=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2415/paper02 |storemode=property |title=Application of learning analytics techniques on blended learning environments for university students |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2415/paper02.pdf |volume=Vol-2415 |authors=Sheila Lucero Sánchez-López,Rebeca P. Díaz-Redondo,Ana Fernández-Vilas |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/lasi-spain/LopezRV19 }} ==Application of learning analytics techniques on blended learning environments for university students== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2415/paper02.pdf
                            Application of Learning Analytics techniques on blended
                                 learning environments for university students

                           Sheila Lucero Sánchez López1, Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo 2 and Ana Fernández Vilas3

                                  School of Telecommunications Engineering. I&C Lab. AtlantTIC Research Center.
                                                     University of Vigo. 36310 Vigo. Spain.

                                    Abstract. The educational process is constantly changing. On the one hand,
                                    traditional educational methods have been modified and, on the other hand, the
                                    model of educational transmission has also changed. According to different au-
                                    thors, technological resources, specifically the eLearning platforms, and social
                                    interaction are responsible for these changes. Based on these approaches, this
                                    article applies Learning Analytics techniques with the aim of analyzing social
                                    interaction in blended-learning environments. For this, an exploratory analysis
                                    will be carried out in the messages published in the forums with the objective of
                                    qualitatively analyzing the students' interaction with the educational platform.

                                    Keywords: Learning Analytics, e-learning, Forums, Learning Acquisition, Ed-
                                    ucational Data Mining, social interaction.

                          1         Introduction

                          Technology is innovating almost all areas of our life and education, is not the excep-
                          tion. The educational process has undergone several changes as a result of the imple-
                          mentation of technological resources inside and outside the classroom. In fact, nu-
                          merous institutions add a fundamental role to technology in education. Among them,
                          the European Parliament emphasizes that digital learning has the potential to help the
                          European Union to respond to the challenges of the knowledge society, improve the
                          quality of learning, solve special needs and allow a more effective learning and train-
                          ing [1]. For its part, the Department of Education of the United States of America
                          argues that computers are "the new basic" of education and the Internet is the "black-
                          board" of the future [2]. The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and
                          Culture (UNESCO) emphasizes the potential of Information and Communication
                          Technologies (ICTs) to disseminate and improve teaching and learning in a wide
                          variety of contexts [3].
                             One of the contributions with the greatest impact that Information and Communi-
                          cation Technologies (ICTs) have made to the education sector is the implementation
                          of e-Learning platforms. These platforms are defined by [4], as web applications that

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                          10               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                          integrate a set of tools for the online teaching-learning process, with the aim of allow-
                          ing the creation and management of teaching and learning spaces on the Internet,
                          where teachers and the students can interact during their training process. The boom
                          of these platforms has been so great that they are currently used in different educa-
                          tional levels and in different parts of the world. In fact, according to the combination
                          of technological resources with the degree of presence that the student has while
                          learning, we can find three widely accepted teaching modalities: traditional modality,
                          e-learning and blended-learning.
                             The traditional modality is when the student receives the knowledge in its entirety
                          inside the classroom, in the same space-time as the teacher without the presence of
                          technological resources provided by the (ICTs). The e-learning modality is also called
                          online education modality. In this, the teaching is taught entirely remotely over the
                          Internet, without the need for students to interact with the platform at the same time or
                          in the same geographical location as the teacher. This allows the student to advance at
                          his own pace, making his learning process more flexible and favoring his autonomy
                          [5]. The modality blended-learning or mixed education, arises when the lessons in the
                          classroom complement each other with the educational platform. Fusing this way, two
                          pedagogical approaches that combine the effectiveness and opportunities of socializa-
                          tion of the class with the technological improvements of online learning [6].
                             These platforms have the capacity to store an innumerable amount of data from the
                          interaction of users (students and teachers) with them and through them. Despite the
                          success and acceptance that these platforms are having, these do not have per se any
                          tool to facilitate the interpretation or analysis of this data. However, these data have
                          aroused the interest of many researchers, thus emerging two specialized fields of
                          study: Learning Analytics (LA) and Educational Data Mining (EDM).
                             According to the First International Conference on Learning and Knowledge Anal-
                          ysis (LAK 2011) [7], LA "is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of
                          data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing
                          learning and the environments in which it occurs.”. On the other hand, EDM is de-
                          fined as "the development, research and application of computerized methods to de-
                          tect patterns in large collections of educational data that would otherwise be difficult
                          or impossible to analyze due to the huge volume of existing data" [8].
                             Both areas share different challenges. However, this work has been developed un-
                          der the proposal of LA, based on the approach proposed by [9] "Learning Analytics
                          refers to the interpretation of a wide range of data generated and collected on behalf
                          of the student to evaluate their academic progress, predict their future performance,
                          and locate potential problems. The data is collected from explicit student actions, such
                          as performing evaluable exercises or tests, and from unspoken actions, including so-
                          cial interactions, extracurricular activities, publications in a discussion forum and
                          other activities not directly evaluated as part of the educational progress of the stu-
                          dent. The goal of Learning Analytics is to support teachers and schools in the process
                          of adapting their learning opportunities to the level of need and ability of their stu-
                          dents in real time (or with a fairly tight margin)".
                             It is also necessary to emphasize that not only the teaching modality has changed,
                          also the model of transmission of knowledge has been transformed. According to

