=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2410/paper9.pdf |storemode=property |title=Multi-Candidate Ranking Algorithm Based Spell Correction |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2410/paper9.pdf |volume=Vol-2410 |authors=Chao Wang,Rongkai Zhao |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sigir/WangZ19 }} ==Multi-Candidate Ranking Algorithm Based Spell Correction== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2410/paper9.pdf
      Multi-Candidate Ranking Algorithm Based Spell Correction
                                   Chao Wang                                                                 Rongkai Zhao
                            The Home Depot                                                                The Home Depot
                              Atlanta, GA                                                                    Atlanta, GA
                       chao_wang1@homedepot.com                                                     rongkai_zhao@homedepot.com

ABSTRACT                                                                              error hypothesis, these hypothesis are based on the observation of
Spell correction is an important component in Natural Language                        common user mistakes. Unlike deep learning based approaches, we
Processing (NLP). In the context of a product search engine, an                       found the deterministic approach has much higher accuracy in a
effective spell correction system can improve the accuracy of the                     close domain. Common user mistakes including wrong spelling of
search results and reduce the occurrence of No Results Found (NRF).                   a word, fat finger typing error, failing to break a composite word,
Conversely, a sub-optimal spell correction has negative effects, e.g.,                unnecessarily creating a composite word, aggressive device native
failing to correct misspelled queries, modifying correct queries into                 word level spell corrector introduced error, phonetic error, foreign
wrong ones. In this paper, three novel components / algorithms                        language input, keyboard malfunction, etc. For each hypothesis,
currently used in The Home Depot (THD) spell correction service                       correction candidates will be generated and ranked by the cluster
is presented: (1) word embedding based dictionary construction;                       density in a high dimensional word embedding space. The final
(2) multi-path candidates generation; (3) high dimensional cluster                    result is the most probable set ordered by the rank.
analysis based ranking model. The dictionary provides data about                          Categorized by the correction context, most standalone spell
the inner relationships among the words for a given corpus. With                      corrections (e.g., Jazzy spell correction [4], Aspell spell correction
the dictionary, the candidate generation algorithm recommends                         [5] and Hunspell spell correction [6]) are word-level approaches,
a set of correction candidates for several misspelling hypothesis,                    which correct the misspelled words without considering the context
e.g., word editing error, word breaking error, word concatenation                     information. The other spell corrections (Lucene spell correction
error, fat finger typing error, and so on. Then the ranking model                     [7], Grammarly spell correction [8], Microsoft Bing spell correction
projects the candidates into a high dimensional space and sorts them                  [9] and Google spell correction [10]) adopt context information. In
based on cluster density analysis. In the experiment, the new THD                     other words, they are context based solution.
spell correction is compared with the old version (without these                          Categorized by the correction methods, most of the spell correc-
features), Lucene spell correction and Grammarly spell correction.                    tion algorithms [1; 4; 6; 7] use Edit Distance (e.g., insertion, dele-
The evaluation results indicated the THD spell correction has higher                  tion, substitution) [11] and Phonetics Matching [12] as objective
