=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2414/paper19 |storemode=property |title=IR&TM-NJUST @ CLSciSumm-19 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/paper19.pdf |volume=Vol-2414 |authors=Shutian Ma,Heng Zhang,Tianxiang Xu,Jin Xu,Shaohu Hu,Chengzhi Zhang |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sigir/MaZXXHZ19 }} ==IR&TM-NJUST @ CLSciSumm-19== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/paper19.pdf
                      IR&TM-NJUST @ CLSciSumm-19

       Shutian Ma, Heng Zhang, Tianxiang Xu, Jin Xu, Shaohu Hu, Chengzhi Zhang

      Department of Information Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology,
                                  Nanjing, China, 210094
                mashutian0608@hotmail.com, 525696532@qq.com,
                    1832862727@qq.com, xujin@njust.edu.cn,

         Abstract. This paper introduces IR&TM-NJUST system submitted in CL-
         SciSumm 2019 Shared Task at BIRNDL 2019 Workshop. Overall, there are three
         basic tasks. Task 1A is to identify cited text spans in reference paper. Briefly, we
         solve this problem by using multi-classifiers and integrate their results via voting
         system. Compared with our CLSciSumm-18 system, this year we make feature
         selection based on correlation analysis, apply similarity-based negative sampling
         strategy to build training dataset and add deep learning models for classifications.
         For task 1B, which is to identify facets of cited text, we firstly calculate the
         probability that each word would belong to the specific facet. Then, logistic
         regression models are trained using these probability features and character-
         based features. When predicting over test data, prior rules are added to obtain
         final result. As to Task 2, in order to obtain a logical summary, we apply two
         ways to organize sentences into groups following the logical order. The first
         method is to calculate their similarity with three abstract parts segmented in
         order. Second is to divide them into groups based on the recognized facet from
         task 1B. By ranking via different features, we pick out important sentences from
         each group and generate the summary in logical sequence within 250 words.

1         Introduction

As the most important communication media between researchers, number of scientific
publications has increased rapidly from early on. In order to alleviate such paper
overload, scientific summarization systems have been investigated and implemented
for many years [1, 2], which are software tools and techniques providing a summary
for the scientific paper to a user. Traditional models focused on aggregating all citances
(citation sentences) that cite one unique paper for summarization [3, 4]. However, this
will lead to problems when citances carry different viewpoints. Besides, detailed
information can’t be revealed from citances since these are already general comments
from citing authors. Originating from TAC 2014 Biomedical Summarization Track, a
series of Computational Linguistics Scientific Document Summarization Shared Task

    Corresponding Author.
(CL-SciSumm)1 are proposed to generate summaries based on cited text spans (CTS).
The new mechanism is based on reference paper itself, which can provide more reliable
context information. There are two main steps in CL-SciSumm and the first step
contains two sub-tasks. Below are the detailed descriptions.
   Given: A topic consisting of a Reference Paper (RP) and Citing Papers (CPs) that
all contain citations to the RP. In each CP, the citances have been identified that pertain
to a particular citation to the RP.
   Task 1A: For each citance, identify the cited text span in the RP that most accurately
reflect the citance. These are of the granularity of a sentence fragment, a full sentence,
or several consecutive sentences (no more than 5).
   Task 1B: For each cited text span, identify what facet of the paper it belongs to, from
a predefined set of facets.
   Task 2: Finally, generate a structured summary of the RP from the cited text spans
of the RP. The length of the summary should not exceed 250 words.
   Our team has attended the task in 2017[5] and 2018[6]. This year we propose new
strategies for all the three subtasks for CL-SciSumm 2019[7]. In task 1A, more efficient
features are picked out, negative sampling is utilized to alleviate the imbalanced-data
problem and neural network models are constructed additionally. For task 1B, we
identify facet according to the probability of word learned from training set. In task 2,
we firstly arrange sentences following logical order and then select important ones to
generate summary.

