=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2413/paper14 |storemode=property |title= Value Model-based Digital Transformation of Business Processes in Enterprises |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2413/paper14.pdf |volume=Vol-2413 |authors=Petr Pashkov,Antonina Moshegova }} == Value Model-based Digital Transformation of Business Processes in Enterprises == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2413/paper14.pdf
    Value Model-based Digital Transformation of Business
                 Processes in Enterprises

          Petr Pashkov1[0000-0002-5559-9837] and Antonina M oshegova2[0000-0002-7775-2396]
       Novosibirsk State University of Economics and M anagement, 56 Kamenskaya Street,
                                   Novosibirsk 630099, Russia
       Novosibirsk State University of Economics and M anagement, 56 Kamenskaya Street,
                                   Novosibirsk 630099, Russia

         Abstract. In the process of digital transformation, the authors prioritize business
         engineering based on digital products realized by interaction among participants
         of a digital business ecosystem. Creating a business in a digital environment sug-
         gests compliance with the value parameters determined by the digital business
         model of the product in business processes. In designing and adjusting the busi-
         ness processes realizing digital business model, a targeted model of management
         should be formed, allowing consideration of the parameters of the digital busi-
         ness model values. Orientation on corporate values without considering the val-
         ues of the digital business ecosystem participants is an essential disadvantage of
         the existing approaches to development of the digital model of business manage-
         ment. The study presents an approach to digital transformation of business pro-
         cesses based on a value model. The study method includes analysis of the role of
         the value-oriented approach in digital transformation of companies, selection of
         the ways of digital transformation of business processes of a business model, re-
         view of the methods and tools of value-oriented business management, and de-
         scription of the approach to creating a targeted value-oriented business process
         management model. This model connects the value model and the targeted busi-
         ness process management model, allowing design and adjustment of business
         processes in accordance with the value parameters of a digital business model.
         The requirements for the value model are determined at the stage of designing a
         digital business model. These requirements should be used in developing a tar-
         geted model of managing a cross-organizational business process, arising in in-
         teraction of the participants forming the joint product in the digital business eco-
         system. The proposed approach is now being tested in the enterprises, involved
         in digital transformation.

         Keywords: business process, value-oriented business model, digital transfor-

1        Introduction

Formation and development of digital economy, the leading driver of the Fourth Indus-
trial Revolution, based on the use of cyber-physical systems, is becoming an important

Proceedings of the XXII International Conference “Enterprise Engineering and Knowledge
M anagement” April 25-26, 2019, M oscow, Russia
strategic task for industrially developed countries. Transition to the digital economy,
implying large-scale use of IT not only for data processing but also for managing en-
terprises is usually referred to as digital transformation (DT). The goal of DT is to raise
the efficacy of companies, which will lead to improved competitiveness and adjustabil-
ity to growth in a turbulent environment. One of the positive effects of DT is the possi-
bility and necessity of existing under conditions of digital interaction among the partic-
ipants of a business ecosystem (manufacturers, intermediaries, customers) based on the
principles of value distribution, normally referred to as distributive economy, also
called distributism.
    The key idea underlying implementation of DT adopted by most approaches consists
in development of a digital business model (DBM), which not only reflects the value
proposition to the customer but also demonstrates the ways it is done and provided by
digital technologies in the course of interaction among stakeholders.
    Implementation of the DT processes generates, in our opinion, certain research chal-
lenges, namely:
 Underdevelopment of the methods of assessment and commensuration of values in
  the course of business simulation, which makes development of common DBM and
  distribution of values among the participants difficult;
 The absence of the methods of applying the value-oriented approach (VOA) to en-
  gineering of business processes (BP) in the digital environment, which complicates
  the perspective of DBM implementation;
 The absence of an approach to improvement of BPs in the enterprise and among its
  stakeholders under conditions of the DT based on a general structured model of val-
  ues, which reduces promptness of changing the DBM under conditions of fast
  changes in the business environment.

The goal of the proposed study is to develop an approach to improvement of BPs of an
enterprise under conditions of DT based on the model of product values. To this goal,
the following problems have been solved: analysis of the role of the VOA in the process
of DT of an enterprise and of the methods of DT of BPs considering the value -based
parameters of the business model; the methods and tools of value-oriented management
of BPs are reviewed; an approach is proposed to development of a targeted value -ori-
ented model of BP management.

