=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2414/paper4 |storemode=property |title=Transfer Learning for Scientific Data Chain Extraction in Small Chemical Corpus with joint BERT-CRF Model |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2414 |authors=Na Pang,Li Qian,Weimin Lyu,Jin-Dong Yang |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sigir/PangQLY19 }} ==Transfer Learning for Scientific Data Chain Extraction in Small Chemical Corpus with joint BERT-CRF Model== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2414/paper4.pdf
  Transfer Learning for Scientific Data Chain
Extraction in Small Chemical Corpus with joint
              BERT-CRF Model

            Na Pang1,2 , Li Qian1,2 , Weimin Lyu3 , and Jin-Dong Yang4
    National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100190, China
    Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, University of
                Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100190, China
                   City University of New York, New York , USA
   Center of Basic Molecular Science (CBMS), Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua
                        University, Beijing, 100084, China

         Abstract. Computational chemistry develops fast in recent years due
         to the rapid growth and breakthroughs in AI. Thanks for the progress in
         natural language processing, researchers can extract more fine-grained
         knowledge in publications to stimulate the development in computa-
         tional chemistry. While the works and corpora in chemical entity ex-
         traction have been restricted in biomedicine or life science field instead
         of chemistry field, we build a new corpus in chemical bond field anno-
         tated for 7 types of entities: compound, solvent, method, bond, reaction,
         pKa and pKa value. This paper utilizes a combined BERT-CRF model
         to build scientific chemical data chains by extracting 7 chemical entities
         and relations from publications. And we propose a joint model to ex-
         tract the entities and relations simultaneously. Experimental results on
         our Chemical Special Corpus demonstrate that we achieve state-of-art
         and competitive NER performance.

         Keywords: transfer learning· pre-training· fine-tuning· entity extrac-
         tion· relation extraction· scientific data chain extraction · BERT-CRF.

1       Introduction
Recently, AI has stimulated the application of chemistry in many fields, such
as computational chemistry and synthetic chemistry. Several tasks have high-
lighted the significance of the AI’s role in chemistry. Scientists utilized deep
neural networks and Monte Carlo tree to plan chemical syntheses and discover
more retrosynthetic routes in short time[1], proposed machine learning method
to perform chemical reactions and analysis faster than they could be performed
manually and predict the reactivity of possible reagent combinations[2] and bor-
rowed word2vec of NLP to create unsupervised machines Atom2Vec to predict
materials properties[3]. There is no doubt that AI is revolutionizing our un-
derstanding on chemistry. In chemistry, especially in computational chemistry,

though the chemical bond energy (pKa) is essential, most values existing in sci-
entific papers are extracted by experts manually and there exists no work to try
to extract the pKa with the method of NLP.
    Our project is based on the construction of iBond 3.0 databank (iBond:
Internet Bond-energy Databank, website: http://ibond.chem.tsinghua.edu.cn or
http://ibond.nankai.edu.cn/). To aid the construction of the iBond databank,
we consider automatically extracting scientific data chains to save the workload
of experts. But extracting the scientific data chains can never be an easy task.
In particular, we consider three challenges in the application of scientific data
chains extraction: (1) The existing corpora may not satisfy the aim of our task
because they focus on general chemicals or drugs; (2) The popular chemical
NER systems use the machine learning methods or deep learning methods, but
it requires abundant data to train; (3) Unlike the start-of-art method to extract
triplets {E1, relation, E2}, the entities are not confined in triplets and some of
them are irrelevant to our relation extraction and some of them do not have
1:1 relation, but more complex 1:n or n:1 relations. These challenges makes
extracting scientific chemical data chains significantly a tough task.
    The first challenge is caused by corpus accessibility. Currently most experi-
ments to extract named entities and corpora are in the field of biomedicine or life
science which focus on extracting the chemical drugs. And the corpora may not
be accessible, such as, PubMed corpus and Sciborg corpus [18]. Considering the
need of automatically extracting chemical bond energy to promote the develop-
ment in computational chemistry, and solving challenges of semantic problems
and numerous unknown words, we create a new corpus of papers of chemical
bond field.
    The second challenge is caused by the ability of start-of-art deep learning
architecture. The deep learning methods usually requires big data to train in
order to get a better model, however the existing corpus for data chain extraction
is not only hard to obtain but also in small scale. What’s worse, most corpus
focus on other fields instead of chemical field. Considering this situation, we also
try to use transfer learning method to alleviate the challenge by pre-training on
large out-domain chemistry corpus before training on chemical bond in-domain
specific corpus.
    The third challenge is caused by the aim of our project and the character-
istic of our corpus. In our project, we not only extract the entities which have
relations, but also extract the irrelevant entities to aid researchers to read and
confirm the right relations extracted by our system. And the multiple entities
in one relation is more complex than the traditional triplets. For this reason, we
construct our own tagging scheme to extract more extensive entities with the
combined BERT-CRF model to extract name entity and relations simultaneously
to avoid possible loss during above two tasks.
    Our contributions: (1) We constructed a specific ChemBE corpus; (2) We
utilize transfer learning on pre-training with large relevant corpus to make sure
that we could have a competitive result on our minimal dataset; (3) We use
BERT-CRF model which combines the BERT model and the CRF model and

