An Empirical Comparison of FAISS and FENSHSES for Nearest Neighbor Search in Hamming Space Cun (Matthew) Mu† Binwei Yang† Zheng (John) Yan Walmart Labs Walmart Labs Walmart Labs Hoboken, NJ Sunnyvale, CA Hoboken, NJ ABSTRACT The fundamental trade-off between search latency and cost- In this paper, we compare the performances of FAISS and FENSHSES effectiveness would naturally classify nearest neighbor search solu- on nearest neighbor search in Hamming space–a fundamental task tions into two broad categories. with ubiquitous applications in nowadays eCommerce. Comprehen- sive evaluations are made in terms of indexing speed, search latency NNS solutions implemented in main memory. This type of NNS and RAM consumption. This comparison is conducted towards a solutions has been extensively studied and explored in the field better understanding on trade-offs between nearest neighbor search of information retrieval (IR). As a result, the majority of those systems implemented in main memory and the ones implemented widely used ones (e.g., Spotify’s Annoy [2], Facebook’s FAISS [9] in secondary memory, which is largely unaddressed in literature. and Microsoft’s SPTAG [5, 21]) in nowadays software market fall into this category. CCS CONCEPTS • Information systems → Nearest-neighbor search; Image search; • Applied computing → Online shopping; • Software NNS solutions implemented in secondary memory. In contrast, the and its engineering → Memory management; second type of NNS solutions are delivered only recently by active efforts from both academia and industry [1, 11, 14, 16, 19, 20] to KEYWORDS empower full-text search engines (e.g., Elasticsearch and Solr) with the capability of finding nearest neighbors. By leveraging inverted- Nearest neighbor search, FAISS, FENSHSES, Hamming space, Bi- index-based information retrieval systems and cutting-edge engi- nary codes, Vector similarity search, Full-text search engines, Elas- neering designs from these full-text search engines, such full-text ticsearch search engine based solutions are capable of economically reduce ACM Reference Format: RAM consumption [1], incoherently supporting multi-model search Cun (Matthew) Mu† , Binwei Yang† , and Zheng (John) Yan. 2019. An Em- [16] and being extremely well-prepared for production deployment pirical Comparison of FAISS and FENSHSES for Nearest Neighbor Search [20]. However, some of the critical performance questions have not in Hamming Space. In Proceedings of the SIGIR 2019 Workshop on been quantitatively answered in literature: eCommerce (SIGIR 2019 eCom), 3 pages. • how much RAM could these full-text search based solutions 1 INTRODUCTION save? Nearest neighbor search (NNS) within semantic embeddings (a.k.a., • how much search latency would these solutions sacrifice in vector similarity search) has become a common practice in ubiq- order to reduce RAM consumption? uitous eCommerce applications including neural ranking model based text search [3, 12], content-based image retrieval [16, 22], col- In this paper, we will shed light on the above questions through a laborative filtering [7], large-scale product categorization [8], fraud case study on the task of nearest neighbor search in Hamming space detection [18], etc. While vector similarity search is capable of sub- (i.e., the space of binary codes). This task is an extremely important stantially boosting search relevancy by understanding customers’ subclass of NNS, as learning and representing textual, visual and intents more semantically, it presents a major challenge: how to acoustic data with compact and semantic binary vectors is a pretty conduct nearest neighbor search among millions or even billions of mature technology and common practice in nowadays IR systems. high-dimensional vectors in a real-time and cost-effective manner. In particular, eBay recently builds its whole visual search system † C. Mu and B. Yang contributed equally to this work. [22] upon finding nearest neighbors within binary embeddings generated through deep neural network models. Copyright © 2019 by the paper’s authors. Copying permitted for private and academic We choose one representative solution of each category–FAISS purposes. (Facebook AI Similarity Search) from Facebook’s AI Research Lab In: J. Degenhardt, S. Kallumadi, U. Porwal, A. Trotman (eds.): [9] and FENSHSES (Fast Exact Neighbor Search in Hamming Space Proceedings of the SIGIR 2019 eCom workshop, July 2019, Paris, France, published at on Elasticsearch) from the search and catalog teams at Walmart Labs [14, 15]–to evaluate their performances in finding nearest neighbors within binary codes. SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France C. Mu et al. 2 FAISS vs. FENSHSES RAM consumption. Since FAISS is implemented in main memory, We will compare performances of FAISS and FENSHSES from three its RAM consumption undoubtedly rises along with the increase in key perspectives: time spent in indexing, search latency and RAM the size of dataset B, as shown in Table 3. In contrast, by leveraging consumption. the highly optimized disk-based index mechanics behind full-text search engines, FENSHSES consumes a much smaller amount of Data generation. Our dataset B is generated using 2.8 million RAM when conducting nearest neighbor search. This property images selected from’s home catalog through pHash makes FENSHSES more cost-effective and thus more suitable espe- [6, 10]–one of the most effective perceptual hash schemes in gen- cially to big-data applications. erating fingerprints for multimedia files (e.g. images, audios and videos)–with m ∈ {64, 256, 1024, 4096} respectively. Note that vec- FAISS FENSHSES tor similarity search based on pHash has been widely used in a # of Bits r (ms) (ms) variety of visual tasks including forensic image recognition [17], 3 34.0 5.8 duplicate image detection [4] and copyright protection [13], etc. 64 7 37.0 25.7 Settings. For FAISS, we use its binary flat index with five threads. 