=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2416/paper16 |storemode=property |title=Algebras of finitary relations |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper16.pdf |volume=Vol-2416 |authors=Victor Tsvetov }} ==Algebras of finitary relations == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper16.pdf
Algebras of finitary relations

                V P Tsvetov1

                 Samara National Research University, Moskovskoe Shosse 34А, Samara, Russia, 443086

                e-mail: tsf-su@mail.ru

                Abstract. Algebras of finitary relations naturally generalize the algebra of binary relations with
                the left composition. In this paper, we consider some properties of such algebras. It is well
                known that we can study the hypergraphs as finitary relations. In this way the results can be
                applied to graph and hypergraph theory, automatons and artificial intelligence.

1. Introduction
It is obvious that graphs and binary relations are closely related. We often use the facts of the binary
relations theory in graph theory to solve some algorithmic problems. In the same way, we can consider
hypergraphs as finitary relations. This could be a good idea for IT and AI, especially for pattern
recognition and machine learning [1-13].
    By now it has become common to use universal algebras [14] in various applications [15].
Algebraic methods can also be efficiently applied in graph theory. For example, the shortest path
problem can be solved by transitive closure algorithm for binary relation [16].
    In this way, and following by [17], we are going to study hypergraphs as elements of algebraic
    At first, we define a (n-uniform) hypergraph as a finitary relation on finite set U , in other words, as
a subset of U n . In case of n = 2 this leads to graph as a binary relation. Boolean algebras
 2U ×U , ∪, ∩, , ∅,U × U    ) and 2 , ( ∪, ∩, , ∅,U ) are well known to us.
                                        Un                     n

   It is less trivial to define the inverse operation and the left composition for finitary relations. We
have to start from inverse operation, left and right compositions for binary relations:
                                =          R −1 {( u2 , u1 ) | ( u1 , u2 ) ∈ R} ,                      (1)
                                      R2     {( u , u ) | ∃u ( u , u ) ∈ R ∧ ( u , u ) ∈ R } ,
                                                  1   2         0   1   0      1    0   2     2               (2)
                                R1◦R2 = R2◦R1 = {(u1,u2) |Ǝ u0(u0,u2)ЄR1^(u1,u0) Є R2}
   Note that                              are isomorphic monoids, where I is identity relation on U . By
the way, we can define operations
                                                          R1 1 R2 = R1−1  R2 ,                              (4)
                                                          R1  2 R2 = R1  R2−1 ,                             (6)

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                                                                                                                 −1       −1
                                                                                     R1  3 R2 = R  R ,         1        2                                                              (8)
  This makes it possible to set the following                                                                                         pairs       of isomorphic                      magmas.
 2 , ( 1 , I )  2U ×U , ( 1 , I )
   U ×U
                                     are isomorphic magmas                                                                             with        left identity                    elements.
 2U ×U , (  2 , I )  2U ×U , ( 2 , I )              are            isomorphic                              magmas                  with        right        identity             elements.
 2U ×U , (  3 )  2U ×U , ( 3 ) are isomorphic magmas without identity elements.

    It is easy to see that in the symmetric case R = R −1 all of monogenic monoids                                                                                     {R } , ( , I ) ,
                                                                                                                                                                              n ∞
                                                                                                                                                                                  n =0

 {R } , ( , I ) , {R } , (  , I ) , {R } , (  , I ) ( i ∈1..3 ) are equal.
     n ∞
          n =0
                              n ∞
                                 n =0           i
                                                                          n ∞
                                                                              n =0           i

    The monogenic monoid                        {R } , ( , I ) and distributive algebraic structure {R } , ( , ∪, I , ∅ )
                                                      n ∞
                                                           n =0
                                                                                                                                                                   n ∞
                                                                                                                                                                       n =0

are useful to treat all-pairs shortest path problem [16]. We are going to define and study hypergraph
operations similar to (1)-(9).

