=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2413/paper23 |storemode=property |title= Data, Information, and Knowledge: Concepts in Standards, Changes and Conjoint Applications |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2413/paper23.pdf |volume=Vol-2413 |authors=Evgeny Zinder }} == Data, Information, and Knowledge: Concepts in Standards, Changes and Conjoint Applications == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2413/paper23.pdf
       Data, Information, and Knowledge: Concepts in
       Standards, Changes and Conjoint Applications

                              Evgeny Zinder[0000-0002-4238-8555]

                     FOSTAS Foundation, M oscow, Russian Federation

       Abstract. The paper presents the study of a pragmatic system of definitions of
       the fundamental concepts triplet: data, information, knowledge (DIK). The need
       for this study is dictated by the existing chaos in these definitions and the fact
       that these concepts are becoming more and more significant for modern enter-
       prises. Unclear and inconsistent definitions of DIK lead to shortcomings or loss
       of the logical foundation of complex multipurpose work demanding correct
       separation of data processing procedures, understanding information presented
       by these data, and operations of creating, identifying and preserving knowledge.
       Problems are amplified by the dynamics of changes in knowledge. Responding
       to this situation the main objectives of the study include determining the re-
       quirements for the desired system of DIK definitions, selection of information
       sources from wide set of international standards and others normative docu-
       ments, evaluation of DIK definitions in selected sources and adequate defini-
       tions elicitation. Using the many-sided methodology, this research has elicited a
       system of constructive and compatible standardized definitions of DIK, espe-
       cially for the enterprise engineering (EE) area. The methods of direct applica-
       tion of this system of definitions, as well as the organization of reverse process-
       es of working with knowledge, information, and data, including the reverse
       conversion processes from knowledge to information and to data, are shown.
       The paper also shows the reduced sustainability of DIK definitions given by
       standards during last years. As a hypothesis, the author proposes that this reduc-
       ing is caused by the impact of postmodernism dissemination in the ICT and KM
       fields and evaluates the perspectives of meaningful DIK triplet application in
       EE area.

       Keywords: Knowledge management, Enterprise engineering, Data, Infor-
       mation, Knowledge, System of definitions

1      Introduction

1.1    Characterizing Problems and Choosing the Research Direction

This paper describes the formation of a pragmatic system of definitions of the triplet
of fundamental concepts: data, information, knowledge (DIK). The impetus was the
existing chaos in the definitions of the DIK, the tendency to change the interpretations
of these concepts, and the fact that these concep ts are becoming more and more im-

