=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2413/paper17 |storemode=property |title= Web Service for the Dissertation Opponents Selection Based on Ontological Approach |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2413/paper17.pdf |volume=Vol-2413 |authors=Tatiana Shulga,Alexander Sytnik,Svetlana Kumova,Dmitriy Isaev }} == Web Service for the Dissertation Opponents Selection Based on Ontological Approach == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2413/paper17.pdf
    Web service for the dissertation opponents selection
             based on ontological approach

    Tatiana Shulga [0000-0002-5521-5960], Alexander Sytnik [0000-0002-1256-7253] , Svetlana
            Kumova[0000-0002-8385-7047] and Dmitriy Isaev [0000-0002-9691-5250]

                      Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
                     77 Politechnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia, 410054

       Abstract. The report is devoted to the problem of presenting data on Russian
       scientists in format of linked open data. The domain of science in Russia is still
       poorly formalized in the form of ontologies, despite the availability of biblio-
       graphic and abstract databases, electronic scientific libraries, etc. For example,
       the information of dissertation councils` work published in the form of static
       pages or relational databases are closed for effective analysis on the web. One of
       the main tasks of any dissertation council is selection of official opponents for
       dissertation. Official opponents are appointed from among competent scientists
       who have publications on the topics of thesis. This report presents the first pro-
       totype of the web service for the dissertation opponents selection based on an
       ontological approach. This service will allow selecting candidates on the basis of
       their dissertation scientific specialty, city, academic degree (candidate or doctor
       of science) and analysis of their publications from the abstract systems and data-
       bases. In the first prototype the Russian scientific electronic library elibrary.ru is
       used, in the future it is possible to connect such systems as Scopus, Webof-
       Science, etc. Currently the web service has no analogues. Authors describe the
       structure of OWL-ontology which allows to present data on Russian scientists
       dissertations. The ontology is filled with data on more than 10,000 theses de-
       fended in Russia in 1990-2012. Presentation of data on scientists in the formats
       of the semantic web will allow the use of machine analysis methods in the field
       of scientific activity of the Russian Federation and thereby make it more open.

       Keywords: Opponents, thesis, dissertation, Linked Open Data, OWL-ontology,
       RDF-data, Semantic Web

1      Introduction

One of the modern concepts in the field of web technologies is the concept of “open
data”. It involves the data publication in special machine-readable formats without re-
strictions of copyright, patents and other control mechanisms. The governments of the
United States and many European countries are actively int roducing this concept into
life publishing in open formats the data processed in the public administration sector,
including data related to the education system and science (for example, [1,2]). Web

Proceedings of the XXII International Conference “Enterprise Engineering and Knowledge
M anagement” April 25-26, 2019, M oscow, Russia
services for the provision of scientific publications are being actively developed based
on an ontological approach. For example, the scientific and educational social network
"Socionet" [3] provides opportunities for semantic search and analysis of scientific pa-
pers. The system is based on the Socionet ontology. Another example of the ontologies
using in the scientific field is the electronic search system PubMed [4] which has a huge
publication base (more than 4,000 publications from around the world) on medical sub-
    In recent decades the Russia is actively going through the process of informatization
of research activities. In particular, a large number of bibliographic and abstract data-
bases, electronic scientific libraries appear. However, this area is still weakly formal-
ized as ontologies. First of all, this is due to the fact that the system of scientific activity
organization in the Russian Federation has quite a lot of formalisms that are absent in
countries that are pioneers in the field of ontological modeling.
    For example, such field of activity as the work of dissertation councils in Russia is
still sufficiently closed for effective analysis on the web. Data on the work of disserta-
tion councils are published either in the form of static web pages or generated on the
basis of relational databases and there are no special web applications for analyzing this
data. One of such applications can be a system for selecting opponents to defend a
thesis. This paper discusses the development of a web service for the selection of offi-
cial opponents based on an ontological approach.

