=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2415/paper08 |storemode=property |title=Predictors and early warning systems in higher education - A systematic literature review |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2415/paper08.pdf |volume=Vol-2415 |authors=Martín Liz-Domínguez,Manuel Caeiro-Rodríguez,Martín Llamas-Nistal,Fernando Mikic-Fonte |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/lasi-spain/Liz-DominguezRN19 }} ==Predictors and early warning systems in higher education - A systematic literature review== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2415/paper08.pdf
                              Predictors and Early Warning Systems in Higher
                               Education — A Systematic Literature Review

                               Martı́n Liz-Domı́nguez, Manuel Caeiro-Rodrı́guez, Martı́n Llamas-Nistal, and
                                                         Fernando Mikic-Fonte

                                                                   University of Vigo, Spain

                                        Abstract. The topic of predictive algorithms is often regarded among
                                        the most relevant fields of study within the data analytics discipline.
                                        Nowadays, these algorithms are widely used by entrepreneurs and re-
                                        searchers alike, having practical applications in a broad variety of con-
                                        texts, such as in finance, marketing or healthcare. One of such contexts
                                        is the educational field, where the development and implementation of
                                        learning technologies led to the birth and popularization of computer-
                                        based and blended learning. Consequently, student-related data has be-
                                        come easier to collect. This Research Full Paper presents a literature
                                        review on predictive algorithms applied to higher education contexts,
                                        with special attention to early warning systems (EWS): tools that are
                                        typically used to analyze future risks such as a student failing or drop-
                                        ping a course, and that are able to send alerts to instructors or students
                                        themselves before these events can happen. Results of using predictors
                                        and EWS in real academic scenarios are also highlighted.

                                        Keywords: Predictive analytics · Early warning systems · Learning an-
                                        alytics · Learning technologies.

                              1      Introduction
                              1.1      Context
                              Over the last couple decades, the meteoric rise of information technologies (IT)
                              has caused deep social and economic transformations worldwide, leading to the
                              growth of new disciplines and activities which are of utmost importance today.
                              Among these disciplines is data analytics, which is currently a huge source of
                              income for many companies — especially, but not exclusively, those in the IT
                              field —, as well as a very relevant topic for researchers.
                                  Data analytics encompasses the collection of techniques that are used to ex-
                              amine data of a variety of types to reveal hidden patterns, unknown correlations
                              and, in general, obtain new knowledge [18]. The discipline is often coupled with
                              the term “big data”, since analysis tasks are often performed over huge data
                              sets. Other fields of study which are very popular nowadays, such as data min-
                              ing or machine learning, are close to data analytics and share many relevant

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                                           LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education                                               85

                                  Depending on the nature of the data that is being analyzed and the objective
                              that the analysis task should fulfill, several sub-disciplines can be defined un-
                              der data analytics. Examples of these are text analytics, audio analytics, video
                              analytics and social media analytics. The main focus in this paper, however,
                              will be predictive analytics, which includes the variety of techniques that make
                              predictions of future outcomes relying on historical and present data [13].
                                  The capability of predicting future events is essential for the proper func-
                              tioning of some applications. Notable examples among these are early warning
                              systems (EWS), which are capable of anticipating potential risks in the future
                              thanks to present information, accordingly sending alerts to the person or group
                              of people who may be affected by these risks and/or that are capable of counter-
                              ing them. Their degree of reliability on information technologies greatly varies
                              depending on the context they are applied on.
                                  Early warning systems are mostly known for their use to reduce the impact
                              of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. Upon detection
                              of signs that a catastrophe might happen in the near future, members of the
                              potentially affected population are alerted and given instructions to prevent or
                              minimize damage [24]. However, other kinds of EWS have been implemented in a
                              variety of different contexts. For instance, they are used in financial environments
                              to predict economic downturns at an early stage and provide better opportunities
                              to mitigate their negative effects [10]. In healthcare, early warning systems are
                              used by hospital care teams to recognize the early signs of clinical deterioration,
                              enabling the initiation of early intervention and management [27].

