=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2414/paper26 |storemode=property |title=ATHENA@CL-SciSumm 2019: Siamese recurrent bi-directional neural network for identifying cited text spans |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/paper26.pdf |volume=Vol-2414 |authors=Aris Fergadis,Dimitris Pappas,Haris Papageorgiou |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sigir/FergadisPP19 }} ==ATHENA@CL-SciSumm 2019: Siamese recurrent bi-directional neural network for identifying cited text spans== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/paper26.pdf
       ATHENA@CL-SciSumm 2019: Siamese
     recurrent bi-directional neural network for
            identifying cited text spans

        Aris Fergadis1,3 , Dimitris Pappas2,3 , and Haris Papageorgiou3
  School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of
                                 Athens, Greece
  Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
                   Athena Research and Innovation Center, Greece

      Abstract. In this paper we describe our participation to the Task1 of
      the CL-SciSumm 2019. The task is on automatic paper summarization in
      the research area of Computational Linguistics. Our approach is a two
      step binary sentence pair classification between the so-called citances
      and candidate sentences. Firstly, we classify sentences in the abstracts
      to predefined classes we call “zones”. These zones capture the discourse
      structure of a scientific publication. We then expand these zones with
      additional, similar sentences which are found in the main sections of the
      publication body. We train a Siamese bi-directional GRU neural network
      with a logistic regression layer to decide if a citance alludes to a candidate
      sentence. The cited sentences are also assigned one or more discourse
      facets (i.e., categories defined in the Task) using a multi-class SVM. We
      ran extensive experiments in three different datasets achieving promising

      Keywords: Candidate Cited Sentence Selection · Siamese Neural Net-
      work · Discourse Facet

1    Introduction
Researchers are confronted with a continuously increasing volume of scientific
publications, facing difficulties to monitor and track [13]. The ability to create
synopsis of the key-points, contribution and importance of a paper within an
academic community is an important step [12]. This synopsis, can be created
by using citation sentences (i.e., the citances) that reference a specific paper
and can be considered as a community-created summary of a topic or a paper.
Scientific summaries offer an overview of the cited paper useful to scholars,
writers or literature reviewers [7, 10]. The CL-SciSumm Shared Task focuses
on the scientific summarization of papers [6], organized into two tasks. For both
tasks the organizers provide several Reference Papers (RPs) called “topics”.

Task1A: For each citance, identify the spans of text (cited text spans) in the RP
that most accurately reflect the citance. These spans are of the granularity of
2       A. Fergadis et al.

a sentence fragment, a full sentence, or several consecutive sentences (no more
than 5).

Task1B: For each cited text span, identify what facet of the paper it belongs to,
from a predefined set of facets.

Task2 (optional): Generate a structured summary of the RP from the cited texts
pans of the RP. The length of the summary should not exceed 250 words.
   We participated on the tasks 1A and 1B of 2019 shared task [1] and present
here our methodology.

2     Methodology

We approach Task 1A as a binary sentence pair classification problem. We cre-
ate pairs of citance and a candidate sentence extracted from the Citing Papers
(CP) and the RPs respectively. Word embeddings are used to select candidate
sentences. A Siamese neural network process these pairs to decide whether or
not the candidate sentence is a cited text span of the citance. For the Task 1B
a multi-class SVM [3] model assigns a discourse facet to the cited text spans.

2.1   System Components

Word Embeddings We use word embeddings for both the candidate sen-
tences selection and for the embedding layer of our network. Embedding vectors
are trained on the ACL Corpus dump4 using the CBOW implementation of
word2vec [11] of the gensim5 tool, with negative sampling set to 5 and 100 for
dimensionality of the word vectors. All words are converted to lowercase.