correction accuracy than the other widely used implementations.                        function to find closely related words. Some other spell correc-
                                                                                       tions [13; 14] construct noisy channel models which recover the
KEYWORDS                                                                               intended correction c in word set C from a misspelled word w to
Spell correction, Spell checker, Spell corrector, Word embedding,                     maximize Pr (c)Pr (w |c) where c ∈ C; Pr (c) is a prior model of word
Dictionary Building, Multi-candidate generation, Ranking model,                       probabilities; Pr (w |c) is a model of the noisy channel for word
Similarity context                                                                    transformations from c to w due to Edit Distance. Another spell cor-
                                                                                      rections [15; 16] adopt Deep Neural Networks [17] based language
ACM Reference format:                                                                 models. Xie et al. [15] proposed to use char-level encoder-decoder
Chao Wang and Rongkai Zhao. 2019. Multi-Candidate Ranking Algorithm
                                                                                      recurrent neural network [18] to learn the character relationships
Based Spell Correction. In Proceedings of the SIGIR 2019 Workshop on
                                                                                      within the words and phrases, which can avoid the problem of
eCommerce (SIGIR 2019 eCom), 8 pages.
                                                                                      out-of-vocabulary words. Chollampatt and Ng [16] presented a
                                                                                      multi-layer convolutional encoder-decoder neural network [19] for
1 INTRODUCTION                                                                        this char-level correction. Based on their analysis, the proposed
The spell correction [1; 2] has been widely used in search engines,                   network can cover more grammatical errors than recurrent neural
works as a "gate keeper" for query parsing [3]. Generally, spell                      network.
correction has two components: spell checker and spell corrector.                         Before continuing onto further detail, here are some examples
The spell checker is used to check the validity of the queries at                     of common spelling problems and corrections:
word level as well as phrase level. If a query is valid, no action is                     (1) Single word error correction, e.g. "garage dor opener" ->
needed from the spell corrector, otherwise, the query is passed onto                  "garage door opener";
spell corrector for revision. The spell corrector has a set of common                     (2) Multi-word errors correction, e.g. "garge dor opener" -> "garage
Copyright © 2019 by the paper’s authors. Copying permitted for private and academic
                                                                                      door opener";
purposes.                                                                                 (3) Word breaking issue, e.g. "kohlertoilet" -> "kohler toilet";
In: J. Degenhardt, S. Kallumadi, U. Porwal, A. Trotman (eds.):                            (4) Word breaking issue with spelling errors, e.g. "kholertiolet"
Proceedings of the SIGIR 2019 eCom workshop, July 2019, Paris, France, published at
http://ceur-ws.org                                                                    -> "kohler toilet";
                                                                                          (5) Word concatenation issue, e.g. "tom cat mouse trap" -> "tomcat
                                                                                      mouse trap";
SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France                                                                                          Wang et al.