                              1.2      Research objectives
                              This document will explore the reported uses of predictive algorithms and early
                              warning systems in the educational context, focusing on higher education envi-
                              ronments, most notably university courses. This scenario falls under the umbrella
                              of learning analytics (LA), a particularization of data analytics which is usually
                              defined as “the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about
                              learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learn-
                              ing and the environments in which it occurs” [26].
                                  The study is presented as a systematic literature review, following the general
                              guidelines established by Kitchenham and Charters [19], attempting to provide
                              an answer to the following research questions:
                                – RQ1: What are the most important purposes of using predictive algorithms
                                  in higher education, and how are they implemented?
                                – RQ2: Which are the most notable examples of early warning systems applied
                                  in higher education scenarios?
                                  Following this introductory section, this report explains the literature search
                              process and the criteria that was followed to assess the relevance of analyzed
                              documents. Next, the contents of the most relevant papers are summarized,
                              addressing the research questions proposed above. Finally, some insights and
                              discussion are presented at the end of this document.

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                          86               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                              2      Document retrieval
                              2.1      Search
                              The search process consisted in the retrieval of relevant documents available in
                              online libraries and repositories. The selected sources were:

                                – IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
                                – ACM Digital Library.
                                – Elsevier (ScienceDirect).
                                – Wiley Online Library.
                                – Springer (SpringerLink).
                                – Google Scholar.

                                    The following query string was run in each one of these platforms:
                               (" early warning system " OR " predictive analysis "
                                        OR " predictive analytics "
                                        OR " predictive algorithm ")
                                        " education " " university "
                                        -" disaster " -" medical " -" health "
                                  The purpose of this query was to obtain documents related to the use of
                              EWS and predictive algorithms in university contexts, while disregarding un-
                              related applications in the fields of natural disaster prediction and healthcare
                              technologies — uses so common that they have entire journals dedicated to
                              them. Additionally, publication dates were restricted to 2012 or newer, and only
                              journal articles, conference proceedings and book extracts were considered.
                                  Table 1 summarizes the results of the search procedure. Notice that due to
                              Google Scholar’s nature as an indexer of many different sources, some overlap-
                              ping results with the rest of the libraries are expected. This search engine was
                              included in order to obtain potentially relevant papers which are not available
                              in any of the other digital libraries.

                                                      Table 1. Summary of the document search process.

                                                    Library           Search results Selected documents
                                          IEEE Xplore Digital Library       36                5
                                             ACM Digital Library            45                6
                                            Elsevier (ScienceDirect)       412                6
                                             Wiley Online Library          255                0
                                            Springer (SpringerLink)        911                6
                                                Google Scholar           ∼ 138002             2

                                   Search limited to the ”Education” discipline.
                                   Only the first 200 returned documents, according to Google Scholar’s order of rele-
                                   vance, were considered.

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                                           LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education                                               87

                              2.2      Rating

                              In order to rate the retrieved documents according to their relevance, the criteria
                              listed in Table 2 are defined. For the sake of this study, it is considered important
                              that the paper presents a predictor or EWS which is useful for higher education
                              scenarios, that the inner workings of their algorithms are clearly explained, and
                              that the system has been tested and results exist.

                                                    Table 2. Rating criteria for the considered documents.

                                  Criterion               Very relevant              Relevant          Not relevant
                                                          The presented       The usefulness of the The paper does not
                                                       predictive algorithm   predictive algorithm present a predictive
                                                          or EWS is very       or EWS in a higher    algorithm or EWS
                                                        relevant for higher   education scenario is   applied to higher
                                                       education scenarios.           limited.           education.
                                                                              A fair explanation of The document does
                                                        The data analysis       the data analysis   not give any details
                                   Analysis           process in its entirety process is provided,     about the data
                                  description             is thoroughly      although with missing analysis process or
                                                           documented.            information or    the algorithms that
                                                                                   technicalities.       were used.
                                                                                  The predictive
                                                          The predictive
                                                                              algorithm or EWS is
                                                      algorithm or EWS is
                                 Testing and                                     tested in limited      No tests are
                                                          tested in real
                                   results                                      scenarios. Results       performed.
                                                       scenarios with solid
                                                                                 may not be fully

