=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2414/paper24 |storemode=property |title=Poli2Sum@CL-SciSumm-19: Identify, Classify, and Summarize Cited Text Spans by means of Ensembles of Supervised Models |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/paper24.pdf |volume=Vol-2414 |authors=Moreno La Quatra,Luca Cagliero,Elena Baralis |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sigir/QuatraCB19 }} ==Poli2Sum@CL-SciSumm-19: Identify, Classify, and Summarize Cited Text Spans by means of Ensembles of Supervised Models== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/paper24.pdf
    Poli2Sum@CL-SciSumm-19: Identify, Classify,
    and Summarize Cited Text Spans by means of
          Ensembles of Supervised Models

             Moreno La Quatra, Luca Cagliero, and Elena Baralis

       Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 10129 Turin (Italy)

      Abstract. This paper presents the Poli2Sum approach to the 5th Com-
      putational Linguistics Scientific Document Summarization Shared Task
      (BIRNDL CL-SciSumm 2019). Given a set of reference papers and the
      set of papers citing them, the proposed approach has a threefold aim.
      (1a) Identify the text spans in the reference paper that are referenced by
      a specific citation in the citing papers. (1b) Assign a facet to each citation
      describing the semantics behind the citation. (2) Generate a summary of
      the reference paper consisting of the most relevant cited text spans. The
      Poli2Sum approach to tasks (1a) and (1b) relies on an ensemble of clas-
      sification and regression models trained on the annotated pairs of cited
      and citing sentences. Facet assignment is based on the relative positions
      of the cited sentences locally to the corresponding section and globally
      in the entire paper. Task (2) is addressed by predicting the overlap (in
      terms of units of text) between the selected text spans and the summary
      generated by the domain experts. The output summary consists of the
      subset of sentences maximizing the predicted overlap score.

Keywords: Citation identification · Sentence-based summarization · Classifi-
cation and Regression · Text mining

1    Introduction
The diffusion of digital libraries has eased the access to scientific publications in
electronic form. The paper full-text, the author and co-author relationships, and
the citation networks have become accessible from the most popular Web-based
sources. For example, DBLP [12] is a computer science bibliography providing
online reference for open bibliographic information on computer science journals.
In parallel, networks for linking scientists and researchers (e.g., ResearchGate,
Academia.edu [21]) as well as online services to index, search, and mine scientific
data at large (e.g., ArnetMiner [23]) have been developed.
    Since exploring the textual content of scientific papers is extremely time-
consuming, the recent advances in Information Retrieval and Computational
Linguistics have focused on automating the process of knowledge extraction
and linking from scientific papers and related social data. The main challenges
  2         La Quatra et al.

  addressed in the research community include, amongst others, modeling author-
  topic relationships (e.g., [19]), identifying of cross-topic collaborations (e.g., [14]),
  and detecting potential conflicts of interest (e.g., [24]).
      The Computational Linguistics Scientific Document Summarization Shared
  Task (CL-SciSumm 2019) [4] presented at the joint workshop on Bibliometric-
  enhanced IR and NLP for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL@SIGIR 2019) [9] is a
  challenge focused on text mining and summmarization of scientific papers. It
  considers topics described by a reference papers and a set of citing papers that
  all contain citations to the reference paper. In each citing paper, the text spans
  (i.e., citances) have been identified that pertain to a particular citation to the
  RP. The task proposed in the 5th edition of the challenge, i.e., CL-SciSumm
  BIRNDL 2019, entails automatically generating summaries of scientific papers
  of two types: faceted summaries of the traditional self-summary (the abstract)
  and the community summary (the collection of citation sentences). Furthermore,
  it entails grouping the citation sentences by the facets of the text that they refer
  to. A more formal statement of the CL-SciSumm 2019 Shared Task1 is given

  Problem statement. Let rp be a reference scientific paper and let CP be the set
  of scientific papers citing in rp (hereafter denoted as citing papers). Given an
  arbitrary citing paper cp ∈ CP let cCP ={c1 , c2 , . . . , cn } be the text spans in cp
  (hereafter denoted as citances) pertinent to any citation to rp (i.e., the parts of
  the text where citations to rp are placed).
      The tasks can be formulated as follows.

