=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2416/Contents |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/Contents.pdf |volume=Vol-2416 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/Contents.pdf
Data Science

1. Defuzzification of the initial context in formal concept analysis
D E Samoilov, V A Semenova and S V Smirnov                                                                    1-9

2. Forecasting using predictor selection from a large set of highly correlated variables
A Yu Timofeeva and Yu A Mezentsev                                                                           10-18

3. Analysis of stable functioning of objects using machine learning
V N Klyachkin, D A Zhukov and E A Zentsova                                                                  19-25

4. Adaptive algorithm of conforming image matching
V A Fursov, Ye V Goshin and K G Pugachev                                                                    26-33

5. The electrocardiogram signal morphology analysis based on convolutional neural network
М Zavoyskih, A Korobeynikov, A Menlitdinov, V Lyuminarskiy and Yu Kuzelin                                   34-42

6. Game-theoretic model of wide social groups’ behavior with stimulation
of volunteering activities
M I Geraskin                                                                                                43-49

7. Analysis of the credit turnover in the "Retailer-Bank-Insurer" system with variations
in market factors
M I Geraskin, O A Kuznetsova                                                                                50-56

8. Performance comparison of machine learning methods in the bus arrival
time prediction problem
A A Agafonov and A S Yumaganov                                                                              57-62

9. The detection of conflicts in the requirements specification based on an ontological
model and a production rule system
M Sh Murtazina and T V Avdeenko                                                                             63-73

10. Application of convolution neural networks in eye fundus image analysis
N Y Ilyasova, A S Shirokanev and I A Klimov                                                                 74-79

11. Description and formation of the database perimeter for systematisation
and storage of multi-structured data
A A Nechitaylo, O I Vasilchuk and A A Gnutova                                                               80-86

12. Neural network model in digital prediction of geometric parameters for relative
position of the aircraft engine parts
M A Bolotov, V A Pechenin, N V Ruzanov and D M Balyakin                                                     87-94

13. Optimization of urban freight transportation based on evolutionary modeling
E A Gladchenko, O N Saprykin and A N Tikhonov                                                              95-103

14. Local approximation of discrete processes by interpolation polynomials
A A Kolpakov, Yu A Kropotov                                                                               104-110

                  V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)
Data Science

15. Creating methods and algorithms of adaptive control in biotechnical complexes of corrective
action on human respiratory system
N V Ivakhno, S I Zykin                                                                       111-118

16. Algebras of finitary relations
V P Tsvetov                                                                                  119-125

17. Distributed image processing based on the same IP-cores in FPGA-architecture
V M Zakharov, S V Shalagin and B F Eminov                                                    126-133

18. Blockchain technology in the pharmaceutical supply chain: researching a business
model based on Hyperledger Fabric
S R Bryatov, A A Borodinov                                                                   134-140

19. The words separation in old Cyrillic texts with fuzzy search method
M N Mokrousov                                                                                141-148

20. Data-driven profiling of traffic flow with varying road conditions
O K Golovnin                                                                                 149-157

21. Research on the use of artificial neural networks for the myocardial infarction diagnosis
P I Katkov, N S Davydov, A G Khramov and A N Nikonorov                                        158-164

22. Detection of spam using email signatures
E V Sharapova, R V Sharapov                                                                  165-172

23. Using genetic algorithm for generating optimal data sets to automatic testing
the program code
K E Serdyukov, T V Avdeenko                                                                  173-182

24. Visual-inertial odometry algorithms on the base of thermal camera
A P Alekseev, E V Goshin, N S Davydov, N A Ivliev and A V Nikonorov                          183-188

25. Trap method in ensuring data security
D A Shkirdov, E S Sagatov and P S Dmitrenko                                                  189-198

26. Using the bag-of-tasks model with centralized storage for distributed sorting
of large data array
S V Vostokin, I V Bobyleva                                                                   199-203

27. An investigation of machine learning method based on fractal compression
E Y Minaev                                                                                   204-208

28. Dynamic game task of executors incentives in projects for the development
of new production in continuous time
O V Pavlov                                                                                   209-218

29. Text classification using convolutional neural network
L E Sapozhnikova, O A Gordeeva                                                               219-226

30. Research of parallel algorithms for solving three-diagonal systems of linear algebraic
equations on a graphical computing device using various types of memory
X S Pogorelskih, L V Loganova                                                                227-232

V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)               ii
Data Science

31. Security event data collection and analysis in large corporate networks
E V Chernova, P N Polezhaev, A E Shukhman, Yu A Ushakov, I P Bolodurina and
N F Bakhareva                                                                            233-241

32. A multiuser web-interface for solution of systems of nonlinear equations
A N Danilenko, I A Zhdanov                                                               242-251

33. Hybridization of fuzzy time series and fuzzy ontologies in the diagnosis
of complex technical systems
N G Yarushkina, V S Moshkin, I A Andreev and G I Ishmuratova                             252-259

34. Comparison of the characteristics of the genetic algorithm and the method
of coordinates search for optimization of temperature modes indoor areas
A P Shuravin, S V Vologdin                                                               260-270

35. Increasing signal/acoustic interference ratio in telecommunications audio exchange
by adaptive filtering methods
Y A Kropotov, A A Belov and A Y Prockuryakov                                             271-276