                                   The document rating and selection process was carried out in three steps.
                              First, papers were filtered by reading titles and abstracts, discarding those unre-
                              lated to the educational field. Next, introductions and conclusions were analyzed
                              in order to confirm that the documents address the points that were established
                              as rating criteria. The resulting document list was more thoroughly analyzed,
                              disregarding papers that fail to achieve at least a “relevant” rating in any of the
                              three aspects considered for evaluation.
                                   After completing the rating process, a narrower list including the most rele-
                              vant papers is obtained. Table 1 indicates the amount of documents per source
                              that satisfactorily meet the established criteria.
                                   As previously stated, predictive analytics and EWS are extremely popular
                              disciplines with applications in many different knowledge fields, which makes
                              efficiently filtering search results an arduous task. This explains the fact that
                              the amount of selected documents is relatively low compared to the quantity of
                              yielded results. This is particularly true for the Elsevier and Wiley repositories —
                              in the latter case, not even one document was found to be relevant for the
                              educational context. It is also worth mentioning that most of the relevant papers

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                          88               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                              returned by the Google Scholar searcher had already been selected from one of
                              the other online libraries, and only unique articles are reflected as selected in the

                              3      Content review

                              3.1      Overview

                              Tables 3 and 4 briefly showcase the most important characteristics of the cov-
                              ered predictive models and EWS, respectively, for the sake of comparison. More
                              detailed descriptions of each one of the documents’ contents are provided in
                              following subsections.

                                           Table 3. Defining characteristics of the selected predictive models.

                                   Document              Year    Input data                      Prediction goal                Key aspects
                                                               Engagement and
                                                                                                      Course                    Applied in 11
                                   Ornelas [22]          2017    performance
                                                                                                  success/failure.            different courses.
                                                                Reasoning and
                                                                                                      Course                    Very early risk
                                Thompson [28]            2018 math tests prior to
                                                                                                  success/failure.               estimation.
                                                                  the course.
                                                                 Engagement                           Course                      Analyzes
                                   Benablo [6]           2018
                                                                  indicators.                     success/failure.             procrastination.
                                                                                                                                 Applied in
                                                                     Test results and              Letter grades
                                    Umer [30]            2018                                                                    continuous
                                                                      LMS log data.            (five-point system).
                                                          academic                                     Course                Uses co-training to
                               Kostopoulos [20] 2019
                                                     achievements, LMS                             success/failure           improve accuracy.
                                                      Results of weekly                               Course
                                                                                                       Uses item response
                                 Hirose [15]    2018
                                                            tests.                                success/failure.
                                                       Demographics,                                      Measures the
                                 Schuck [25]    2017    performance,                 Graduation rate. influence of crime
                                                     violence indicators.                                 and violence.
                                                                                       Grades from     Predicts outcomes
                                Tsiakmaki [29]           2018 Final course scores.
                                                                                    upcoming subjects. of future courses.
                                                                                                       Predicts total GPA
                                                                GPA from first       Final cumulative
                                  Adekitan [1]           2019                                             of a five-year
                                                                  three years.             GPA.
                                                                                                        degree program.
                                                               Interactions with       Final course   Applied in a flipped
                                  Jovanovic [17]         2019
                                                               pre-class material.        grades.      classroom setting.
                                                                   Quality of          Final course    Using note-taking
                                    Chen [11]            2013
                                                                students’ notes           grades.        as input data.
                                                                                                        Impact of stress
                                  Amirkhan [4]           2018 Stress level surveys. Final course GPA.

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                                           LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education                                               89

                                                    Table 4. Defining characteristics of the selected EWS.