(1A) For each citance cj , identify the spans of text rp(cj ) in the reference paper
      (hereafter denoted as cited text spans) that are most likely to be related to cj .
      The cited text spans can be either a single sentence or consecutive sentences
      (no more than 5).
(1B) For each cited text span identify what facet of the paper it belongs to from
      a predefined set of facets. Facets describe the semantics behind the citation
      (i.e., Aim, Hypothesis, Implication, Results, Method).
  (2) Produce a short summary of the reference paper (no more than 250 words)
      which consists of a selection of cited text spans (this task is optional).

      This paper presents the Poli2Sum approach2 to the 5th Computational Lin-
  guistics Scientific Document Summarization Shared Task (BIRNDL CL-SciSumm
  2019). Our approach relies on an ensemble of classification and regression models
  trained on the annotated pairs of cited and citing sentences. Supervised models
  are trained on a variety of features, including those extracted by using two among
  the most popular word embedding models (i.e., Word2Vec [15], Sent2Vec [16]).
  Two complementary predictive variables have been considered in the proposed
       http://wing.comp.nus.edu.sg/ cl-scisumm2019/
       The name of the method is an acronym abbreviating the name of the university
       to which the authors are affiliated (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) and the keyword
                                                 Poli2Sum@CL-SciSumm-19            3

approach: (i) a discrete label, indicating whether a particular citance refers to
given cited text span, and (ii) a continuous class label, which indicates, for a
given citance, the distance between the candidate text span and the actual cited
text span. To forecast the value of the predictive variables, ensembles of clas-
sification and regression methods have been applied, respectively. Classification
models are aimed at accurately predicting the discrete class label associated with
each pair of citance and cited text span. Regression models are instead applied
to produce a rank of the cited text spans associated with a given citance. The
most likely text span is the one that minimizes the distance [1].
     The Poli2Sum approach to tackling tasks 1A and 1B relies on an ensemble of
classification and regression models trained on the annotated pairs of cited and
citing sentences. To generate an ensemble of binary classifiers for task 1A, the
outcomes of the single classifiers are properly combined using a greedy strategy
in order to select the text spans with maximal number of votes. Thanks to
the inherent rank given by the regressors, the ensemble of regression models
for Task 1A identifies the text spans that minimize the predicted distance. To
tackle facet assignment (i.e., task 1B), a classification model is trained on the
annotated subset of text spans. The annotated data are enriched with additional
information about the structure paper (i.e., the relative positions of the cited text
span in the section and in the entire paper). The idea behind is that the semantics
of the citation is likely to be correlated with the position of the cited text span.
Finally, to tackle task 2 a regression model predicts the overlap, in terms of units
of text, between the selected text spans and the manually generated summaries.
The more similar the content of the text span with the human annotation, the
more likely the content is worth including in the summary. The output summary
is a selection of the top ranked text spans in order of decreasing overlap score.
     The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 compares the Poli2Sum
approach with the previously proposed solutions. Section 3 thoroughly describes
the Poli2Sum method, while Section 4 summarizes the main experimental results.
Finally, Section 5 draws conclusions and discusses future works.

2   Related works

In the previous editions of CL-SciSumm 2019 Shared Task many effective strate-
gies to tackle the aforesaid problems have been proposed [8]. For example, the
best performing approach to Task 1A in the former edition [1] proposed to use
Convolutional Neural Networks and word Embeddings. They designed a voting
system combining supervised (CNNs) with unsupervised (WEs) models. Similar
to [1], we propose to use regression models to predict the distance between the
actual and candidate cited text spans. Unlike [1], the Poli2Sum approach relies
on ensemble methods combining either classification or regression models. Fur-
thermore, word embedding information is integrated as training data features
instead of used to drive separate strategies. The systems proposed in [6, 20] rely
on binary classification models which consider more advanced textual features
extracted using word embedding and Natural Language Processing techniques.
4         La Quatra et al.