2      Main Functions of the Web Service for the Official
       Opponents Selection

In the normative documents regulating the process of defending dissertations in Russia
[5], it is indicated that the main role in the assessment of the dissertation belongs to
opponents. So their selection and appointment is one of the main tasks of any disserta-
tion council. Note that official opponents are appointed from among competent scien-
tists who have publications on the topics of thesis and who have given their consent to
    The proposed system of selection of opponents will allow for the data entered (the
thesis topic, scientific specialty, keywords, branch of science, etc.) to find a scientist
for the role of an opponent in the defense of the dissertation. It is assumed that the
system will perform the following main functions:

 search for potential opponents based on the analysis of their (name, scientific spe-
  cialty, branch of science, city, academic degree - candidate or doctor of science,
 search for potential opponents bas ed on the analysis of publications from abstract
  systems and databases (in the first prototype the Russian scientific electronic library
  elibrary.ru will be used [6], in the future it is possible to connect such systems as
  Scopus, WebofScience, etc.) ;
 search for data of a specific scientist (the scientific specialty of their dissertation,
  degree (candidate or doctor of science), and the branch of science, his publications)
  for its suitability as an opponent of the stated dissertation.

   Obviously, the solution of these problems involves the integration of data from var-
ious sources (information about scientists and their publications). To solve these prob-
lems it is proposed to use the ontological approach which is one of the central ideas in
the concept of the semantic web and allows you to get a number of advantages when
using web applications, in particular, the possibility of automatic data integration, open-
ness, extensibility, which is difficult to implement using classic relational databases
   Therefore, it was decided to develop an ontology that will allow the submission of
data on dissertations of Russian scientists.

3      Ontology “Russian Scientists Theses“

The developed ontology is intended to provide data on dissertations defended in Russia
for the degree of candidate or doctor of science. The peculiarity of the thesis defense in
the Russian Federation is that each dissertation is defended in a specific scientific spe-
cialty (or in two specialties) from the approved list [7]. Each scientific specialty has a
code and a name (for example, 05.13.18 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods
and program complexes), and also corresponds to a branch (or several branches) of
sciences (for example, technical, physical and mathematical sciences, etc.)
    The process of ontology developing consisted of several stages. At the first stage, a
list of questions was compiled, which the ontology should answer. For example, “In
what scientific specialty was the thesis defended?”, “For what degree was the disserta-
tion defended?”, “In what year was the thesis defended?”, Etc.
    When developing ontologies, the following ontologies were taken as the basis.

1. The ontology “Specialties” [8] represents the structure of the official lists of special-
   ties and areas of training bachelors and masters, operating in recent years in Russia,
   and also a list of scientific specialties. Access to the ontology can be obtained
   through the SPARQL endpoint [9] or through the Web application Linked Open
   Specialties (LOSp) [10], whose interface is presented in Russian. Also, the ontology
   and the corresponding set of related data are available in the open source dictionary
   (Linked Open Vocabulary)[11].
2. The ontology of the description of a person's personality (FOAF) allows to submit
   information about the name, surname, patronymic, contacts, human connections, etc.

  On the basis of the formed questions and already existing classes in the selected
ontologies a list of ontology classes was compiled (Fig. 1).
   Fig. 1. The structure of the ontology classes “Russian Scientists Dissertations (Theses)”.

    We briefly describe the purpose of classes. The class “Dissertation” (rus.
“Диссертация”) is intended to present theses. Class “Scientist” (rus. “Ученный”) de-
scribes a person who has been awarded a degree. Class “Degree” (rus. “Ученная сте-
пень”) represents the level of the qualification system in science, which allows ranking
of scientists at certain stages of an academic career. In Russia, there are two academic
degrees (doctor and candidate of science). The class "Specialty" (rus.
“Специальность”) represents scientific specialties in which they can defend a thesis
in Russia. The class “Branch of Sciences” (rus. “Отрасль наук”) describes the scien-
tific branch to which the specialty belongs.
    The object properties and the data type properties of the ontology presented in Table
1 and 2.