2       Related Work

With more publications coming out, there is an urgent demand to build scientific
summarization systems to help scholars quickly move into a new research field.
Traditional approaches utilize citations which could be a good resource to understand
the main contributions of a paper and how that paper affects others. Since citations
might exist subjective opinions from authors, a new framework using cited text spans
from reference paper for summaries is proposed. It can avoid the situations that citations
hold different views from each other [8-10]. We will present related work about cited
text span based summarizations in CL-SciSumm 2017 and 2018.
   In order to solve task 1, many teams will do feature extraction firstly since task 1A
and 1B can both be seen as a classification task. Basically, there are two main types of
features which are widely used: similarity-based [11] and position-based features[12].
Referring to similarity-based features, researchers are making efforts to find linkages
between citance and reference sentences. The first kind of linkage is constructed from
character or chunk level such as using N-gram[12], Longest Common Subsequence,
Word Mover’s Distance[11] and so on. Meanwhile, sentence similarity are also
obtained via traditional models like, TF-IDF, Jaccard, modified Jaccard, BM25[13]. In
order to mine more semantic information, teams are also using word embeddings[13]

   This task is organized annually from 2016 to 2019. Website for CL-SciSumm 2019
is available at: http://wing.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cl-scisumm2019/
learned from corpus like ANN, ACL and Google News. Lexical resources such as
Wordnet is also applied. Position-based features are normally the physical location or
relative location of sentences in the paper. Such features contain location of paragraph,
document position ratio, paragraph position ratio and so on[11]. Lots of features are
created which seem to cover all possible ways to mine relations between two sentences
in task 1A and hidden facet patterns in task 1B. Single classifier or voting system using
multi-classifiers are adapted with those features. Popular models like Random Forest,
Decision Tree, KNN, SVM XGBOOST[6] and neural network all have been used
already, combining with different ensemble strategies at the same time[14]. However,
the state-of-art performance are still remained to be improved. By exemplifying related
work, there are several shortcomings, which can also be potential for optimizations.
   First of all, there should be one more step after constructing all kinds of features,
which is the feature selection. Feature selection is to select some of the most effective
features from a group of features. The identification of relevant features in task 1 is an
important step towards gaining insight underlying the data. Other advantages of feature
selection include the ability of the classification system to obtain good or even better
solutions using such a restricted subset of features [15, 16]. Studies have approved that
the Naive Bayes can achieve considerably better results when feature selection is
applied [17], yet also the SVM can benefit from feature selection [18]. Secondly,
although some current systems have dealt with imbalanced data problems, there is still
lots of room for improvement. To balance numbers between positive and negative
samples in origin data set, most of teams choose the reference sentences randomly as
negative samples [19]. Oversampling strategy has been utilized in several systems for
task 1A, such as using SMOTE, ENN and NN technique to increase the number of
positive samples or to decrease the number of negative samples [14, 20]. Referring to
task 1B, system tend to set up more rules to classify facet based on lexical evidence[21]
or use class weights[22]. Therefore, more strategies could be utilized to alleviate such
imbalanced-data problem. As it is observed that researchers have applied some neural
network models, such CNN[11, 23] and LSTM. For example, WING_NUS team use
CNN and LSTM model to convert vocabulary indexed text and create a classification
model and a ranking model separately[22]. University of Houston use LSTM units to
learn the dependencies across the textual pairs [24]. So far, systems have taken few
features as input for neural models and ensemble strategy haven’t been applied yet.
   When doing task 2, it usually contains two main steps: sentence ranking and sentence
grouping[11]. Sentence ranking is the action that rank sentence based on several
features and select those which are in the top. Then we could combine them in a certain
order to generate final summary. LaSTUS/TALN team’s system is a trainable sentence
scoring, sentence ranking and sentence extraction algorithm which optimally combines
the contribution of several numerical features to produce sentence scores[25]. NLP-
NITMZ ranked the generated sentences from reference paper a score based on Jaccard
similarity score between all the cited text and reference text. They also considered
sentence length and location, where in summary there should be at least one sentence
from introduction, implementation, methods and results[26]. Since task 2 is based on
task 1, it would be more effective if we can improve task 1 performance greatly.
3          Methodology