                                  Document               Year          Input data                Prediction goal
                                                                                                               Key aspects
                                                                                                               Course Signals
                                                                                          Level of risk              EWS.
                                    Arnold [5]           2012         performance,
                                                                                      (three-point scale). Well-established
                                                                   academic history.
                                                                                                            and widely tested.
                                                                                                             Student Explorer
                                                                     LMS effort and       Level of risk
                                  Krumm [21]             2014                                                  EWS. Used in
                                                                  performance data. (three-point scale).
                                                                                                              several studies.
                                                                                                           Improvement upon
                               Waddington [31] 2014               LMS resource use. Final course grade.
                                                                                                            Student Explorer.
                                                                                                              Study using the
                                                                   Student Explorer
                                    Brown [7]            2016                         Risk level changes. Student Explorer
                                                                                       Best measures to       Study using the
                                                                   Student Explorer
                                    Brown [8]            2017                           help struggling      Student Explorer
                                                                                            students.                EWS.
                                                                                                              Study using the
                                                                   Student Explorer       Influence of
                                    Brown [9]            2018                                                Student Explorer
                                                                          data.          co-enrollment.
                                                                                                                LADA EWS.
                                                                  Grades, data from Risk of failing the            Supports
                                 Gutiérrez [14]         2018
                                                                    enrolled courses.        course.        decision-making of
                                                                  neighbors, location Risk of failing the
                                    Akhtar [3]           2017                                                  EWS. Targets
                                                                        within the           course.
                                                                                                           laboratory sessions.
                                                                                                             Tries to find the
                                                                     Demographics,                            optimal time to
                                                                                          Final course
                                  Howard [16]            2018      intermediate task                         apply an EWS in
                                                                         results.                                 continuous
                                                                       attendance,      Level of risk for   Incorporates data
                                    Wang [32]            2018         engagement,       several different     on students’ life
                                                                   library and dorm          events.                habits.
                                                                                                            Detecting student
                                   Cohen [12]            2017        LMS log data.       Dropout risk.      inactivity in order
                                                                                                           to predict dropout.
                                                                         E-book                             Input data related
                                                                                       Risk of failing the
                                 Akçapınar [2]          2019         management                                   to e-book
                                                                      system data.                               interaction.
                                                                         Student                              Using the EWS
                                                                                       Risk of failing the
                                     Plak [23]           2019     demographics and                            does not lead to
                                                                      performance.                          dropout reduction.

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                          90               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                              3.2      Predictive analysis in education

                              This section addresses RQ1 by summarizing the contents of papers related to
                              the topic of predictive analytics in higher education. As will be shown, student
                              success, performance and grades stand out as the most popular prediction ob-
                              jectives. Within this category, two different approaches can be identified: success
                              predictors, which try to estimate whether a student will pass or fail a course;
                              and grade predictors, which attempt to anticipate the final grade of a student.
                              Unique traits in each study include the nature of input data, the data processing
                              algorithms that are used and the scenarios in which they are tested.

                              Success prediction. These applications are mostly based on classifier algo-
                                  Ornelas and Ordonez [22] proposed a Naive Bayesian classifier which was
                              applied in a dozen courses taught at Rio Salado Community College (Arizona,
                              USA). They used data from the institution’s LMS as input, divided into two
                              categories: engagement indicators (LMS logins and participation in online activ-
                              ities) and performance (points earned in course tasks). The classifier was able
                              to predict success — that is, the student getting a C grade or better — with an
                              accuracy of over 90% for eleven different courses, although not early enough so
                              that it could properly work as an early warning system. This experiment was
                              applied to a fairly big population, with a training sample of 5936 students and
                              a validation sample of 2722.
                                  Thompson et al. [28] used logistic regression to estimate the chances of stu-
                              dent success in an introductory biology course taught during the first semester of
                              a university major program, with a total of 413 enrolled students. As opposed to
                              the previous case, they exclusively used results from tests with no direct relation-
                              ship with the course, which were taken right at the beginning of the semester.
                              These were Lawson’s Classroom Test of Scientific Reasoning and the ACT Math-
                              ematics Test. Although this was not a perfect model to predict success by any
                              means, it provided a first estimation of students at risk before the course had
                              even started.
                                  Benablo et al. [6] introduced procrastination into the picture by surveying
                              students on the time that they spend using social networks and playing on-
                              line games. A SVM classifier was able to successfully identify underperforming
                              students: 100% precision and 96.7% recall on a 100-instance data set.
                                  Umer et al. [30] tried to estimate the earliest possible time within a course
                              at which a reliable identification of students at risk could be made. The tar-
                              geted course, an Australian introductory mathematics module with 99 enrolled
                              students, used the continuous assessment system, in which multiple assignments
                              are performed throughout the duration of the course, instead of just a final
                              exam. The input data were a combination of assignment results and LMS log
                              data. Students were classified regarding their final performance estimation —
                              grades A, B, C, D, as well as failing or dropping the course. After one week, a
                              Random Forest classifier was able to identify students at risk with 70% accuracy.