utilize a joint tagging scheme to extract entities and relations simultaneously
and build our chemical scientific data chain. The code and data sample is on the
github (https://github.com/quewentian/ChemBE-bert-CRF).

2   Related Works

Entity extraction and relation extraction. Named entity extraction is a
main subtask of information extraction. The common NER methods are based
on rules, dictionaries, machine learning and deep learning. There are numerous
experiments conducted in many fields[4–6]. Relation Extraction is also a crucial
task of information extraction. There are 4 types of methods of extracting re-
lationships: fully supervised learning methods[7, 8], distant supervised learning
methods[9], tree based methods[10] and joint learning with entity and relation
methods[11]. These 4 methods can be classified into 2 models: pipeline models
and joint models. The previous three methods are pipeline models which treat
entity extraction and relation extraction as two separate tasks, and the last one
regards them as one task[11].
    In this paper, we focus on the joint learning method to learn entities and rela-
tions simultaneously. The joint learning model usually has two methods: param-
eter sharing[12, 13], and tagging scheme[11]. Parameter sharing model mainly
utilizes the sharing parameters of the bottom layers and do different tasks via
the upper layers. Tagging scheme model uses new tagging method to convert
two tasks into one task and thus one end-to-end model can solve two tasks in
the meantime.
    Scientific data extraction. Except the traditional entities, there exists a
lot of new trials to explore the possibility of extracting the scientific data in
the scientific papers to mine the latent potential of scientific papers, such as
extracting measured information from text to form a numeric value paired with
a unit of measurement with the method of rules[14], utilizing CRF to extract
numerical attributes from discharge summary records and SVM to associate
correct relation between attributes and values[15].
    There are also some works concerning chemistry field[15]. The most tasks re-
late to the chemical entities are in the biomedicine domain[15], since researchers
do not have rich annotated data to learn in the field of Chemistry. For example,
in the field of biomedicine, Xie J et al. proposed a method of Bi-LSTM net-
work to extract to extract e-cigarette components[16]. Until 2015, BioCreative
put forward CHEMDNER task to specially learn chemical entities and chemical
    But still, there are several problems about the chemical entity extraction: (1)
As for corpora[18], they are mainly in the field of biomedicine ; (2) As for the
techniques, the researchers are concentrated in machine learning in chemistry
field and deep learning is only applied to biomedical field in English chemical
corpora. Researchers have to extract all types of features, thus the generaliza-
tion ability is not strong. And also, we need mass of data to train the model.

Therefore, we need to establish our own specific chemical corpus and apply some
techniques to our small corpus.
    Transfer learning. Transfer learning could help have better results on
small dataset. Upstream unsupervised pre-training can help use less source and
time to do the downstream tasks. There are two methods to apply the pre-
trained language representations to downstream tasks: feature-based approach
(eg, ELMO[19]) and fine-tuning approach (eg, GPT[20], GPT2[21],BERT[22]).
Feature-based approach includes pre-trained representations as additional fea-
tures into embeddings. Fine-tuning approach fine-tunes the pre-trained param-
eters in the specific downstream tasks. In our work, we use BERT in upstream
to do pre-training and CRF in downstream to fine-tune with the task-specific

3     Methods
3.1   Problem Statement
Our main task is to automatically extract the chemical bond energy values in
chemistry field publications, since the pKa values are crucial in computational
chemistry and well-build pKa values can pave the way for deeper research on
computational chemistry. More specifically, we need to extract 7 types of entities
and also extract bond energy data chains which contains many relations among
7 types of entities: compound, solvent, reaction, method, chemical bond, Bond
Energy(pKa) and Bond Energy value(pKa value), see figure 1. These 7 entities
will construct a complete chemical bond energy value chain: XX compound has
A reaction in B solvent to study the C chemical bond with D method, which pKa
is E value. Figure 2 shows the architecture of our method.