2      The Role of the Value-oriented Approach in the Process of
       Digital Transformation of Enterprises

A digital economy is characterized by mutual dependence of businesses and the IT as-
pects of their activities. It is considered that business strategies are the most significant
driver of changes for a traditional economy. For the digital economy, appearance of a
new highly effective technology, opening up business development perspectives, may
become such a driver [1]. A push-pull model, according to which business requirements
pull the business, and IT push it, is characteristic of the digital economy.
    Development of the technologies of social networks, the Internet of Things (IoT),
cloud computing, mobile computers and big data, as well as emergence of devices al-
lowing operation of these technologies, creates conditions for intense expansion of dig-
ital environment, which is understood as the totality of digital information, digital pro-
cesses and digital infrastructure (digital devices and platforms), as well as actions re-
lating to management of digital processes towards development of a digital economy.
    Modern companies based on digital platforms use digital environment to form and
develop their own digital business ecosystems (DBE), a network of sustainable inter-
actions among an enterprise, its suppliers, partners and customers (organizations and
individuals), in order to provide maximu m value to all its participants. As a result of
DBE development, the boundaries between a company and its environment fuse, lead-
ing to implementation of digital strategies based on transition to innovative DBM.
    According to [2], a business model provides a competitive strength to a company by
describing the critical success factors; therefore, it is a more significant element of busi-
ness architecture than a company’s mission, strategy and the cash flow plan. A DBM
reflects the principles of doing business and considers such aspects as availability of a
digital platform, digital content, digital interaction with customers and partners.
    However, in a digital economy, a business model becomes not only an element of
business planning but also a mechanism of managing an enterprise and the processes
of its digitalization. In this regard, the radical shift of the paradigm of enterprise digi-
talization should be noted: whereas at the starting stage of the digitalization era, re-
search based on an information model was the basic approach to development of infor-
mation systems, followed by automation of BPs, now, at the time of movement towards
the digital economy, design and realization of DBMs are viewed as the basic approach
    In developing a DBM, dynamic features of the DBE should be considered, which,
according to [3], include the following: a short life of a business model due to fast
changes in technologies; the necessity of orientation not on resources but on dynamic
business opportunities; turbulence of business ecosystems, caused by complex inter-
actions among their participants; the possibility of intra-industrial diversification and
synchronized business behavior of its stakeholders. Hence, the key elements of anal-
yzing a DBE are the following: digital platforms, social trends, practices and business
opportunities of companies. It is important not only to examine the way a value is cre-
ated but also the way it is used and distributed among the participants of a DBE. In this
regard, a search for the balance of interests of different types of stakeholders on the
basis of coordination and mutual alignment of values remains to be a complex theoret-
ical issue [4]. To solve the problem in the framework of the VDEE (values-directed
enterprise engineering) approach [4], the principle was determined and the method of
delineating the environment of enterprise values was substantiated.
    Relating to business models, the issues of values are considered in the course of
designing a value proposition by comparing the factor of benefit for the customers to
their needs and the necessity of fulfilling a task or solving a problem [2]. Hence, in the
context of a business model, a value may be understood as the attitude of a customer to
the proposed product, which should be expressed in the terms describing the customer’s
needs. Then the customer, based on utility and price, will take a decision whether to
buy the product having the given properties.
   It is evident that the concept of the value is much deeper than the utility of products.
One can identify cultural, ethical, aesthetical, economic, material, financial and other
values. Being different in nature, values are united by a common property: they are
used as principles in decision-making. Traditionally, in developing a DBM, economic
values are primarily used. There are two approaches to their estimation: the user value
(utility) and the exchanged value (cost, or commodity cost). However, due to the ne-
cessity of distributing values in the DBE and of maintaining the balance among stake-
holders, the use of values in the DBM has not only the evaluating but also operational
   Now DBMs are used as an inseparable element of DT realization. In literature, cer-
tain frameworks are provided, describing the DT process in a DBE [1, 3, 5, 6]. Sum-
ming up these approaches, the following phases of the DT process may be identified:
business design; organization design; modeling IT architecture; systemic prototyping;
and business development. A DBM is developed in the phase of business design, which
presupposes selection and testing of the business model, including analysis of distribu-
tion of values among participants of the value network, in which companies collaborate
in manufacturing a complex product [7]. The process of designing the DBM for a value
network, according to the e3value approach, proceeds as follows:

 Identifying technological business ideas;
 Determining priorities and choosing a technological business idea;
 Developing a hierarchy of values;
 Designing an elementary and/or multiple network of values;
 Assessing the economic sustainability of the network of values; providing economic
  assessment of each network participant.

For practical use of this approach, Internet engineering [7] is used, in which the ex-
changed value is used as a criterion of value.

3      Digital Transformation of Business Processes in the
       Framework of Implementing the Digital Strategies of

A business model is an idea to be implemented. According to [8], a business model is
represented by BPs performing the role of a link between a business strategy, a busi-
ness model and current operations. BPs are modeled in the course of DT in the phase
of organization design.
    The DT process produces certain requirements for design and management of BPs:
targeted management, required to maintain the proportions of the value model under
conditions of network interaction; promptness of deployment of making changes, at-
tributed to the dynamic nature of bus iness models in a DBE. These requirements may
be realized, based on the modern concept of BP management (BPM) and of the system
of the BPMS class.
    The key principle of the BPM concept is creating values for customers by forming
customer-oriented BPs, the efficacy of which is evaluated on the basis of customer sat-
isfaction using approved tools: a map of the value creating chain, ABC analysis, statis-
tical control methods, etc. BPMS software complexes, automatically generating busi-
ness applications based on an IT platform are an environment for promoting the BPM
concept. Such powerful tools are a necessary condition for BPs in DT but it is not a
sufficient condition, as implementation of BPs of the network business in a DBE has a
number of features: distribution; dynamism, and the necessity of realizing the set pa-
rameters of network values. The status -quo requires application of an operation ap-
proach to value-oriented management of BPs, to ensure better control of delivering the
value to the customers and of distributing the values in the network.
    In this regard, the concept of the product value in relation to BP management should
be specified. In the BPM-discourse, this concept is often misinterpreted, and a certain
thing (for example, a commodity or material) is often identified with a value, which in
fact is a “metaphysical” category, manifested in the attitude of an individual or a group
to the product proposed to him/them. Hence, according to [9], a conclusion is made that
a value may “flow” through a “value-creating chain” or a “value-creating flow”. In
addition, statements can be found that a value is an imminent characteristic of a product
or that a value may be added by a process action. In this context, such notions as a
value-creating chain or a value-creating flow begin to be understood literally. As a mat-
ter of fact, a value, as a subjective attitude, is not an internal characteristic of a product,
and, as it is not substantive, it cannot be transferred or provided, etc., it cannot be added
to a product or service. On the other hand, each step of a process may improve percep-
tion of a product value by a customer.
    These ideas should be considered, to ensure correct development of a targeted model
of managing BPs, oriented on customer values and containing mechanisms of aligning
the values and objectives of a BP. It is to be noted that the issue of building a targeted
model of BP management corresponding to customer values is not sufficiently investi-
gated. In particular, questions arise relating to the metho ds of selecting values, their
assessment and co-measurement, the principles of establishing ties between values and
objectives and determining the role of a value in assessing the efficacy of BPs in terms
of the end result. In the context of enterprise engineering, these issues are investigated
in [4], and the provided recommendations should be used for solving the problem.