2. Algebras of finitary relations
Let us consider the underlying set of finitary relations 2U , and define the following unary and binary
operations for i ≠ j
                                                                  {( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) | ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R} ,
                                                                          1              j           i           n        1           i       j       n                                      (10)

   =R1 ij R2                 {( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) | ∃u ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R ∧ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R } . (11)
                                   1            i          j          n              0           1        0           j           n       1       1       i        0          n          2

    Obviously, the operation (10) is an involution.
                                                                                             (R ) = R .
                                                                                                     (ij) (ij)
                                                                                     R1 ij R2 = R2  ji R1 .                                                                                (13)
    It is easy to prove that operation (11) is associative. Actually,
( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ij ( R2 ij R3 ) ⇔ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0 ,.., un ) ∈ R2 ij R3 ⇔
⇔ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ∧ ( ∃u0′ ( u1 ,.., u0′ ,.., u0 ,.., un ) ∈ R2 ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0′ ,.., un ) ∈ R3 ) ⇔

            (                                                                                                                 )
⇔ ∃u0′ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ∧ ( u1 ,.., u0′ ,.., u0 ,.., un ) ∈ R2 ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0′ ,.., un ) ∈ R3 ⇔
⇔ ∃u0′ ( u1 ,.., u0′ ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ij R2 ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0′ ,.., un ) ∈ R3 ⇔
⇔ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ ( R1 ij R2 ) ij R3 .
    Then we set
                                       I ij =       {( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) | k ∈1..n ∧ u ∈U ∧ u = u }∈ 2 .
                                                       1          i            j             n                                k               j       i
    It is easy to see
         ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ I ij ij R ⇔ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ I ij ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0 ,.., un ) ∈ R ⇔
           ⇔ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0 ,.., un ) ∈ R ∧ u =
                                                        j u0 ⇔ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R ,
and similarly
      ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R ij I ij ⇔ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0 ,.., un ) ∈ I ij ⇔
           ⇔ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R ∧ u=
                                                        i u0 ⇔ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R .

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                                                                                                                        ij  ij R R=
                                                                                                                                   ij I ij R .                                                                                                                           (15)
    Hence we have just proved the
    Lemma 1. 2U , ( ij , I ij ) is a monoid.

    Note that
          ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ ( R  R ) ⇔ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R  R ⇔
             1           i           j           n                    1       ij      2                                    1                j                       i                    n              1   ij         2

          ⇔ ∃u ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R ∧ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R ⇔
                     0       1           0               i                n               1                    1                 j                  0                        n                   2

          ⇔ ∃u ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R ∧ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R ⇔
                     0       1           i               0                n
                                                                                          1                        1                 0                          j                    n

          ⇔ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R  R ⇔ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R  R .
                     1           i           j               n
                                                                              1           ji
                                                                                                      2                              1                  i                        j               n
                                                                                                                                                                                                            2              ij

    In that way
                                                                                     ( R=
                                                                                         R )
                                                                                                R
                                                                                               1   R  R .
                                                                                                      ij           2
                                                                                                                                            1                       ji
                                                                                                                                                                                                     2      ij
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1                                                  (16)
    Hence the bijective function f ( R ) := R (ij) is an isomorphism of monoids                                                                                                                                                                     2U , ( ij , I ij )

  2U , (  ji , I ji ) .

          ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ ( R  R ) ⇔ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R  R ⇔
             1           i           k               j            n                  1         ik          2
                                                                                                                                            1                            j                   k          i              n               1   ik   2

          ⇔ ∃u ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R ∧ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R ⇔
                     0       1           0               k                i           n                    1                   1                    j                    0                   i          n                  2

          ⇔ ∃u ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R ∧ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R ⇔
                     0       1           i               k                0           n
                                                                                                           1                         1                      i                    0               j          n

          ⇔ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R  R ⇔ ( u ,.., u ,.., u ,.., u ) ∈ R  R .
                     1           i           j               n
                                                                              1           jk
                                                                                                      2                              1                  i                        j               n
                                                                                                                                                                                                                2          kj