Candidate Sentence Selection We select sentences from the RP as candidate
sentences. The intuition is that not all sentences are equally important as cited
text spans. Thus, we try to select sentences that are about methodology, results
and conclusions and discard sentences about background and related work. This
is also supported by the fact that the cited text is assigned a discourse facet. Our
approach tries to eliminate sentences that potentially would be false positives.
    To select the candidate sentences of the RP we split the abstract into zones [9].
Each sentence is classified to one of the following zones: Background, Method,
Result and Conclusion. We keep only the sentences that belong to Method, Re-
sult and Conclusion zones (referred to as zone sentences). Sentences are split
into words6 , punctuation and numbers are removed and each word is assigned
its embedding vector. For each zone sentence and the rest of the RP sentences
we calculate sentence embeddings by averaging the word embedding vectors.
  https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/, version 3.7.3
  Using the tokenization tools of the gensim module
                     Siamese biGRU network for identifying cited text spans        3

    Using the embedding vectors of the N zone sentences and all the other embed-
ding vectors of the M RP sentences, we calculate a similarity matrix S ∈ RN ×M
using cosine similarity measure. To get the most similar sentences to the zone
sentences we define a threshold ts . The RP sentences Si,j that pass the simi-
larity threshold ts and the zone sentences are kept as candidate sentences. The
decision of the ts value is discussed into section 3.

Siamese Neural Network The Siamese neural network is composed of two
bi-directional GRUs (biGRU) [14, 2] and a logistic regression layer, as depicted in
Figure 1. Each biGRU processes one sentence at a time. For each citance and a set
of candidate sentences of the RP, the left biGRU takes as input the citance and
the right biGRU takes as input one of the candidate sentences. We use w1:n to
denote a sequence of words w1:n = w1 , . . . wn , each with their corresponding demb
dimensional word embedding ei = E [wi ] . The embedding matrix E ∈ R|V |×demb
associates words from the vocabulary V with demb dimensional dense vectors.
    The left biGRU applies additive zero-centered Gaussian noise [4] to word
embeddings with σ = 0.05 as a regularization layer at the training phase. The
outputs y1b and ynf
                    of the backward GRUb and the forward GRUf respectively
are concatenated in one vector

                                 y1b = GRUb (en:1 )
                                 yn = GRUf (e1:n )
                                 xl = [y1b ; yn
                                y1′b = GRUb (en:1 )
                                yn  = GRUf (e1:n )
                                 xr = [y1′b ; yn

We use xl to denote the output of the left input and xr of the right input and [·; ·]
to denote concatenation. The two output vectors are element wise multiplied to
give a vector x. A logistic regression layer (LR) with a sigmoid activation func-
tion σ(·) is used to make the final prediction ŷ. To summarize the architecture

                   p(y = k|w1:n ) = ŷ, k ∈ {0, 1}
                                ŷ = LR(x), with σ(·) activation
                                x = [xl × xr ]

    The described model considers one sentence at a time. In order to find if a
citance references more than one sentences in the RP, we take the predictions
of all the candidate sentences and keep the maximum score smax . We define a
threshold as st = 0.98 · smax . Any candidate sentence that has score s such as
st ≤ s ≤ smax is selected as a cited sentence.
4         A. Fergadis et al.



                                                                 ′        ′
                                                  y1b ; ynf × y1b ; ynf

                                                                      ′           ′
                                      y1b ; ynf                      y1b ; ynf

                                                                              ′                             ′
                          y1b                                             y1b                              ynf

    GRU   b
               GRU    b         ···   GRU     b
                                                                     GRUb               GRUb       ···     GRUb

    GRUf       GRUf             ···   GRUf                           GRUf               GRUf       ···     GRUf

    GN           GN             ···    GN

     e1          e2             ···     en                                e′1             e′2      ···          e′n

                   Citance                                                            Candidate Sentence

Fig. 1. Siamese bi-directional GRU network. The left input is the Citance and the right
input a Candidate Sentence. The output of the biGRU networks are concatenated,
element wise multiplied and a Logistic Regression (LR) layer with sigmoid activation
gives the a prediction if the Citance cites the Candidate Sentence. GN denotes Gaussian
Noise Layer.