Proceedings of the XXII International Conference “Enterprise Engineering and Knowledge
M anagement” April 25-26, 2019, M oscow, Russia
portant for modern enterprises - knowledge based enterprises, digital enterprises,
smart-enterprises, etc.
    People have been studying the nature of knowledge as a phenomenon for thou-
sands of years; there are many definitions of knowledge, but, as stated in [1], the re-
sults are still very fuzzy. In the field of Knowledge Management (KM), knowledge of
different types, for example, individual and organizational types, is defined by [2]
through radically different generic concepts , for example, through the concept “un-
derstanding” and the concept “asset” correspondingly. Very narrow definitions of
knowledge lead to greater entanglement of the picture as a whole [3]. Due to this,
many aspects of all real work with DIK objects can contradict DIK definitions. For
example, definitions may ignore the reverse transformation of knowledge into infor-
mation or information into data. When solving particular problems, some authors try
to circumvent such collisions, in particular, using an indefinite meaning “information
and knowledge” instead of one adequate term [4]. Guerino [5] also sees the random-
ness and ambiguity of the situation in the statements that the application of infor-
mation and communication technologies (ICT) includes work with kno wledge. In
contrast, in [5] it is argued that ICT always execute only data processing (DP).
    Against this backdrop, the study [6], in which the three-object scheme “Data> In-
formation> Knowledge” and its properties are considered explicitly is meaningful.
However, in [6], the valuable properties of this scheme are also distorted by narrow
and specific interpretations. For example, information and knowledge are described
through the properties of integratedness and compactness, which are not mandatory,
transformation of knowledge into information and data is not considered, interpreta-
tion of the concepts of information and meaning is compromised by the given exam-
ple of extracting information from data.
    The author of this work has developed methods for solving various KM tasks.
They were associated with the representation of knowledge for cognitive skills [7],
with obtaining synergies through the integration of heterogeneous knowledge [8],
with the organization of knowledge to support the participation of workers in the de-
velopment of enterprise knowledge [9]. These tasks also manifested features of work-
ing with a DIK triplet which are not well reflected in definitions and standards. As a
result, the task considered in [9] required the explicit introduction of the working
definitions “Enterprise Information” and “Enterprise Knowledge” (they were formed
by the specialization of definitions from [10]). Due to this, in [9] it was possible to
constructively use the logical and causal connections between the data, information,
and knowledge of the enterprise embedded in these working definitions. This experi-
ence confirmed the possibility of correctly and usefully determining the DIK triplet
under the conditions of the existing chaos of definitions, and allowed us to avoid both
unnecessarily narrow definitions and extremely critical evaluations, including some o f
those described in [5].
    However, serious problems posed by unclear and inconsistent definitions of DIK
still remain. They consist of shortcomings or loss of the logical foundation of com-
plex multipurpose work, demanding correct separation of data process ing procedures
(including those done by ICT), acts of understanding the information presented by
these data, and operations of creating, identifying and preserving knowledge as values
– both personal and enterprise’s. Problems are amplified by the dynamics of constant
changes in knowledge and requirements for their preservation and distribution in al-
ienated forms [9] and by the need to control the resulting loss of information and
knowledge due to their distortions and degradation (in saying this the author strongly
disagrees with the opinion [1, p.15] about impossibility of knowledge degradation).

1.2    Goals and Objectives of the Study

Three years ago, the development perspective of several new international standards
aimed at defining a large body of fundamental concepts and important terms in the
field of ICT and KM, gave hope that the situation would improve significantly, in
particular, using DIK to organize effective functioning of enterprises. However, this
did not happen, which is reflected further in Section 3.
    Nevertheless, the author assesses the situation not only as a chaos of heterogeneous
views, but also as the presence of a large number of sources of useful information
from which it is possible to isolate such valuable fragments ("knowledg e nuggets")
that can be integrated into a harmonious methodology. International standards and
other normative technical documents (NTDs) can be considered one of the most im-
portant categories of such sources. Such an assessment gives this study the meaning
and the possibility of its pragmatic orientation.
    The purpose of this study is to form a coherent system of definitions (SoD) for
DIK concepts and to form, due to this, the correct conceptual foundation of complex
projects covering the end-to-end data, information and knowledge management pro-
cesses in modern enterprises. This system is further referred to as SoDDIK.
    In view of this, the main objectives of the study include

1. determining the system of requirements for the desired SoDDIK;
2. selection of information sources from relevant NTDs;
3. evaluation of DIK definitions in selected NTD, selection of SoDDIK from them;
4. formulation of recommendations on the use of SoDDIK.

Later in this publication, Section 2 describes the research methodology, in particular,
the requirements for SoDDIK. Sect. 3 presents the results of the selection and analysis
of the original NTDs, describes the fixation and commenting of the generated SoD-
DIK. Sect. 4 discusses how to use SoDDIK; Sect. 5 summarizes the research, discuss-
es changes in interpretations of the fundamental concepts under consideration, and
suggests a hypothesis about the reasons for these changes.

2      Research Methodology

2.1    Foundati ons of the Methodol ogy

In the basis of the methodology there are the following fundamental appro aches:
─ a historical approach applied to general interpretations of the DIK and for evaluat-
  ing the selected NTDs and their definitions of the DIK in the context of specific
  historical periods;
─ a combination of positivism and empiricism for understanding way s of assessing
  the truth of knowledge, as well as their balance with postmodernism approaches
  [11, p. 480], in particular, when determining the actors of semiosis;
─ systems thinking for achieving the integrity and focus of the formed system SoD-