11 42.7 117.7 For a fair comparison, we accordingly deploy FENSHSES by creating 15 42.9 7.8 its Elasticsearch index with five shards and zero replica. The rest of 256 31 42.8 22.5 configurations are left as their default and suggested values. Both 47 45.4 77.7 FAISS and FENSHSES are set up and tested on the same Microsoft 63 79.2 31.6 Azure virtual machine. 1024 127 81.9 89.9 Speed in indexing. During the indexing phase, FAISS indexes the 191 90.4 250.0 data into main memory (i.e., RAM), while FENSHSES indexes the 255 222.7 134.2 data into secondary memory (e.g., hard disk). As a consequence, 4096 511 223.2 612.5 FAISS is much faster than FENSHSES in terms of data indexing (see 767 223.3 1797.5 Table 1). But on the other hand, whenever the process is killed and Table 2: Search latency. FENSHSES is quite competitive for r - needs a restart, FAISS has to go through this procedure again to neighbor search when the Hamming distance r is small, while re-index data into RAM, while FENSHSES could unaffectedly use the performance of FAISS is pretty robust with respect to r . This its built index on hard disk without re-indexing. provides FAISS and FENSHSES different edges for the task of NNS. FAISS FENSHSES # of Bits (sec.) (sec.) 64 18.5 75.5 FAISS FENSHSES # of Bits r 256 37.7 140.2 (GB) (GB) 1024 111.9 369.5 3 2.2 1.6 4096 397.3 1300.9 64 7 2.2 1.6 Table 1: Indexing time consumption. FAISS is about four times 11 2.2 1.6 faster than FENSHSES in creating the index for nearest neighbor 15 2.3 1.6 search. 256 31 2.3 1.6 47 2.3 1.6 63 2.9 1.6 1024 127 2.9 1.6 Search latency. We randomly select 10, 000 binary codes from B 191 2.9 1.6 to act as query codes. For each query code q, we instruct FAISS and 255 4.9 1.6 FENSHSES to find all r -neighbors of q in B, namely 4096 511 4.9 1.6 B H (q, r ) := {b ∈ B | d H (b, q) ≤ r } , (2.1) 767 4.9 1.6 Table 3: Main memory (RAM) consumption. The RAM con- where d H (b, q) := i=1 1 {bi ,qi } denotes the Hamming distance Ím sumed by FAISS substantially grows with the increase in the size between binary code b and q, and the Hamming radius r ≥ 0. As of dataset B. In contrast, FENSHESE consumes a constant amount shown in Table 2, FENSHSES is quite competitive for small radium r . of RAM, which is much smaller than the one consumed by FAISS. This is because FENSHSES fully leverages Elasticsearch’s inverted index to first conduct a sub-code filtering to only consider a subset of B for Hamming distance computation, which is most effective for small r . In contrast, FAISS scans every binary code in B, so its search latency is almost invariant with respect to r . For applications 3 CONCLUSION (e.g., near-duplicate image detection and visual search) where we In this case study, we compare FAISS and FENSHSES for the task care most about nearest neighbors within a small radius, FENSHSES of nearest neighbor search in Hamming space. By evaluating their could be in a more favorable position than FAISS. performances in terms of speed in data indexing, search latency FAISS vs. FENSHSES SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France and RAM consumption, we hope practitioners could now better understand the pros and cons of the main memory based NNS solutions and the secondary memory based ones, and thus make their best choices accordingly (at least in NNS systems within binary cods). In the future, we will compare FAISS and FENSHSES under a wider range of applications; and moreover, we will also go beyond Hamming space to evaluate vector similarity search systems for general NNS problems. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are grateful to three anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions and comments that substantially improve the paper. CM would like to thank Jun Zhao and Guang Yang for insightful discussions on FENSHSES. BY would like to thank Alessandro Mag- nani for helpful discussions on pHash and its related applications, and Zuzar Nafar for his support on this study. REFERENCES [1] G. Amato, P. Bolettieri, F. Carrara, F. Falchi, and C. Gennaro. 2018. Large-Scale Image Retrieval with Elasticsearch. In SIGIR. [2] Erik B. 2018. Annoy: Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python. https: // Python package version 1.13.0. [3] E. P. Brenner, J. Zhao, A. Kutiyanawala, and Z. Yan. 2018. End-to-End Neural Ranking for eCommerce Product Search. In SIGIR eCommerce Workshop. [4] A. Chaudhuri, P. Messina, S. Kokkula, A. Subramanian, A. Krishnan, S. Gandhi, A. Magnani, and V. Kandaswamy. 2018. A Smart System for Selection of Optimal Product Images in E-Commerce. In Big Data. [5] Qi Chen, Haidong Wang, Mingqin Li, Gang Ren, Scarlett Li, Jeffery Zhu, Jason Li, Chuanjie Liu, Lintao Zhang, and Jingdong Wang. 2018. SPTAG: A library for fast approximate nearest neighbor search. [6] Z. Christoph. 2010. 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