                                   Fig. 1: Poli2Sum architecture.

                                                                               Cited text span
                                                                            identification (Task 1a)
                                                              Features          R1    R2         R3

                                           Reference paper                       Voting scheme
                                         summarization (Task 2)

               Reference paper

                                         Citation Classification                            CPn
                                                (Task 1b)

They considered four main feature categories: similarity features, positional fea-
tures, frequency-based features, and rule-based features. Unlike [6, 20] this work
exploits regression models as well. Furthermore, in [6] the authors did not ad-
dress the optional summarization task (i.e., task 2). Other approaches (e.g., [17])
exploited various contextualized word vector spaces trained either on Google-
News3 or on the ACL Antology Network4 . More advanced text distance measures
computed at the levels of words or sentences have also been proposed, i.e., the
Word Movers Distance and the Earth Movers Distance [10, 7], the IDF-weighted
Average Embedding based similarity and the Smooth Inverse Frequency based
similarity distances [7]). Unlike Poli2Sum, in [7] task 2 has not been addressed,
while in [10] the proposed solution is not based on supervised machine learning

3      The Poli2Sum method
The architecture of the Poli2Sum system is depicted in Figure 1. A brief sum-
mary of the functionality of each block is given below, while more extensive
descriptions are provided in the following sections.
    – Parsing and preprocessing: this block is devoted to parsing and preparing
      the raw text of the analyzed documents to the subsequent steps.
    – Cited text span identification: It trains and applies ensembles of regres-
      sion or classification models to specifically address task 1a.
    – Citation classification: it addresses task 1b by training and applying a
      multi-class classification model on top of the outcomes of the Cited text span
      identification step.
                                                 Poli2Sum@CL-SciSumm-19           5

 – Reference paper summarization: this step entails ranking the cited text
   spans selected by the cited text span identification step to generate the ref-
   erence paper summary (output of task 2). It applies a supervised model to
   predict the significance level of each text span according to the training data.

   The text preparation and analytics steps performed by Poli2Sum are imple-
mented in the Python language and rely on machine learning models provided
by the Scikit-learn library [18].

3.1   Parsing and preprocessing

The text of the scientific papers and the related citation network are processed
in order to tailor the input data to the subsequent analyses. First, a parsing
of the text, provided in xml format, is performed by considering also the text
structure (e.g., the organization of the text into sentences and sections). Then,
the input text is tokenized into separate words and the less relevant or non-
informative words (e.g., conjunctions, prepositions) are removed. Word tokeniza-
tion and stop-word removal were based on English vocabulary provided by the
Natural Language Toolkit [2]. Finally, the text is also transformed into word and
sentence latent spaces using the Word2Vec [15] and Sent2Vec [16] algorithms,
respectively. The word embeddings are trained using the Wikipedia corpus rec-
ommended by the authors [15].

3.2   Cited text span identification (Task 1a)

For each citance, the goal of this block is to identify the span of referenced text.
Among the candidate sentences in the reference paper, the aim is to exploit the
content of the citing snippet and the semantics behind the candidate sentence.
Furthermore, since the cited text span may include more than one sentence (at
most 5), a parallel issue is to decide whether a sequence of sentences is worth
considering instead of separate individual sentences.
    To tackle the above issues, it creates a structured training dataset containing
one record for each pair of candidate cited text span and citance. The dataset
features consists of a variety of measures evaluating the similarity between ci-
tance and candidate text span. The considered features are enumerated below.