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                          [10], two types can be distinguished: on the one hand there is the model where the
                          teacher plays the central role as wise on stage, called "sage on the stage" and, on the
                          other hand, there is the model where the teacher and the student jointly create the
                          learning environment, called "guide on the side". In this case the role of the teacher is
                          to be a side guide.
                              Several authors support the idea that interpersonal interaction provide the ad-
                          vantages of the second model. This type of interaction is generated when students
                          react to the content and share concerns, they teach each other learning in a tangible
                          way when they express with words (through publications on the platform) their own
                          understanding and assumptions, which allows them to appropriate new skills and
                          ideas, at all times being focused and deepened by the lateral guide, without it hinder-
                          ing the development and learning experience of the students [11]. Likewise, in the
                          literature we can find numerous studies that prove that a greater participation in terms
                          of quality and quantity can increase learning. Otherwise, by controlling the design
                          elements of technological resources and the execution of the course, participation and
                          learning can be increased [12], [13], [14].
                              Starting from the premises that e-Learning platforms and interpersonal interaction
                          (or also called, social interaction) are of great importance in the new changes that are
                          arising in the educational process. In this paper we will study the application of LA
                          techniques in blended-learning environments focused on university studies. To this
                          end, a methodology will be presented that allows qualitatively analyzing the interper-
                          sonal interaction of students in the e-Learning platform. Our approach tries to take
                          advantage of the information exchange in the online forums to discover new
                          knowledge about the students’ way of learning or behave. In this paper, our work
                          done in [15] is broadened by analyzing social interaction from a qualitative perspec-
                          tive, since in the work cited, social interaction is only approached from a quantitative
                              To do this, the data extracted from the official platform of the University of Vigo
                          belonging to a programming course along three different academic years of Tele-
                          communications Engineering will be used.
                              This document is structured as follows. The following section (section 2) provides
                          a description of the data set and the methodology. Subsequently, in section 3 we will
                          analyze the students qualitatively, analyzing their messages and publications in the
                          forums of the e-Learning platform. Finally, in section 4 the results will be analyzed.

                          2         Description of Dataset and Methodology

                             To perform our experiments, we use data from a course related to the programming
                          skills of the third year course of a Bachelor Degree on Telecommunication Engineer-
                          ing. This is a blended course of fourteen weeks between September and January. The
                          dataset was gathered from the official e-Learning platform, Moodle-based, of the
                          university where the subject was taught.
                             The assessment mechanism of this course is based on three mandatory assignments
                          distributed along the course (from the fourth to the last week) as Fig. 1 shows. The

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                          12               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                          forum is accessible to all students and used to debate about different aspects related to
                          the course (content or administrative issues), answer questions, solve doubts, etc.
                          However, it should be noticed that it does not represent any mandatory activity. The
                          required assignments are divided in two types:

                          • Laboratory: To determine if the student has acquired all the knowledge and skills
                            corresponding to the laboratory practices (3 practices).
                          • Applied: To determine if the student knows how to apply the knowledge of the
                            course to solve problems (2 exams).