3.1 Task 1A
   We approach task 1A as the problem to verify which sentence in reference paper can
reflect citances directly. This year, optimization is conducted from three aspects: feature
selection, negative sampling and neural network models for classification.
   Feature construction. To have more efficient features, we conduct correlation
analysis over a new feature set on the basis of old features previously used [6]. Few
features are added compared with previous work, such as longest common subsequence,
longest common substring, WordNet similarity and so on. Description of new feature
set are given in Table 1.
                    Table 1 New Feature Set for Correlation Analysis
    Feature                  Feature Description
Sentence length(sl)        The number of words in candidate CTS.
Sid(sid)                   The serial number of candidate CTS in full text.
Ssid(ssid)                 The serial number of candidate CTS in paragraph it belongs to.
Longest common             See citance and candidate CTS as two sets of sequences with words as basic
subsequence(lseq)          unit, find the longest subsequence (not necessarily consecutive in original
                           sequences) common to two.
Longest common             See citance and candidate CTS as two sets of strings with words as basic units,
substring(lstr)            and find the longest string(s) that is a substring(s) (required to occupy
                           consecutive positions within the original strings) of two.
Sentence position(senp)    The ratio of Sid and the number of sentences in full text.
Section position(secp)     The position of paragraph candidate CTS is located, divided by the number of
                           paragraphs in full text.
Inner position(innp)       The ratio of CTS’s Ssid and the number of sentences in the paragraph it belongs
TextSentenceRank(tsr)      The weight of candidate CTS modeled by TextRank[27] algorithm.
Dice similarity(dice)      Segment citance and candidate CTS into sets of words(𝒔𝟏 , 𝒔𝟐 ). It is calculated
                                                      2 ∗ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(𝑠1 , 𝑠2 )
                                                     𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ(𝑠1 ) + 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ(𝑠2 )
Jaccard similarity(jacc)   Segment sentences into set of words, and calculate the division of the
                           intersection and union between two sets.
Doc2Vec similarity(d2v)    Represent sentences as low-dimensional and dense vectors via Doc2Vec
                           algorithm, and calculate cosine value between two vectors.
Levenshtein                Calculate the average of Levenshtein distance (the minimum number of single
distance(leven)            character edits required to change one to the other) for all the words between
                           two sentences.
LDA similarity(lda)        Represent probability distribution of sentences according to their topics, and
                           calculate cosine value between two sentence vectors.
WordNet similarity(wn)     Based on WordNet ontology, calculate the average of the similarity between
                           words from two sentences.
Bigram_overlap(bo)              Segment sentences into sets of bigram, and calculate the number of overlap
                                between two sets.
Word_overlap(wo)                Segment sentence into sets of words, and calculate the number of overlap
                                between two sets.
Word2Vec similarity(w2v) Represent words as low-dimensional and dense distributed representation by
                         Word2Vec algorithm, and calculate the average of the similarity between
                         words from two sentences via cosine value.

  Then, we calculate Pearson Correlation Coefficient [28] between each feature and
annotated label to find out efficient features. According to Table 2, we keep six features
(bold) to be our final features which are with high correlation and significance.
        Table 2. Pearson Correlation Coefficients between Different Features and
                                     Annotated Labels
     sl          sid           ssid           lseq         lstr          senp         secp        innp           tsr
  0.129**      -0.126**      -0.104**     0.385      **
                                                          0.305   **
                                                                       -0.126**     -0.102**    -0.067**       0.092**

    dice         jacc           d2v        leven           lda            wn           bo             wo        w2v
  0.343**      0.355**        0.050**    -0.071**         0.127**       0.066**      0.327**     0.374**       0.184**
  **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
  *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
                 Table 3 Combinations between Feature Set and 4 Classifier
  Combination           Classifier                                 Feature Set
                        SVM(RBF)                                   tf_idf_sim, idf_sim, sid
                        SVM(Linear)                                tf_idf_sim, idf_sim, bigram, lda
                        Decision Tree                              tf_idf_sim,idf_sim,jacc,senp,sid,innp,w2v
                        Logistic Regression                        tf_idf_sim,idf_sim,jacc,secp,lda
           2                                          lseq, lstr, dice, jacc, bo, wo
                        Tree/Logistic Regression

