=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2416/paper29 |storemode=property |title=Text classification using convolutional neural network |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper29.pdf |volume=Vol-2416 |authors=Liliia Sapozhnikova,Olga Gordeeva }} ==Text classification using convolutional neural network == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper29.pdf
Text classification using convolutional neural network

                L E Sapozhnikova1, O A Gordeeva1

                 Samara National Research University, Moskovskoye shosse, 34, Samara, Russia, 443086

                e-mail: sapozhnikova111@gmail.com

                Abstract. In this article, the method of text classification using a convolutional neural network
                is presented. The problem of text classification is formulated, the architecture and the
                parameters of a convolutional neural network for solving the problem are described, the steps
                of the solution and the results of classification are given. The convolutional network which was
                used was trained to classify the texts of the news messages of Internet information portals. The
                semantic preprocessing of the text and the translation of words into attribute vectors are
                generated using the open word2vec model. The analysis of the dependence of the classification
                quality on the parameters of the neural network is presented. The using of the network allowed
                obtaining a classification accuracy of about 84%. In the estimation of the accuracy of the
                classification, the texts were checked to belong to the group of semantically similar classes.
                This approach allowed analyzing news messages in cases where the text themes and the
                number of classification classes in the training and control samples do not equal.

1. Introduction
Today, volume of stored and used information continuously increases, and one of automatic text
processing tasks is the problem of classifying text data, which allows separating texts into various
thematic catalogs (categories, classes). Sites, documents, letters, appeals, news are classified for
optimal storage and usage.
    Text classifiers are used to recognize the emotional coloring of the text during reviews and
comments processing. Text classification is used in antispam systems and contextual advertising via
the analysis of user activity in the network and the classification of sites, which the user viewed.
    Various methods and technologies can be used to classify textual information. Classification of
textual information can be based on the assessment of the meaning of the text [1], on frequency
analysis [2]. BigData technology is often used for solving of classification problem for text and media
[3]. This article discusses the method based on the convolutional neural network. Some aspects and
features of its application to solve the problem of text classification, as well as the results of applying
this classification method are presented.

2. The formulation of the text classification problem
In general, the text classification problem is formulated as follows:
   There is a set of objects (texts) and a beforehand defined set of classes with which objects can be
compared. For some of the objects it is known which class they belong to. This subset is a training

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sample. For the rest of the objects the classes are not defined. It is necessary to determine which class
each object (text) from a set of objects belongs to.
   The problem of text classification can be formalized as follows [4]:
   There is a set of texts D = {d1 ,...d n } . Each text di ∈ D is a sequence of words Wd = {w1 ,...,...} . A
finite set of classes C = {c1 ,..., cm } are given. Ideal classifier which translates an object d to its class
                                                                        ( d ) which able to classify an
c j can be termed as Φ ( d ) . The task is to build another classifier Φ
arbitrary object d and is closest to the ideal classifier Φ ( d ) .
   The solving process includes the following main steps:
    • Pre-processing of text including tokenization and vector representation of words.
    • Building a classifier.
    • Estimation of misclassification probability.
   Text classification methods [5]:
    • probabilistic (naive Bayes classifier);
    • metric (k-nearest neighbours method);
    • logical (decision tree classifier);
    • linear (logical regression);
    • methods based on neural networks

3. Text classification using convolutional neural network

3.1. General architecture of a convolutional neural network
Convolutional neural networks are very effectively used to solve the problem of text classification [6].
The result of the classification is the distribution of the probabilities that the text belongs to
beforehand defined classes.
    The basic architecture of the convolutional neural network consists of the following layers [7].
    1. A convolutional layer, which is a set of attribute maps (matrices), each map has a convolution
kernel, which is a filter (or window) that slides over the entire area of the attribute map. The set of
filters determines the dimension of the new matrix. The error backpropagation algorithm for
convolutional networks is also a convolution, but with spatially inverted filters.
    2. Sub-sampling layer, which reduces the size of the matrix. On this layer the most frequently used
method is the maximum element method (max-pooling).
    3. A fully connected layer in which each neuron is connected to all neurons at the previous layer,
and each connection has its own weight.
    4. The output layer, which is connected with all neurons of the previous layer. The number of
neurons corresponds to the number of classification classes.