                                                           Fig. 1. Temporal representation of the course

                          The Moodle platform stores in its database not only all the information related with
                          the courses (course contents, personal data of students and professors, students’
                          grades, etc.), but also all the information about the students’ interaction with the plat-
                          form. In fact, Moodle distinguishes between different types of interactions, which are
                          classified in ten different modules (Assignment, Blog, Choice, Course, Forum, Notes,
                          Resource, Upload, User, and Quiz) as Table 1 shows.

                                                 Table 1. Detail of the information contained in each module

                               Module                                              Information
                            Assignment         Files, notes, deliveries of work requested by the teacher.
                            Blog               Advertisements
                            Choice             Selection of information such as dates, places, excursions attendance lists, etc.
                            Course             Assignment of teachers and students by subject.
                            Forum              Everything related to forums (questions, news, discussions) that create teach-
                                               ers and students.
                            Notes              Notes – additional information
                            Resource           Educational resources, notes, slides, presentations.
                            Quiz               Assessments, quizzes, tests, etc...
                            Upload             Updates/changes in resources
                            User               All personal user information

                          For our analysis, we gathered data (73,849 interactions) from three academic years.
                          We analyze data of 435 students organized from 2014 to 2017, as shown in Table 2.

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                                                                          Table 2. Initial Data

                                       Academic Year                            Students                             Interactions
                                         2014/2015                                132                                 25.333
                                         2015/2016                                168                                 28.410
                                         2016/2017                                166                                 20.106
                                           Total                                  466                                 73.849
                          As mentioned above, we will analyze two types of interaction: interaction with con-
                          tent and social interaction. Initially, we have divided the events into two groups: (i)
                          actions related with some contents or class notes and (ii) actions related to interper-
                          sonal activities. The objective is to find the group of activities that have a higher rela-
                          tion with one of both interaction types.
                             We consider the following classification: the modules Assignment, Course, Notes,
                          Resource, Upload, and Quiz are related to content. Blog, Choice and Forum are relat-
                          ed to interpersonal interaction. Use is outside of both classifications, because it does
                          not provide information related to this.
                             Modules Blog, Choice and Forum are considered as interpersonal participation be-
                          cause the students can show their own ideas in module Blog. On module Choice they
                          can choose and propose surveys and discussions, and finally, in module Forum, stu-
                          dents can participate in a more active way.
                             Our methodology is divided into three stages. The qualitative analysis begins with
                          data preprocessing, continues with the classification of the messages in three groups
                          and ends with an exploratory analysis of the content of the messages.

                          3         Qualitative analysis

                          As mentioned earlier, this analysis is divided into three stages: the first one corre-
                          sponds to the data preprocessing; the second one is a classification of the messages in
                          three categories (content, code and other); and finally the exploratory analysis of the
                          content of these categories.

                          3.1       Data Preprocessing
                          It is necessary to prepare and transform the gathered information to classify the mes-
                          sages. Initially, a corpus of specific content has been created for the experiment, ex-
                          tracting the main words (topic words) from 12 pdf files: teaching material (4 pdf
                          files), educational resources (3 pdf files), notes (3 pdf files), slides (2 power point
                          files), three practices (3 files) and references in the presentations of the class (2 pdf
                          files). All information is available to any student enrolled in this subject and with
                          access to the official e-Learning platform of the university. From these documents, we
                          have obtained a total of 15,704 words. This set is latter reduced to a corpus of 587
                          words, after removing stopwords, carrying out a lemmatization and extracting the
                          topic words. This corpus will be called “Content Corpus”.