   For ensemble systems using machine learning classifiers, we utilize two set of
features to feed them into each algorithm (Table 3). First combination is a continuation
of previous work. Second one is the 6 features obtained from correlation analysis and
they will be combined with all 4 classifiers. Except those have been mentioned in Table
1, there are three features from the old set and their descriptions is given in Table 4.
                   Table 4 Three Features from old Set for Classifiers
Feature                     Feature Description
tf_idf_sim                  Cosine value between two sentence vectors represented by TF-IDF
idf_sim                     Adding up IDF values of the same words between two sentences
bigram                      Bi-gram matching value, if there is any of bi-gram matched between two
                            sentences, this value is 1; otherwise 0

   Negative data sampling. When dealing with imbalanced data, current studies rely
on changing proportion of positive and negative data by sampling randomly or
adding/removing data. However, such methods assumed that all selected or created data
is meaningful to imply the patterns over real data set. According to released data set of
CL-SciSumm 2017 in Figure 1, there are much more negative samples compared with
positive ones. Therefore, a careful choice of negative training examples is critical for
model performance. In this paper, we use three types of sentences in the reference paper
that are not real cited text spans for each citance to build negative examples:
        Sentences that its similarity with corresponding citance is the highest.
        Sentences that its similarity with corresponding citance is the lowest.
        Sentences that its similarity with corresponding citance is in the middle of the
         highest and lowest value.

                            Test data
             DATA SET

                        Training data

                                        0%        10%   20%    30%        40%        50%          60%        70%   80%   90%   100%
                                                                       DATA SIZE PROPORTION

                                                               Negative examples         Positive examples

                Figure 1 Imbalanced-data Problem in CL-SciSumm 2017
   When calculating similarity between sentences, we use 8 different similarity metrics
and evaluate them based on ten fold cross validation over training set. As it shown in
Figure 2, Bigram_overlap and Word_overlap perform better than the other features, we
then utilize these two approaches to do negative sampling and the obtained training set
are then fed into the ensemble system with four classifiers using old feature set.
                                                              Precision         Recall      F-measure


     Figure 2 Ten Fold Cross Validation over Training Set of 8 Similarity Metrics
   According to Table 5, we use Bigram_overlap feature to calculate similarity between
sentences to conduct negative sampling. Besides, ratio of positive to negative examples
is set to be 1:10. For each citance, we select 5 sentences whose similarity with
corresponding citance is the highest, 3 sentences whose similarity with corresponding
citance is the lowest, and 2 sentences whose similarity with corresponding citance is in
the middle of the highest and lowest value.
 Table 5 Cited Text Spans Identification using Two Negative Sampling Approaches
        Negative sampling approach                   Precision                    Recall      F1
              Bigram_overlap                           0.2723                     0.2316     0.2503
               word_overlap                            0.1875                     0.1660     0.1750

    Classifier models. Totally, there are four different systems we built for Task 1A: 4-
classifers, 3-classifiers, Single MLP and Ensemble MLP. We firstly integrate several
popular classifiers: SVM (RBF), SVM (Linear), decision tree and logistic regression.
Two voting systems are then built: one is 4-classifiers containing all classifiers, another
one is 3-classifiers where we remove one in each system.
   For Combination 1 in Table 3, voting mechanism of multi-classifiers is the same with
previous system [6]. Threshold of voting system is tested on 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6. For
Combination 2 which applies new features, we set the equal weight for each classifiers.
If there is only one classifier identifies the sentence to be cited text span, then the voting
system value is 1. Threshold of voting system is tested on 1, 2, 3 and 4.
   Except these two multi-classifiers, two MLP-based structures are also built for
predicting the probability that the sentence would be cited text span: Single MLP and
Ensemble MLP.
                    Output Layer                                         Loss

