=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2413/paper21 |storemode=property |title= Concept of Engineering as a Basis for Development Cyber-physical System |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2413/paper21.pdf |volume=Vol-2413 |authors=Violetta Volkova,Valery Karpov,Alla Leonova,Aleksandra Loginova,Elena Romanova }} == Concept of Engineering as a Basis for Development Cyber-physical System == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2413/paper21.pdf
Concept of engineering as a basis for development cyber-
                    physical system

Violetta N. Volkova 1[0000-0001-9658-5135], Valery. I. Karpov 2[0000-0001-6338-0467]. Alla E. Leo-
 nova3[0000-0002-2124-0295], Aleksandra V. Loginova 4[0000-0002-7783-7795], Elena Vl. Romano-
                    Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
                     St. Petersburg, Russia, saiu@ftk.spbstu.ru
                   АО «NICEVT», M oscow, Russia, vikarp@mail.ru
            3 АО «NICEVT», M oscow, Russia, alla.leonova.nicevt.ru
5 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Research Institute “Voskhod” M oscow, Russia

       Abstract. The purpose of this article is to substantiate the role of engineering as
       the basis for the development of the cyber-physical system. The proposed con-
       cept is based on the laws of the theory of open systems and the source sense of
       the concept of "engineering". In the near future, it is planned to widely intro-
       duce cyber-physical systems in industrial enterprises, which combine advanced
       industrial (industrial) and digital (information) technologies, which ensures the
       development of systems.
       To research of enterprise development process, the article proposes to use the
       theory of open systems L. von Bertalanffy and substantiates the role of engi-
       neering, understood in the original sense of the term: (engineering from lat. in-
       genium - ingenuity, invention, knowledge), which arose in Europe in the XVI
       century, which should be understood not only computer engineering (software
       for design, engineering analysis, consulting), but primarily the use of scientific
       and technical knowledge for the adaptation of innovative technologies, organi-
       zation of production processes and management in a particular enterprise, tak-
       ing into account its purpose features.
       Section 1 describes the accepted concept of a cyber-physical system. In section
       2, to substantiate the role of engineering in cyber-physical systems, the features
       of open systems with open elements, the class of which includes CPS, are con-
       sidered. Section 3 addresses the challenges of sustainable CPS development.

       Keywords: engineering, innovations, innovative technologies, Cyber-physical
       system (CPS), methods of organizing complicated expertise, industrial enter-
       prise, industrial revolutions, systems theory, technologies, emergence.

Proceedings of the XXII International Conference “Enterprise Engineering and Knowledge
M anagement” April 25-26, 2019, M oscow, Russia

1      The concept of Cyber-physical Systems in Industrial

Now there is no uniquely standard identifying of a cyber-physical system (Cyber-
Physical System - CPS).
    In a number of works (for example, [1, 2]) there is information that the term
"cyber-physical systems" was offered in 2006 by Helen Jill, at that time the director
of the built-in and hybrid systems in National scientific fund of the USA, wishing to
underline distinctive feature of the seminar of NSF CPS Workshop organized by it, to
review a role of the built-in systems. The term CPS is offered for designation of the
complexes consisting of the different natural objects, artificial systems , and managing
controllers integrated into a whole and including real-time embedded systems, dis-
tributed computing systems, automated control systems for technical processes and
objects, wireless sensor networks.
    Active use of the term began within the project of the German government Indus-
try 4.0 on industry computerization. Broad application of cyber-physical systems in
different spheres of human activity, including industrial production, the transport,
power, military systems, civil infrastructure, life support systems from medicine to
smart houses and the cities is predicted.
    Now in a general view, the cyber-physical system is defined as the information and
technological concept meaning integration of computing resources and physical pro-
cesses. In such system sensors, the equipment and information systems are connect ed
to the help of standard Internet protocols for forecasting, self-adjustment, and adapta-
tion to changes. At this CPS are developed a network of rather autonomous interact-
ing technologies, but not as the separate self-contained unit [2].
    In a number of works [3–12, etc.], CPS is understood as various class es of auto-
matic control systems for natural and artificial objects of animate and inanimate na-
ture. Within the framework of a fairly widespread terminology, CPS treats as geo-
graphically distributed automatic systems for collecting, processing, analyzing da ta
and information about the state of the respective physical objects and processes or a
system of coordinated management decision-making. In the applied aspect, CPS are
presented as a set of automatic systems for collecting, processing, analyzing data,
including geographically distributed. By application, CPS classifies sensor-based
systems, data acquisition systems, wireless sensor networks that control some aspect
of the environment and transmit the processed information to a central site. The CPS
also includes the process control systems, distributed robotics, and avionics. In the
future, some researchers associate cyberspace with physical processes [13–15 and
others] to the CPS class.
    Common to various interpretations is only the fact that CPS uses phenomenal (as
they are called by E.A. Lee and S.A. Seshia [3]) information technologies. The domi-
nant role of the cybernetic component in CPS is often emphasized, interpreting the
“cyber” in the initial sense - “control”, which can be realized both automatically and
automatically, i.e. with the participation of man. At the same time, the key element of
electronic maintenance (e-maintenance) is web-technologies that provide remote ad-
ministration, monitoring, testing, diagnostics, prediction of the condition of the prod-