                                                                          3  WORD EMBEDDING BASED DICTIONARY
                                                                          3.1 Traditional Dictionary Structure
                                                                          Most of the spell correction dictionaries [6; 7] are just composed of
                                                                          unique English words. However, it lacks of the word relationship
                                                                          information for the context-based spell correction algorithms [8–
                                                                          10; 13–16]. In order to extract the context information, the following
                                                                          methods can be adopted: Given a specific corpus, e.g., user query
                                                                          log, calculate the occurrence of every unique valid bigram words to
                                                                          construct a bigram co-occurrence model; feed the corpus into some
                                                                          char-level network models [15; 16] to learn the inner relationships
                                                                          among the characters. However, these methods still have some
                                                                          drawbacks. The co-occurrence model is only limited to bigram
                                                                          coverage, which is hard to be extended to n-gram (n > 2) words due
                                                                          to the limited memory space. In addition, the construction rules of
                                                                          n-gram (n > 2) words model are much restricted, which can easily
                                                                          lead to an overfitting issue. Conversely, the char-level model is
                                                                          much flexible to generate some unreasonable correction results.

                                                                          3.2    Multi-Source Dictionary Construction
                                                                                 Using Word Embedding
                                                                          For our spell correction, in addition to bigram co-occurrence model,
                                                                          word embedding model based dictionary construction is proposed
            Figure 1: Spell Correction Architecture                       to extract the context information from the corpuses. We use user
                                                                          query log, product catalog and selected Wikipedia documents for
                                                                          context extraction. Wikipedia documents that are not related to
                                                                          our product catalog are pruned.
   (6) Word concatenation issue with spelling errors, e.g. "replace          In order to better capture and utilize the word relationships in
ment light bulb" -> "replacement light bulb";                             the context sensitive environment for our spell correction purpose,
   (7) Word correction containing digits and special characters, e.g.     Word2Vec [20] is chosen as our word embedding model [21], it
"door ;ocks" -> "door locks";                                             converts words into vectors and project them into a n-dimensional
   (8) Real word errors correction, e.g. "mug knife" -> "mud knife".      vector space, which could reveal word relationships in terms of
   Where the real word error is that the individual words ("mug",         geometric orientations.
"knife") of the query are valid but the phrase ("mug knife") does not        The three datasets (product catalog dataset, user query log dataset
make sense.                                                               and related Wikipedia dataset [22]) are integrated based on word
                                                                          embedding model as the following diagram (see Figure 2). Initially,
2   ARCHITECTURE                                                          the dictionary model is built with product catalog dataset as the
In this paper, three main components / algorithms are presented:          kernel part. The catalog dataset has stronger correlations than the
(1) word embedding based dictionary construction; (2) multi-path          query log dataset and Wikipedia dataset. In addition, it is much
candidates generation; (3) high dimensional cluster analysis based        more accurate (containing few misspellings) than the query log
ranking model.                                                            dataset. Therefore, it can be used to build the initial model and be
   As shown in the architecture (see Figure 1), the input query is        helpful for the fast and accurate training convergence. However, it
first passed into Language Identifier to check which language the         also has some drawbacks, e.g., limited contents (small coverage) and
query belongs to, e.g., Spanish or English (English spell correction is   finite semantic expressions (low flexibility), because they are mainly
mainly focused in this paper). After that, the query is put into Spell    provided by the product vendors. The query log dataset can com-
Checker to verify the validity. If valid, directly return the original    plement these missed contents. Therefore, the query log dataset is
query as final result; if not, pass the query into Spell Corrector. In    incrementally feed into the initial model so that the model can cap-
Spell Corrector, the invalid query will be corrected by all of means      ture more information. Along with the increase of embedding model
synchronously, e.g., word correction, word breaking, word con-            coverage, additional noise (misspelled words) is also introduced.
catenation, fat finger typing error, and so on. This procedure may        The two datasets, especially the user query log, contain sizable
generate multiple candidates based on different correction compo-         misspelling errors. The occurrences of some error bigram words
nents. Then these candidates are ranked based on the closeness of         are very high (very popular), which is hard to be removed based on
their word vectors clustering. Finally, the best candidate is returned    threshold mechanisms. Wikipedia dataset based embedding model
as the correction result. In addition, the proposed dictionary works      is adopted to trim the incorrect contents from the already trained
through the whole architecture.                                           model due to its higher coverage and diluted percentage of those
Multi-Candidate Ranking Algorithm Based Spell Correction                                          SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France

                                                                            2. Word Breaking: It is to break a misspelled word into multiple
                                                                         valid words. In addition, the combination of the words should make
                                                                         sense. For example, "cordlessdrill" -> "cordless drill".
                                                                            3. Word Concatenation: It is to concatenate multiple valid or
                                                                         invalid words into one valid word. Maybe the original words are
                                                                         all valid, but their combination does not make sense. The invalid
                                                                         combination is called real word error. For example, "dish washer"
                                                                         -> "dishwasher".
                                                                            4. Fat Finger Typing Error: Similar to Word Corrector, it adopts
                                                                         keyboard layout to retrieve all of the possible correction words
                                                                         rather than using phonetics matching. For example, "gloor" ->
                                                                         "floor" where "g" is near to "f" on the keyboard.
                                                                            5. Digit & Special Character Error Corrector: Similar to alphabetic
                                                                         characters word corrector, it is to identify if the digits or special
                                                                         characters of the query are useless or not. Then go for different
                                                                         correction methods based on the identification. For example, "drill1"
                                                                         -> "drill".
                                                                            6. Unit Word Corrector: It is used to correct misspelled unit words,
                                                                         most of the unit words in the query are followed by a numeric token.
                                                                         For example, "18 voult drill" -> "18 volt drill".