 – Sent2Vec similarity: it indicates the distance between the citance and the
   candidate text in the latent space of the document sentences. It is computed
   as the cosine similarity between the corresponding latent vectors generated
   by the Sent2Vec embedding model proposed by [16].
 – Word2Vec similarity: it indicates the distance between the citance and
   the candidate text in the latent space of the document words. It is computed
   as the cosine similarity between the corresponding vectors generated by the
   Word2Vec embedding model [15]. To generate sentence vectors, single word
   vectors are averaged and stop-words are excluded.
6         La Quatra et al.

    – Rouge-based similarities: they indicate the syntactical similarity between
      the citance and the candidate text span. It is computed as the F-measure
      score produced by the established Rouge toolkit [13]. To analyze overlaps
      among text at different granularity levels, the considered units of overlap
      are: (i) unigrams (i.e., Rouge-1), (ii) bigrams (i.e., Rouge-2), and (iii) the
      largest matching sub-sequence (Rouge-L).
    The content of the training dataset is extracted from the CL-SciSumm 2019
training data5 . Two complementary solutions, respectively based on classifica-
tion and regression models, have been integrated.

Classification-based approach Each record of the structured dataset is la-
beled as (i) true, if the sentence of the reference paper is actually part of the
cited text span, or (ii) false otherwise. To cope with imbalances in the training
data, the structured dataset contains all the records labelled as true and 7 sam-
ple records labeled with false (those with maximal Sent2Vec similarity score).
The idea behind to train robust prediction models for the true class label by
considering the most challenging instance for false class label.
     An ensemble of three different classification models with different characteris-
tics is trained. Specifically, it considers a decision tree-based model (i.e., Gradient
Boosting), a Neural Network (i.e., Multi-Layer Perceptron), and a Bayesian clas-
sifier (i.e., Gaussian Naive Bayes) [11]. Considering heterogeneous model type
increases the chance to capture different correlations between the dataset feature
and the class. Separately for each model, a bagging model averaging approach [3]
is applied in order to make the system more robust to small variations between
the training and validation sets.

Regression-based approach The records in the structured dataset are labeled
by assigning the maximum Sent2Vec similarity score between the candidate sen-
tence of the reference paper and the set of sentences actually referenced by the
citances. Notice that (i) the similarity is maximal if the candidate text span is
actually referenced by the citance (1), and (ii) the target value expresses the
similarity between the candidate text span and the closest text span actually
referenced by the citance in the embedding space. Similar to the classification
approach, an ensemble of three regression algorithms (i.e., Gradient Boosting,
Multi-Layer Perceptron and Adaboost [11]) is trained and a bagging model av-
eraging approach is applied. The selection of the candidate text span is given by
a majority voting procedure. For each regressor, the 7 top scored sentences are
picked first. Then, a majority voting process is used to pick the most relevant
sentences by consensus among all the considered regressors.

3.3     Citation classification (Task 1b)
A multi-class classification model, based on the Gradient Boosting algorithm,
is trained in order to assign a facet to each citation. A citation consists of a
                                               Poli2Sum@CL-SciSumm-19          7

pair of citance and cited text span. The class labels are the facets describing
the semantics behind the citation (i.e., Aim, Hypothesis, Implication, Results,
Method). The training dataset with annotated citations is given by the contest
organizers. The Citation classification block enriches the training dataset with
positional features in order to take the relative position of the cited text span
into account during the facet assignment process. The following features are

 – Position of the referenced text: we consider the top-ranked referenced
   sentence and we compute a normalized score, between 0 and 1, using the
   sentence identified. Specifically, we compute the ratio between the predicted
   sentence position (sp ) and the length, in terms of sentences, of the paper
   (smax ).
 – Section-based features: when the title of the section is available, we use
   a regular expression based method to divide the paper sections in 7 classes,
   namely Title, Abstract, Introduction, Related Works, Method Description,
   Experiments, Conclusion. For each sentence, the information about the par-
   ent section is encoded as a discrete feature. Moreover, when available, we
   used the section numbering directly as additional feature of the system.