                    Sigmoid Layer                       Sigmoid (1)

                       MLP Layer                         ReLU (64)

                       MLP Layer                        ReLU (128)

                      Input Layer

                                    Position-based   Character-based      Similarity-based
                                      Features          Features             Features

                    Figure 3 Illustration of Single MLP Framework
   Given the citance and target sentence in reference paper to be identified, Single MLP
uses 13 features consisting of the character-based, position-based and similarity-based
features as input for classification. For character-based features, we take sl and bigram
into considerations, for position-based features, we use sid, ssid, senp, secp and innp.
Similarity-based features are jacc, lda, wn, w2v_acl and w2v_google. w2v_acl is
obtained by word embedding trained by ACL corpus2. w2v_google is obtained by word
embedding trained by Google news corpus3. Detailed descriptions of these features can
be found in Table 1. We concatenate features to be input layer, and it’s then followed
with two separate and fully connected hidden layers. Activation function and neurons
numbers are given in Figure 3. Probability of the target sentence to be cited text span
𝑝̂ is finally achieved by applying a sigmoid function over the last layer. Binary cross

      Available at: http://acl-arc.comp.nus.edu.sg/
      Available at: https://github.com/mmihaltz/word2vec-GoogleNews-vectors
entropy is chosen to be loss function and we use Adam optimizer for training[29].

                                                  Voting System

          Output Layer
          Sigmoid Layer     Sigmoid (1)        Sigmoid (1)                 Sigmoid (1)

             MLP Layer       ReLU (64)         ReLU (64)                    ReLU (64)

             MLP Layer       ReLU (64)         ReLU (64)                    ReLU (64)


                   Figure 4 Illustration of Ensemble MLP Framework
   Ensemble MLP model is constructed in the structure shown in Figure 4. Given the
citance sentence and target sentence (CTS) in reference paper to be identified, we firstly
learn their vector-based representations using Doc2Vec, LDA and Word2Vec. Two
Word2Vec models are trained. Word2Vec_ab is obtained by word embedding based on
abstract information of papers. Word2Vec_body is obtained by word embedding based
on full text. And then each pair of citance and CTS vectors will be concatenated as
input layer. Similar with Single MLP, after two fully connected hidden layer, probability
of the target sentence to be cited text span is finally achieved by applying a sigmoid
function. Then, we use a voting system to generate the final results. To find the proper
parameter of optimizer and loss function, we trained 36 different model according to
the combinations between the embedding, optimizer and loss function (Table 6). For
the probability it predicts, we also set threshold for judging if the sentence is cited text
span or not, parameter is set to be 0 to 1 and 0.001 as interval.
        Table 6 Different Models for Embedding, Optimizer and Loss Function
 Module                   Model
 Embedding                Doc2Vec, LDA, Word2Vec_ab, Word2Vec_body
 Optimizer                Adam, RMSprop, SGD
 Loss Function            Binary Cross Entropy, Categorical Cross Entropy, Mean Squared Error