36. The syllable intelligibility in the system of information transmission by speech
signals depending on the intensity of acoustic noise
Yu A Kropotov, A A Belov, A A Kolpakov and A Yu Proskuryakov                             277-282

37. Analysis of the structure of the relationship between the descriptions of objects
of classes and evaluation of their compactness
E N Zguralskaya                                                                          283-289

38. Using models of parallel specialized processors to solve the problem
of signal separation
V A Zasov                                                                                290-299

39. Orbital angular momentum acoustic modes demultiplexing by machine
learning methods
D A Stankevich                                                                           300-307

40. The implementation of "Kuznyechik" encryption algorithm using
NVIDIA CUDA technology
A N Borisov, E V Myasnikov                                                               308-313

41. Supporting the life cycle of complex technical systems on the basis
of intelligent technologies and predictive analytics
V N Blinov, S S Valeev, N V Kondratyeva, R R Karimov, A S Kovtunenko
and E A Kuzmina                                                                          314-323

42. Distributed stream data processing system in multi-agent safety system
of infrastructure objects
S S Valeev, N V Kondratyeva, A S Kovtunenko, M A Timirov and R R Karimov                 324-331

43. Expert system of food sensory evaluation for mobile and tablet
M A Nikitina, Y A Ivashkin                                                               332-339

V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)          iii
Data Science

44. Convolutional neural network in the images colorization problem
M V Bulygin, M M Gayanova, A M Vulfin, A D Kirillova and R Ch Gayanov                          340-353

45. Using high-performance deep learning platform to accelerate object detection
S O Stepanenko, P Y Yakimov                                                                    354-360

46. Selection of aggregated classifiers for the prediction of the state of technical objects
D A Zhukov, V N Klyachkin, V R Krasheninnikov and Yu E Kuvayskova                              361-367

47. Methods for finding shortest paths on graphsin organizational and economic systems
and their implementation
V М Ramzaev, I N Khaimovich and I V Martynov                                                   368-375

48. Multimodel clustering of social networks in social dampening applying BIG DATA
(acquiring knowledge from data)
I N Khaimovich, V M Ramzaev and V G Chumak                                                     376-386

49. Modelling and forecasting of quasi-periodic processes in technical objects based
on cylindrical image models
V R Krasheninnikov, Yu E Kuvayskova                                                            387-393

50. A combined method of similar code sequences search in executable files
A S Yumaganov                                                                                  394-400

51. Using ontology merging for the integration of information systems
and the production capacity planning system
N Yarushkina, A Romanov, A Filippov, A Dolganovskaya and M Grigoricheva                        401-408

52. Industrial application of big data services in digital economy
O L Surnin, P V Sitnikov, A A Khorina, A V Ivaschenko, A A Stolbova
and N Yu Ilyasova                                                                              409-416

53. Investigation of optimal configurations of a convolutional neural network
for the identification of objects in real-time
M A Isayev, D A Savelyev                                                                       417-423

54. Using the cluster "Sergey Korolev" for modelling computer networks
D Y Polukarov, A P Bogdan                                                                      424-431

55. Big Data, Internet of Things, Augmented Reality: technology convergence
in visualization issues
D A Smuseva, A Y Rolich, L S Voskov and I Y Malakhov                                           432-444

56. Network traffic analyzing algorithms on the basis of machine learning methods
R I Battalov, A V Nikonov, M M Gayanova, V V Berkholts and R Ch Gayanov                        445-456

57. SoC opportunities for boosting SDR GNSS performance
A A Kumarin, I A Kudryavtsev                                                                   457-462

58. Data mining algorithms in the task of diagnosing the welded joints quality
R R Akhmedyanov, K F Tagirova, A M Vulfin, V V Berkholts and R Ch Gayanov                      463-476

V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)                iv
Data Science

59. Decision support system in the task of ensuring information security of automated
process control systems
A D Kirillova, V I Vasilyev, A V Nikonov and V V Berkholts                              477-486

60. Integrity control algorithms in the system for telemetry data collecting, storing
and processings
V V Berkholts, A I Frid, M B Guzairov and A D Kirillova                                 487-503

61. Research and analysis of messages of users of social networks using
BigData technology
I A Rytsarev, A V Kupriyanov, D V Kirsh and R A Paringer                                504-509

62. Forecast of water-cut at wells under design by machine learning methods
M R Enikeev, M F Fazlytdinov, L V Enikeeva and I M Gubaidullin                          510-520

63. Determining the proximity of groups in social networks based
on text analysis using big data
A S Mukhin, I A Rytsarev, R A Paringer, A V Kupriyanov, D V Kirsh                       521-526

64. Development of the documents comparison module for an electronic document
management system
M A Mikheev, P Y Yakimov                                                                527-533

65. Optimization of the process of 3D visualization of the model of urban environment
objects generated on the basis of the attributive information from a digital map
M P Osipov, O A Chekodaev                                                               534-541

66. Methods for emotions, mood, gender and age recognition
D D Pribavkin, P Y Yakimov                                                              542-548

67. High performance radar images modelling and recognition of real objects
D A Zherdev, V V Prokudin                                                               549-552

68. Intrusion detection system on the basis of data mining algorithms
in the industrial network
M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov                                     553-565

69. Restoration of images of social networks that have undergone processing,
on the example of the social network Instagram
М I Khotilin, N S Kravtsova, A V Kupriyanov and R А Paringer                            566-569

V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)         v