    From which we obtain
                                                                                     ( R=
                                                                                        1  ik R2 ) R=
                                                                                                     (ij)    (ij)      (ij)
                                                                                                     1  jk R2    R2(ij)  kj R1(ij) .                                                                                                                                    (17)
    Hence we have proved the
                                                                 2U , ( ik , I ik )                                                     2U , (  jk , I jk )
                                                                      n                                                                         n
    Lemma 2. Monoids                                                                                           and                                                                                   are isomorphic, as well as monoids

  2U , ( ij , I ij ) and 2U , (  ji , I ji ) .
     n                                           n

    Let us set an algebraic structure 2U , ( ij , ik , I ij , I ik ) and then we can write the following logical

      ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ij ( R2 ik R3 ) ⇔ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ∧
          ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0 ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R2 ik R3 ⇔ ∃u0 ∃u0′ ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ∧
          ∧ ( u1 ,.., u0′ ,.., u0 ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R2 ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0 ,.., u0′ ,.., un ) ∈ R3 ⇔
          ∃u0′ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ∧ ( u1 ,.., u0′ ,.., u0 ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R2 ∧
          ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0 ,.., u0′ ,.., un ) ∈ R3 ⇒
          ∃u0′ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ∧ ( u1 ,.., u0′ ,.., u0 ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R2 ∧                                                                                                                       )
          ∧ ( ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0 ,.., u0′ ,.., un ) ∈ R3 ) ⇔ ∃u0′ ( u1 ,.., u0′ ,.., u j ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ij R2 ∧

          ∧ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0 ,.., u0′ ,.., un ) ∈ R3 ∧ ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., u0′ ,.., un ) ∈ 1R ⇔                                                                                                                  )
          ⇔ ∃u0′ ( u1 ,.., u0′ ,.., u j ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ R1 ij R2 ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., u0′ ,.., un ) ∈ R3 ij 1R ⇔
          ⇔ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., uk ,.., un ) ∈ ( R1 ij R2 ) ik ( R3 ij 1R ) .
    This means that the following Lemma is true.

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    Lemma 3. In an ordered algebra 2U , ( ij , ik , ⊆, I ij , I ik ,0 R ,1R ) , the pseudo distributive law holds

                                               R1 ij ( R2 ik R3 ) ⊆ ( R1 ij R2 ) ik ( R3 ij 1R ) .                                              (18)
According to [17], we use the notation 1R := U n and 0 R := ∅ .

   Then look at composition
   ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R ij R (ij) ⇔ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u0 ,.., un ) ∈ R (ij) ⇔
   ⇔ ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R ∧ ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., ui ,.., un ) ∈ R .
    Definition 1. The finitary relation R is called a function from i-th to j-th argument if
                 ∀u1 ,..., ui ,.., u j , u′j ,.., un ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R ∧ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u′j ,.., un ) ∈ R → u j =
                                                                                                                                     u′j . (20)
    We can obtain from (19) - (20) the following set inclusion
           ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R ij R (ij) ⇒ ui = u j ⇔ ( u1 ,.., ui ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ I ij ⇔ R ij R (ij) ⊆ I ij . (21)
    Definition 2. The finitary relation R is called a surjection from i-th argument if
                                      ∀u1 ,..., ui −1 , ui +1 ,.., u j ,.., un ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., u0 ,.., u j ,.., un ) ∈ R .                             (22)
    From (21) - (22) we can get the reverse set inclusion
                                                 I ij ⊆ R ij R (ij) .                                                                               (23)
    Thus, in the case of R is a surjective function from i-th to j-th argument we have the equality
                                                                   R ij R (ij) = I ij .                                                             (24)
    Similarly, in the case of R is a surjective function from j-th to i-th argument we have the equality
                                                                   R (ij) ij R = I ij .                                                             (25)
    Let us denote the set of surjective functions from both (i-th to j-th and j-th to i-th) arguments as Fij .
It is easy that Fij is closed by ij , and hence we have proved the
    Lemma 4. Fij , ( ij , I ij ) is a subgroup of the monoid 2U , ( ij , I ij ) .