ucts in use, reconfiguration of their structures in the event of emergency and abnormal
situations and the absence of necessary reserves [6, 16 - 22 and others].
    The most significant application of the concept of cyber-physical systems is indus-
trial production. Many works provide examples of the use of individual innovative
technologies in industrial enterprises, which provide monitoring and diagnostics, au-
tomatic reporting on the state of monitored equipment, and data on malfunctions;
about consumables resources; loading equipment, etc., while the ideologist of the
modern industrial revolution K. Schwab [23] believes that the most unpredictable
result will come out with the integrated introduction of interacting technologies.
    Given the diversity of interpretations of the concept of CPS, this article proposes to
adopt a concept based on combining industrial and information technologies with a
physical element (decision makers on the choice and implementation of innovations),
which can be considered the development of human-machine systems, i.e. relevant
classes of automated systems for managing objects and processes. For example, a
cyber-physical system for a manufacturing enterprise may include the following com-
plex of technologies: CAD / CAE computer-aided design system, industrial robots
and computer vision systems coordinating their interaction, 3d printing for prototyp-
ing and manufacturing small batches of products, virtual (AR) technology and aug-
mented reality (VR) to create visual "instructions -hints" in the workplace, as well as
to promote and sell products, a "big data" analysis tool to support online decision
making, the integration of supplier-customer pairs into a single loop for managing
end-to-end business processes and data exchange, and other technologies. At the same
time, CPS should be developed as a network of interconnected technologies that are
included in the life cycle of a production enterprise, and not as separate autonomous
    Such treatment corresponds to the definition of CPS which is accepted by the
deputy CEO of Ruselprom concern, the Dr. экон. sciences, professor S.A. Masyutin:
"The Cyber-physical system is an organizational and technical concept of manage-
ment of information flows, integration of computing resources int o physical processes
of production. In such system sensors, controllers and information systems are united
in a single network throughout all life cycle of a product. The cyber-physical network
can be, both within one enterprise and within a dynamic business model as a part of
which several enterprises. Operations throughout all life cycle interact with each other
with the help of standard Internet protocols for management, planning, self-
adjustment and adaptation to changes. The Internet of things cannot e xist without
cyber-physical systems as CPS is the infrastructure of the Internet of things[24].
    A similar understanding of CPS is given by E.A. Lee и S.A. Seshia[3]. On the ex-
ample presented in a graphic form they explain that they in CPS network integrate:
first a "physical" part of a cyber-physical system which is not implemented by means
of computers or digital networks and can include mechanical parts, biological or
chemical processes, or people operators; secondly, there are one or several computing
platforms which consist of sensors, actuators, one or several computers and (perhaps)
one or several operating systems; and thirdly, there is a network structure which pro-
vides mechanisms of communication of computers. Together platforms and network
create "cyber" - a part of CPS. Network platforms have own sensors and/or actuators.