   After testing models over the test data set, Top 3 and Top 5 models are selected to be
integrated together as the final ensemble systems. Referring to voting mechanism, if
there are over 2 votes in Top-3 ensemble MLP model or over 3 votes in Top-5 ensemble
MLP model, we will identify the sentence to be cited text spans.
3.2 Task 1B
   In this task, we need to identify the facet of cited text spans and there are five facets
to be chosen: Hypothesis, Aim, Implication, Method and Result. Basically, we apply
logistic regression for this classification task combining with several prior experiences.
   Feature construction. Firstly, text preprocessing is conducted to remove citation
markers like “King [8]” or “(blei et al., 2003)”. Then, we extract keywords and then a
unique word list is obtained for each sentence. Two type of features are constructed
here: character-based and probability-based. As it is observed from training set,
sentences belonging to Result facet would contain numerical symbols like percent or
decimal point. Therefore, the first two character-based patterns are the symbol
matching value. If there is any percent matched in the sentence, percent feature value
is 1; otherwise 0; decimal point feature is in the same way. The second feature is a five-
dimension vector. Each dimension is the probability that the sentence would belong to
the specific facet. Following are the steps that how we generate this feature:
   (1) Calculate document frequency (DF) of each word and filter the word whose DF
         value is not between 2 and 100.
   (2) Calculate probability that each word belongs to five facets according to labeled
         facet in training data set.
   (3) Sum up probability of words in one sentence for each facet, do normalization
         processing to obtain final probability that this sentence belongs to each facet.
   For each pair of citance and cited text span, we conduct the third step. Then, for each
facet, we add probability of citance and probability of cited text span in the proportion
of 4:1 to get the final probability. This will also generate the five-dimension vectors,
which is the feature of belonging probabilities.
   Training and testing. In order to train logistic regression model, we need to generate
training data for task 1B. Since there are much more Method facet in training data, for
those sentences with two facets, if one of the two labels is Method, we will only keep
the other label to be this sentence’s facet. Otherwise, we will keep the first label to be
the sentences’ facet according to appearance order. Furthermore, we train two logistic
regression model. Model 1 uses original training data obtained after allocation of facet
labels. Model 2 uses the new data constructed by increasing data proportion of Aim,
Hypothesis and Implication facet. We quintuple Aim and Hypothesis labeled sentences
and triple Implication labeled sentences in Model 2. Three prior rules are also added:
   Rule 1: Lexical matching rule, which is to use some pre-defined dictionaries of
specific facet and match them with the identified cited text span without preprocessing.
For Aim facet, pre-defined dictionary contains adapted to, draws on, task of, procedure
for, focus of, goal of, goal to. For Implication, dictionary contains believe, limitation
and unrealistic. For Result, dictionary contains less than, lower than, showing, shows,
show and shown. Besides, if sentence can be matched with the word in Result, then this
sentence is only identified as Result.
   Rule 2: Probability threshold rule, which is to set thresholds for facet probabilities.
If the identified probability of Implication facet is between 0.32 and 0.4, then this
sentence will be only identified as Implication. If identified probability of Implication
is between 0.2 and 0.21, then sentence will be identified as Implication. If identified
probability of Hypothesis is more than 0.08, then sentence will be identified as Aim and
Hypothesis. If identified probability of Result facet is more than 0.33, then sentence
will be identified as Result. Finally, if there is no probability for all facets, then sentence
will be identified as Method.
   Rule 3: Method facet rule, which is to identify the sentence to be Method facet, if the
above approaches can’t classify it as any of the five facets.
   For the final submissions, we conduct three combinations between logistic regression
model and rules, which are (𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 3), (𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 2 , 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 3)
and (𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 2 , 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒2, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 3).
3.3 Task 2
   Summary generations can be divided into two steps in our system. First is to group
sentences into different clusters. Second is using ranking features to extract sentence
from each cluster and combine them into a summary. Totally, we utilize two different
strategies for the submitted system.
   The first strategy is based on the previous work [6]. Since abstract is a concise
description, we assume that it will contain motivation, approach and conclusion. In
order to generate a summary in logical order, we apply rule-based method based on
writing styles. When people write summaries like abstract, they often start with some
fixed phrases, such as “this paper”, “in this paper” or “we”. So, if the first sentence
doesn’t start with these phrases, it will be about motivation for most times. Similarly,
the last sentence in abstract is usually about results or conclusions. Based on these rules,
we split abstract into segments, each identified text span is selected into different groups
based on their similarity with these segments. Here, we use linear sum of Jaccard, IDF
and TF-IDF similarities. After grouping, we rank sentences within each group based on
features of three similarities, sentence length and sentence position. Since importance
of features vary from each other, we set different weights to show differences. For the
three similarity-based features, they contain more semantic relations between identified
text spans and abstract sentences. Therefore, we allocate the same weights to them
which are bigger than sentence length and sentence position. Formula is shown below:
        𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑖 = 2.5𝑆𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑐 + 2.5𝑆𝐼𝐷𝐹 + 2.5𝑆𝑇𝐹𝐼𝐷𝐹 + 1.25𝑆𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ + 1.25𝑆𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛           (1)
  Finally, we choose the first sentence from each cluster based on the ranking score to
build summary until the length of summary reaches 250 words.
  The second strategy one is based on the identified facet obtained in task 1B. Similar
with the previous strategy, we want to split identified cited text span into groups based
on some logical evidences. Since we have recognized the facet, the second strategy will
make use of these results. The sentences which carry Aim and Hypothesis facet will be
grouped into the first group. The sentences which is Method will be in the second group.
The left ones identified as Result and Implication will make up the third group. Then,
we also rank the sentences within each group. Since keywords can represent more
meaningful information, we extract keywords and calculate the Jaccard similarity with
abstract and give scores for each sentence.
                                      𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑖 = 𝑆𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑐                                    (2)
  Then, we choose the first sentence from each group based on the ranking score to
build summary until the length of summary reaches 250 words.