4      Methods and Tools of Value-oriented Business Process

There are publications which contain recommendations on applying values to the man-
agement processes in finance, enterprise engineering, designing enterprise architecture
and BP management. An important area of value-oriented management is taking man-
agerial decisions, presupposing the choice of the best decision among many alt ernatives
based on the value criterion.
   Essential contribution to the theory of value-based decision-making was made by
Ralph Keeney and Howard Raiffa, who developed the multi-attribute utility theory
(MAUT) [10, pp, 5-7], in which they proposed a paradigm for analyzing decisions,
consisting of five steps: preliminary analysis; structural analysis; uncertainty analysis,
analysis of utility or value; the optimization procedure. In this, a decision -making tree
is built, consisting of decision nodes and case nodes, for which probabilities are found.
Then the decision-maker (DM) finds the numerical equivalents for utility (value) for
the effects related to a certain decision and then finds an optimal decision by maximi z-
ing the expected utility. The authors of the theory proposed a paradigm of value-focused
thinking (VFT), based on a value-based decision-making approach. This approach is
compared to the commonly used approach of alternative-oriented decision-making
[11]. In accordance with the VFT framework, the decision-making process should be
started not by searching for alternatives but by building a decision -making model, based
on values in choosing the objectives, thus essentially improving the process of search-
ing for alternatives and the decision-making process.
   In building a value-oriented model of decision-making (the value-oriented model),
the following components are identified:
 Values of the DM, used as principles for choosing a set of objectives;
 Objectives, indicated in the context of strategic decis ions and organized as a hier-
 Goals oriented on achieving objectives and organized as a network;
 Alternatives from which a decision is selected;
 Attributes of goals, allowing quantitative estimation;
 Criteria allowing the degree of goal achievement to be assessed;
 Compromises allowing comparison of contradictory goals;
 Restrictions used for eliminating unacceptable alternatives.

This model allows decision-making focused on values. To consider the risks, inter-
changeability and multiple criteria, it is reasonable to apply the mathematical methods
developed in the framework of the MAUT theory. The MAUT value model, unlike
attributes, which provide a measure for achieving a specific objective, ensures a com-
mon structure for uniting various attributes. Depending on the situation, during deci-
sion-making a value model may be either a function of measured preference or a utility
   The possibilities of applying the VOA to management of BPs are now actively dis -
cussed in literature. In [12], it is proposed to use the value framework for BPM, con-
taining the following set of corporate values: quality, flexibility, efficacy, standardi-
zation and compliance with requirements, an external network, internal alignment, in-
novations, and preservation of traditions.
   In [9], the use of VOA in BPM is investigated, offering an approach to value -based
management of BPs and identifying “use value” and “exchange value”. The Ropt
method, based on estimating the exchange value in terms of financial payback fro m
design and reengineering of a BP, is recommended.
   An approach to value-oriented BP engineering is proposed in [13]. Here an adapted
VFT framework is used in relation to business processes of managing human resources.
Connection is indicated between the model of values based on the methods of the multi-
attribute utility theory and BP models built according to EPC notation (event-driven
process chain).
    The above approaches are focused on achievement of corporate goals and do not
directly take the values for customers and other participants of digital interaction into
consideration. However, conceptual ideas obtained in these studies may be used in de-
veloping an approach to value-oriented targeted business management (VTBM) in dig-
ital business transformation.

5      An Approach to Improvement of Business Processes at an
       Enterprise under Conditions of Digital Transformation Based
       on the Value-focused Model