3.2. The architecture of the used convolutional neural network
In this research, the specific model of the convolutional neural network was determined. The input
data is words that are represented by vectors of semantic attributes. In the representation the words
close in meaning are located at close distance in the vector space.
   The vector xi ∈ R k is k-dimensional vector corresponding to the i-word in the sentence. Then the
sentence with length = n can be defined as [6]:
                                            x1..n = x1 ⊕ x2 ⊕ ... ⊕ xn ,                                 (1)
where ⊕ is concatenation operation.
   The term xi..i + j means the concatenation of words xi , xi +1 ,..., xi + j . Convolution uses the filter
 w ∈ R hk which is applied to the window containing h words to create a new attribute. For example,
the attribute ci will be generated from the window of words xi..i + h −1 as
                                           =ci               f ( w * xi..i + h −1 + b ) ,                 (2)
where b ∈ R is the offset step, f is nonlinear activation function.

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   This filter applies to every possible window of words in a sentence { x1..h , x2..h +1 ,..., xn − h +1..n } to
produce a new map of attributes
                                           c = {c1 , c 2 ,...c n − h +1 } ,                                   (3)
where c ∈ R n − h +1 .
    Then the operation of combining the set of values is applied, the maximum value of сˆ = max {c}
(the most important attribute for each convolution) is selected.
    In the process, the network uses several filters with different window sizes to obtain a set of
attributes. These attributes from the penultimate layer are transferred to the last layer, and the output
data is the probability of the distribution of attributes into classes.
    As an activation function Leaky ReLU function is used [7]. The formula is:
                                   f (x ) = 1(x < 0 ) * (αx ) + 1(x ≥ 0 )(x ) ,                       (4)
where α is a constant with a small-scale value.
    This function has a higher convergence rate compared to other activation functions and is also quite
simple to calculate.
    To regularize the neural network (to prevent overfitting), L2 regularization [7] is used in
combination with the dropout [8].
    L2-regularization is implemented by the penalization of the neural network by increasing the loss
function. For each weight w the loss function λ w2 is added, where λ is the strength of regularization.
    L2-regularization prevents a strong increase in weights of neurons and leads to a redistribution of
weight values. This causes the neural network to use all neurons at least to a small extent.
    Dropout is the random disconnection of neurons. At each level of training, some neurons are
excluded from the network. It helps to avoid the dependence between neutrons during training.
    The combination of L2-regularization and dropout allows avoiding a situation where the network
shows excellent results on a training sample but is ineffective when tested on a control sample.
    The architecture of the network which was used is shown in figure 1. The first layer solves the
problem of the vector representation of words. Next, three convolutional layers are created (conv2d_1,
conv2d_2, conv2d_3). The figure also shows the Leaky ReLU activation function for each layer, the
dropout and the sub-sampling layer (max-pooling). Then the layers merge, and at the end, a fully
connected layer is obtained (dense_1). The architecture is designed using the TensorBoard
visualization system [9].

3.3. The input data formatting
The testing of the described classification method was carried out on the materials of the RIA Novosti
news portal on the Internet. This portal contains a huge number of publications with well-defined
themes. It allows to define categories (classes) for classification, as well as to generate a sufficient
number of text fragments for neural network training.
    Eight classes were determined - culture, events, religion, society, economy, politics, science, world.
It was received 8,000 articles from the materials of the portal for each class. In total, 64,000 news
articles related to one of the 8 classes were received. For data acquisition the software was developed
with Node.js platform. These data were preliminarly processed before starting the training of the
neural network.

3.4. Text preprocessing
The neural network input data formatting was performed in Python 3.6 using Keras and Jupyter
Notebook libraries.
   The maximum text size was limited to 1000 characters. The texts of a greater number of characters
were divided into parts and assigned to the same class. For the training of a neural network, it is
important to have the same number of examples of each class, otherwise, the neural network will
ignore the semantic meaning of the text and will take into account the a priori probability of the
appearance of each class articles.

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                        Figure 1. The architecture of the convolutional neural network.

    To avoid this situation, the volumes (number of texts) of the classes were equalized with the class
of the smallest volume - 11,733 texts. A total of 93,864 texts were obtained for 8 classes.
    Then all texts were divided into three samples - training (60% of texts), validation (20% of texts)
and control (20% of texts).
    After that, the tokenization of texts in order to find unique words was carried out. As a result,
282,972 unique tokens (words) were found. The input data was formatted for the neural network with
Python 3.6 programming language using the Keras and Jupyter Notebook libraries. The tokens have to
be translated into vector representations of attributes for network training.