4       Experiments

4.1 Data and Tools
The training data set we use this year is made up by two corpora. The first dataset
comprised 40 annotated sets of references and their citing papers from the open access
research papers in the computational linguistics domain4. The second one is a 1000
document set that were automatically annotated to be used as training data from
SciSummNet [30], which is expanded from the CL-SciSumm project released by Yale
LILY lab5. Since the auto-annotated data is available only for Task 1A. We use the auto-
annotated data with the first data for training models for Task 1A and use the manually
annotated training data from 40 document sets for Task1B.
   When doing corpora processing, we remove the stop words and stem words to base
forms by Porter Stemmer algorithm6. Then, we applied Word2Vec and Doc2Vec model
in Genism 7 and python package of LDA 8 model to represent documents. All the
classifiers were done via Scikit-learn python package9. Keywords are extracted via a
python package rake_nltk10. Neural network models are built using Keras. Source code
of our system will be made available at: https://github.com/michellemashutian/NJUST-
4.2 Submission Results
   Task 1A. Since the multi-classifiers strategy is conducted after careful feature
selection, here we only report the results of MLP models and how we select trained
model for final system. Firstly, for the single MLP, we run for 10 times and test the
threshold of the predicted probability from 0.4 to 0.98, with 0.02 as interval. Threshold,
average of precision, recall and F-measure are shown in Figure 5. As it is shown in
Figure 5, with the increasing of threshold, F-measure is getting bigger since the
precision is increased, however the recall is decreasing. For final submissions, we
provide 5 different results trained by the single MLP model and threshold for judging
the candidate sentence to be cited text span is 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85 and 0.95.






                     0.4 0.44 0.48 0.52 0.56 0.6 0.64 0.68 0.72 0.76 0.8 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.96

                                        Precision      Recall       F-measure

  Figure 5 Average of Precision, Recall and F-measure of 10 runs for Single MLP

     Available at: https://github.com/WING-NUS/scisumm-corpus
     Available at: https://michiyasunaga.github.io/projects/scisumm_net/
     Available at: http://snowball.tartarus.org/algorithms/porter/stemmer.html
     Available at: https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/
     Available at: https://pypi.org/project/lda/
     Available at: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/index.html
      Available at: https://pypi.org/project/rake-nltk/
  As for Ensemble MLP, the Top 5 best performance for combinations of embedding,
optimizer and loss function when setting different thresholds are displayed in Table 7.
  Table 7 Top 5 Best Performance for Combinations of Embedding, Optimizer and
                      Loss Function with Different Thresholds
              Combination                 Threshold   Precision      Recall    F-measure
  d2v-RMSprop-categorical_crossentropy       0.15       0.3830     0.6270       0.4760
    d2v-adam-categorical_crossentropy       0.108       0.3665     0.6503       0.4688
    d2v-RMSprop-binary_crossentropy          0.29       0.3736     0.6060       0.4622
      d2v-adam-binary_crossentropy          0.248       0.3882     0.5643       0.4600
    d2v-RMSprop-mean_squared_error          0.198       0.3683     0.6080       0.4587

