Dockerizing Indri for OSIRRC 2019 Claudia Hauff Delft University of Technology Delft, The Netherlands ABSTRACT Number: 301 The Lemur Project was set up in 2000 by the Center for Intelligent International Organized Crime Information Retrieval at UMass Amherst. It is one of the longest lasting open-source projects in the information retrieval (IR) re- <desc> Description: search community. Among the released tools is Indri, a popular Identify organizations that participate in international search engine that was designed for language-modeling based ap- criminal activity, the activity, and, if possible, proaches to IR. For OSIRRC 2019 we dockerized Indri and added collaborating organizations and the countries involved. support for the Robust04, Core18 and GOV2 test collections. <narr> Narrative: A relevant document must as a minimum identify the 1 OVERVIEW organization and the type of illegal activity (e.g., Columbian cartel exporting cocaine). Vague references to As part of the Lemur Project1 a number of tools have been international drug trade without identification of the developed, most notably Galago, Indri [4], and RankLib. Indri organization(s) involved would not be relevant. </top> has been—and still is—a widely popular research search engine implemented in C++ which allows for the efficient development Figure 1: TREC topic 301. and evaluation of novel language-modeling based approaches to IR. In addition, Indri offers a query language that provides support for constraints based on proximity, document fields, syntax matches, need to uncompress the corpus and filter out undesired fold- and so on. ers such as cr (as Indri does not support excluding partic- We here describe the implementation of the Indri Docker im- ular subfolders from indexing) before starting the indexing age2 for the OSIRRC 2019 challenge, the incorporated baselines, process. results and issues observed along the way. Core18 The corpus is provided in JSON format and first needs to be converted to a document format Indri supports. 2 DOCKER IMAGE DESIGN GOV2 Among the three corpora only GOV2 is well suited for Indri, The design of our Docker image is tied to the jig,3 a toolkit de- it can be indexed without any further preprocessing. veloped specifically for OSIRRC 2019, which provides a number The created indices are stemmed (Krovetz) with stopwords re- of “hooks” (such as index and search) that are particular to the moved. For the latter, we relied on the Lemur project stopword list4 workflow of search systems. which contains 418 stopwords. 2.1 Dockerfile 2.3 search The Dockerfile builds an image based on Ubuntu 16.04. Apart from This hook is responsible for creating a retrieval run. Indri v5.13 itself, a number of additional software package are Topic files. In a preprocessing step, the TREC topic files (an exam- installed such as nodejs (one of the scripts to prepare the Core18 ple topic of Robust04 is shown in Figure 1) have to be reformatted collection is a Node.js script) and python (to interact with the jig). as Indri requires topic files to adhere to a particular format. Next to reformatting, special characters (punctuation marks, etc.) 2.2 index have to be removed. Indri does not provide specific tooling for This hook indexes the corpora mounted by the jig, making use this step, and one either has to investigate how exactly Indri deals of Indri’s IndriBuildIndex. We support three corpora (Core18, with special characters during the indexing phase (thus matching GOV2 and Robust04), which each require different preprocessing the processing of special characters in order to achieve optimal steps: retrieval effectiveness) or rely on very restrictive filtering (removing Robust04 The original Robust04 corpus is .z compressed, a com- anything but alphanumeric characters). We opted for the latter. In pression format Indri does not support. And thus, we first contrast, stemming does not have to be applied, as Indri applies the same stemming to each query as specified in the index manifest Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). OSIRRC 2019 co-located with SIGIR (creating during the indexing phase). 