According to the author of this publication, the growth of the diversity of DIK defini-
tions will continue for a considerable time, aided by the dissemination of the views of
postmodernism [11, 12]. Therefore, at this time there is no reason to expect the ap-
pearance of a new and, at the same time, generally accepted version of these defini-
tions, which constitute a harmonious triplet. It is rational to conduct a search for a set
of compatible definitions of each of the DIK concepts in basic documents defining
activity norms in various aspects of the Enterprise Engineering (EE) complex disci-
pline. International standards for their intended purpose are introduced as such docu-
ments. They also provide a DIK link to a wide variety of related standardized con-
cepts and recommendations in the areas of DP, KM, and a number of related ones.
   The problems presented in Sect. 1 show unfitness of work with each DIK concept
isolated from the rest ones. It is required to take into account the connections of each
of these three concepts with the other two and with the most important adjacent ones,
to choose definitions taking into account their connections with processes in the field s
of processing and transmitting data, information, and knowledge. Some of these con-
nections are illustrated by Fig. 1, which will also be discussed in Subsect. 4.3, when
discussing the results of the study.

2.2    System of Requirements for SoDDIK

The methodology includes the following requirements for SoDDIK.
   REQ1. Definitions of a DIK triplet should reflect the following set of fundamental
provisions and models related to practical areas of work with the DIK:

─ the models of the “semantic triangle of Orgen-Richards” [13] and the “semantic
  tetrahedron of Pavlov” [14, p. 71] with the support of the conception of continu-
  ously ongoing semiosis;
─ relevant principles of postmodernism [11, p. 480] and second -order cybernetics
  rules [15];
─ provisions of the impact of the internal context of the person -actor, including his
  values attitudes not only on understanding something, but also on the result of its
  perception and recognition preceding understanding (see the reference to the ex-
  ample of visual perception given in [16, p. 8]);
─ a combination (but not a merger) of data presentation that is hypothetically valua-
  ble for work, on the one hand, with their perception and understanding as infor-
  mation and use as knowledge, on the other hand;
─ accepting as a basis for the definition of information its approximate interpretation
  as recognition of signs recognized by the recipient as an abstract (hypothetically)
  meaningful message, but not necessarily representing true and / or verified infor-
  mation (also applies to the presentation of experience);
─ accepting as a basis for the definition of knowledge its approximate interpretation
  in the style of “a justified true belief” with regard to some information, taking into
  account the probabilistic nature of its truth, the fundamental incompleteness of its
  verification, subjectivity and situational nature of the subject’s conviction in under-
  standing and recognizing this information.

Fig. 1. The outline of the necessary connections between the DIK concepts and an example of
                        the processes associated with these connections.

   REQ2. Definitions in SoDDIK should support some functional causal relationships
[17] between the defined concepts from the DIK and the concepts used in the defini-
tion. Such relationships may be causal relationships of one DIK concept with other
concepts from SoDDIK, as well as with concepts that are not included in DIK. It is
desirable that they indicate the presence of a method or procedure for obtaining an
object of one DIK concept based on the use of other objects, primarily those included
in DIK.
   REQ3. DIK definitions for checking them for compliance with the requirements of
the methodology are selected from the definitions contained in NTDs. This means that
attempts to re-create anew the definition and understanding of the DIK are not al-
lowed. International standards, due to the methods of their development, in common
case are representing mature knowledge; this is also valid in the areas of working with
DIK objects.
   REQ4. SoDDIK is intended for use primarily in the field of EE and enterprise
functioning. Therefore, the definitions in SoDDIK should be correctly docked or po-
tentially harmonized with most of the definitions of other concepts that are practically
used in EE, and the definitions in SoDDIK can also be complemented by popular
metaphorical descriptions of these concepts.

2.3     Other Bases and Components of the Methodology

As a research tool, the semantic network apparatus was used to analyze the structural
logic and semantics of DIK definitions. Regarding the requirements for semantic
properties of information, Norbert Wiener's provisions of the properties of infor-
mation [18], refined by their interpretation by Umberto Eco in [19], as well as the
provisions of second-order cybernetics [15] in relation to human communications
were taken into account. The requirements of the analysis of seman tics of figurative
texts also include the principles of unlimited semiosis and potentially unlimited poly-
semy of messages [19] and the provisions of the inevitability of distortions of mean-
ing in communications [20].