3.5. Vectors of attributes formation
Vector representation describes the dependencies between words. In vector space, similar words will
have similar vectors. Research in this field was carried by Thomas Mikolov [10]. For vector

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representations, he obtained important results in syntactic and semantic meaning. As a result of his
research, it was determined that the resulting vector representations of words have significant syntactic
and semantic patterns that are implemented in existing models and network libraries. In particular,
there is a constant vector displacement between pairs of words indicating a specific relationship.
Moreover, even more complex relationships were discovered. For example, you can define the
relationship between words as the difference of their vectors. Also, the feminine and masculine words
will have a constant vector difference.
    The most popular practical way to obtain a vector of attributes is to use word2vec language models
created using neural networks. These models are trained in very large volumes of natural language
words in various grammatical forms, including words in different kinds, cases, inclinations, and so on.
In addition, they also include stop-words. Therefore, such models do not require specific preliminary
actions as removing stop-words, stemming or lemmatization, which are necessary for classification by
other methods. Keeping different word forms may even increase the accuracy of the classification. As
a result, semantically similar words and synonyms will have similar vectors of semantic attribute
    In this research, the open model word2vec [11] is used. This model represents a word as a vector of
500 values of attributes. The model is pre-trained and it was designed for the Russian language. To
begin with, a series of experiments of vector construction was conducted for similar words. It
confirmed the ability to use the model. As a result, it was found that this vectorization model
constructs similar attribute vectors for words that are close in meaning. Consequently, this trained
model was found to be suitable to translate the words of the experimental sample into the vector of
attributes without applying stemming or lemmatization and without removing the stop-words.

3.6. Training and use of the network
The convolutional neural network which was shown in figure 1 and described in paragraph 3.2 was
trained with parameters presented in table 1. These parameters were selected based on the results of a
series of experiments to investigate the dependence of classification accuracy on the parameters of the
neural network.
                                Table 1. Neural network parameter values.
             Parameter                                Value
             Number of learning epochs                5
             Activation function                      Leaky ReLU with α=0,1
             Convolutional layers                     3 layers with filter size = 2, 4 and 5
             The number of filters                    100
             Regularization L2                        0,1
             Dropout for convolutional layers         0,5
             Dropout for the fully connected layer    0,6
             The speed of learning                    0,001

    It should be noted that with each epoch the accuracy of the classification of the training sample
increases and the accuracy of the classification of the validation sample ceases to increase after the 5th
epoch. It indicates that the network is overfitted. Thus, after the 5th epoch, the accuracy of the
classification of the validation sample is 84%. All neuron weights were saved for further use in text
classification tasks. The classification accuracy for the control sample, which was separated from the
total set of texts at the step of text preprocessing, shows that the trained model of the neural network
with the parameters specified in table 1 solves the problem of text classification with an accuracy of
    One of the difficulties in text classification is that it is not always possible to determine the
probability that a text belongs to a particular class if the classes are semantically related. For example,
the text of the news “In country X, the president issued a decree on raising taxes” has elements of
politics, economics, and, possibly, international news when it comes to a foreign country. Therefore,
there is a certain subjective character of classification by both a human and automated systems of