3.4   Summarization (Task 2)

The summarization task entails generating a concise yet informative summary
of the reference paper consisting of the most relevant cited text spans. Hence,
this module aims at evaluating the cited text span in order to identify the best
representatives. To tackle this issue, a ground truth has been provided by the
contest organizers. It contains a subset of reference papers annotated with a
manually generated summary. This block trains a regression model on the an-
notated sentences by considering for each cited text span the following set of
describing features:

 – Sentence length: it indicates the number of words in the sentence. The
   longer the sentences the more likely the sentence would contain repetitions
   or redundant information.
 – Embedding-based similarities with the abstract: they indicate the
   similarity between the candidate text span and the abstract of the paper,
   computed using both Word2Vec [15] and Sent2Vec [22] embedding methods.
   Since the abstract could be deemed as a short summary of the paper, it could
   be helpful for discriminating between relevant text spans and not.
 – Syntactical similarities with title and abstract: they indicate the syn-
   tactical similarity between the candidate text span and the content of the
   title and the abstract of the paper, respectively. It is computed using the
   F-measure of the Rouge-L metric (i.e., we maximize the overlap in terms
   of longest matching sub-sequence). The same procedure is applied between
   each sentence and the paper’s abstract. This metric is able to identify the
   longest common sub-sequence of words between two text spans.
8        La Quatra et al.

   The target of the regression model, trained using the Gradient Boosting
algorithm, is the Syntactical similarity between the candidate text span and the
humanly generated summary (in terms of Rouge-L F-measure).

4      Experiments
To evaluate the performance of the Poli2Sum approach, we followed the recom-
mendations provided by the CL-SciSumm-19 task organizers and we used the
following datasets for Tasks 1.a and 2:
    – Training set: We used the training data provided by the CL-SciSumm-19
      task organizers.
    – Validation set: We used the training dataset of CL-SciSumm-18 (40 pa-
    – Test set: We applied the trained models on the test data provided by the
      CL-SciSumm-19 task organizers.
    – Ground truth: The test outcomes are compared with the ground truth by
      the CL-SciSumm-19 task organizers.
    Since the CL-SciSumm-19 training data are unlabeled, to tackle Task 1.B
we applied an hold-out validation strategy (75% of the dataset was used for
training, while the remaining part for validation).
    The hyper-parameters of the regression and classification algorithms were
tuned on the training set using a 5-fold cross-validation procedure. The param-
eter settings that differ from the standard recommendations provided by the
SciKit-learn library [18] are reported below.
    – Task 1.A: Gradient Boosting regressor (num. estimators = 200), AdaBoost
      Regressor (num. estimators = 200), MultiLayer Perceptron (num. of layers
      = 2, layer size = 100)
    – Task 1.B: Gradient Boosting classifier (num. estimators = 100)
    – Task 2: Gradient Boosting regressor (num. estimators = 400)

4.1     Results of Task 1.A (Cited text span identification) on the
        validation set
We performed an ablation study to assess the performance improvements achieved
by the single regression methods, the ensemble method, and the bagging strat-
egy. Table 1 reports the results obtained by single regressors. We empirically
analyzed the performance of the regression models by varying the number of
selected sentences. Setting the number of selected sentence to 5 allowed us to
achieve the best results in terms of F-measure.
    Table 2 reports the results of the ensemble methods by enabling and disabling
the bagging option. Enabling the bagging strategy yielded slight performance
improvements. Similar results (not reported here due to the lack of space) were
achieved using the classification approach. Regression-based ensemble methods
turned out to be slightly more effective than classification-based ones on the
tested data (best F1-measure 0.14 vs 0.13).
                                                              Poli2Sum@CL-SciSumm-19         9

            Num. of sentences              Method             Precision Recall F-measure
                                 Multi-Layer Perceptron         0.08      0.25        0.12
                   5                   AdaBoost                 0.08      0.26        0.12
                                   Gradient Boosting            0.08      0.26        0.12
                                 Multi-Layer Perceptron         0.07      0.32        0.12
                   7                   AdaBoost                 0.07      0.30        0.11
                                   Gradient Boosting            0.08      0.34        0.13
                                 Multi-Layer Perceptron         0.06      0.36        0.10
                   10                  AdaBoost                 0.06      0.36        0.10
                                   Gradient Boosting            0.06      0.38        0.11

      Table 1: Task 1a: Performance of single regressors on the validation set.