                                                                         4.2    Structures of Different Spell Corrector
                                                                         Generally, these spell corrector components can be organized as
                                                                         two kinds of structures: Cascade Structure and Parallel Structure.
                                                                            4.2.1 Cascade Structure. As shown in Figure 3, all of the correc-
Figure 2: Integration Diagram of Different Datasets Based                tor components are cascaded one by one. Every component has a
Embedding Models                                                         user determined threshold (passing occurrence). For any specific
                                                                         component, if the occurrence of the correction result is higher than
                                                                         the threshold, it will be returned as the final result; if not, go to
errors. In addition, the Wikipedia model can also be used to validate    the next corrector component. The cascade structure has lower
whether a given bigram is a proper phrase or not in the bigram           CPU runtime complexity. However, it may be stuck with some sub-
co-occurrence model.                                                     optimal correction result. For example, suppose the best correction
   Based on the constructed model, all of feature vectors of the         result of a query should be gotten from Word Concatenation (Com-
existing words can be generated by it. So the similarity score of the    ponent NO. 3). But the occurrence of the correction result from
bigram words can be calculated via Equation (1).                         Word Corrector (Component NO. 1) has been higher than the given
                                                                         threshold. Then the final result is not the best one. So it depends on
                                         v®a · v®b                       the cascade order of the correction components and the threshold
                    S(w a , wb ) = cos θ =                        (1)
                                           va vb                         of every component. However, it is hard to change or tune them to
   where S(w a , wb ) represents the similarity score of the bigram      get the best performance, which varies for different queries.
words w a and wb ; θ represents the angle between the words w a
and wb ; va represents the feature vector of word w a ; vb represents       4.2.2 Parallel Structure. As shown in Figure 4, all of the cor-
the feature vector of word wb .                                          rection components can also be organized in a parallel structure.
                                                                         Different from the cascade structure, all of the possible correction
                                                                         results of the corrector components can be obtained. Then these
                                                                         candidates can be put into a ranking system (Described in Section
4.1 Introduction of Different Spell Corrector                            5) to get the best one. The advantage of the parallel structure is
    Components                                                           the global optimal feature of the correction results. In addition, the
In the proposed spell correction, multiple correction candidates can     defined thresholds are not required. However, it needs more CPU
be generated by means of different correction components listed as       power than the cascade structure. In the proposed spell correction,
follows:                                                                 the parallel structure is adopted to get the best correction result.
   1. Word Corrector: It is mainly referred to single misspelled
word correction. Given a misspelled word, all of the pronunciation       5     RANKING MODEL
similar words are retrieved based on phonetics matching. Among           In this paper, the ranking model of spell correction acts as a sorter
the retrieved words, the one with the smallest edit distance is chosen   and selector of the generated correction candidates. In this section,
as the best correction result. For example, "garadge" -> "garage".       two kinds of ranking models are presented: unigram word & bigram
SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France                                                                                   Wang et al.

                                                                 5.1    Unigram Word & Bigram Words Occurrence
                                                                        Based Ranking Model and The Problems
                                                                 For a given corpus, the occurrence of every existing unigram word
                                                                 & bigram words can be gotten through occurrence accumulation.
                                                                 The occurrence can reflect the popularity of the unigram word
                                                                 and the bigram words. For single word candidate, its ranking score
                                                                 can be defined as the occurrence of the unigram word. Similarly,
                                                                 for two-word candidate, its ranking score can be defined as the
                                                                 occurrence of the bigram words. However, not all of the candidates
                                                                 are only composed of single word or two words. As the number of
                                                                 words increasing from 2 to more, it is impossible to record every n-
                                                                 gram occurrence for computation. As for the candidates containing
                                                                 more than three words, the following equation is used to calculate
                                                                 the occurrence of the candidate.

                                                                                         Oq =         O(w i , w i+1 )                 (2)
                                                                    where Oq represents the occurrence of the candidate; n rep-
                                                                 resents the number of the words in the candidate; w i represents
                                                                 the ith word; O(w i , w i+1 ) represents the occurrence of the bigram
                                                                 words w i and w i+1 .
                                                                    Based on the above method, all of the candidates have the occur-
                                                                 rence value. Therefore, for multiple correction candidates of a given
                                                                 query, these candidates can be ranked based on their occurrences.
                 Figure 3: Cascade Structure
                                                                    However, the method also has three drawbacks:
                                                                    1. The occurrence depends on the quality of the source data. If
                                                                 the source data contains much noises, the occurrences of some
                                                                 wrong bigram words are also very big.
                                                                    2. Suppose there are more than one kind of data sources (e.g.,
                                                                 user query log and product catalog), for a given candidate, every
                                                                 data source may have an occurrence. However, it is hard to combine
                                                                 the occurrences together for the same candidate because different
                                                                 data sources have different noise level and different signal coverage.
                                                                    3. In Equation (2), the occurrence of the candidate is defined as
                                                                 the mean value of the bigram words occurrences. But the variance
                                                                 of the bigram words occurrences is not considered. Suppose there
                                                                 are two candidates, one of them has big mean and big variance; the
                                                                 other one has small mean and small variance. It is hard to conclude
                                                                 which one is better.
                                                                    Therefore, a novel ranking model is proposed to solve the above

