=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2414/paper13 |storemode=property |title=Evaluating the Availability of Open Citation Data |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/paper13.pdf |volume=Vol-2414 |authors=Chifumi Nishioka,Michael Färber |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sigir/NishiokaF19 }} ==Evaluating the Availability of Open Citation Data== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/paper13.pdf
     Evaluating the Availability of Open Citation

                      Chifumi Nishioka1[0000−0002−1853−3038] and
                         Michael Färber2[0000−0001−5458−8645]
                    Kyoto University Library, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
      Institute AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany

        Abstract. Citation data of scientific publications are essential for dif-
        ferent purposes, such as evaluating research and building digital library
        collections. In this paper, we analyze to which extent citation data of
        publications are openly available, using the intersection of the Cross-
        ref metadata and unpaywall snapshot as publication dataset and the
        COCI dataset as open citation data. We reveal that for 24.2% of the
        publications, the citation data is openly available, while for 16.6%, the
        citation data is closed. We find that the percentage of publications with
        open citation data has increased over the years. We observe that whether
        publications are published with open access has no influence on whether
        their citations are openly available. However, publications published in
        journals from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) tend to
        have more citation data openly available than publications from other

        Keywords: Open citation · Open access · Open data.

1     Introduction
Citation data3 of scholarly publications has been used for various purposes, such
as evaluating research impact [12] and building digital library collections [11].
A variety of citation databases have been used so far. However, the providers
often charge high subscription fees and the datasets are mainly oriented towards
human readability instead of machine readability for allowing data reuse [9]. To
resolve these challenges, several organizations have started to make citation data
openly available in a machine readable way. One of the most notable projects
for open citation data is the Initiative for Open Citations 4 (I4OC), which was
established in 2017 to promote the unrestricted availability of citation data [9].
The I4OC has made citation data open by encouraging scholarly publishers to
publish reference lists of publications which they already deposit to Crossref. It
  In this paper, a citation refers to the directional link from a citing bibliographic
  entity to a cited bibliographic entity.
  https://i4oc.org/, last accessed on 04/24/02018
2                                C. Nishioka and M. Färber

has achieved initial success, with many major scholarly publishers opening their
reference lists in this way.
     Note that the meaning of “open” in the context of citation data is different
from the one in the context of publications (e. g., open access). In the context
of publications, “open” indicates that the publications are freely accessible and
reusable without restrictions. For citation data, “open” in addition means that
the data is structured (i .e., expressed in a machine-readable format) and separate
(i .e., available without the need to access a source publication) [8].
     Several recent studies (e.g., [4,3]) compare scholarly datasets containing also
citation data. However, they do not distinguish between open citation data and
closed citation data (i.e., citation data that are intentionally closed by pub-
lishers). Heibi et al. [6] present statistics of open citations, focusing on types
and publishers. They investigate the state of open citations based on the COCI
(OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI references) dataset [5] (see
also Section 2), focusing on each citation. In contrast, this paper looks into the
extent to which publications make their citation data open. Specifically, we focus
on outgoing citations of publications.
     In this paper, we investigate the following questions: (1) What percentage of
publications have made citation data open, and how does the percentage vary
according to the publication types and publication year? (2) Do open access
(OA) publications make citation data more open compared to their toll-access
     To answer those questions, we conduct an analysis on 100 million publica-
tions that are contained in both the Crossref metadata dataset and the unpay-
wall snapshot. As open citation data, we use the COCI dataset [5]. The citation
data of the COCI dataset are originally from publishers. Thus, they are of high
quality. We label each publication as “open citation publication,” “closed ci-
tation publication,” or “others” (i.e., without any reference or with references
not registered in Crossref) and calculate statistical key figures of various kinds
concerning open citation data. The paper contributes to understand the cur-
rent state of open citation data and their challenges (e.g., for which kinds of
publications citation data are not available).
     The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the datasets used for
our analysis. We report the result of our analysis in Section 3 before concluding
the paper in Section 4.