                        Fig. 1. 7 types of extracted entities
3.2   Construct Chemical Bond Knowledge Base and Corpus
We constructed a corpus of Chemistry papers annotated for NER task with
the BIO encoding. The original data is from several subdisciplines of chemistry,

                       Fig. 2. architecture of our model

such as physical chemistry and surface chemistry. And we utilize more than 20
mainstream academic journals in the related subdisciplines, such as JOURNAL
CHEMISTRY. We use the interface of Adobe to extract the PDF files into XML
version. We have 7 types of entities in our corpus: compound, solvent, method,
reaction, bond, bond energy and bond energy value.
   We invited chemistry experts from the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua
University and National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences to
construct our own chemical bond knowledge base and corpus–ChemBE (Chemical
Bond Energy) corpus. The corpus construction process is as picture 3. Table 1
shows the statistics of our chemistry corpus. ChemBE corpus is build up with
1900 full papers of chemical bond field following the process of gold standard
corpus construction[23]. To ensure our corpus with high quality, two groups of
experts viewed the data independently and later inter-annotator agreement was
needed to ensure quality. The inter-annotator agreement score is measured by

F1 score, which can be written as follows (X is group 1 and Y is group 2) and
the final F1 score is 89.6%.

                          number of identical annotation results in X and Y
    P recision(X; Y ) =                                                        (1)
                                number of annotation results in Y

                          number of identical annotation results in X and Y
       Recall(X; Y ) =                                                         (2)
                                number of annotation results in X

                                   2 ∗ P recision ∗ Recall
                            F1 =                                               (3)
                                    P recision + Recall

    The knowledge base includes dictionaries and rules, which are further used to
recognize compounds and bonds later. The dictionaries include basic chemical
formula and molecular formula of compounds, roots and affixes, radicals, sub-
stitutes, solvent, etc. The rules contain word indication rules, context indication
rules and logical indication rules.

                    Table 1. Statistics of our chemistry corpus
                           Entity Type           Total Num
                            Compound               501722
                              Solvent              99013
                             Reaction              25841
                              Method               66124
                               Bond                19196
                         Bond Energy(pKa)          85312
                    Bond Energy value(pKa value)   14826

                  Fig. 3. process of ChemBE corpus construction

3.3    Bond Energy Scientific Data Chain Concept Model
Experts construct our bond energy scientific data chain model to assist our
work. Experts build local model and global model to define the entities we need
extract. There are 7 entities: compound, solvent, pKa, pKa value, bond, reaction
and method. Among all the entities, we define 3 global entities(bond, reaction
and method) and 4 local entities(compound, solvent pKa and pKa value). We
only need to extract the relations between 4 local entities, since global entities
can apply to the whole paper and we do not have to extract relations with global

3.4    Joint BERT-CRF Model
In this part, we construct joint BERT-CRF Model to extract entity and relation
    (1) Divide 7 entities into 2 categories and apply different methods to 2 types
( see Table 2).

Table 2. Annotated text corpora for training and assessment of chemical NER tools

Type       Entity                       Written form            Context       Method
         Compound,                                                           Dictionaries
Type1                     Much     1,8-Dihydroxy-4-naphthoic High demand
        chemical bond                                                         and rules
                                           O-H bond
                                                             Low demand;
     Solvent, method,                                           polysemy
Type2 reaction, pKa,      Little           Irregular         (e.g., solution BERT+CRF
        pKa value                                            means solvent
                                                               or answer)

    First, We use the established dictionaries and rules to replace compound and
chemical bond entities with two marks: $CMP$ and $BOND$. Then, in the later
deep learning process, we can avoid the unknown words trouble.
    (2) Build our tagging scheme.
    We build our own tagging scheme to extract both entities and relationships in
the same time. In our tagging scheme, we only focus on only one relation between
a pair of entities in our local models. Thus we define minimum relations between
our local entities: compound-energy(CE) relation, solvent-energy(SE) relation
and energy-energy value(EE) relation (see Figure 4). Among these relations, CE
relation means ”attribute”, SE means ”measure in” and EE relation means ”the
value of”.
    And we define our tagging scheme like this (see Figure 5): . We give an annotation example