2019, 25 July 2019, Paris, France. Only standard stopword removal is applied to the topics; this 1 means that in the TREC description and TREC narrative phrases 2 3 4 44 <query> <number>301-LM</number> <text>#combine( international organized crime )</text> </query> <query> <number>301-SD</number> <text>#weight( 0.9 #combine(international organized crime) 0.05 #combine(#1(international organized) #1(organized crime) ) 0.05 #combine(#uw8(international organized) #uw8(organized crime)) )</text> </query> <query> <number>301-DESC</number> <text>#combine( identify organizations that participate in international criminal activity the activity and if possible collaborating organizations and the countries involved )</text> </query> <query> <number>301-BM25</number> <text>international organized crime</text> </query> Figure 2: Overview of query formats Indri accepts. While the language-modeling based approaches can make use of Indri’s query language, Indri’s baselines tfidf and bm25 (last example query) cannot. such as Identify ... or A relevant document ... (cf. Figure 1) remain in language modeling approach and their combination performs best. the final query after preprocessing. BM25 performs somewhat worse than expected, an outcome we Moreover, different retrieval methods require differently for- argue is due to our lack of hyperparameter tuning. The biggest matted topic files (e.g. the BM25 retrieval model does not support differences can be found in the results we report for queries solely complex queries, cf. Figure 2). Depending on the topic type (e.g., derived from the TREC topic descriptions (instead of a combination TREC title-only topics, description-only topics, title+description of title and description): our results are significantly worse than topics) different queries are created. the title-only baseline, which we attribute to a lack of “cleaning up” those descriptions (i.e. removing phrases like Relevant documents Retrieval rules. The jig provides an option --opts which allows include). extra options to be passed to the search hook. We use it, among others, to specify (i) the retrieval rule,5 (ii) whether to include pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF, use_prf="1") and (iii) whether 4 CONCLUSIONS to use the sequence dependency (SD, sd="1") model. The hyper- Creating the Docker image for Indri was more work than antici- parameters for both PRF and SD are fixed. Specifically, for PRF we pated. One unexpected problem turned out to be the sourcing of use 50 feedback documents, 25 feedback terms and equal weight- the original corpora (instead of processed versions suited for Indri ing of the original and expanded query model. The SD weights that had been “passed down” from researcher to researcher within are set to 0.9 for the original query, 0.05 for bigrams and 0.05 for our lab). In addition, for almost every corpus/topic set combination unordered windows. These settings were based on prior works. A a different preprocessing script had to be written which turned into better approach would be to employ hyperparameter tuning. a lengthy process as (i) Indri tends to fail silently (e.g. a failure to process a query with special characters will only be flagged when 3 RESULTS running trec_eval as the exception is simply written to the result Table 1 showcases the use of the optional parameter of the jig’s file) and (ii) debugging a Docker image is not trivial. search hook to set the retrieval rules. We report the retrieval ef- In the next step, we will implement automatic hyperparameter fectiveness in MAP. When comparing our results to those reported tuning. in prior works using Indri and (at least) Robust04 [1–3, 5] we report similar trends, though with smaller absolute effectiveness ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS differences: SD and PRF are both more effective than the vanilla This research has been supported by NWO project SearchX (639.022.722). 5 All retrieval methods as documentend at html/IndriRunQuery.html are supported. 45 Robust04 GOV2 Core18 --opts out_file_name="outfile" rule="method:dirichlet,mu:1000" topic_type="title" 0.2499 0.2800 0.2332 --opts out_file_name="outfile" rule="method:dirichlet,mu:1000" topic_type="title" sd="1" 0.2547 0.2904 0.2428 --opts out_file_name="outfile" rule="method:dirichlet,mu:1000" topic_type="title" use_prf="1" 0.2812 0.3033 0.2800 --opts out_file_name="outfile" rule="method:dirichlet,mu:1000" topic_type="title" use_prf="1" sd="1" 0.2855 0.3104 0.2816 --opts out_file_name="outfile" rule="okapi,k1:1.2,b:0.75" topic_type="title+desc" 0.2702 0.2705 0.2457 --opts out_file_name="outfile" rule="method:dirichlet,mu:1000" topic_type="desc" 0.2023 0.1336 0.1674 Table 1: Overview of the optional parameter settings of the search hook and the corresponding retrieval effectiveness as measured in MAP. 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