2   Dataset
Fig. 1 summarizes how the publication dataset to be analyzed is generated and
how the state of open citation of each publication is identified.
   As metadata of publications, we use the crossref metadata dataset as of
September 5, 2018.5 The dataset has been built by querying the Crossref API6
  https://archive.org/download/crossref_doi_dump_201809, last accessed on
  https://github.com/greenelab/Crossref, last accessed on 04/23/2019
                          Evaluating the Availability of Open Citation Data      3

                     Fig. 1. Pipeline of the dataset generation.

and contains metadata of 99,874,789 publications that are assigned Crossref
DOIs. To analyze the influence of OA on the availability of citation data, we use
a snapshot of unpaywall7 from September 24, 2018, together with the Crossref
metadata dataset. Unpaywall is a browser extension, which finds legal OA ver-
sions of scholarly publications. The snapshot of the database used by the browser
extension is publicly available. It covers 99,940,229 publications with Crossref
DOIs and contains information regarding the state of OA for each publication. In
this paper, we use 99,848,571 publications that are included in both the Crossref
metadata dataset and unpaywall snapshot as basis of our analysis.
    We mark each publication as (1) “open citation publication”, (2) “closed ci-
tation publication”, or (3) “others”. We use the OpenCitations COCI dataset [5]
generated on November 12, 2018 [7] as open citation data. Note that the COCI
datasets are generated based on the citation data that are deposited to Crossref
by publishers. Thus, they are of high quality compared to other datasets.

(1) If a publication is included in the COCI dataset as a citing publication, we
    mark it as open citation publication (i .e., publication that makes citation
    data open). We identify 24,178,446 of 99,848,571 publications (24.22%) as
    open citation publication.
(2) Crossref also allows publishers to keep their citation data closed. Thus, there
    are publications whose citation data are included in Crossref metadata but
    not publicly available. Publications which are not included in the COCI
    dataset as citing publications, but have a Crossref’s field references-count
    greater than zero, are marked as “closed citation publications”. 16,589,545
    publications (16.62%) are judged as closed citation publications.
(3) We mark publications that are neither open citation publication nor closed
    citation publication as “others.” 59,080,580 publications (59.15%) are classi-
    fied as such. ”others” include both publications without any reference, such
    as editorial notes, and publications whose reference data are not registered
    at Crossref. Although they have different meanings, both the COCI dataset
    https://unpaywall.org/products/snapshot, last accessed on 04/23/2019
4                                         C. Nishioka and M. Färber

               Table 1. State of open citation depending on publication types.

                             all       open cit. pub. (%)   closed cit. pub. (%)       others (%)

    journal-article       73,397,619   20,120,816 (27.41)   15,258,852   (20.79)   38,017,951 (51.80)
    book-chapter          11,726,076    1,048,255 (8.94)       898,513    (7.66)    9,779,308 (83.40)
    proceedings-article    5,398,085    2,798,106 (51.84)      342,295    (6.34)    2,257,684 (41.82)
    component              3,380,129            9 (0.00)             2    (0.00)    3,380,118 (100.00)
    dataset                1,703,078       67,250 (3.95)         2,996    (0.18)    1,632,832 (95.88)

       and Crossref metadata dataset do not have a way to express no-value infor-
       mation [1], which indicates that a publication has no reference.

3       Result
In this section, we first report the state of open citation in each type of pub-
lication. Then, we present the result in each publication year. Thereafter, we
examine whether open access publications promote open citations.

3.1       Type
Crossref DOIs have been assigned to various types of objects, such as journal
articles and book chapters. Table 1 shows the state of open citation for the
five object types appearing most frequently (given by the number of Crossref
DOIs). We observe that the percentage of open citation publications whose type
is “journal article” is 27.41%. This is almost the same value as the percentage
for all types (24.22% as described in Section 2). We observe a high percentage
of open citation publications and a low percentage of closed citation publica-
tions in proceedings articles (51.84% and 6.32%, respectively). Regarding other
types, it is reasonable that publications whose type is “component” (e .g., figures,
supplemental materials) have no reference.

3.2       Publication Year
Fig. 2 shows the acceptance of open citations per year. The bars in Fig. 2 rep-
resent the number of total publications, open citation publications, and closed
citation publications per publication year. The polygonal lines provide the per-
centage of open citation publications and closed citation publications per pub-
lication year. Please note that the number of publications in 2018 is low be-
cause we use the dataset captured in September, 2018. We see that the total
number of publications as well as the number of open citation publications has
increased over decades. In addition, the percentage of open citation publications
has gradually increased. While the percentage has been around 18% before 1998,
it reached 36% in 2011. Although older publications are read less [10], making
the citation data of older publications available is important to trace the evolu-
tion of scholarly knowledge. Regarding closed citation publications, we see that
the percentage decreases slightly over the years.
                             Evaluating the Availability of Open Citation Data                5

               Fig. 2. State of open citation along with publication year.