                        Fig. 4. 3 defined types of relations
(see Figure 6). The position information has 2 options: B and I, which means
”begin” and ”inter”, respectively. The entity information has three options: com-
pound, solvent and pKa value (the global entities and pKa entity not include, we
only want to extract the relations of the other three local entities with pKa en-
tity). The relation information has 4 options: CE (compound-pKa), SE(solvent-
pKa), EE(pKa-pKa value) and NR(we only extract one relation among one pair
of entities, thus we ignore other relations and all give them one tag ,
which means ”no relation”). Other irrelevant words are tagged as .

                              Fig. 5. tagging scheme

                           Fig. 6. annotation example

    Thus, in our tagging scheme, when extract entities,  and  are equal, because we do not pay attention to the relations. In other
words, we only pay attention to the first two parts in the tags. If an entity should
be tagged as , we think  extracts the correct en-
tity, but the wrong relation.
    (3) Re-pretrain BERT parameters with our large field data.
    BERT, which is constructed of multilayer bidirectional Transformer, is a
contextualized word representation model based on mask language model and
next sentence prediction task. We replace the unused words in the vocabulary
of BERT with some common chemical terms and re-pretrain the pre-trained pa-
rameters of BERT base trained on with 700,000 abstracts in the field of chemical
bond energy, which was originally trained on 800M words of BooksCorpus and
2,500M words of English Wikipedia.
    (4) Fine-tune with small task-specific data. In the downstream NER task,
we use the CRF layer to replace the original softmax layer and get better per-
    First, we use the BERT built-in softmax layer[22] to predict the labels. BERT
defines two vectors in fine-tuning process: a start vector S and an end vector E.
And during the fine-tuning process, we feed the final hidden representation Ti ∈
RH into classification layer and the we get a K dimensional vector, the possibility
of the output vector belonging to category j is:
                                Pj (z) = Pk                                     (4)
                                               i=0 e

    Then, we add the CRF layer after BERT model to do the downstream NER
task. The CRF layer has a state transition matrix can use past and future tags
to predict the current tag and scores possible tags to give a probability of the tag
sequence. Given a sequence of input x={x1 , x2 , ..., xn },a sequence of predictions
y={y1 , y2 , ..., yn }, we define the score of the predictions as following:
                                    X                    n
                        S(x, y) =         Ayi ,yi+1 +          Oi,yi            (5)
                                    i=0                  i=0

where A is a transition scores matrix, and O is the output matrix of BERT.
   We use our ChemBE corpus to train our BERT+CRF model (see Figure 7).

3.5   Extract bond energy data chain

(1) Extract data chain from table.
    Tables always have some crucial entity and relation data. To some extent,
extracting information from tables is not very tough, since tables have semi-
structured data. We use dictionaries and rules to extract the entities and rela-
tions from tables.
    (2) Extract data chain from free text.

                         Fig. 7. joint BERT+CRF model
    We use our BERT+CRF model to predict the entities and relations in the
free text.
    (3) Complete the relations extracted from tables and free text.
    Use entities and relation from the context and from the free text to complete
our scientific data chain of pKa.

4    Experiments
Entity extraction. We conduct 6 different experiments to extraction chemi-
cal entities. First, we use the traditional pre-training methods and downstream
BiLSTM+CRF networks: Glove+BiLSTM+CRF and ELMO+BiLSTM+CRF.
Then we use bert as pre-training method and two different downstream net-
works: softmax and CRF. We also use different parameters: parameters with
only BERT pretraining and parameters with our re-pretraining with our chem-
ical corpus. The results are shown in Table 3. We need to stress that as for
compound and chemical bond entities, we use the dictionaroes and rules, not
the deep learning method. We also make statistical analysis of different entities

                  Table 3. Entity extraction experiment results

                  Settings         Task      P     R      F1
            Glove+BiLSTM+CRF       Entity 83.61% 79.06% 81.27%
           ELMO+BiLSTM+CRF         Entity 85.68% 80.29% 82.90%
               BERT+softmax        Entity 89.15% 82.76% 85.84%
          BERT+softmax+re-pretrain Entity 89.69% 83.11% 86.27%
               BERT+CRF            Entity 91.56% 87.27% 89.36%
          BERT+CRF+re-pretrain Entity 92.29% 87.48% 89.82%

of the most competitive model-BERT+CRF model (see Table 4).