3       The Research Results

3.1     Source NTDs

The initial long list of NTDs was checked for the presence of DIK definitions, and the
first correlation of these definitions with the criteria of the methodology was carried
out. On this basis, the NTDs list was shortened and divided into two groups. In the
first one, named the main group, standards explicitly designed to define and interpret
the target and related concepts and containing them are left. The second group was
defined as an additional one to exclude isolation of the research with only one closed
group of sources.
    The main group of NTDs (standards). It contains:

─ the first international standard in the field of KM [21];
─ the basic and one of the most recognized standards in the field of management
─ the standard glossary, combining the terminology of international organizations
  and associations in the field of ICT [23];
─ authoritative standard glossaries lasting more than 25 years in the areas of Software
  Engineering (SWE) and DP [24, 25], reflecting the classical approaches to data and
  information in the field of ICT.

    Additional group of NTDs. It includes:

─ ICT management standards, in particular, [26] - a basic standard in the field of
  systems engineering, [27] - a standard for measuring the maturity of processes,
  [28] - a variant of the international standard for information security, adopted as
  the national standard of Russia, and a number of others, including those in the field
  of risk management;
─ Bodies Of Knowledge in the areas of business analysis, business architecture, and
  systems engineering, in particular - [29, 30];
─ Internet resources, first of all SEVOCAB (https://pascal.computer.org) as a
  promptly updated collection of terms from different standards for SWE and DP
  fields, and the popular resource www.businessdictionary.com which affects the
  practice of the use of terms in the business enterprise environment.

3.2    NTDs Analysis Results. Definitions Included in SoDDIK

NTDs analysis of the main group. The Table 1 shows the NTDs of the main group
and the DIK definitions selected from them that best satisfy the methodology.

          Table 1. The definitions for SoDDIK and other results of NTDs analysis.
       NTD:          Definition for Data          Definition for           Definition for
  Year, area,    (#) – definition number         Information               Knowledge
   reference       for the concept in the
    number                standard
    1990;            For S oDDIK: (1)
    SW           “A representation of
 Engineering     facts, concepts, instruc-           is absent               is absent
     [24]        tions in a manner suita-
                 ble for communication,
                 interpretation, or pro-
                 cessing by humans or
                 by automatic means “
                 (see Note 1)
    1990;                                       For       S oDDIK:
    Data            (2) = Copy of (1)        “The meaning that
 M anagement        in [24]                  humans assign to data           is absent
    [25]            (see Note 2)             by means of known
                                             conventions that are
                                             applied to the data”
                                             (see Note 3)
   2015;                                                                  For      S oDDIK:
   Quality          Essential defects           “M eaningful da-      “Available collection
 management         (see Note 4).            ta”, which is close to   of information being
   [22]                                      copy of [25]             a justified belief and
                                                (see Note 5)          having a high certain-
                                                                      ty    to be true”
                                                                      (see Note 6)
   2017; SSE         (1) = Copy of                                        Essential defects;
 Vocabulary         (1) in [24]                 Essential   defects   unacceptable.
   [23]             (see Note 2)             (see Note7);             (see Note 8)
   2018;                                                                  Essential defects,
 Knowledge                                      Copy of [22]          but can serve as a
 management               is absent             (see Note 5)          note. (see Note 9)
The mark “For SoDDIK” shows the three definitions that most fully satisfy the prin-
ciples and possibilities of SoDDIK. They are selected from the standards: for data, the
first definition given for data in [24] is selected, information definition is taken from
[25], knowledge definition is taken from [22]. Acceptable as brief or complementary
metaphoric versions of the definitions from other standards, as well as the use of cop-
ies of the selected definitions of the main NTD group, are also shown.
     Comments: Note 1 - Note 9 are given for the different cells of the Table 1 and are
referenced by the cells. They explain the reasons for the different assessments of defi-
nitions, both chosen and rejected.
    Note 1: A definition indicates a causal relationship that determines the occurrence
of data by presenting something in a specified manner. It corresponds to the semantic
models [13, 14]. Here the symbols "(1)" indicate that the first definition from the sev-
eral ones is quoted.
    Note 2: Such a link indicates that the definition indicated by the number is bor-
rowed from the standard marked by the reference.
    Note 3: The specified meaning is the mental meaning (sense) of the data, as op-
posed to the meaning as the object (referent) from the real world represented by the
data, which corresponds to the semantic models [13,14]. The definition indicates a
causal relationship that determines the occurrence of information by giving the mean-
ing to the data by a person.
    Note 4: “Essential defects”: data are defined by their identity with facts about ob-
jects, although facts exist independently of data.
    Note 5: The specified variant is evaluated as a simplification, which can be used in
working order as a shortened version, but without a loss of meaning of a more com-
plete definition. For this, a full definition must be applied in SoDDIK.
    Note 6: It is a sound variant of interpretation chosen in the methodology as a refer-
ence one. A causal relationship is specified that determines the emergence of
knowledge through the verification of conviction and validity. Values (usefulness) as
a property of knowledge that is essential in EE tasks can be complemented using a
note, for example, as stated in the Note 9.
    Note 7: “Essential defects”: information is determined through knowledge with
very special properties. The meaning of the definition in this NTD is given only in a
note, and what is stated in this note, does not correspond to the definition.
    Note 8: “Essential defects”: knowledge is defined as a concept related specifically
to the IDEF1 modeling environment.
    Note 9: “Essential defects”: the definition is a metaphorical description, as ana-
lysed and discussed in [1]. The definition is not formally related to information or
data; as a result, the definition means not only knowledge (for examp le, it can mean
medications that stimulate brain activity). For applying in EE, this description can be
used as a note to the main definition to highlight the value aspect of knowledge ob-
jects as assets of an enterprise.
    Comments on some other NTDs. The definitions of other NTDs from the re-
viewed sources are not used in the SoDDIK for reasons similar to those indicated in
the notes to the Table 1 as “Essential defects”, ”or due to the lack of the required def-
initions in the glossaries of these NTDs.
4      Discussion on the Use of SoDDIK