                                                                 5.2    Word Embedding Based Ranking Model
                                                                 As described in Section 3, a novel word embedding based dictionary
                                                                 is generated. The dictionary is combined with the product catalog
                                                                 dataset, the query log dataset and the related Wikipedia dataset
                                                                 based on word embedding mechanism. They works as different roles
                                                                 in the integration. The product catalog dataset acts as an initial
                 Figure 4: Parallel Structure                    model builder; the user query log dataset acts as an incremental data
                                                                 feeder; the related Wikipedia dataset acts as a data validator. In other
                                                                 words, the first two datasets are used to build a Core Embedding
                                                                 Model(CEM) and the Wikipedia dataset is used to build an Auxiliary
                                                                 Embedding Model(AEM), where all of the noises and incorrectly
words occurrence based ranking model, and word embedding based   paired words in CEM are removed by cross validation with the
ranking model.                                                   information contained in the AEM. This integration mechanism
Multi-Candidate Ranking Algorithm Based Spell Correction                                        SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France

      Figure 5: The Generation of The Centroid Vector

                                                                        Figure 6: The Centroid Vector Based On The Perpendicular
solves Problem 1 and Problem 2 in Section 5.1. In order to solve        Distance
Problem 3, different ranking metrics are proposed.
   In order to best describe the validity of a given phrase contain-
ing multiple words, a good ranking metric should be robust to the
                                                                                                           i=1 v®i
number of words and represent the closeness of the word vectors.
Based on the Word2Vec models, the valid n-grams words tends to                                    Ĉ® =                .                      (4)
cluster closely in the embedding space. Therefore, for any given
multi-word candidate, the spreadness of the set of embedded vec-           This centroid vector is pointing to the center of the polygon or
tors corresponding to those words could be a good indicator of how      polytope formed by the given set of word vector projections on the
likely this candidate is valid. The less spread the word vectors, the   surface of the unit n-sphere centered at the origin. Furthermore,
more likely the candidate is valid. Then, by calculating the average    the distances from all the word vectors for the given phrase to it
distance of all the vectors to their centroid vector, a ranking score   could describe the spreadness of the words. Intuitively, less spread
can be generated to define the validity of the candidate. Mathemat-     means better. The solution vector C usually lies in the interior of
ically, it is a Least Squares optimization problem in n-dimensional     the polygon or polytope as shown in Figure 5, which is not a unit
vector space. As shown in Figure 5, the centroid vector C needs to      vector, thus not on the surface of the n-sphere. The solution is
be fitted by a set of word vectors A1 , A2 and A3 in a given phrase.    unique.
   Goal and Metric:                                                        Another choice could be the centroid obtained from the spherical
   1. For a given phrase, the centroid vector should satisfy that its   K-means method, where K = 1 in this case. The centroid vector
distances to all the word vectors could be calculated and aggregated    C needs to minimize the sum of squared perpendicular distances
to describe the spreadness/closeness of word vectors.                   from all other vectors to itself, as shown in Figure 6. The objective
   2. The metric need to capture the outliers such that if any words    function is
are more distant to the center than the others, then all the words in
the phrase as a whole should not be considered coherent enough                                             Õ
than the case where all the word vectors have similar distances to              f (v, C) = ArдminC ∈R d          [sin(v®i , C) ∗ ∥v®i ∥]2 .   (5)
the center. Squared distance is a good choice here.                                                        i=1
   Objective Function Choices:                                            vi is an unit vector, it can be transformed as
   Based on the above requirements, an objective function is pro-
posed, which is in terms of the Euclidean distances of the center to                                           n
all the tips of the polytope formed by the word vectors (d dimen-                   f v, C) = ArдminC ∈R d           [1 − cos2 (v®i , C)]
sional space):                                                                                                 i=1
                                       Õ              2
                                                                                           = ArдminC ∈R d            [1− < v®i , C® > ].
             f (v, C) = ArдminC ∈R d          v®i − C® ,         (3)                                           i=1
                                        i=1                                The solution to the equation is not unique and the iterative ap-
   where the center C should have the property such that the sum        proximation method is not guaranteed to converge. This method is
of the squared distances from all the words in a candidate should       more closely related to the plane fitting method in high dimensional
be minimized. Since this is a quadratic equation, by taking the first   spaces. One other method closely related to the spherical K-means
order derivative and setting it to 0, the solution can be obtained:     has the following objective function:
SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France                                                                                           Wang et al.