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different Internet-portals, which have different algorithms for deciding whether a text belongs to a
particular class.
    For the more detailed research of the classification accuracy, three control samples were compiled
from various news sites to test the neural network processing on other control samples. Texts of news
from portal RIA Novosti (18773 texts), Mail.ru news portal (7740 texts) and TASS news agency
(16835 texts) were acquired. While the texts of the control sample from the RIA Novosti website were
not used in network training.
    It should be noted that the network was trained for 8 thematic classes used by RIA-Novosti:
culture, events, religion, society, economics, politics, science, and the world. However, for Mail.ru
news, the following classes are used: events, society, economy, politics (4 classes), and for TASS -
culture, events, society, economy, politics, science, the world (7 classes).
    The number of classes does not match, so for the sample from Mail.ru the estimated classification
accuracy is slightly more than 40%, for TASS news texts the classification accuracy was 67%. As
mentioned earlier, the classification accuracy for RIA Novosti data was 84% - the greatest accuracy,
since the classes of the training and control samples are the same.
    Next experiment the same classes in the training and classification for all three data sets was used.
Four classes were chosen - accidents, society, economics, and politics. The neural network was
retrained. The results of the experiments are presented in table 2.
                           Table2. Accuracy of control sample classification.
             Sample source                      RIA Novosti       Mail.ru       TASS
                                       Training sample – 8 classes
             Number of classes for the          8                 4             7
             control sample
             Classification accuracy            84 %              46 %          65,5 %
                                       Training sample – 4 classes
             Number of classes for the          4                 4             4
             control sample
             Classification accuracy            84 %              66 %          73 %
   As can be seen from table 2, for the texts of RIA Novosti, the classification accuracy remained
unchanged (84%), for Mail.ru and TASS news it increased significantly and amounted to 68% and
75%, respectively. However, these values are still lower than for the texts of RIA Novosti.
   Such low values of classification accuracy are related to the fact that some of the texts of other
sources can be initially attributed to semantically similar classes, and, although the classification
accuracy is low, it does not indicate the poor quality of the neural network processing.
   The results of the experiment show that in the presence of semantically similar classes and the
classification of data from sources other than the sources of the training sample, the accuracy of the
classification may be incorrectly underestimated.
   To eliminate this effect, groups of semantically similar classes were identified, and the calculation
of the classification accuracy was adjusted so that the classified text was checked for belonging to a
group of semantically similar classes, not to a particular class.
   Groups of semantically similar classes are presented in table 3.

                                  Table 3. Groups of semantically similar classes.
                                   Group          Classes in the group
                                   1              the world
                                   2              society
                                   3              culture
                                   4              economy
                                   5              science

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   The results of the estimation of the classification accuracy by belonging to a group of semantically
similar classes are presented in Table 4.

         Table 4. Comparison of the accuracy of the control sample classification without using
                            and using groups of semantically similar classes.
          Sample source                                                Mail.ru     TASS
                                      Training sample – 8 classes
          Number of classes for the control sample                     4           7
          Classification accuracy without groups of semantically       46 %        65,5 %
          similar classes
          Classification accuracy with groups of semantically          57,5 %      73,5 %
          similar classes
                                      Training sample – 4 classes
          Number of classes for the control sample                     4           4
          Classification accuracy without groups of semantically       66 %        73 %
          similar classes
          Classification accuracy with groups of semantically          73,5 %      78,5 %
          similar classes

   As can be seen from table 4, the classification accuracy has increased significantly in all cases, both
when teaching in eight classes, and when teaching in four classes (up to 12%). As a general result, an
increase in the classification accuracy for control samples from other sources averaged 8–10%.
   Thus, the most objective value of classification accuracy is obtained for the classification of a
control sample from a source that is also a source of a training sample. However, when estimating the
accuracy of the classification for control samples from other sources, the most optimal results are
achievable with an equal number of classes for training and control samples and when checking to
belong the control sample texts to a group of semantically similar classes.

4. Conclusion
The problem of classification is the current direction in the processing of text data. Text classification
processes are implemented in various areas: classifiers for various characteristics (themes, style, the
emotional coloring of the text), spam filtering, contextual advertising, and so on.
   In this paper, the applicability of a convolutional neural network for solving the problem of text
classification was researched. The convolutional neural network was trained using the already trained
neural network for translation of words in vectors of selected attributes which represent universal
semantic meanings that can be used to classify the texts of the natural Russian language.
   The constructed neural network is able to classify news and other texts by themes and to provide a
distribution of the probability of belonging of the text to 8 predetermined classes. The accuracy of the
classification is estimated by the control sample and is 84%. For the selected number of classes, this
classification result indicates the effectiveness of using a convolutional neural network for text
   Processing of the constructed and trained neural network is researched by control samples from
various sources - RIA Novosti, TASS, Mail.ru. The highest classification accuracy was obtained on a
control sample of RIA Novosti articles and amounted to 84%. To classify the data of the two other
samples, using an equal number of classes of training and control samples, as well as using groups of
semantically similar classes for estimation of classification accuracy, allowed to obtain a more
objective and higher result. The neural network has shown its effectiveness in solving the problem of
text classification. The downside of its use is the need for large amounts of data for training and

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