4.1    Basic Applications of Formed SoDDIK

The main application of SoDDIK is using it in complex projects and enterprise pro-
cesses which include both IT components and knowledge-based business procedures .
In particular, this includes projects for creating and applying KM systems using ICT
components. Depending on the specifics of the enterprise, the basic definitions of
SoDDIK can be supplemented with one or another set of metaphorical definitions, for
example, from those reviewed in [1].
   When using SoDDIK, it is also useful to use derivatives that are compatible with
the selected definitions of DIK and related terms of the main group of NTDs, in par-
ticular, the following: document, (1) documentation, semantics – from [24], data me-
dium, data carrier – from [25], object, see also Note 4 for the Table 1 – from [22],
context, data processing, (2) semantics – from [23]. This applying supports the effec-
tiveness of the joint use of these basic standards in complex enterprise projects, in-
cluding works in the areas of DP, SWE, Quality Management (QM) and KM, which
differ significantly from each other.

4.2    Capabilities of SoDDIK to Support Dynamic Business Processes and

For modern enterprises, it is important to quickly and efficiently organize network
business processes and the work of multi-professional groups, for which special ef-
forts are needed in the field of KM [9]. SoDDIK promotes effective interprofessional
application of general and adjacent knowledge in the context of high dynamics of
processes and the complexity of work.
   SoDDIK and the methodology for its formation can also be applied to assess the
correctness and usefulness of concepts and derivative terms introduced into strategic
conceptual documents of a wide variety of initiatives of any scale.