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                                           LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education                                               91

                              This percentage increased to 87% after five weeks, a point at which students had
                              already completed 2 out of 7 total assignments.
                                  Kostopoulos et al. [20] tried to improve the performance of traditional stu-
                              dent success classifiers by implementing a co-training method. This technique
                              consists on splitting the available data features into two independent and suffi-
                              cient views. It is particularly useful when the amount of unlabeled data is large
                              compared to the number of labeled examples, since it allows to expand the la-
                              beled set by adding initially unlabeled entries that both views can classify with
                              high certainty. This study targeted an introductory informatics module from a
                              Greek open university, involving 1073 students. The feature split that was per-
                              formed created one view containing students’ demographic characteristics and
                              academic achievements provided by their tutors, and a second view including
                              LMS activity data. The co-training method was observed to outperform tradi-
                              tional classifiers such as Naive Bayes, k-NN and Random Forest, providing very
                              accurate identifications of poor performers towards the middle of the course.
                                  Hirose [15] attempted to make an estimation of students’ abilities using item
                              response theory (IRT). The study was performed in the context of introductory
                              mathematics courses under the continuous assessment system, in which students
                              needed to answer a set of multiple-choice questions each week. Data from around
                              1100 students was available for this test. Thanks to IRT, question difficulty was
                              assessed together with students’ abilities, resulting in a more fair judgment. At
                              specific times during the course, students were classified into “successful” or
                              “not successful” using the Nearest Neighbor method. After seven weeks, roughly
                              half the course, a misclassification rate as low as 18% was achieved; however,
                              the number of false positives was noticeably high, meaning that many well-
                              performing students were identified as being at risk of failing.
                                  Schuck [25] presented a unique study which tried to establish a correlation
                              between the level of crime and violence around campus and student success. The
                              experiment was possible thanks to data provided by university representatives of
                              the US Department of Education, as well as the United States’ National Center
                              for Education Statistics. Overall, complete data from 1281 higher education in-
                              stitutions was available. The study used multivariate regression models in order
                              to predict graduation rate, that is, the fraction of students who finish their de-
                              gree within the intended number of years. Input data for this model included the
                              amount of violent incidents and disciplinary measures per number of students,
                              the percent of disciplinary actions that ended up with arrests, as well as student
                              demographic information and school characteristics. As a result of analysis, rates
                              of violence were observed to negatively affect graduation years, as opposed to
                              the rate of disciplinary measures, which is a positive indicator. Additionally, use
                              of the student conduct system was observed to be better than criminal justice
                              system for minor offenses.