  Table 4. Experiment results of different types of entities of BERT+CRF model

                        Entities    P     R      F1
                       Compound 86.67% 84.78% 85.71%
                         Bond    87.65% 84.52% 86.06%
                        Method 92.37% 85.15% 88.61%
                        Solvent 91.52% 85.03% 86.16%
                        Reaction 93.75% 85.23% 89.29%
                          pKa    92.66% 95.28% 93.95%
                       pKa value 91.67% 87.30% 89.43%

    As we can see in Table 3, our BERT+CRF model with re-pretrain param-
eters outperforms other models significantly. BERT+CRF model gains 3.72%
improvement with no re-pretrained parameters and 3.66% improvement with re-
pretrained parameters in F1 score, respectively. With re-pretrained parameters,
BERT+softmax model gains a slight improvement of 0.43% and BERT+CRF
model gains a slight improvement of 0.26%.
    Relation extraction. This is also the results of previous 6 different exper-
iments, because we extract entities and simultaneously. Here, we only focus on
the results of the relation extraction. The results are shown in Table 5.

                 Table 5. Relation extraction experiment results

                 Settings          Task       P     R      F1
           glove+BiLSTM+CRF        Entity 80.07% 77.16% 78.59%
          ELMO+BiLSTM+CRF          Entity 83.71% 78.69% 81.12%
              BERT+softmax        Relation 84.37% 83.14% 83.75%
         BERT+softmax+re-pretrain Relation 85.79% 84.30% 85.04%
               BERT+CRF           Relation 87.82% 86.16% 86.98%
         BERT+CRF+re-pretrain Relation 88.46% 85.71% 87.07%

    Results of different types of relations of BERT+CRF model are shown in
Table 6. In relation extraction part, BERT+CRF model also have a compara-
bly competitive result than built-in softmax model. With no re-pretrained pa-
rameters, BERT+CRF model sees an improvement of 3.23% in F1 score. With
re-pretrained parameters, BERT+CRF model improves F1 score from 85.04%
to 87.07%. The precision and F1 score of BERT+CRF model with re-pretrained
parameters are better than others. However, the recall of BERT+CRF model
declines slightly with re-pretrained parameters, compared with no re-pretrained
    As we can see in Table 6, the CE relation is the toughest one among 3
relations. The reason behind this is that in our corpus, the compound is the
entity of highest frequency. But the proportion of compound with CE relation is
relatively small which requires high demand of contextual semantic information.

    Table 6. Experiment results of different types of relations of BERT+CRF model

                          Relations    P     R      F1
                             CE     78.57% 84.61% 81.48%
                             SE     89.77% 85.86% 87.78%
                             EE     88.89% 85.71% 87.27%

And during the annotation process, experts sometimes make mistakes easily as
   Results presentation. We display our entity extraction and relation ex-
traction results as Figure 8. One color represents one type of entity, and arrows
represent the relations between entities.

                          Fig. 8. Presentation of our results

5     Conclusions

We propose a joint BERT+CRF model to extract entities and relations simul-
taneously. The contribution of our work is threefold: (1) We construct a new
chemical bond energy (pKa) corpus annotated for 7 types of entities and 3 types
of relations. (2) We construct a joint model that could extract a chemical sci-
entific data chain with multiple entities and relations simultaneously and the
relation is not the traditional 1:1 entity pairs but 1:n or n:1 entity pairs. (3)
We investigate the performance of adding other task-specific network to down-
stream tasks of BERT. And the result shows that adding CRF to downstream
NER tasks may outperform simple softmax in our specific corpus.

6      Acknowledgements

The research work is supported by the Special foundation of Science and Technol-
ogy Resources Survey (No.2018FY201202). We would like to thank the support
by the Center of Basic molecular Science at Tsinghua University and National
Science Library of Chinese Academy of Science. We thank Huizhou Liu, Li Qian,
Jinpei Cheng, Jin-Dong Yang and Sanzhong Luo for the insightful suggestions
and discussions.

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