    As well as binary relations, finitary relations have the following properties [17]
                                                  R3 ) ( R1 ij R2 ) ∪ ( R1 ij R3 ) ,
                                     R1 ij ( R2 ∪=                                                                                                  (26)
                                                ( R2 ∪ R3 ) ij R1 = ( R2 ij R1 ) ∪ ( R3 ij R1 ) ,                                                 (27)
                                                R1 ij ( R2 ∩ R3 ) ⊆ ( R1 ij R2 ) ∩ ( R1 ij R3 ) ,                                                 (28)
                                                ( R2 ∩ R3 ) ij R1 ⊆ ( R2 ij R1 ) ∩ ( R3 ij R1 ) ,                                                 (29)

                                                                 Fij , ( ij , I ij ) ,   2U , ( ∪, ∩, ij , ik ,(ij) , ⊆,0 R ,1R , I ij , I ik )
and so we can set an algebraic structures                                                                                                            that
have properties (12)-(18), (24)-(29).

3. Conclusion and examples
We have defined algebraic structures of finitary relations as a common case of well-known algebraic
structures of binary relations. We have considered the algebraic structures on an underlying set 2U
and sometimes called a finitary relation R ∈ 2U by a (n-uniform) hypergraph. The operation ij can

be called the “straightening the edges” or “deleting shared intermediate vertices”. Let us take an
                                                                                U = {u0 , u1 , u2 , u3 } ,             2U , (  23 , I 23 ) ,
    Example 1 (algebraic).                 Let          us         set                                                                               and
R = {( u1 , u0 , u3 ) , ( u1 , u2 , u0 )} . Now we can get

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                                             ( u0 , u0 , u0 ) , ( u0 , u1 , u1 ) , ( u0 , u2 , u2 ) , ( u0 , u3 , u3 ) , 
                                                                                                                         
                                             ( u1 , u0 , u0 ) , ( u1 , u1 , u1 ) , ( u1 , u2 , u2 ) , ( u1 , u3 , u3 ) , 
                                      I 23 =                                                                             ,
                                             ( u2 , u0 , u0 ) , ( u2 , u1 , u1 ) , ( u2 , u2 , u2 ) , ( u2 , u3 , u3 ) , 
                                             ( u , u , u ) , ( u , u , u ) , ( u , u , u ) , ( u , u , u ) 
                                              3 0 0                3 1 1               3    2    2        3    3    3    
                                                             R  23 R = {( u1 , u2 , u3 )} ,
                                               R  23 R  23 R = ∅ .
    Despite its simplicity, operation  23 has some interesting applications. In examples 2, 3 we are
                              (                   )
going to denote 3-tuple ui1 , ui2 , ui3 as a word ui1 ui2 ui3 .
    Example 2 (feature selection). Let R = {u1u0u0 , u1u1u0 , u1u2u0 , u1u2u1 , u1u2u3 , u1u3u0 } be a set of
words, and R f = {u1u0u3 } , R (23)
                               f    = {u1u3u0 } are filters. First, apply the filter R f
                                                      R f  23 R = {u1u0u3 , u1u1u3 , u1u2u3 , u1u3u3 } .
    Then apply the filter R       f

                                              R (23)
                                                f     23 R f  23 R = {u1u0u0 , u1u1u0 , u1u2u0 , u1u3u0 } .
    Example 3 (crossover). Let R = {u1u0u0 , u1u1u0 , u1u2u1 , u1u3u2 } be a population. Let us define the
evolution operator Ε ( R ) =R ∪ R  23 R and start a first step of evolution
                                          Ε(R) =
                                               {u1u0u0 , u1u1u0 , u1u2u0 , u1u2u1 , u1u3u1 , u1u3u2 } .
                                                                          (             )
    In example 4 we are going to denote 3-tuple ui1 , ui2 , ui3 as an implies ui1 → ui2 → ui3 .                          (             )
    Example 4 (AI). Let R = {u1 → ( u1 → u1 ) , u1 → ( u1 → u2 )} be a base set of AI premises. Let us