Currently, significant expertise has been accumulated in the area of practical applica -
tion of VOA, in particular, in the IT industry, where the use of VOA in BP manage-
ment has become a norm, which is reflected in certain standards of IT management:
Val IT Framework, The Open Group IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, and COBIT 5.
In particular, the business model of COBIT 5 indicates that creating a business value
for the customer based on adjustment of the stakeholder needs to the high -level objec-
tives of an enterprise is one of the principles of applying this standard.
   Another practical application of VOA is electronic business. In [1] different aspects
of value distribution in e-business models are provided, and an approach to designing
a networked e-business n a DBE is proposed, beginning with building a DBM up to
developing an IT system prototype. The approach is illustrated by case studies.
   Examples of practical application of VOA in the framework of the VDEE concept
to realize the procedures of architectural analysis of DT options and of risk manage -
ment are provided in [14]. In [15], the use of this concept for solving a practical task of
building a competency environment, as well as for using the competency model as a
value model, is described.
   In [5], creating complex products in a distributed DBE is investigated. According to
the proposed method, the use of stakeholders’ value models is one of the key elements
of the process of creating a business and its realization. A high -level model of objec-
tives is developed at the starting stage, which is then adjusted to the requirements for
the architecture of a decentralized ecos ystem, and the roles of the participants and their
values are described.
   This confirms the necessity of applying VOA to creation of a networked e-business;
however, the issues of using the value models are localized as part of designing and
testing business models and are not brought to engineering of BPs realizing the business
model. The latter essentially restricts the role of the value model in the process of e -
business management.
   To sum up, the value-oriented approaches of business management are actively de-
veloping in the framework of traditional busines s, where the value model is focused on
achievement of corporate goals. At the same time, in the framework of network e -busi-
ness, the significance of the value model is recognized, though its use is restricted to
designing business models.
    In our opinion, the joint use of these concepts will allow implementation of an ap-
proach to DT of business processes in the framework of implementation of complex
digital business models, ensuring compliance with the parameters of the stakeholders’
values distributed in the network. In the process of DT, in designing a digital product,
it is necessary to develop a VTBM, meant to ensure realization of a value concept and
the possibility of making prompt changes considering the market behavior. The princi-
ple of creating a VTBM model is shown in Fig. 1 (with EPC-notation). VTBM (the left-
hand part of Fig.1) contains a model of values, management objectives and means -ends.
The means-ends are adjusted to the functions of the business process model (the right-
hand part of Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The principle of creating a value-oriented targeted business management model with EPC-

   Creation of such a model should proceed in the course of developing a digital prod-
uct at the stages of designing the business model and of organizational design of the
digital product. The approach to creating a VTBM model in the context of developing
a digital product proposed by us is shown in Table 1. The requirements for the value
model are determined at the stage of designing a digital business model, containing
requirements for the value proposition for the customer and economic value for the
participants of creating the digital product.
   These requirements should be used in developing a targeted model of managing a
cross-organizational BP, arising in interaction of the participants forming the joint prod-
uct in the digital business ecosystem.

Table 1. Description of development of a value-oriented targeted business management model
                         in the context of designing a digital product
Designing a digital product               Developing a value-oriented targeted business man-
                                          agement model
                             Designing the digital business model
1. Revealing, prioritizing and selecting Revealing customer needs, analyzing the potential of
   a technological business idea          value creation
2. Analyzing business scenarios           Determining the aspects of creating a value proposi-
                                          tion and of value objects, and determining the tem-
                                          poral value characteristics
3. Forming a value proposition            Developing a hierarchy of values
4. Designing a value creation network    Distributing values among the digital product partic-
5. Testing the business model on the     Determining the economic values of the participants
   basis of modeling a revenue flow      of network interaction
                                     Organization design
1. Developing the vision of the digital   Developing a value model of a digital business eco-
   product                                system
2. Functional modeling of the digital     Developing a value model
3. M odeling the cross-organizational    Developing a value-oriented targeted model for
   BP                                    managing the main BP of the digital business eco-
4. Determining the requirements for the Developing the attributes of the objectives, criteria
   business services of the participants and restrictions for analyzing and evaluating the ef-
   of the ecosystem                      ficacy the cross-organizational BP of the digital
                                         business ecosystem
The advantage of using a VTBM model is the possibility of assessing the efficacy of a
cross-organizational BP. For this purpose, such parameters as attributes, evaluation cri-
teria and restrictions are to be studied.

6      Conclusion

The following conclusions are made: 1) Selection and testing of a DBM, which has to
be analyzed in terms of distribution of values among the participants of digital col-
laboration, is becoming the key stage of planning in the process of DT of enterprises;
2) In designing and adjusting the BPs realizing DBM, a targeted model of management
 should be formed, allowing consideration and control of the parameters of the DBM
 values; 3) Orientation on corporate values without considering the values of the DBE
 participants is an essential disadvantage of the existing approaches to development of
 the digital model of business management. Based on that, the authors propose an ap-
 proach to develop a VTBM by identifying the connections between the functional goals
 of the business processes and the value model; the process of building a VTBM in the
 context of business design is described. The use of such a VTBM will allow control of
 compliance with the parameters of the DBM values and prompt adjustment of business
 processes to its changes. The proposed approach is now being tested in the enterprises
 of the air transportation industry and in the organizations of the financial and educa-
 tional sectors involved in DT.

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