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                          14               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                              As it was previously commented, the content of the subject is related to computing,
                          especially to two programming technologies: Java and HTML. For this reason, the
                          use of programming codes is very frequent. Therefore, we use a second corpus that
                          will be called “Code Corpus”, created by RANKS NL that contains the top words of
                          all programming languages.
                              RANKS NL [16] is a keyword analyzer tool for URLs, websites, texts and docu-
                          ments to improve search engine optimization and other purposes. It has available a
                          collection of stopwords’ lists in more than 40 languages and the list of reserved words
                          of Perl, Mysql, Javascript, C, C++ and HTML. In the same way, the stopwords raised
                          by RANKS NL will be removed of all the messages.
                              As a summary, the two corpus that we will use to classify the messages are:
                          ─ Content Corpus: created by the extraction of the main words (topic words) of the
                            teaching material, educational resources, notes, slides, practices and references
                            available in the e-Learning platform. It is composed of 587 words.
                          ─ Code Corpus: this corpus will serve to classify messages that contain programming
                            codes and it is based on the corpus armed by RANKS NL. It is composed of 2,500

                          3.2       Classification.
                            The next step will be classifying the exchanged messages in the forums. Naive
                          Bayes classifier and the two corpus (Code and Content) will be used for this task. By
                          Bayes theorem, the probability can be defined as:

                                                                             𝑝𝑝(𝐶𝐶)𝑝𝑝(𝑤𝑤1 = 𝑦𝑦, 𝑤𝑤2 = 𝑛𝑛, 𝑤𝑤𝑖𝑖 = ⋯ )
                             𝑝𝑝(𝐶𝐶|𝑤𝑤1 = 𝑦𝑦, 𝑤𝑤2 = 𝑛𝑛, 𝑤𝑤𝑖𝑖 = ⋯ ) =                                                                          (1)
                                                                                𝑝𝑝(𝑤𝑤1 = 𝑦𝑦, 𝑤𝑤2 = 𝑛𝑛, 𝑤𝑤𝑖𝑖 = ⋯ )

                          Where 𝑝𝑝(𝐶𝐶) is the probability of belonging to the specific corpus (Code or Content);
                          𝑤𝑤𝑖𝑖 is the identifier of word; 𝑦𝑦 represents if it belongs to the corpus; and 𝑛𝑛 if it does
                          not belong to it.
                              Our interest is the relative probabilities of the messages being a code message or
                          content message. In other words, the exact value of the probability is not important
                          because the classification will be assigned according to the highest percentage of
                          belonging to any of the corpus. Therefore, we can factor out any terms that are con-
                          stant, namely the denominator of the above equation is a constant because it depends
                          on the total number of messages (from both types – content and code -). For this rea-
                          son, the numerator of equation (1) can then be written as:

                          𝑝𝑝(𝐶𝐶)𝑝𝑝(|𝑤𝑤1 = 𝑦𝑦, 𝑤𝑤2 = 𝑛𝑛, 𝑤𝑤𝑖𝑖 = ⋯ ) = 𝑝𝑝(𝐶𝐶)𝑝𝑝(𝑤𝑤1 = 𝑦𝑦|𝐶𝐶)𝑝𝑝(𝑤𝑤2 = 𝑛𝑛|𝐶𝐶)𝑝𝑝(𝑤𝑤𝑖𝑖 = ⋯ ) (2)

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                                           LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education                                               15

                             Each message will follow the same process. First, divide each message word by
                          word. Second, stopwords are removed and lemmatization is executed. Third, the mes-
                          sages are classified using the Naïve Bayes classifier if the message has 33% member-
                          ship in the code or content corpus. This percentage is recommended by RANKS NL,
                          creator of the code corpus. This percentage is recommended when using this classifier
                          for detecting spam in emails. Finally, we obtain three classifications.
                          1. Code messages: messages that 33% of its content belongs to the code corpus.
                          2. Content messages: respecting the same percentage, these are messages that 33% of
                             its content belongs to the message corpus.
                          3. Other messages: the rest of messages that do not belong to any of the two previous
                          The procedure considers that the same message can contain words that belong to the
                          two corpus. As shown in Fig. 2, first, it calculates the probability of each word of
                          belonging to the code corpus and get the value of the probability. Then, it calculates
                          the belonging to the content corpus, word by word, until exceeding the percentage of
                          belonging to the code corpus or finishing by analyzing all the words of the message.
                          Finally, the classification with the highest percentage is assigned, as long as it exceeds