                                                                    ( R ∪ R ( ) ) , where R
                                    [ R]
                                                                                                            k +1
define the semantic closure of R as =                                              23
                                                                                                                   = R k  23 R and R1 = R . By
                                                                   k =1
definition we have
                    [ R ] = {u1 → ( u1 → u1 ) , u1 → ( u1 → u2 ) , u1 → ( u2 → u1 ) , u1 → ( u2 → u2 )} .
   Note that ( ( u1 → ( u0 → u3 ) ) ∧ ( u1 → ( u2 → u0 ) ) ) → ( u1 → ( u2 → u3 ) ) is tautology, so the inference
rule u1 → ( u0 → u3 ) , u1 → ( u2 → u0 ) ђ u1 → ( u2 → u3 ) preserves truth.
   We also note that ( ( ( u1 → u0 ) → u3 ) ∧ ( ( u1 → u2 ) → u0 ) ) → ( ( u1 → u2 ) → u3 ) is tautology, too.

    It makes perfect sense to use an indicator function χ R : U n  {0,1} for R ∈ 2U , that is defined as

                                                                              1, ( u1 ,.., un ) ∈ R
                                                          χ R ( u1 ,.., un ) =                        .
                                                                               0, ( u1 ,.., un ) ∉ R
    In the case of finite set U = {u1 ,.., um } , we can use this function to define a join-vertices logical
array ψ R : (1..m )  { false, true} for (n-uniform) hypergraph. Let f :1..m  U be a total bijection

and R ∈ 2U . We define

                                            true, χ R ( f −1 ( k1 ) ,.., f −1 ( kn ) ) = 1
                         =  ( k1 ,.., kn ) 
                           ψ=     R                R
                                                         (      (    )           (     ) )
                                  k1 ,..,kn
                                             false, χ R   f −1
                                                                  k1   ,.., f −1
                                                                                   k n     = 0

    Let us denote { false, true} as D and a set of logical array defined above as D(1..m ) .

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     We also can set a logical algebra that generalized adjacency matrices algebra. In this way we define
 a binary operation ∗ij on D(1..m )

                                    ψ k1 ,..,k=
                                              ∗ij ψ k2 ,..,k              ∨ψ                                              ∧ψ k21 ,..,ki ,..,k j −1 ,s ,k j +1 ,..,kn .
                                        1        n           1        n          k1 ,..,ki −1 , s ,ki +1 ,..,k j ,..,kn
                                                                          s =1

     By our construction semigroups 2 , ( ij ) and D(1..m ) , ( ∗ij ) are isomorphic.

                                                                                                                                                                ∞        n
        More interesting is the case of algebraic structures on an underlying set  n =1 2U and operations
              n       m
 from 2U to 2U . For example, let us define the operations “gluing edges”  g and “replacing chains”
 r .
              =R1  g R2              {( u ,.., u
                                             1           m −1   , u2′ ,.., un′ ) | ∃u0 ( u1 ,.., um −1 , u0 ) ∈ R1 ∧ ( u0 , u2′ ,.., un′ ) ∈ R2 } ,
=R1  r R2                {( u ,.., u , u′ ,.., u′ ) | ∃u ∃i ∃j ( u ,.., u , u ,.., u ) ∈ R ∧ ( u′,.., u , u′ ,.., u′ ) ∈ R } .
                              1       i −1       j +1        n            0              1            i −1       0            m             1           1           0    j +1   n   2

        For the finitary relation R = {( u1 , u0 , u3 ) , ( u1 , u2 , u0 )} from Example 1 we can get
                                                                  R (13) = {( u3 , u0 , u1 ) , ( u0 , u2 , u1 )} ,
                                                        R  g R (13) = {( u1 , u0 , u0 , u1 ) , ( u1 , u2 , u2 , u1 )} ,
                             R  r R = {( u1 ) , ( u0 , u3 ) , ( u1 , u0 ) , ( u1 , u2 ) , ( u1 , u3 ) , ( u2 , u0 ) , ( u1 , u2 , u3 )} .
    It is clear that even in the case of finite set U we would never make a finite representation for such
 algebraic structures. But in particular cases, maybe we can. This case is of interest.

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