                              Table 1. Ontology Object Properties
           Property name                                       Comments
 haveacademicdegree                        Binds classes "Dissertation" and " Degree." De-
                                           scribes a degree on which the dissertation was de-
 wasdefended                               Connects classes "Dissertation" and "Scientist". De-
                                           scribes a researcher who defended his thesis
 defendeddissertation                      Connects classes "Scientist" and "Dissertation". De-
                                           scribes the thesis that the scientist defended
 protectedbySpecificity                    Connects classes "Dissertation" and "Specialty".
                                           Describes the specialty for which the dissertation
                                           was defended
 referstobranchofscience                   Associates classes "Dissertation" and "Branch of
                                           Sciences." Describes the branch of science in which
                                           the dissertation was defended

                          Table 2. Data Type Properties of the ontology

         Property name                                     Комментарий
 Surname                               Describes the last name of a thesis researcher (line)
 Introduction                          Describes the introduction of the thesis (long line)
 CityofDefense                         Describes the city of thesis defense (string)
 Conclusion                            Describes the dissertation conclusion (long line)
    NamePatronymicname              Describes the name and patronymic of a thesis re-
                                    searcher (line)
    Numbero pages                   Describes the number of pages of the thesis (integer)
    Title                           Describes the title of the thesis, the branch of science to
                                    which the thesis relates (line)
    Content                         Describes the content of the thesis (long line)
    YearofDefense                   Describes the dissertation year (year)

The presented ontology was developed in the ontology editor Protégé.
The next stage of development is the filling of ontology. To fill the ontology with data
about dissertations of Russian scientists, it was written a parser of data from the scien-
tific electronic library of dissertations and abstracts disserСat [12]. The catalog of dis-
sertations in all specialties is presented on the main page of the site, so the task of the
parser is to unload all the dissertations that are available in the catalog and enter data
about them into the ontology. The parser was written in PHP.
    To fill the ontology with data the following data was obtained from the pages of
dissertations on the website disserСat:

 title of the thesis,
 author of the thesis,
 the year the dissertation was written,
 the degree for which the dissertation was defended,
 science,
 place of defense of the thesis,
 the name of the specialty for which the dissertation was defended,
 the name of the specialty for which the dissertation was defended,
 introduction of the thesis,
 the content of the thesis,
 dissertation conclusion

   To parse HTML pages it was decided to use the PHP Simple HTML DOM library ,
which allows working with html-code using jQuery selectors.
   At the moment ontology is filled with data on more than 10,000 dissertations de-
fended in the Russian Federation in 1990-2012.

4        Web Service Examples

The presented ontology was used to develop the first prototype of a web service for the
dissertations opponents.
   One of the main options for using the web service is a keyword search. For its im-
plementation, a SPARQL queries on the ontology data are formed.
   The search is performed by the introduction, conclusion, content of the thesis. How-
ever, we can use filters to find an opponent by academic degree, scientific specialty and
branch of science
   For example, if you enter the keyword "delivery management areas ", the system will
display dissertations that satisfy this keyword (Fig. 3). Note that the web service has a
Russian-language interface and data on dissertations are also presented in Russian. Fig-
ure 2 shows a table of search results with the corresponding columns - The Title of the
Dissertation, Full Name, Specialty, Academic Degree, Branch of Science and the more
details button.

                               Fig. 2. Theses Search Results

When we click on the link "Details", we can view more detailed information about the
dissertation: year of defense, city of defense, degree, branch of science, specialty, code
of specialty, introduction, conclusion, content. An example of information about the
thesis of the alleged opponent is presented in Figure 3.

                                Fig. 3. Thesis Information

5      Conclusion

This paper presents the first prototype of prototype of the web service for the disserta-
tion opponents selection in Russian. The system at the moment has no analogues.
   The service was developed on the basis of the ontology “Russian Scientists Disser-
tations”, which is currently filled with data on more than 10,000 dissertations defended
in the Russian Federation in 1990-2012. In the future, it is planned to fill the ontology
with data on all available dissertations in the Russian Federation based on informatio n
published by the Russian State Library.
   Currently, it is planned to publish ontology on the web under an open license in one
of the syntax of the OWL language. This will allow any developer to use it when cre-
ating various web applications in the field of education and science of the Russian Fed-
eration. Examples of such applications may be the websites of universities, the websites
of ministries and departments, incl. website of the Higher Attestation Commission of
the Russian Federation. The authors will be happy to receive comments and suggestions
on the refinement and development of ontology from specialists in this subject area and
are ready to cooperate.

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