                                                           Fig. 2. Data preprocessing & classification

                          To check the classification, an expert in the programming area reviewed each mes-
                          sage to classify them manually in the three identified groups, obtaining that only
                          7.2% of messages correspond to another category different from the one assigned by
                          the Naïve Bayes classifier. With this information, we have calculated other interesting
                          measures of accuracy like precision, recall and F score, summarized in Table 3.

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                          16               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                                                                        Table 3. Test's accuracy

                                                                          Precision        Recall         F score
                                                        Code              88.5%            88.5%          3.54
                                                        Content           93.7%            92.8%          3.77
                                                        Other             92.7%            91.9%          3.68

                          As previously mentioned, we have decided to use the threshold of 33% to decide if a
                          message would belong to the Content category, keeping the recommendation by
                          RANKS. This value supported good result. However, we decided to perform some
                          tests changing this threshold. After doing an exhaustive work, we detected that our
                          results were optimized using a higher threshold of 52%: our error decreased to 5.7%
                          and the total recall increased from 92.8% to 94.3%. This encouraged us to check what
                          happened if the threshold of the Code category was also altered. After the same analy-
                          sis, we optimized our results increasing this threshold to 35%.
                             Finally, Table 4 summarizes the distribution of messages per academic year: con-
                          tent messages are clearly the most frequently exchanges and code messages the less
                          frequent. Since the percentages are quite similar in the three academic years, we have
                          decided to focus the analysis in a single data set formed by the information of the
                          three academic years (2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17).

                                                               Table 4. Distribution by classification

                                                          2014-15             2015-16              2016-17                 Total
                                          Code           18     13%         18       8%          25       11%         61       13%
                                          Content        68     49%        102      48%         113       49%        283       49%
                                          Other          52     38%         92      43%          92       40%        236       38%

                          3.3       Analysis of messages

                          It is important to emphasize that we will analyze the content of the three classifica-
                          tions by performing an exploratory analysis. We will search the most frequently used
                          words in the previously classified messages. This will allow us to know which are the
                          top words and if there is a relationship between the classifications. Moreover, the next
                          step is to plot networks of these co-occurring words, so these relationships are clearly
                          displayed, as Fig. 3 shows.

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                                           LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education                                               17

                                                                    Fig. 3. Co-occurring words
                          Considering that n represents the co-ocurrence of the words in Fig. 3, it was found
                          that several words are indistinctly used in the Code category and in the Content cate-
                          gory, such as entity, permissions, firewalls, browser, or route. Besides, there are
                          words that appear in the Other category and in the Content category, such as exam,
                          results, deliver, attachment or correction. Finally, there are words that appear in the
                          three corpus: php, tomcat, query, server, etc. We can see that the words of the Other
                          category are referring to the course administration, therefore this classification will be
                          named as such.
                             Additionally, Fig. 4 shows the distribution of the messages of each category along
                          the academic term, showing the temporal evolution of the exchanges messages.

                                                                       Fig. 4. Temporal analysis

                          As Fig. 4 shows, we have 3 peaks (blue circles) of code messages, the first corre-
                          sponds to the delivery of the first practice, the second to the revision of the second
                          practice and the third to the delivery of the third practice. We also have 2 peaks (or-
                          ange circles) in content messages corresponding to the session prior to the exams.