                              Grade prediction. These applications are mostly built upon regression-based

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                          92               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                                  There are several examples of grade predictors which take students’ previous
                              results as their main source of input data. Tsiakmaki et al. [29] used final scores
                              from courses imparted during the first semester of a Business Administration
                              degree (592 students) in order to predict grades from second semester subjects,
                              obtaining fair results using Random Forest and SVM algorithms. On the other
                              hand, Adekitan and Salau [1] ran an experiment in a Nigerian engineering school
                              trying to determine how well the grade point average (GPA) over the first three
                              years of a degree could predict the final, cumulative GPA over the entire five-
                              year program. Out of the tested analysis algorithms, logistic regression yielded
                              the best result, with a 89.15% accuracy over a 1841 student sample.
                                  Jovanovic et al. [17] proposed a predictive model to be applied in courses
                              following the flipped classroom teaching method, focusing on student interaction
                              with pre-class learning activities. These activities included videos and documents
                              with multiple choice questions, as well as problem sequences. The model was
                              tested in a first-year engineering course at an Australian university for three
                              consecutive years, with a number of students ranging between 290 and 486. The
                              study concluded that indicators of regularity and engagement related to pre-class
                              activities had significantly superior predictive power than generic indicators such
                              as the frequency of LMS logins.
                                  Chen [11] assessed the quality and quantity of students’ note-taking, both
                              in and after class, to explore the effects that this could have on academic per-
                              formance. A population of 38 freshmen students from a Taiwanese university
                              participated in the experiment. Students’ notes were retrieved and copied after
                              each lecture by the professor, who rated their quality based on accuracy and
                              completeness regarding the contents of the lecture. The word count, in this case
                              number of Chinese characters, was also recorded. The studio concluded that only
                              the quality of the notes taken during the class was a significant predictor of the
                              students’ final grade.
                                  Amirkhan and Kofman [4] studied the effects of stress overload — the de-
                              structive form of stress — over the GPA obtained by students. The experiment
                              was conducted over two consecutive semesters with a population of 600 freshmen
                              students, who were surveyed mid-semester in order to assess their levels of stress.
                              As a result of predictive analysis, stress was found to be among the strongest
                              performance predictors, having significant and negative relationship with final
                              GPA. However, it did not seem to have a direct relationship with dropout rate.

                              3.3      Early warning systems in education
                              This section addresses RQ2 by showing some of the most important EWS that
                              were found in the literature. The applications listed below have the objective of
                              identifying certain risks that students may be exposed to, and do it as soon as
                              possible in order to take proper corrective measures in time. The most common
                              risks to identify are high chances of a student failing or dropping out of a course
                              or degree.
                                  Arnold and Pistilli [5] present Course Signals, an EWS first implemented at
                              Purdue University which has become one of the most popular and referenced by

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                                           LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education                                               93

                              the research community. This tool works in conjunction with the LMS Black-
                              board Vista, using data related to student demographics, performance, effort
                              and prior academic history. Thanks to an on-demand student success algorithm,
                              instructors can obtain an estimation of the risk level of a student, color coded as
                              green, yellow and red for increasing degrees of risk. The application then allows
                              the instructor to take measures if required, such as sending a message to the
                              student or scheduling a face-to-face meeting. Course Signals has been employed
                              in many courses at Purdue since 2007, registering a significant improvement in
                              student grades, as well as a decrease in dropout rate. As opposed to most other
                              EWS, which are not past their experimental stage, Course Signals is a mature
                              and well-established application with proven positive results throughout the last
                                  Another well-known EWS is Student Explorer. As described by Krumm et
                              al. [21], and similarly to Course Signals, Student Explorer mines effort and per-
                              formance data from the institutional LMS in order to assess the likelihood of a
                              student’s academic failure. Students are classified with the labels “encourage”,
                              “explore” and “engage”, in increasing order of risk, and student advisors can use
                              this information to take corrective action.
                                  Multiple other papers presented further experiments and improvements over
                              the base Student Explorer application. Waddington and Nam [31] incorporated
                              LMS resource use as input data, including information such as access to lecture
                              notes or completion of assignments. Analysis using logistic regression determined
                              a direct correlation between resource use and final grade, with activities related
                              to exam preparation having the strongest positive relationship with performance.
                              Brown et al. performed several studies revolving around Student Explorer. They
                              observed that students had a greater chance of entering the “explore” category
                              if they were in large classes, sophomore level courses and courses belonging to
                              pure scientific degrees; while underperformance was still the most significant
                              reason students entered the “engage” category [7]. They also used the tool to
                              investigate how to best help struggling students recover. They concluded that
                              students with moderate difficulties benefited the most from assistance planning
                              their study behaviors, while those with severe difficulties benefited from better
                              exam preparation [8]. Finally, these authors studied the effect of co-enrollment
                              in multiple courses over performance, establishing a correlation between being
                              enrolled in at least one “difficult course” and a higher chance to experience
                              academic struggles [9].
                                  Gutiérrez et al. [14] were the developers of LADA, a Learning Analytics
                              Dashboard for Advisors. As its name implies, the main goal of this tool is to
                              support the decision-making process of academic advisors. LADA incorporates
                              a predictive module that estimates the students’ odds of success by means of
                              multilevel clustering. Input data includes student grades, courses booked by a
                              student and the number of credits per course. The risk level of a student is
                              calculated by comparing to other students with similar profiles from previous
                              cohorts. LADA was deployed in two different universities, and student advisors