                                                                             (10) Dimension word related queries (13,498 terms), e.g., "4in.x
                                     Õ                                    4in. wall tile" for correct one "4in. x 4in. wall tile", occupies about
          f (v, C) = ArдminC ∈R d           [1 − cos(v®i , C)],    (7)    0.64% of total queries.
                                      i=1                                    All of the queries are labelled by Microsoft Bing spell correction
   which seeks to minimize the loss of the similarities and their         API [23] as ground truth. Since Google does not provide with API
maximum value 1. This method has the same drawbacks as the                service for spell correction, it cannot be used for the evaluation.
previous one does. Therefore, Equation (3) is chosen as the objective
function of the ranking metric in this paper.                             6.2    Evaluation Method
   After comparisons, the ranking metric is proposed as the mean
squared distance of all the tips of the polytope formed by word           The testing dataset is divided into correct queries and different
vectors to the center C :                                                 error types. The correction accuracy (see Equation (9)) can be used
                                                                          to describe the evaluation performance.
                             Ín             ® 2
                               i=1 ∥v®i − Ĉ ∥                                                                Ncor r ect ion
                      D̂ =                        ,                (8)                         Paccur acy =
                                     n                                                                          Ntot al
   where D̂ is the spreadness score of the ranking metric; the center
vector C is obtained from the Euclidean distance based objective             where Paccur acy represents the correction accuracy; Ncor r ect ion
functions as shown in Equation (3). It could correctly capture the        represents the number of algorithm-modified (e.g., THD spell cor-
spreadness of the word vectors and has the range [0, n]. Smaller          rection) results which are the same with ground truth; Ntot al rep-
                                                                          resents the number of correct queries or the number of queries in
value D̂ indicates better result (more closeness of the word vectors
                                                                          some specific error type.
in the phrase).
                                                                             For the correct queries, the correction accuracy can also be called
                                                                          true positive rate or recall. For different error types, true negative
                                                                          rate can be derived from the correction accuracy.
In this experiment, different kinds of evaluations are implemented
on a collected testing dataset. It involves the comparisons between
                                                                          6.3    Result
THD spell correction with the presented algorithms (word em-
bedding based dictionary generation, multi-candidate generation,
word embedding based ranking model) and that without them.                   The 2 million Bing-labelled queries dataset has totally 10 differ-
In addition, the proposed THD spell correction is also compared           ent correction types. As shown in Table 1, (1) correct queries are
with Lucene spell correction [7]. All of the testing are specified in     represented by "Correct"; (2) brand name errors are represented by
different correction types.                                               "Brand"; (3) non-word errors are represented by "NWE"; (4) real
                                                                          word errors are represented by "RWE"; (5) word breaking errors
6.1    Evaluation Dataset                                                 are represented by "Break"; (6) word concatenation errors are rep-
The testing dataset contains correct queries and 9 error types of         resented by "Concatenate"; (7) phonetics errors are represented by
queries, collecting from THD query log. It has 2,095,028 terms            "Phonetic"; (8) product type errors are represented by "Product"; (9)
totally.                                                                  unit word errors are represented by "Unit"; (10) dimension errors
   (1) Correct queries (1,559,534 terms), occupies about 74.44% of        are represented by "Dim".
total queries.                                                               In addition, the following correction algorithms are compared
   (2) Brand name related errors (4,678 terms), e.g., "ryoby drill" for   based on the dataset:
correct spelling "ryobi drill", occupies about 0.22% of total queries.       (1) THD spell correction with bigram co-occurrence model (de-
   (3) Non-word errors (10,083 terms), e.g., "garage door openr" for      scribed in Section 3.1), and cascade structure of corrector compo-
correct spelling "garage door opener", occupies about 0.48% of total      nents (described in Section 4.2.1), is the first version of THD spell
queries.                                                                  correction and is represented as "THD SC v1".
   (4) Real word errors (1,528 terms), e.g., "mug knife" for correct         (2) THD spell correction with word embedding based context
one "mud knife", occupies about 0.07% of total queries.                   dictionary (described in Section 3), parallel structure based multi-
   (5) Word breaking errors (10,594 terms), e.g., "firepit" for correct   candidate generation (4), and word embedding based ranking model
one "fire pit", occupies about 0.51% of total queries.                    (described in Section 5), is the second version of THD spell correc-
   (6) Word concatenation errors (89,762 terms), e.g., "night light       tion and is represented as "THD SC v2".
replace ment bulbs" for correct one "night light replacement bulbs",         (3) Lucene spell correction [7], is represented as "Lucene SC".
occupies about 4.28% of total queries.                                       As shown in Table 1, THD spell correction v1 performs better
   (7) Phonetics related errors (345,323 terms), e.g., "foto frame" for   than Lucene spell correction on overall correction accuracy. For
correct one "photo frame", occupies about 16.48% of total queries.        different types of queries, THD spell correction v1 also has higher
   (8) Product types related errors (9,490 terms), e.g., "hamer drill"    accuracy than Lucene spell correction except real word error type.
for correct one "hammer drill", occupies about 0.45% of total queries.    The biggest difference between THD spell correction v1 and Lucene
   (9) Unit word related errors (50,538 terms), e.g., "12 vot cordless    spell correction is that the first method adopts bigram co-occurrence
drill" for correct one "12 volt cordless drill", occupies about 2.41%     model to get the context information among the words of a given
of total queries.                                                         phrase. The experiment results prove that adopting the context
Multi-Candidate Ranking Algorithm Based Spell Correction                                                     SIGIR 2019 eCom, July 2019, Paris, France