  Task 1B. Referring to the three different combination strategies using Model 1,
Model 2 and Rule 1, Rule 2, Rule 3. We use the all the available data except testing
data of CL-SciSumm 2019 and conduct the five fold cross validation over them. The
average value of Precision (P), Recall (R) and F-measure (F) are shown in Table 8.
  Table 8 Five Fold Cross Validation Result of Different Combinations of Model 1,
                         Model 2 and Rule 1, Rule 2, Rule 3
            Combination                   Macro_P         Macro_R             Macro_F
    (𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 3)               0.8248          0.8108            0.8128
    (𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 2 , 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 3)              0.8493          0.8334            0.8374
 (𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 2 , 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 2, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 3)         0.8633          0.8486            0.8517
            Combination                    Micro_P         Micro_R            Micro_F
    (𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 3)               0.8223          0.7938            0.8076
    (𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 2 , 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 3)              0.8498          0.8184            0.8337
 (𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 2 , 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 2, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 3)         0.8604          0.8368            0.8483

4.3 Evaluation Results
   Totally, we submit 30 different results. According to the released evaluations[7],
there are different metrics to evaluate the system performance for task 1A and task 2.
In Table 9, we display our highest value for each evaluation metric in each sub-task
comparing with the best submissions of other teams. From Table 9, we can find that our
team obtained two best performance among all the teams over the metric of task 1A-
ROUGE-SU4 (F1) and task 2-Community R-SU4. Applied strategy for these run
results are given below:
   Task 1A. The best performance (Sentence Overlap) for task 1A applies the strategy
of using new feature set. Compared with other strategies, the feature selection plays an
important role. Although the results are much lower than the other teams, we think the
training data set might be one of the reasons since SciSummNet is added into the
training set. For metric ROUGE-SU4 in task 1A, there are 16 run results obtain the
highest value. So most of the strategies proposed are effective for this evaluation.
   Task 1B. The best performance for task 1B applies the strategy of combination
(𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 2 , 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 1, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 2, 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒 3) , which also shows the best performance when
conducting over testing data (Table 8). Although task 1B is based on the results from
task 1A, but the strategy of using bigger training data to train classifier and adding more
rules truly work compared with the other strategies proposed in task 1B.
   Task 2. The best performance for task 2 applies the strategy which is based on the
identified facet obtained in task 1B. Such method to split identified cited text span into
groups does show some logical evidences to infer the order of appearance for sentences.
          Table 9 Highest Value for each Evaluation Metric in each Sub-task
                                                                       Best Submission
  Subtask Metric                          Our Best Submission
                                                                       of Other Teams
              Sentence Overlap (F1)                0.086                     0.126
  Task 1A
              ROUGE-SU4 (F1)                       0.093                      0.09
  Task 1B F1                                       0.245                     0.389
              Abstract R-2                         0.296                     0.514
              Abstract R-SU4                       0.145                     0.295
              Community R-2                        0.204                     0.209
   Task 2
              Community R-SU4                      0.117                      0.112
              Human R-2                            0.237                     0.278
              Human R-SU4                          0.158                       0.2

5       Conclusion

This paper introduces our submitted system IR&TM-NJUST at CL-SciSumm 2019.
Compared with the previous work of task 1A, we constructed a new feature set based
on correlation analysis, tried new negative sampling and added MLP-based models. For
task 1B, a simple framework is proposed this year using classification model and prior
rules. As to task 2, we make utilization of results from task 1B.
   In the future work, more efforts can be done on these three tasks. For task 1, this year
we have a larger data set thanks to SciSummNet. However, performance of classifiers
that using this corpus is not good as expected. If possible, we should find more ways to
expand available and valuable data set for this shared task. For task 2, except using the
current pipeline, generative models can also be trained in the next work.


This work is supported by Major Projects of National Social Science Fund (No.


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