Action taken by actuators influences the data provided by sensors which measure
processes at the physical enterprise. Implementation of the law of management with
use of a feedback loop is provided in model.
    The given example, certainly, primitively displays the predicted GPS as new tech-
nologies for CPS (see, for example, [25]) which become more and more fantastic, will
lead to qualitatively new automatic intercomputer exchange (M2M) of all with all, to
models of the common information space of the enterprise (CISE) creating almost
simultaneous information support of all components of a s ystem that will lead to con-
stant conversion of structures, to use of the decentralized principles of management of
network-centric type.
    At the same time, it can be predicted that the joint use and interaction of industrial
and information technologies in accordance with one of the basic laws of the theory
of systems proposed by L. von Bertalanffy [26] – the laws of emergence, will lead to
the appearance of the effect of a new quality, new properties that are absent in the
scattered application of technologies, i.e., the effect of emergence, and therefore, CPS
in the adopted concept ensures the development of the enterprise, and it can be a t-
tributed to the class of open systems.
    Therefore it is useful for research and development of CPS to apply patterns and
models of this theory.

2      Justification of the Role of Engineering in a Cyber-physical

Organismic approach and concept of an open system were offered L. von Bertalanffy
as on the basis of studying of live organisms he found out that the mechanical con cept
which is the cornerstone of classical science relying on theoretical physics and laws of
thermodynamics cannot explain the surprising order, the organization, regulation,
continuous changes observed in live organisms and new understanding of problems of
controllability and sustainable development of systems is necessary.
   In open systems unlike closed (isolated from Wednesday) thermodynamic regulari-
ties which contradict the second beginning of thermodynamics are shown. According
to this beginning, the general course of physical events in the closed systems occurs in
the direction of an increase in entropy and achievement of a condition of the maxi-
mum disorder. At the same time in open systems in which there are a transfer and
transformation of substance according to L. von Bertalanffy 's concept "… input of a
negentropy", i.e. decrease in entropy is quite possible; and "… similar systems ca n
keep the high level and even develop towards increase in an order of complexity" [26,
page 42].
   L. von Bertalanffy actually found new regularity which in open systems with ac-
tive elements resists to the second law of thermodynamics – "ability to resist entropy
(destroying a system) to trends and to show negentropy trends".
   The open system unlike closed (isolated) under the corresponding conditions
reaches a condition of mobile balance in which its structure remains to a constant. But

unlike usual balance this constancy remains in the course of continuous exchange and
the movement of a substance ([26], page 42).
    One of the fundamentally important for understanding the process of development
of systems is the fundamental nonequilibrium, discovered by E. Bauer [27], i.e. the
desire to maintain a stable imbalance and use energy to maintain themselves in a dis-
equilibrium state. E. Bauer explains this by the fact that all structures of living cells at
the molecular level are pre-charged with “extra” excess energy, as compared to the
same non-living molecule, and the organism receives external energy not for work,
but for maintaining its non-equilibrium structure [27].
    Due to these features, the system exhibits: the ability to resist entropic (system-
destroying) tendencies, to show adaptability, i.e. the ability to adapt to changing envi-
ronmental conditions and interference, both external and internal, the ability to devel-
op behaviors and change its structure (if necessary), while maintaining the integrity
and basic properties; ability and pursuit of goal setting.
    The cited features have a variety of manifestations that can sometimes be identified
as independent characteristics. Most of them are due to the presence of active ele-
ments that stimulate the exchange of material, energy and information products with
the environment and exhibit their own "initiatives", so that such syst ems do not follow
the pattern of increasing entropy (similar to the second law of thermodynamics, acting
in closed systems, the so-called "second the beginning ") and even there are
negentropic tendencies, that is, self-organization itself, development.
    The features are contradictory. In most cases, they are of a dual nature, are both
positive and negative, desirable and undesirable for the social system. On the one
hand, among them, there are properties that are useful for the existence of the system,
its adaptability to changing environmental conditions, but at the same time , these
features cause uncertainty, non-stationarity of parameters, instability of the function-
ing of the system, unpredictability of behavior.
    Features of open systems and explaining their regularity are due to the presence of
active elements that stimulate the exchange of material, energy and information prod-
ucts with the environment and show their own "initiatives", an active principle. Due
to this, in such systems , the regularity of entropy increase is violated and negentropic
tendencies are observed, i.e. self-organization and development proper.
    Thus, studies of open systems have shown that their development occurs: 1) on t h e
basis of exchange with the environment of information, energy, material innovations
(ie, openness of the system) and 2) through active elements that initiate their own
innovations and ensure the interaction of innovations.
    Understanding the features of open systems allows us to understand that the term
“design” is not fundamentally applicable to living objects and systems that we refer to
as open systems. A living system, the study of which became the basis of L. von Ber-
talanffy’s organismic approach, cannot be “assembled” from parts. It can only
“grow”, develop, adjust, influence the process of moving towards the desired state by
controlling this process.
    A number of works on CPS emphasize the special importance of the cybernetic
(managerial) component, which should provide a new quality of production manage-
ment, a transition to a qualitatively new automatic machine-to-machine exchange of