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                          94               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                              claimed that the biggest advantage that it provides is being able to analyze a
                              greater amount of scenarios within a given time frame.
                                  Akhtar et al. [3] created SurreyConnect, a teaching assistant with the objec-
                              tive of supporting computer-aided design (CAD) courses at University of Surrey
                              (England). Most of the utilities of this tool were useful for laboratory sessions,
                              allowing the instructor to share her or his computer screen with students, broad-
                              cast the screen of a specific student to the rest of the class or remotely connect to
                              a student’s computer in order to provide help. SurreyConnect also implements
                              an analytics module with the purpose of identifying students at risk of failing the
                              course. In order to do this, the application passively collects data during lab ses-
                              sions regarding student attendance, location and neighbors within the lab, and
                              time spent in class and doing exercises. A sample of 331 undergraduate students
                              was selected to assess the usefulness of this feature, running an ANOVA test to
                              identify the statistical significance of the input data, as well as applying Pearson
                              correlation to identify the independent variables that influence final outcomes.
                              Class attendance and time spent on tasks were shown to have a direct connection
                              with learning outcomes, while student positioning in the classroom and sitting
                              with a particular group of students also impacted performance.
                                  Howard et al. [16] tried to find out the optimal time to apply an EWS in
                              a course using the continuous assessment system. The study targeted a Practi-
                              cal Statistics course at University College Dublin (UCD) with 136 participant
                              students, in which 40% of the final grade was awarded for completing certain
                              tasks that were assigned each week throughout the course. The results of these
                              tasks, as well as student demographic information and the number of times they
                              accessed course resources, were collected as input for grade prediction. The data
                              source was the institution’s LMS, Blackboard. After testing multiple predictive
                              models, Bayesian Additive Regressive Trees (BART) yielded the best results,
                              being able to predict students’ final grade with a mean absolute error of 6.5% as
                              early as at week 6, exactly halfway through the course. This provides a decently
                              precise prediction for the teacher, early enough so that corrective measures can
                              be taken.
                                  Wang et al. [32] are the designers of an EWS applied in Hangzhou Normal
                              University (China), with the goal of reducing student dropout and minimizing
                              delays in graduation. This application stands out because it includes types of in-
                              put data that are not seen anywhere else: besides information regarding students
                              grades, attendance and engagement, it also includes records from the university
                              library and dorm. These extra data enable a closer monitoring of study habits.
                              The EWS assigns students different labels depending on the kind of risks they
                              are exposed to, such as the risk of obtaining low grades, graduation delay or
                              dropout. After three semesters, and using a sample of 1712 students, a Naive
                              Bayes algorithm was able to perform risk classification with an accuracy of 86%,
                              with grades and library borrowing data being among the key indicators.
                                  Cohen [12] focused on quantitative analysis of student activity data in order
                              to provide an early identification of learner dropout. The study hypothesized
                              that students who drop out of the course will first become inactive in course

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                                           LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education                                               95