                          Table 1: Spell Correction Comparison on 2 Million Bing-Labelled Queries Dataset

                 Correct      Brand       NWE        RWE      Break        Concatenate       Phonetic         Product         Unit         Dim         Overall
   Count         1,559,534     4678      10,083      1,528    10,594         89,762           345,323           9,490        50,538       13,498       2,095,028
 THD SC v1        91.57%      64.71%     42.94%     15.05%    22.71%         25.25%           40.96%           62.17%        33.19%       23.76%        77.71%
 THD SC v2        95.36%      67.36%     43.18%     17.24%    23.07%         24.29%           40.03%           64.98%        32.25%       23.37%        80.32%
 Lucene SC        81.24%      43.50%     26.10%     21.92%     4.18%         13.97%           20.72%           48.23%        10.76%        5.72%        65.26%

information is a huge benefit to increase correction accuracy. How-           data can be feed into a deep neural network for the real word errors
ever, due to some noises issues existing in the bigram co-occurrence          checking and correcting.
model, some wrong bigram words also have high occurrences, e.g.,
popular error "dish washer". It results in a low performance on the
correction of the real word errors.                                           REFERENCES
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We thank our colleagues, Yuemeng Li, Mingzi Cao, Felipe Castrillon,
Nagaraj Palanichamy for assistance with the software development
and experiments, and Surya Kallumadi for comments that greatly
improved this paper.