpus a given topic, judged documents are converted to features vectors which is different from the one used for training. The likelihood of and are prepared as training input for the logistic regression clas- documents being relevant will serve as a score. Since there is no hu- sifier. We dump the training data in SVMlight format to keep our man intervention in the described procedure, it is fully automatic. It workflow compatible with other machine learning frameworks. In has to be considered, that this approach is limited to corpora which our case, we make use of the LogisticRegression model from the share relevance judgments for the same topics. The entire corpus scikit-learn package. The model is trained topic-wise with features is ranked, whereas for each topic, the 10,000 highest ranking doc- being either relevant or not. Afterwards, each document of the new uments are used for evaluation. Grossman and Cormack rank the corpus will be scored. We order documents by descending score for New York Times corpus with training data based on the Robust04 each topic. The 10, 000 highest ranking documents form the final collection. The resulting run is titled WCRobust04. By enriching ranking of a single topic. training data with documents from the Robust05 collection, they acquire improvements in terms of MAP and P@10. The resulting 2.2.3 Outcomes. While replicated P@10 values come close to those run is titled WCRobust0405. Table 1 shows an overview of run given by Grossman and Cormack, MAP values stay below the base- constellations as they were used in the context of the CENTRE lab. line (more details in section 3.4). Especially reproduced values (de- rived from another corpus) drop significantly and offer a starting 2.2 Reimplementation point for future investigations [4]. Based on the description by Grossman and Cormack, we chose to reimplement the system from scratch. CENTRE organizers premise 3 DOCKER ADAPTION the use of open-source software. The Python community offers In the following, we describe the portation of our replicated CEN- a rich toolset of open and free software. We pursued a Python- TRE submission into Docker images. More specifically we give only implementation, since the required components were largely insights, how the workflow is adapted to the given hooks. In this 32 Dockerizing Automatic Routing Runs for The Open-Source IR Replicability Challenge (OSIRRC 2019) OSIRRC 2019, July 2019, Paris, France context, we refer to the procedure illustrated in the previous section. Contributors of retrieval systems have to adapt their systems with respect to pre-defined hooks. These hooks are implemented with the help of scripts for initialization, indexing, searching, training, and interaction. They should be located in the root directory of the Docker containers. A Python-based framework ("jig") will call these scripts and invoke the corresponding processing steps. Automatic routing runs slightly differ from the conventional ad hoc approach. Instead of deriving rankings based on a query, a classification model is devised based on judged documents for a given topic. The general workflow of our submission is illustrated in figure 1. Supported Collections: robust04, robust05, core17 Supported Hooks: init, index, search 3.1 Dockerfile Since our implementation is completely done with Python, the image relies on an existing Python 3 image. Upon image building, directories will be made and the three scripts for initialization, indexing, and searching will be copied. The required corpora will be mounted as volumes when starting the container. 3.2 Hooks 3.2.1 Initialization. On initialization, the source code will be down- loaded from a public GitHub repository. Required Python packages will be installed. Depending on the specified run, either WCRo- bust04 or WCRobust0405 will be replicated, and the corresponding scripts are prepared. 3.2.2 Indexing. After successful initialization, indexing is done by determining tfidf-features. Data extraction and text processing re- sult in single documents for each corpus. A term-document matrix is constructed by using the TfidfVectorizer of the scikit-learn pack- age. In combination with qrel files from Robust04 and Robust05, documents will be picked and transformed into tfidf-features with Figure 1: Depiction of how our reimplementation of auto- respect to the term-document matrix. Likewise, the entire NYT matic routing runs is adapted to the workflow given by corpus is transformed into a numerical representation according the "jig". The two cyan boxes include the processing steps to this matrix. At the end of the indexing process, a Python shelf which are conducted in the running container instances. containing tfidf-features of all documents from the NYT corpus The objects within the dashed rectangle are committed to and SVMlight formatted tfidf-features remain as artifacts. They the Docker image after indexing is done. will be committed to the resulting image, all other artifacts like the vectorizer of extracted document files have to be deleted in order to keep the image size low. 3.3 Modifications Our CENTRE submission3 was adaptable with little effort. The 3.2.3 Searching. The "jig" will start a new container running the following modifications were necessary in order to prepare the committed image of the previous step. In our case, the "searching" code for the Docker infrastructure. process consists of training a topic model and scoring the entire After initialization and indexing are done, the "jig" will commit NYT corpus for each topic. We make use of the logistic regression the container’s changes, including the indexed collection. The new classifier implemented in the scikit-learn package, although other image will be run in a second container which conducts the ranking. machine learning models should be easy to integrate. The 10,000 Due to this given workflow, we were obliged to split our CENTRE highest scorings for each topic will be merged into one final run file. The "jig" will handle evaluation by using trec_eval. 3 33 OSIRRC 2019, July 2019, Paris, France Breuer and Schaer Run MAP P@10 4 CONCLUSION WCRobust04 0.3711 0.6460 We contributed our CENTRE@CLEF19 submissions to the Docker Baseline infrastructure initiated by the OSIRRC workshop. Our original code WCRobust0405 0.4278 0.7500 WCRobust04 0.2971 0.6820 submission reimplemented automatic routing runs as they were de- Replicability scribed by Grossman and Cormack [7]. In the course of our CENTRE WCRobust0405 0.3539 0.7360 participation, we investigated the replicability and reproducibility Table 2: Results of replicated runs in comparison to the base- of the given procedure. We focus on contributing replicated runs to line which is given by Grossman and Cormack. All runs are the Docker infrastructure. CENTRE defines replicability by using based on 50 topics. [7]. the original test collection in combination with a different setup. Thus our reimplementations rank documents of the NYT corpus by using Robust corpora for the training of topic models. submission into two main processing steps. We decided to keep the Adaptions to the Docker infrastructure were realizable with little tfidf artifacts only in order to keep the committed image as small effort. We adjusted the workflow with regard to the given hooks. as possible. The text artifacts resulting from the preprocessing will The resulting runs exactly match those which were replicated in be deleted after the determination of the term-document matrix/T- the context of our CENTRE participation. Due to the encapsulation fidfVectorizer and tfidf-features. At first, we omitted the removal into Docker images, less configuration effort is required and our of unneeded documents, resulting in large Docker image sizes that experimental environment can be exactly reconstructed. Required could not be handled on moderate hardware. components are taken from existing Docker images and Python The data extraction and text processing steps are parallelized, packages. speeding up the preprocessing. In this context special attention had Starting points for future improvements were elaborated in the to be paid to the compressed files by the same name with different previous section. Investigations on reproducibility can be made pos- endings (.0z, .1z, .2z), since extracting these files in parallel will sible by integrating the Washington Post corpus into our workflow. result in name conflicts. In this context, the support of other test collections might also be interesting. Parallelizing classifications can reduce execution time 3.4 Evaluation Outcomes of the ranking. An archived version of our submitted Docker image is available at Zenodo [3]. The evaluation outcomes of our replicated runs are given in table 2. We were not able to fully replicate the baseline given by Grossman and Cormack. Replicated evaluation outcomes are slightly worse REFERENCES [1] Timothy G. Armstrong, Alistair Moffat, William Webber, and Justin Zobel. 2009. compared to the originals but are similar to results achieved by Has Adhoc Retrieval Improved Since 1994?. In Proceedings of the 32Nd Interna- Yu et al. with their classification only approach [13]. 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