4.3    Support of Reverse Conversions between DIK Objects

Fig. 1 shows not only direct causal connections from data to information and from
information to knowledge, but also connections in the opposite direction. These re-
verse links represent transformations and transfers that are performed when codifying
and alienating knowledge and information, when they are transferred for storage or
for perception by other persons / actors. These transformations correspond to the prin -
ciples of continuously ongoing and unlimited semiosis included in the research meth-
   Knowledge transformed by codification procedures and placed in repositories often
continues to be called knowledge. However, SoDDIK shows that when alienating,
codified knowledge is stored in the data state, which is quite consistent with the
statement in [5]: ICT processes data, but not knowledge.
  Saved codified knowledge records can be considered as enterprise knowledge
again at the future stages of life of an enterprise only if

─ in this future, an interpreter (recipient) who knows the language of codification
  will be found,
─ the recorded messages will remain true, as well as
─ the interpreter’s conviction in their truth and their value for using as a valuable
  asset of the enterprise will persist.

At the same time, there is a reason to consider such records not only “just data”. The
preceding understanding of the original message and the assessment of its value prop -
erties for an enterprise distinguish this secondary data from the original (primary)
ones that did not undergo these phases of processing. For this reason, for such sec-
ondary data it is justified to obtain the name "Model of alienated knowledge of the
enterprise", which will distinguish them from both raw data and knowledg e as such.
    The same is true for the codification and preservation of information.
    Work with alienated knowledge as with data representing the model of this alienat-
ed knowledge, highlighted by clear definitions, allows us to more constructively de-
tect cases of natural (for example, forgetting, unintentional distortion) or an intention-
al (false news, fakes) decrease and even disappearance of knowledge. This approach
allows developing support for the quality management of alienated knowledge by
means of ICT and not only, as well as planning activities to ensure the information
security of people and enterprises in the modern formulation of this task.

5      Conclusion

5.1    DIK Definition System as a Conceptual Core of Multi-professional /
       Multidisciplinary Projects, Systems, and Enterprises

In the definitions and interpretations of the DIK concepts - data, information and
knowledge, there is a recognized chaos. Under these conditions, for the professional
area of EE in this study, it was possible to elicit a set of constru ctive and compatible
standardized definitions of these three fundamental concepts that serve as central
terms in almost any activity. This applies in particular to the activities of enterprises
that use constantly updated knowledge.
   International standards in the areas of Data Processing, Software Engineering,
Quality Management, Knowledge Management were the sources of definitions. The
possibility of supplementing the DIK with standardized derivative concepts and terms
is shown. The constructive nature of the definitions is ensured by the presence of
functional causal relationships in the definitions of the concepts being defined. As a
result, the DIK triplet acquires the character of the DIK definition system (SoDDIK),
and the objects behind the concepts can be connected at enterprises by well-defined
procedural links. Such an approach allows, on the basis of SoDDIK, to jointly apply
standards for the above-mentioned different professional areas with reducing interpro-
fessional barriers in modern enterprise development projects.
   The methods of direct application of the generated SoDDIK, as well as the organi-
zation of reverse processes of working with knowledge, information, and data, includ-
ing the reverse conversion processes from knowledge to information and to data, are

5.2    About “Blurring Effect” by Postmodernism and the Perspectives

In Subsect 3.2, in the Table 1, the standards are ranged from those that contributed the
most to SoDDIK to those that contributed the least. It can be seen that this order c oin-
cided with the order of their positioning from the NTDs with the greatest age to the
newest. This cannot be considered final evidence of some effect, but, in the author’s
opinion, is not a random coincidence. It is not by accident that the NTD [24] for the
chosen definition of the term “data” has remained a source widely quoted in new
generations and versions of the ISO and IEEE standards since 1990.
   This shows that the sustainability of DIK definitions, in particular, those that pene-
trated into standards over the last 7-8 years, has reduced. As a hypothesis, the author
proposes a thesis that this reducing is caused by the strong impact of postmodernism
dissemination in the ICT and KM fields. This dissemination causes blurring of basic
concepts coherence and sustainability of their interrelations. Nevertheless, this study
showed that there are normative triplet DIK definitions having full enough coherence
and sustainability. The author considers the EE discipline one of areas where the tri-
plet DIK definitions can be meaningfully used. The rationale of the author’s convic-
tion stems from the conclusion in [31] that the EE development paradigm can to pro-
gress in the form of a continuously extension, rather than in the form of a revolution-
ary breakage. This ensures the perspectives of meaningful DIK triplet application in
EE field on a historically visible horizon.


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