                   Bagging Num. of sentences Precision Recall F-measure
                                       5               0.10      0.22          0.14
                   Enabled             7               0.09      0.27          0.14
                                       10              0.08      0.34          0.13
                                       5               0.09      0.24          0.13
                  Disabled             7               0.08      0.29          0.12
                                       10              0.07      0.31          0.12

 Table 2: Impact of bagging on regression performance on the validation set.

4.2     Result of Task 1B (Citation classification) on the validation set

Table 3 reports the results obtained for the task 1.B in terms of precision, recall,
and F-measure on the validation set.

                                Type         Precision Recall F-measure
                         Micro average          0.48      0.48          0.48
                         Macro average          0.16      0.19          0.18
                        Weighted average        0.40      0.48          0.44

 Table 3: Task 1B: Performance of citation classification on the validation set

4.3     Results of Task 2 (Reference paper summarization) on the
        validation set

We empirically analyzed the performance of the summarization process by com-
paring the automatically generated summaries with those generated by the do-
main experts. To perform a quantitative evaluation, we used the standard Rouge
toolkit [13]. Table 4 reports the average Rouge-2 and Rouge-L scores (recall,
10       La Quatra et al.

                          Type             Metric    Precision Recall F-measure
                                          Rouge-2      0.198     0.135      0.153
                    Human Summary
                                          Rouge-L      0.376     0.283      0.284
                                          Rouge-2      0.204     0.337      0.241
                 Community Summary
                                          Rouge-L      0.315     0.505      0.331

            Table 4: Task 2: Summary evaluation on the validation set

precision, and F1-measure) achieved against for the community and the human-
annotated summaries. To analyze the qualitative significance of the achieved
results, Table 5 reports an example of generated summary as well as the cor-
responding humanly generated version. The summary generated by Poli2Sum
appeared to be fairly consistent with the expected result.

                                         Poli2Sum Summary
This paper presents a corpus-based approach to word sense disambiguation where a decision tree
assigns a sense to an ambiguous word based on the bigrams that occur nearby. This approach is
evaluated using the sense-tagged corpora from the 1998 SENSEVAL word sense disambiguation
exercise. Word sense disambiguation is the process of selecting the most appropriate meaning for
a word, based on the context in which it occurs. There is a further assumption that each feature is
conditionally independent of all other features, given the sense of the ambiguous word. In particular,
the decision tree learner makes decisions as to what bigram to include as nodes in the tree using the
gain ratio, a measure based on the overall Mutual Information between the bigram and a particular
word sense. We have presented an ensemble approach to word sense disambiguation (Pedersen,
2000) where multiple Naive Bayesian classifiers, each based on co-occurrence features from varying
sized windows of context, is shown to perform well on the widely studied nouns interest and line.
Bigrams have been used as features for word sense disambiguation, particularly in the form of
collocations where the ambiguous word is one component of the bigram (e.g., (Bruce and Wiebe,
1994), (Ng and Lee, 1996), (Yarowsky, 1995)). The results of this approach are compared with
those from the 1998 SENSEVAL word sense disambiguation exercise and show that the bigram
based decision tree approach is more accurate than the best SENSEVAL results for 19 of 36 words.
                                    Human-annotated Summary
This paper presents a corpus-based approach to word sense disambiguation where a decision tree
assigns a sense to an ambiguous word based on the bigrams that occur nearby.for this purpose the
sense inventory of word sense has already been determined. This paper describes an approach where
a decision tree is learned from some number of sentences where each instance of an ambiguous word
has been manually annotated with a sense-tag that denotes the most appropriate sense for that
context and for Building a Feature Set of Bigrams; two alternatives, the power divergence family
and the Dice Coefficient were explored. this study utilizes the training and test data from the
1998 SENSEVAL evaluation of word sense disambiguation systems.The results of this approach
are compared with those from the 1998 SENSEVAL word sense disambiguation exercise and show
that the bigram based decision tree approach is more accurate than the best SENSEVAL results
for 19 of 36 words.