Table 2. State of open citation depending on whether a publication is open access

                   all       open cit. pub. (%)   closed cit. pub. (%)      others (%)

      OA        24,961,752    7,077,997 (28.36)    2,391,627    (9.58)   15,492,128 (62.06)
      non-OA    74,886,819   17,100,449 (22.84)   14,197,918   (18.96)   43,588,452 (58.21)

3.3   Open Access

This section examines the influence of open access on the state of open citation.

Open Access (OA) We first investigate whether there is a difference in the
state of open citation between open access (OA) publications and non-open
access (non-OA) publications. Table 2 shows the number of total publications,
open citation publications, and closed publications as well as their percentages.
Referring to the state of OA, Table 2 indicates that 25.00% of the publications
are OA in some way (e.g., gold OA, green OA), which is consistent with the
result given by Piwowar et al. [10]. OA publications are more likely to have their
citation information open than non-OA publications. However, the difference is
small. One possible reason is that if a publication is hybrid OA or green OA,
publishers may not make citation data open.

Open Access (OA) Journal We examine whether there is a difference in
the state of open citation between publications in an OA journal and those in
non-OA journals. Table 3 presents the number of all publications, open citation
publications, and closed publications as well as their percentages. Unlike the
result in Table 2, publications in OA journals make citation data more open.
Compared to publications in non-OA journals, publications in OA journals are
categorized as “others” more frequently. The reason might be that many small
publishers publish OA journals but do not have enough resources to organize
citation data.
6                                         C. Nishioka and M. Färber

Table 3. State of open citation depending on whether a journal of a publication is an
open access (OA) journal.

                          all       open cit. pub. (%)    closed cit. pub. (%)         others (%)

    OA journal         5,670,103     1,613,260 (28.45)       280,547     (4.95)     3,776,296 (66.60)
    non-OA journal    94,178,468    22,565,186 (23.96)    16,308,998    (17.32)    55,304,284 (58.72)

Table 4. State of open citation depending on whether a journal of a publication is
included in DOAJ.

                        all        open cit. pub. (%)    closed cit. pub. (%)        others (%)

     in DOAJ          3,227,017     1,580,857 (48.99)       273,392     (8.47)     1,372,768 (42.54)
     not in DOAJ     96,621,554    22,597,589 (23.39)    16,316,153    (16.89)    57,707,812 (59.72)

DOAJ DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) is an online platform that
hosts a curated list of OA journals. The project defines OA journals as scholarly
journals which make all their content available for free. These journals meet
high quality standards, notably by exercising peer review or editorial quality
control8 . As of July 3, 2019, over 13,000 journals have been registered at DOAJ.
We verify whether there is a difference in the state of open citation between
publications from a journal in DOAJ and those from a journal not in DOAJ.
The results are shown in Table 4. The percentage of open citation publications
for publications in DOAJ is significantly higher than that for publications not
in DOAJ. Since DOAJ lists journals that meet quality standards, citation data
of publications are properly organized by publishers and deposited to Crossref.
However, a certain amount of citation data (8.47%) is closed.

4      Conclusion

In this paper, we analyzed the current state of open citation based on the COCI
dataset. We found out that for 24.22% of the publications with assigned Crossref
DOIs, the citations were open. As described by Di Iorio [2], such a value is not
sufficient for evaluating researchers. 16.62% of the publications are identified
as closed citation publication and 59.15% are “others”. “Others” include both
publications without any reference and publications whose reference data are
not registered to Crossref. Although they have different meanings, the existing
datasets do not have a way to express no-value information. We found that the
percentage of open citation publications has gradually increased over the years.
We did not observe a difference regarding the availability of open citation data
between OA publications and the non-OA publications. However, publications
published in a journal listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
were more likely to open the citation data than those published in other journals.
     https://doaj.org/publishers, last accessed on 05/14/2019
                           Evaluating the Availability of Open Citation Data          7

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