                              websites. The proposed EWS collects student activity data from the Moodle
                              LMS, including number and types of actions performed, as well as their timing
                              and frequency. For the reported test, data from 362 students was collected. The
                              input data were analyzed in a monthly basis in order to detect significant activity
                              drops by a student, who would be subsequently flagged as at risk. The study
                              concluded that two thirds of flagged students would indeed end up dropping
                              their courses or degrees.
                                  Akçapınar et al. [2] built an EWS intended to be used in courses that use e-
                              books as learning material, using reading data in order to identify students at risk
                              of academic failure. The data were collected from an e-book management system
                              named BookRoll, used in several Asian universities and which students utilize in
                              order to access course materials. This particularly study obtained information
                              from 90 students registered in an Elementary Informatics course, registering their
                              interactions with BookRoll, for instance, e-book navigation, page highlighting
                              or note taking. Each week, analysis was performed to label students as low or
                              high performing, trying multiple prediction algorithms. It was observed that an
                              accuracy of 79% was achieved just with data from the first three weeks. Random
                              Forest performed the best with raw data, however, Naive Bayes became the best
                              performing when transforming the input into categorical data.
                                  Finally, Plak et al. [23] document a case in which the use of an EWS does not
                              provide the expected benefits. This experiment, conducted at Vrije Unversiteit
                              in Amsterdam, provided student counselors with an analytics monitor that al-
                              lowed them to identify low-performing students. The EWS used data related to
                              student progress and demographics. However, the introduction of the tool did
                              not lead to a reduction in dropout or an increase in obtained credits. While early
                              identification of at-risk students is useful, the underlying problem that causes
                              poor performance is ultimately undetermined.

                              4      Conclusion

                              Within the enormous world that is data analytics, the learning analytics field
                              could be seen as just a small niche, mostly covered by academic research. How-
                              ever, a closer look into the discipline reveals that learning analytics is an exten-
                              sive subject in its own right. The literature review presented in this document
                              revealed that there exists a considerable variety of studies and applications re-
                              volving around predictive algorithms in the educational field, which is itself an
                              important subject of study within learning analytics.
                                  As an answer to RQ1, it was observed that most of the tools and predictive
                              algorithms that were presented shared similar goals: most commonly, predict
                              student grades, assess their chance of failure or their risk of dropping off a course
                              or degree. Nevertheless, the great variety of educational contexts meant that
                              each study had a unique approach in order to achieve said goals, meaning that
                              specific implementation aspects greatly differ from case to case. Naturally, the
                              availability of certain types of data, such as those related to student engagement
                              and performance, is the factor that influences the analysis method the most.

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                          96               LASI Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education

                              However, many other aspects need to be taken into account in order to design a
                              good predictor. Examples of elements that can significantly affect the analytics
                              process are teaching strategy — such as the flipped classroom [17] — , assessment
                              method — such as continuous assessment [16, 30] — , geographical context,
                              student demographics or the year within a degree program. Thus, there is not
                              a single predictive algorithm that can be considered better than the rest in all
                              possible scenarios.
                                  As for RQ2, this document covered some of the most important instances of
                              EWS in education. Course Signals [5] and Student Explorer [21] are worthy of
                              a special mention. The former has been applied in practical scenarios for over a
                              decade and is one of the most referenced in the literature, while the latter has a
                              pivotal role in several learning analytics experiments.
                                  In general, the introduction of predictors and EWS in educational environ-
                              ments has been helpful in order to optimize the learning process and improve
                              student performance. However, as of the year 2019, they have mostly been used
                              in experimental environments only, with the notable exception being the Course
                              Signals EWS. Additionally, analysis results mean nothing if there is not a person
                              or group of people that are able to interpret them and react accordingly. As of
                              today, these tools are not able to fully take on the figure of a student advisor.
                                  It is worth noticing that data analytics in general has been an extremely
                              active research area for many years, and it still is today. This also applies to
                              learning analytics. As a matter of fact, most of the papers included in this
                              literature review were published in 2017 or later. This means that the subject is
                              most definitely not fully explored, and that many innovative pieces of work will
                              keep arising in the foreseeable future, influenced by changes in teaching trends
                              and progress in data analysis techniques.
                                  Overall, this study highlights the many possibilities that predictive analytics
                              provides in order to boost the learning process. At the same time, it is evident
                              that building a single solution that will work well for many different types of
                              learning environments is a very difficult task. This remains one of the greatest
                              challenges within the learning analytics discipline.

                              Acknowledgment. This work is partially financed by public funds granted by
                              the Galician regional government, with the purpose of supporting research ac-
                              tivities carried out by PhD students. (“Programa de axudas á etapa predoutoral
                              da Xunta de Galicia — Consellerı́a de Educación, Universidade e Formación


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