Table 5: Comparison between the automatically generated and human-annotated
summaries on the validation set. Paper identifier: N01-1011.

4.4    Testing of the Poli2Sum approach

The outcomes of the Poli2Sum approach on the CL-SciSumm-19 test set were
submitted to the Shared Task and evaluated by the organizers against the ground
truth. We submitted four different runs with slightly different configuration set-
                                                Poli2Sum@CL-SciSumm-19         11

tings for the summarization step (Task 2). The main characteristics of each run
are summarized below.

1. Run 1 : the regression algorithm uses the complete feature-set. The sum-
   maries are created considering a sentence-level limit in length.
2. Run 2 : the regression algorithm uses the complete feature-set. The sum-
   maries are created considering a word-level limit in length.
3. Run 3 : the regression algorithm does not use the title-similarity feature. The
   summaries are created as in Run 1.
4. Run 4 : the regression algorithm does not use the title-similarity feature. The
   summaries created as in Run 2.

   Table 6 reports the results achieved by the best performing system runs on
the test set separately per task and evaluation metric.

          Task     Best Run                Metric                Result
                    1-2-3-4      F1-score (sentence overlap)      0.092
         Task 1a
                    1-2-3-4         F1-score (Rouge-SU4)          0.034
         Task 1b    1-2-3-4        F1-score (Classification)      0.229
                      1         F1-Score Rouge-2 (Abstract)       0.364
                      1        F1-Score Rouge-SU4 (Abstract)      0.196
                      2        F1-Score Rouge-2 (Community)       0.209
          Task 2
                      2       F1-Score Rouge-SU4 (Community)      0.112
                      1          F1-Score Rouge-2 (Human)         0.218
                      1         F1-Score Rouge-SU4 (Human)        0.144

      Table 6: Shared Task results. Evaluation against the ground truth.

    The Poli2Sum approach performed best (1st out of 104 runs) on Task 2
against the community summary (i..e, the target of the Poli2Sum training pro-
cess), while it placed 31st and 72nd against the abstract and human summaries,
respectively. Notice that, unlike the content of the human summary, the sen-
tences of the abstract and community summaries are also part of the input
data thus they can be selected by an extractive summarizer. Notice also that
the abstract is self-contained, while the community summary may include also
sentences from different sections of the paper. Therefore, the latter summary
provides a broader description of the content of the paper.
    The performance of Poli2Sum for the intermediate Tasks 1.a and 1.b are the
same for all the submitted runs (i.e., 36th out of 98 submitted runs for Task 1a,
57th over 98 submitted runs for Task 1b).
12      La Quatra et al.

5    Conclusions and future works

This paper describes the Poli2Sum system submitted to the CL-SciSumm Shared
Task at SIGIR 2019 BIRNDL Workshop. The proposed approach relies on an
ensemble of supervised models trained on a variety of textual and latent features.
The features selected for the training phase are tailored to each task. The per-
formance of the Poli2Sum approach was promising on Task 2, especially against
the community summary, which is the target of the prediction process.
    As future work, we plan to test the integration of deep learning architectures
(e.g., BERT [5]) in the current architecture to solve similar research problems.

6    Acknowledgements

The research leading to these results has been partly funded by the Smart-
Data@PoliTO center for Big Data and Machine Learning technologies.


 1. Aburaed, Ahmed and Bravo, Alex and Chiruzzo, Luis and Saggion, Horacio: LaS-
    TUS/TALN+ INCO@ CL-SciSumm 2018-Using Regression and Convolutions for
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