Discourse Facet Task 1B asks “for each cited text span, identify what facet of
the paper it belongs to, from a predefined set of facets”. The predefined facets
are Aim, Hypothesis, Method, Result and Implication. We approach this task as
a multi-class classification problem due to the fact that some cited text spans
may have up to two facets. We build a bag-of-terms representation of all n-grams
with n = 1, 2, 3 and calculate their tf-idf values using L1-norm. Five one-vs-rest
SVM classifiers were trained assigning a cited text span to each of the five facets.
                     Siamese biGRU network for identifying cited text spans        5

3   Experiments and Results

The dataset provided was split into a training and a development set. The train-
ing set consists of a set of 40 RPs with their CPs annotated by humans and 1000
RPs and their corresponding CPs that were automatically annotated. For our
experiments we only used the human part of the training set (the TR-H set).
    As a first step for our experiments we selected candidate sentences from the
RPs. By keeping only the candidate sentences we might miss cited sentences
in the RP which were not selected by our method. In Table 1, coverage is the
number of RP sentences we kept and the hits metric is the number of the cited
sentences in our candidate list (in percentage). Our target is to get minimum
coverage with maximum hits. Minimum coverage means that we have kept all
the good candidates while maximum hits denotes that the cited sentences are
within our candidate list.
    Table 1 displays the average coverage and hits for the 40 RPs of the training
set and the 10 RPs of the development set for different thresholds. Based on
the results, ts was set to 0.5. Using this threshold, we keep about 70% of the
RP sentences on the training set and 60% on the development set, on average.
Despite the fact that we discarded about 30% and 40% of the candidate sentences
we only lose 15% and 20% of the cited text spans, respectively.

Table 1. Average of the coverage and the hits of the selected candidate sentences for
the 2018 training and development set using two thresholds.

                                                   Coverage Hits
                        Training Set Average        69.87% 84.16%
               ts = 0.5
                        Development Set Average     61.58% 81.15%
                        Training Set Average        21.89% 38.50%
               ts = 0.7
                        Development Set Average     15.14% 33.02%

   We evaluated our system in three different versions of the dataset; for each
version, we used for testing the development set (Dev), the 2016 test set (2016)
and the 2017 test set (2017) respectively. For training, we used the TR-H set
provided that we have excluded all papers in the relevant testing set for obvious
reasons. The results shown in Table 2 are comparable to those of the previous
shared tasks [6, 5, 8].

4   Conclusions and Future Work

Scientific summarization is a challenging task as it is evident from the results of
the previous shared tasks [6, 5, 8]. In our methodology we create pairs of citance
and a candidate sentence extracted from the CP and the RP respectively. These
pairs are classified from a Siamese neural network as positive if a citance indeed
cites a sentences, otherwise as negative. The cited sentences are also assigned one
6       A. Fergadis et al.

Table 2. Results on the three test sets reporting Micro and Macro average scores for
Tasks 1A and 1B.

                                Task 1A              Task 1B
        Test Set Average Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
                 Micro     0.137    0.090 0.108 0.950    0.114 0.203
                 Macro     0.125    0.087 0.102 0.750    0.104 0.183
                 Micro     0.077    0.055 0.064 0.941    0.076 0.140
                 Macro     0.103    0.102 0.102 0.100    0.100 0.100
                 Micro     0.136    0.094 0.112 1.000    0.135 0.238
                 Macro     0.182    0.156 0.168 0.600    0.182 0.279

or more discourse facets. We applied our methods on the dataset of the 2019 CL-
SciSumm shared task. The evaluation of our system indicates that the Siamese
neural network performs comparable to other machine learning methods.
    In future work we will investigate the impact of replacing the logistic regres-
sion layer with other similarity functions, such as cosine similarity. We also plan
to select the best value for the st threshold via hyper-parameter tuning. Finally,
we will experiment with different methods for cited sentences selection which
take into account the scores of neighboring sentences.

5   Acknowledgement
We acknowledge support of this work by the Data4Impact Project which received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under grant agreement No 770531.

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