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                          18               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                          Regarding the messages of the course administration, there is no pattern depending on
                          the academic organization of the course.
                             To finish our exploratory analysis, it is important to know who initiates the posts: a
                          teacher or a student. It was obtained that 71% of code conversations, 63% of content
                          conversations and 55% of information conversations are started by students in each
                             Knowing that the student starts mainly the posts, the next point would be to know
                          which messages respond most frequently, those sent by the teacher or by the other
                          students. For this reason, we have calculated the percentage of the student's response
                          to conversations initiated by one of their classmates, knowing that 89% of the mes-
                          sages sent by another student is answered. Only 11% is initially answered by the
                             Additionally, we have analyzed the themes and topics of the exchanged messages
                          with a program called DepPattern [17]. It is a linguistic package providing a grammar
                          compiler, PoS taggers, and dependency based parsers for several languages including
                          Spanish and Galician. This is a very important feature, because the messages in the
                          forum are written in two languages (Spanish and Galician). Fig. 5 shows an example
                          of the results obtained by the software. The list of infinitive verbs, punctuation marks
                          and nouns of the messages were obtained by DepPattern.

                                                                     Fig. 5. Results by DepPattern

                          Therefore, when interpreting the results we have obtained the following topics:
                           1. Questions mainly about delivery schedules and tests’ dates and a reminder of in-
                           2. Recommendations of alternative content, specific questions and questions about
                              the relevance of the exercises.
                           3. Ask about exam dates and deliveries, make assumptions and the questions are
                              more general.

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                           4. Examples’ requests, references to class slides, web links, feedback and answers to
                           5. Ask giving answer options, ask several questions in the same message, give exam-
                              ples and alternatives, attach extra resources, the messages are longer.

                          4         Discussion and conclusions

                          As a brief summary, two corpus were used in the analysis. The first (content corpus)
                          was created specifically with the academic content of the course, and the second
                          (code corpus) was taken from the one created by RANKS NL. Applying the Naïve
                          Bayes classifier and these two corpus, we have obtained three classes or categories:
                          code, content and course administration. The first two are composed of messages
                          with a high percentage of words related to code and course content, respectively.
                          Those messages which are not classified in these two categories go directly to the
                          third one, whose name was decided after checking that all the messages included
                          reference to course administration (questions and/or information about the exams,
                          revision dates, etc.). We chose this classifier because its structure is fixed and does
                          not depend on the data, it follows a generative or discriminative criterion. Like the
                          other Bayesian classifiers, the obtaining of the parameters is based on the maximum
                          likelihood or a posteriori maximum estimations [18]. In addition, this classifier has
                          shown good results in the classification of texts [19].
                             The analysis of the messages can give feedback from the students to the teachers,
                          remarking those topics that are considered more interesting or those in which doubts
                          usually arise. Having a direct feedback from the student is important to be able to take
                          more concrete actions and improve the academic course, for example, reviewing cer-
                          tain concepts, solving concerns, repeating dates or instructions and, consequently,
                          supporting the student in his acquisition of knowledge from a less formal environment
                          (forums) than the classroom. Forums can encourage shy or absent students to interact
                          with other students and, in the same way, they can encourage the more participatory
                          students continue to reinforce their interaction. The proposed methodology can bring
                          improvements inside and outside the classroom. It marks an important guide in the
                          educational process, by facilitating the content analysis of the messages in the forum,
                          identifying the main topics of discussion, the topics that more generate doubts, the
                          answers and the recommendations that are given between students. This allows to
                          analyze valuable data of student behavior, with which learning models and learning
                          analysis could be applied to improve the quality of education and the participation of
                             As a future line, on the one hand, it would be interesting to integrate the classifica-
                          tion of students to analyze the content of the messages for each profile proposed by
                          the classification and, on the other hand, to use these messages to try to profile the
                          student who sent them. This methodology could be an initial step to integrate a con-
                          tent recommender system into the eLearning platform.

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                          20               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                          This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the
                          Galician Regional Government under the agreement of funding the Atlantic Research
                          Center for Information and Communication Technologies (AtlantTIC); the Spanish
                          Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the National Science Program
                          (TEC2014-54335-C4-3-R, TEC2017-84197-C4-2-R).


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