all with everyone in the framework of CPS projects, which is provided by new tech-
nologies - intelligent sensors and wireless communication etc.
    Taking into account the peculiarities of cyber-physical systems, they can be con-
sidered as an opportunity to get the effect of emergence, that is, the appearance of
new quality of production processes, and at the same time resist undesirable results
when introducing emergent technologies, since CPS combines new technologies and
physical an element (of a human being), nevertheless, is developed not as isolated
technologies, but as systems in which it is supposed to manage a complex of technol-
ogies, and it is possible to hope that the management functions will retain it is the
physical element, that is, the decision makers on the choice and implementation of
    Researches of open systems have shown that their development occurs: 1) on the
basis of exchange with the environment of information, energy, material innovations
(ie, openness of the system) and 2) through active elements that initiate their own
innovations and ensure the interaction of innovations.
    At the same time, the most promising form ensuring the development of an ent er-
prise is engineering in the original understanding of this term, which arose in Europe
in the 16th century (engineering, from the Latin Ingenium - ingenuity, invention,
knowledge), i.e. not only computer engineering (software for engineering analysis and
design) [27], and first of all - the use of scientific and technical knowledge to create
systems, devices, materials and the organization of production processes and man-
agement of production processes and activities of enterprises in general.
    In this understanding, engineering can be considered as the similarity of living
cells containing some “excess energy” according to E. Bauer, and in socio -economic
systems - information, which initiates innovations for the development of the “organ-
ism” of an enterprise, realizing the organismic approach of L. von Bertalanffy.
    E. Bauer formulated the principle of sustainable imbalance of living systems: “...
living systems are never in equilibrium and perform, due to their free energy, con-
stantly work against the equilibrium required by the laws of physics and chemistry
under the existing external conditions” [28, C. 43].
    This principle serves to fundamentally distinguish between a working living sys-
tem and a working mechanical system or machine, which is expressed in th e inequali-
ty of potentials, in the created electrical gradient, whereas in a non -living closed sys-
tem any gradients are distributed according to the entropy rule -dimensionally. This
"extra" energy that exists in living cells at any level, Bauer calls "structural energy"
and understands as deformation, disequilibrium in the structure of the living molecule.
    The meaning of the principle of sustainable imbalance lies in the bio -physical as-
pects of the direction of energy movement in living systems. E. Bauer a rgues that the
work done by this living cell structure is performed only by disequilibrium, and not
by energy coming from outside, while in a machine the work is performed directly
from an external energy source. The body uses the energy coming from outsid e not to
work, but only to maintain the "excess energy" in living cells.
    “Therefore, in order to preserve them, that is, the conditions of the system, it is
necessary to constantly renew them, that is, to constantly expend work. Thus, the
chemical energy of food is consumed in the body to create a free energy structure, to

build, renew, preserve this structure, rather than directly turning into work ”[28, p.
    Bauer made this conclusion based on specific observations, which gives some
grounds for analogies in open systems, the main laws of which were obtained on the
basis of observations of biological objects and were confirmed by subsequent studies
of socio-economic systems.
    With regard to enterprises, E. Bauer's conclusion can be interpreted as the need to
constantly maintain the redundancy of energy, or more precisely, information, in cer-
tain structures, constantly spending relevant work on this, which is the task of engi-
neering, which should i.e. scientific and technical knowledge to create devices, ma te-
rials, organization of production processes and management of production processes
and the activities of the enterprise as a whole.
    Moreover, engineering should be provided not just by some kind of subdivision
such as the former design bureaus (design bureaus), but be the ideology of develop-
ment at all levels of production and enterprise management.

3      Problems of Sustainable Development of the Cyber-physical

The development of intelligent technologies will lead to the fact that more and more
functions that previously only a person could perform would be transferred to artifi-
cial intelligence systems. At the same time, as a result, unpredictable consequences
can arise, including those that can be both positive and negatively affecting the devel-
opment of the enterprise, or even dangerous. K. Schwab predicts that technologies
open up new opportunities, but at the same time predict the opposite effect of the
introduction of technologies, especially in the conditions of their combination and the
emergence of an emergent effect.
    According to K. Schwab, in its scale, volume and complexity, “The fourth indus-
trial revolution have no analogs in the previous experience of mankind. New technol-
ogies unite the physical, informational and biological worlds, capable of creating, on
the one hand, enormous opportunities, and on the other, a potential threat ”[23]. At
the same time, K. Schwab predicts that initially innovative technologies will be used
separately, but “the turning point will soon come when they beg in to develop, stratify-
ing and strengthening each other, representing the interweaving of technologies from
the world of physics, biology and digital realities” [23 , with. 9]. “Technologies will
help to find solutions to many problems that we face today, but they themselves exac-
erbate some of these problems” [29, p. 273].
    Despite the projected development of intelligent technologies, there are manage-
ment functions such as targeting, planning, developing a system of values and criteria
that ensure the sustainable development of an enterprise that currently cannot be au-
tomated, and some researchers who originally hoped to automate such intelligent
functions, begin to doubt the possibility of their automation and in the future.

   This allows us to hope that a person will keep control over the development of
CPS, i.e. persons who develop management actions for the development of the enter-
   A particular problem is the preservation of the sustainability of an enterprise when
introducing technologies that are a special kind of “disruptive innovations” by K.
Christensen [30], creating a situation of “creative destruction” by J. Schumpeter [31]
and V. Zombart [32 ]. Therefore, they develop models for managing sustainable de-
velopment of enterprises and organizations in the context of the introduction and use
of emergent technologies (for example, [33, 34] and others).
   It is also important to take into account that from the point of view of R. Akoff's
classification [35, p. 33] in open information systems, both user elements and the
system as a whole are targeted aspirations. The goals of creating such systems both at
the network level as a whole and at the level of its elements are the desire to achieve
the maximum increase in the integration of all types of resources and freedom of in-
formation exchange. In this case, there are various relationships between goal-
oriented elements and between the elements and the system as a whole. Therefore, in
a normally functioning organism, the purposefulness of individual component s is
subordinated to the purposefulness of the organism as a whole. At the same time, at
the level of socio-economic systems, both the system as a whole and its elements are
targeted, which leads to the problem of resolving contradictions between active ele-
ments (components) and the system as a whole.
   Considering the development of CPS of enterprises (organizations) considered in
managing the development of comparative analysis and selection of innovative tech-
nologies, taking into account their features, capabilities, usefulness and consequences
of their implementation. This is beginning to be realized and models are being devel-
oped for the selection and management of the introduction of innovative technologies
(for example, [36-38]), the training of personnel for work in the conditions of the new
information environment [39]. When developing these models, methods and models
of systems theory are used (for example, [40–43, etc.]).

4      Conclusion

The article presents the concept of engineering as the basis of the enterprise's cyber-
physical system, understood in the original sense of the term engineering, i.e. not only
as computer engineering (software for design, engineering analysis, consulting), but
primarily as the use of scientific and technical knowledge to adopt innovative tech-
nologies, organization of production and management processes, taking into account
the purpose and characteristics of a particular enterprise.
   To substantiate the concept, a study is conducted on the development process of an
enterprise when creating CPS. The concept of a cyber-physical system of an industrial
enterprise has been adopted as a means that can: 1) ensure the emergence effect of the
joint introduction of information and industrial technologies; 2) to resist undesirable
results that may arise as a result of the interaction of technologies, based on the con-

trol of the physical element - man, persons, producing control actions for the devel-
opment of the CPS enterprise.
   The concept is based on the fact that the cyber-physical system of an enterprise is
developed not as the use of disparate technologies, but as a system in which the inclu -
sion of new technologies in the life cycle of an enterprise, integration of technologies
and a physical element (decision makers on the choice an d implementation of innova-
tions) and is focused on the fact that it is the physical element that will retain the con-
trol functions, i.e. person.
   Further development of the presented work involves the study of the forms and
methods of using the idea of engineering, ensuring the development of the production
process and the enterprise as a whole, based on scientific and technical knowledge,
the development of criteria for assessing the effect of emergence as a result of inte-
grating information and advanced industrial technologies. from the point of view of
product quality, which significantly depends on the specific types and conditions of
production processes.
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40. Classification of methods and models in system analysis / V.N. Volkova, V.N. Kozlov,
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